S.G.A. SENATE MEETING April 20, 2015 The meeting was called to order in the Leaders Suite of the Donald G. Bollinger Student Union at 4:00 p.m. Presiding officer was Vice President Mary Sauce. The Recording Secretary was Dolly McGeever. The pledge was led by Senator Les Theriot and the prayer was given by Senator Abigail Ledet. The Nicholls Student Government Association Mission Statement was read by Senator Grant Ordoyne and Senator Austin Wendt read the first value of the Nicholls Creed. The following Executive Board members were present: President Adam Lefort, Vice President Mary Sauce, Treasurer Bobby Dufrene, Director of Student Rights and Grievances Carolanne Moore, Director of Public Relations Lillie Bourgeois and Secretary Dolly McGeever. The following Senators were present: Lawrence Arceneaux, III, Meah Johnson, Les Theriot, Grant Ordoyne, Markos Picou, Trey Clark, Peyton Chiasson, Emily Sauce, Austin Wendt, Tommy Thibodeaux, Jessica Fradella, Tiffany Durocher, Katelyn Cortez, Abigail Ledet, Charles Johns, Darian Graivshark and Taylor Bruce. The following Mistretta. Senators were absent: Yaye Ba, Micah Hebert and Kaitlyn Web Tech was represented by Trey Clark. Student Supreme Court was not represented. Election Commission was represented by Chante’ Singleton (appointed). The following guests were present: Dr. Eugene A. Dial, Jr., Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Services and Vincent Sbisa, Staff Writer for The Nicholls Worth. No Minutes were presented. GUEST SPEAKER: None. OFFICER REPORTS PRESIDENT’S REPORT – ADAM LEFORT Take Back the Night is this Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. to promote cessation of sexual violence. They started it last year. Today at 7:00 p.m. in LeBijou they’re showing a movie about sexual assault on campuses. They have role play situations. Last week was the Rally event we’ve been promoting all semester. I think we had twelve students attend. It was a low turnout but compared to the other universities, there were probably about the same amount of students. They’ll probably have 200 overall from all universities and colleges. There was a small forum outside with guest speakers and the community. There were people running for Governor and other students speaking. We gave testimony for about three hours. UNO was probably the most outspoken one. They know there is something wrong. I think they finally got a clear picture. The Alumni Search Committee met last Thursday and made a recommendation about who we thought would best fit. Dr. Neal Weaver will recommend someone and speak to Dr. Murphy about interviewing the new Alumni Director. It will probably be in early summer. Today is the last interview for Academic Affairs Vice President. We interviewed the rest last Thursday and Friday and will have a meeting this week to discuss the top three. This Thursday we have a Student Tech Fee Committee meeting at 3:30 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room of Ellender Library. I cannot attend and need a volunteer. Senator Peyton C. volunteered. This Friday is Crawfish Day from noon to 4:00 p.m. We’ll provide snowballs to students. OFFICER REPORTS CONTINUED PRESIDENT’S REPORT CONTINUED Next Wednesday is the SGA Banquet. For those of you who did not R.S.V.P. yet, please do so. Tomorrow and Wednesday are the Scantron Giveaways and the Blood Drive, so be sure to tell the students. DIRECTOR OF STUDENT RIGHTS & GRIEVANCES’ REPORT – CAROLANNE MOORE There was some confusion last Friday about the WID/WIH. Vice President Mary S. posts them on Moodle and you answer them. She’s the one who checks off whether you did them or not. I emailed the students who submitted complaints and let them know SGA is working on them, that their concerns are being addressed. TREASURER’S REPORT – BOBBY DUFRENE Today the Summer Budget comes up in a motion. At the next meeting I’ll have the yearly budget to present to you. