Course Code: GLC 2O1 Level: Half Credit

Course Code: GLC 2O1
Course Name: Grade 10 Careers
Level: Half Credit
Instructor: Ms. Teixeira
Period: 1
Room Number: 329
Course Overview:
This course teaches students how to develop and achieve personal goals in education work and their
communities. Students learning will include assessing their own knowledge, skills and characteristics as well as
investigating economic trends, workplace organization, work opportunities and ways to search for work. The
course explores postsecondary learning options, prepares students for community-based learning, and helps them
build the capabilities needed for managing work and life transitions. Students will design actions plans for
pursuing their goals.
Specific Strands of Study and Expectations include:
 Personal Knowledge and Management Skills
Students will focus on self-exploration during this unit.
 Exploration of Opportunities
Students will focus on their career exploration during this unit.
 Preparation for Transition and Change
Students will focus on their future and how to reach the goals that they have set for themselves.
Career Studies 10 –
Nelson Thomson, 2001
Textbook Policy:
Each book is numbered and its condition is recorded
when it is issued. The text and all other resources
assigned to students are the responsibility of the
student. Any damage incurred will result in payment
for replacement. Replacement cost for the text is $80.
If the text
must be rebound the cost is $10.
Course Evaluation::
The above is reflected both in the term work and the
summative work. Summative work consists of the Final
Exam and a Culminating Performance Task and the EQAO.
Overall Grade Distribution
Culminating Performance Task Part I: 15%
Culminating Performance Task Part II: 15%
 These two CPT’s are your final exam!
Term Work (tests, assignments, quizzes, presentations: 70%
Overall: 100%
Assessments are separated into the
categories Knowledge, Thinking,
Communication and Application.
Evaluation Issues/Expectations
Missed Assessment Policy
● Test/Evaluation missed with a legitimate reason, parent/guardian must contact the teacher followed by a
verification note no later than the day of the student’s return as proof of absence. Student eligibility to write the test and the
date of writing will be at the discretion of the teacher.
● School activity conflict – students are to make arrangements with the teacher prior to test/evaluation date.
● A skip of a unit test or evaluation(i.e. quiz, assignment, presentation) will result in a mark of zero.
● After each Unit Assessment, a parental signature is required on top of the marked assessment. Progress reports
be obtained by contacting Ms. Teixeira at (905) 285-0050.
Plagiarism in any form reflects academic dishonesty and will result in a mark of zero for the assignment in
Late Assignments
The ability to meet deadlines is a life skill that is imperative to success in the real world. If a student does not hand in the
assignment by the deadline of the acceptance period, a mark reduction will be applied to the assignment submitted thereafter
up to a total of 10%. If the assignment is not submitted by the end of the acceptance period the student will receive a mark of
zero. The teacher may accept the assignment for the purpose of providing feedback; however, the mark will be zero. The
teacher will notify the parents/guardians after any mark of zero is assigned on a major assignment. Repeated lateness in
submissions indicates poor organization skills and will result in parental contact and will be reflected in the learning skills
section of the report card. Incomplete Assignments will be graded according to the extent with which they meet the
criteria established in the rubric or evaluation structure
Attendance and Punctuality
Students are expected to be in class and on time every day. It is the student’s responsibility to make up any
class work.
Students are expected to come to class in full uniform and ready to participate in the daily classroom activities.
Materials Needed ● lined paper and pen
● 3-ring binder and notebook
 Hand all assignments directly to me or drop them off in the main office. This will avoid
losing assignments.
 Come to class on time and in uniform
 You are responsible to complete missed work while absent. Missed tests/quizzes will be
written the first day back.
 You must ask for extensions prior to deadlines. Late assignments will be penalized.
Assignments cannot be submitted after they have been marked.
 Be organized. You are expected to keep a complete and organized binder. Bring both
textbook and binder is required for each class. Lost textbooks cost $45.
 Respect each other’s thoughts and ideas, each other’s property and the computer lab. Food
and drinks are not permitted in class.