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONS’ REPORT – LILLIE BOURGEOIS Our last Scantron Giveaway is tomorrow and Wednesday in the Quad. We may have to move it to the Union. We’ll serve coffeecake and lemonade. The sign-up sheet will go around. If you missed it last week, be sure to sign it today because this is mandatory. If you can’t attend, send in your excuse. Crawfish Day is Friday and Mr. & Ms. Nicholls will be announced at 3:45 p.m. Be sure you are there because we have some SGA officers up there. Please R.S.V.P. to the SGA office this Thursday by 4:30 p.m. for the Banquet. You don’t have to pay by Thursday, you can pay at the event. Please let us know if you have a preference of if you want to sit with someone. VICE PRESIDENT'S REPORT – MARY SAUCE I’d like to commend Senator Darian G. on her WID/WIH. She made a survey. She and Senator Emily S. went to the cafeteria and handed people the surveys requesting they write their complaints. You should be thinking of doing things like that. Give people a chance to respond to questions. A small survey like that is perhaps the incentive they need to write something down. If you see the Women’s Tennis Team, congratulate them. They are the Southland Conference Champions which is amazing. Director Lillie B. and I need to know who is interested in serving as the Student Representative on the Homecoming Committee. It’s a lot of work and a lot of time. You have to be free to attend these meetings and you have to be able to express what students want and not back down. You have to stand up to what the students want and to what they’ll need. Senator Abigail L. volunteered. I went to the Capitol and even though we had a small turnout from our students, our signs were great. So the money for them was well spent and our voices were heard. We also had Senators come up to us trying to give us business cards and telling us they were excited we were doing this. I really think we made an impression. When you’re scheduling your classes, remember that you’re an SGA Senator and need to attend the meetings. ACTIONS TAKEN ON OLD BILLS S1415-072 I move to increase the budgeted amount of the Spring 2015 Senator Projects line item of the budget from $15,000 to $21,000. The money will come from unallocated funds. Passed and signed. STUDENT SUPREME COURT REPORT – Dane Vizier, Jr. Vice President Mary S. reported on behalf of Justice Dane Vizier, Jr. SPA Announcements: Crawfish Day is a closed event, open only to students, faculty and staff with a Colonel Card. Solely online students are not eligible to attend because they do not pay student activity fees. Al Thibodaux will be an invited guest as the originator of Crawfish Day and his wife as well. They’ll have food vouchers at the Baseball game this week. They’re providing a sexual assault video in conjunction with Sexual Violence Awareness Week. ELECTION COMMISSION REPORT No report. WEB TECH REPORT – Trey Clark Later today on the Nicholls website SGA page, I’ll encourage students to attend the Scantron Giveaways and encourage and promote Crawfish Day. Once we know who Mr. and Ms. Nicholls is at Crawfish Day, that will be on there as well as the announcement. I’ll also have the rest of the Executive Board photos updated, as well as the Senators that graduated. SGA SENATE COMMITTEE REPORTS Finance Committee – Tiffany Durocher, Chair Present: Senators Tiffany Durocher, Lawrence Arceneaux, III, Peyton Chiasson, Trey Clark, Katelyn Cortez, Charles Johns, Meah Johnson, Markos Picou, Emily Sauce, Les Theriot, Tommy Thibodeaux, Jessica Fradella and Darian Graivshark. Absent: Senators Yaye Ba and Micah Hebert. Guest: Treasurer Bobby Dufrene. Today we discussed the following: A motion to purchase spatulas, digital scales and two sizes of china caps for the new Culinary Institute building. A motion to purchase a permanent outdoor suggestion box. A motion to purchase outdoor lights for Bowie Road and the Library parking lots. A motion to approve the Nicholls Awareness Campaign Banners. A motion to buy 2-way radios for the Mass Comm Dept. A motion to purchase pencil sharpeners for Peltier Hall. A motion to purchase a new screen for LeBijou Theater. A motion to approve retaining the attorney’s services for next year. The summer 2015 budget. All motions were found to be highly favorable. Judiciary Committee – Lawrence Arceneaux, III, Chair; Austin Wendt, Co-Chair Present: Senators Lawrence Arceneaux, III, Austin Wendt, Trey Clark, Meah Johnson, Markos Picou, Tommy Thibodeaux, Emily Sauce, Charles Johns, Katelyn Cortez, Darian Graivshark and Taylor Bruce. Absent: Senators Yaye Ba, Peyton Chiasson, Jessica Fradella, Micah Hebert and Kaitlyn Mistretta. We discussed the following: Motions that included an Election Commission appointment. Various Bylaw changing motions. A 2015 Sexual Violence Awareness Proclamation Motion. A Scantron Giveaway mandatory motion. The committee found them all highly favorable. We went over two absentee forms which were excused. SGA SENATE COMMITTEE REPORTS CONTINUED: Meet the SGA/Social Events: Mr/Ms Nicholls/Banquet - Homecoming/Christmas) – Grant Ordoyne, Chair Present: Senators Grant Ordoyne, Payton Chiasson, Theriot, Tommy Thibodeaux and Taylor Bruce. Absent: Senators Emily Sauce and Austen Wendt. Guest: Director Lillie Bourgeois. Abigail Ledet, Les We discussed the following: Arrangements and script for the banquet. Senators will specify who they want to sit with and how many people are going to be at their table. Talked about the Scantron Giveaways that will be held this week. Crawfish Day and the need for volunteers to work the snowball stand if needed. Campus Improvements Committee – Peyton Chiasson, Chair; Tommy Thibodeaux, CoChair; Present: Senators Peyton Chiasson, Tommy Thibodeaux, Katelyn Cortez, Tiffany Durocher, Charles Johns, Abigail Ledet, Grant Ordoyne, Austin Wendt and Taylor Bruce. Absent: Senators Jessica Fradella and Kaitlyn Mistretta. We discussed the following: The motions that will be funded by the Campus Improvements budget. These are the motions for “lights for the parking lots” and “the outside comment box”. Complaints towards the SGA that we do not have many activities around campus. It was resolved that those complaints should be brought to SPA’s attention. Issues with broken clocks in Peltier, a broken bench in the Quad behind Ayo Pool and the recycle bins around campus need to be emptied. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS S1415-074 I move that the Senate accept Chante’ Singleton for the position of Election Commission Member. Chante’ is the appointment of the SGA President, Adam Lefort, and the SPA President, Taylor Degruise. 1. 2. Question: Move into vote Passed For-16 Against-1 Jessica Fradella Austin Wendt Abstained-0 S1415-075 I move that the Senate purchase five (5) manual pencil sharpeners to replace the old ones in Peltier Hall. The total cost will be $124.03. They cost $24.86 each. This will come from the Senator Projects line item of the budget. 1. Austin Wendt 2. Tommy Thibodeaux Discussion: Senator Austin W. said we need these sharpeners to replace the old ones that have been taken down because they were broken in Peltier Hall. I asked around and was told pencils are still used and they’re having issues finding a good place to sharpen them. Question: Move into vote Passed For-17 Against-0 Abstained-0 NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED S1415-076 I move that the Senate allocate $5,000 for the purchase of Ballast, Lamps and Photo Cells to replace burnt and broken lights in the Bowie Road and Ellender Library parking lots. The total cost of the lamps and other related electrical devices are estimated at $4,686.82. This will be taken from the Campus Improvement line item of the budget. 1. Peyton Chiasson 2. Tiffany Durocher Discussion: Senator Peyton C. said this is a motion that was brought to my attention that it wasn’t safe parking around campus at night with the parking lot lights out. We looked into the getting lights. What Treasurer Bobby D. and I did was allocated funds in the Campus Improvements budget to take care of these nights. The total price is there and the University will pay for the manual labor needed so we won’t pay for everything, just the lights. Vice President Mary S. said the motion will be tabled for one week. S1415-077 I move to combine the descriptions of letters d. and e. of Article III, Letter B., Number 1 in the Bylaws. It will be read as “d. Meet the SGA – responsible for planning and executing all events for the SGA, such as an Annual Christmas Social, Spring Inaugural Banquet and SGA Homecoming Display and all events representing the SGA, such as Family Day and Freshman Orientation. The Director of Public Relations shall be included as a member.” This motion will delete letter e. from the Section. 1. 2. Trey Clark Lawrence Arceneaux, III Discussion: Senator Trey C. said it states in the Bylaws in two separate letters, that we have a Meet the SGA and a Social Events committee. We’d like to lump them together into one committee to share things for SGA and Social Events. This is just changing the Bylaws to reflect what we do as a committee. Rather than having a separate letter for the things that we do like the Christmas Social and Homecoming and rather than having them separate outside of Scantron Giveaways, we put them altogether under that title. Vice President Mary S. said this motion will also be tabled for one week because it’s an amendment to the Bylaws. S1415-078 I move that the Senate allocate up to $300 to purchase China Caps for the Chef John Folse Culinary Institute. The cost breakdown is as follows: 10” China Caps China Caps TOTAL = $16.89 each x 12 =$202.68 This will come from the Senator Projects line item of the budget. 1. 2. Tiffany Durocher Grant Ordoyne Discussion: Senator Tiffany D. said the Chef John Folse Culinary Institute will have a new building and these items are things we can buy for the culinary students. This is one thing that they need. These china caps have a handle with a rim around it. It has a mesh comb so soft food can be pushed through it to strain really small things. This is one of the things they need. Question: Move into vote Passed For-17 Against-0 Abstained-0 S1415-079 I move that the Senate purchase set of 16” Silicone Spatulas at Spatulas at $6.39 each. These Institute. The total amount for 24 - 14” Silicone Spatulas at $5.59 each, a $6.19 each and another set of 14” Silicone spatulas are for Chef John Folse Culinary these spatulas will be $436.08 1. 2. Austin Wendt Jessica Fradella NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED Discussion: Senator Austin W. said since the Institute is getting a new building, they need new supplies and they need help purchasing these. These spatulas would be really appreciated. Question: Move into vote Passed For-17 Against-0 Abstained-0 S1415-080 I move that the Senate allocate up to $500 to purchase Fine Mesh China Caps for the Chef John Folse Culinary Institute. The cost breakdown is as follows: 8” Fine Mesh China Caps = $25.59 each China Caps x 16 TOTAL = $409.44 This will be taken from the Senator Projects line item of the budget. 1. 2. Tiffany Durocher Peyton Chiasson Discussion: Senator Tiffany D. said these china caps are like the previous ones only the mesh in finer. Question: Move into vote Passed For-17 Against-0 Abstained-0 S1415-081 I move to delete letter f. of Article III, Section B, Number 1 of the Bylaws. It will remove the Communications Committee from the Bylaws. 1. 2. Discussion: Senator Les T. said just like communications that falls under the direction Relations so this committee is not needed. Les Theriot Lawrence Arceneaux, III the Meet the SGA motion, of the Director of Public Vice President Mary S. said the motion will be tabled for one week because it is an amendment to the Bylaws. S1415-082 I move that the Senate purchase one Two-Way Radio Package at $1,399 for the Mass Communications Department. Shipping will cost $10 and the total cost will be $1,409. This will come from the Senator Projects line item of the budget. 1. Darian Graivshark 2. Emily Sauce Discussion: Senator Darian G. said the Mass Communications Department needs these radios. Vice President Mary S. said the motion will be tabled for one week because it is over $500. S1415-083 I move that the Senate purchase a new Projection Screen for the LeBijou Theater. The cost will be $3,240.31. This includes screen and installation. This will come from the Senator Project line item of the budget. 1. 2. Austin Wendt Jessica Fradella Discussion: Senator Austin W. said I’ll have more information next week on the student organizations that use LeBijou. Basically, we need a new screen, a bigger screen for the new projector they purchased last year. The LeBijou is the second most used facility in the Student Union. It’s used on a weekly basis. Vice President Mary S. said the motion will be tabled for one week because it is over $500. NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED S1415-084 I move that the Senate allocate up to $1,200 to purchase Digital Scales for the Chef John Folse Culinary Institute. The price breakdown is as follows: Escali Digital Scales 13 lb. limit = $70.00 Scales x 16 TOTAL = $1,120 This will come from the Senator Projects line item of the budget. 1. 2. Discussion: Tiffany Durocher Tommy Thibodeaux Senator Tiffany D. said they need scales to weigh products. Vice President Mary S. said the motion will be tabled for one week because it is over $500. S1415-085 I move that the Senate retain Andrew Wise, Attorney at Law, as Legal Advisor for the year 2015-2016. This will grant a contract at $3,600 for twenty-four (24) sessions for two (2) hours each at an hourly rate of $75 per hour. This expenditure comes out of Agency Account 267350-5000 and not the SGA general account. 1. Charles Johns 2. Grant Ordoyne Discussion: Senator Charles J. said students pay $.25 out of their account for these services so I think we should have him here again next year. He’s done a good job. Vice President Mary S. said the motion will be tabled for one week because it is over $500. S1415-086 I move to make the Scantron Giveaways on April 21 st and 22nd mandatory for all Senators to work and attend. Senators must work for at least half an hour on at least one of the two days. 1. Austin Wendt 2. Lawrence Arceneaux, III Discussion: Senator Austin W. said for Scantron Giveaways, we need as many people out there to support and promote SGA and the things we do. Also, if there are complaints we can try to solve those so it’s important to be out there. Question: Move into vote Passed For-17 Against-0 Abstained-0 S1415-087 I move to combine the descriptions of letters c. and g. in Article III, Letter B., Number 1 of the Bylaws. It will read as “c. Judiciary Committee – holds hearings on absences and monitors the absences of SGA officers and committee members. Interviews Presidential appointments. Reviews Senators who do not meet mandatory legislation/appropriation requirements for automatic removal (see SGA Constitution, Article II, Section 5, Number 2, Letter A). Reviews amendments to Bylaws not involving fee increases. It is responsible for Constitutional review and review of resolutions.” This motion would remove letter g. from the section. 1. 2. Les Theriot Austin Wendt Discussion: Senator Les T. said this is an amendment to the Bylaws. Technically, we don’t have a Legislation Committee. We can make changes to the Bylaws through the Judiciary Committee. Vice President Mary S. said the motion is an amendment to the Bylaws and will be tabled. NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED S1415-088 I move that the Senate allocate up to $800 to purchase a Regular Pedestal Drop Box from mailboxes.com to use as an outdoor SGA suggestion box to be placed in the Quad permanently. The cost breakdown is as follows: 1 Pedestal Drop Box, Regular Shipping TOTAL = $600.00 (Gray) = $100.04 = $700.04 This will be taken from the Campus Improvements line item of the budget. 1. 2. Tiffany Durocher Peyton Chiasson Discussion: Senator Tiffany D. said after we had the Gathering last month, students suggested putting a suggestion box in the Quad. I found a mailbox for the Quad. Vice President Mary S. said the motion will be tabled for one week because it is over $500. S1415-089 I move that the Senate approve the Proposed Nicholls Awareness Campaign Banners that were budgeted for the Fall 2014 Budget for $10,000. The cost breakdown is as follows: 91 Banners for off campus = $7,000 82 Banners for on-campus = $3,000 1. 2. Tiffany Durocher Peyton Chiasson Discussion: Senator Tiffany D. said the money was already budgeted in the Fall 2014 budget for $10,000 for marketing. This is just to get Senate approval to purchase the banners. Vice President Mary S. said since this was budgeted, it will not be tabled for being over $500. Question: Move into vote Passed For-17 Against-0 Abstained-0 S1415-090 I move that the Senate approve the attached “Sexual Violence Awareness Proclamation” to be presented at the “Take Back the Night” event on April 22, 2015. Student Government Association Executive Order 2015 Sexual Violence Awareness Proclamation Whereas Nicholls State University’s second annual “Take Back the Night” calls attention to the fact that sexual violence is widespread and impacts every community member of Nicholls State University, the city of Thibodaux, the State of Louisiana, and the United States of America; and Whereas We must work together to educate our community about sexual violence prevention, supporting survivors and speaking out against harmful attitudes and actions; and Whereas With leadership and dedication, we can be successful in preventing sexual violence in the area and the state by increasing education, awareness, and community involvement; and Whereas The Student Government Association strongly supports the efforts of national, state, and local partners and of every citizen, to actively engage many efforts to prevent sexual violence. Therefore be it resolved that the Student Government Association joins “Take Back the Night” to advocate to our community to play active roles in preventing sexual violence. NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED Therefore be it further resolved that the Student Government Association, on this 22nd day of April in the year 2015, shall recognize and celebrate “Take Back the Night” for the students of Nicholls State University. ____________________________________ Adam Lefort President Student Government Association 1. 2. Charles Johns Austin Wendt Discussion: Senator Charles J. deferred to President Adam L. who said is for the Take Back the Night even which I mentioned in my report. Michele Caruso spoke to me about it. We prepared one in the Fall domestic assault so this is to show that we support it on behalf of students. You should have received a copy of the Proclamation. Question: Move into vote Passed For-17 Against-0 this Dr. for the Abstained-0 S1415-091 I move that the Senate approve the Summer 2015 Budget. 1. 2. Tiffany Durocher Austin Wendt Discussion: Senator Tiffany D. said we went over the summer budget. should have a copy of it. Take a look at it because it will be tabled. You Vice President Mary S. said the motion will be tabled for one week. UNIVERSITY COMMITTEE REPORTS None. DISCUSSION PERIOD: Director Lillie B. discussed the two possible summer meeting dates of either June 15th or 29th or July 13th or 27th. A final date will be decided at the next meeting. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dr. Dial Dr. Bonnie Bourg passed away. She was the first Advisor going back to 1948, 49 and 50. She was the last official faculty member living. Paul Forbes said we are moving forward with Crawfish Day, rain or shine. All tents available will be set up. There’s some discussion going on regarding the University purging schedules. That means is as we approach the first day of class, students who haven’t been in contact with the University regarding finalizing financial aid or paying their balance down to a certain amount, their class schedule will be purged and those classes will be made available to those who need them. It’s not set in stone yet but it’s something I hope to be able to report to you at next Monday’s meeting. Right now there’s no perfect system. We assign the classes owed by students but if there are 100 people signing up every semester and we’re not collecting the money for them, that’s 100 seats that other students can basically sit in. We’re trying to find out the best way to go. ANNOUNCEMENTS CONTINUED Lillie B. Rotaract is having a Flip Flops for Uganda drive. Rotaract is partnering with Thibodaux Rotary Club and Refuge 127. Refuge 127 is a non-profit organization that travels to Uganda to build schools for underprivileged kids. Concrete for the floors of the schools are super expensive so many of them can’t afford to put concrete down yet, sometimes waiting a whole year to do that. These kids don’t have shoes so they’re asking us to donate children’s flip flops, any size, any color or any shape. It protects them from injuries. I’ll collect those this semester. Monetary donations are also accepted. We’ll also have a table in the Union this week, Tuesday through Thursday, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. collecting them. E-Board applications deadline is Thursday. Dolly M. Group picture will be taken next week on Monday. gray or black – Nicholls colors. Wear red, The following officer was sworn in by Vice President Mary Sauce: Chante’ Singleton – Election Commission Member There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 5:35 p.m.