S.G.A. SENATE MEETING March 30, 2015 The meeting was called to order in the Leaders Suite of the Donald G. Bollinger Student Union at 4:00 p.m. Presiding officer was Vice President Mary Sauce. The Recording Secretary was Dolly McGeever. The pledge was led by Senator Lawrence Arceneaux, III and the prayer was given by Senator Emily Sauce. The Nicholls Student Government Association Mission Statement was read by Senator Markos Picou and Senator Peyton Chiasson read the first value of the Nicholls Creed. The following Executive Board members were present: President Adam Lefort, Vice President Mary Sauce, Treasurer Bobby Dufrene, Director of Student Rights and Grievances Carolanne Moore, Director of Public Relations Lillie Bourgeois and Secretary Dolly McGeever. The following Senators were present: Lawrence Arceneaux, III, Les Theriot, Grant Ordoyne, Markos Picou, Trey Clark, Peyton Chiasson, Emily Sauce, Austin Wendt, Tommy Thibodeaux, Jessica Fradella, Tiffany Durocher, Katelyn Cortez, Abigail Ledet, Charles Johns, Micah Hebert, Darian Graivshark and Kaitlyn Mistretta. The following Senators were absent: Yaye Ba, Meah Johnson and Taylor Bruce. Web Tech was represented by Trey Clark. Student Supreme Court was represented by Justice Celia Ordoyne. Election Commission was not represented. The following guests were present: Dr. Eugene A. Dial, Jr., Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Services and SGA Advisor and Vincent Sbisa, staff writer for The Nicholls Worth. No Minutes were presented. GUEST SPEAKER: None. OFFICER REPORTS PRESIDENT’S REPORT – ADAM LEFORT We’re going to have a Blood Drive from April 21 st to the 22nd. We have flyers so please put them around campus bulletin boards. Registration is April 15th. As an SGA officer, you get to register early. So when scheduling your classes, make sure you’re free on Mondays from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. to serve on SGA. Orientation starts when we get back from Spring Break April 13th to 16th. Congratulations to Vice President Mary S. and Director Lillie B. for winning the elections. Be safe for Spring Break. We only have a few weeks left to present motions so if you’re working on something, try to get it done. April 15th is the Rally from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. Make sure you encourage students to attend. I Spoke to Brigett Scott who is in charge of Faculty Senate. She said the Senate will encourage students to attend. Last week we held our “Gathering”. We had a good turnout. We filled out the “What’s Your Frustration” cards. Good job for going out to the students. DIRECTOR OF STUDENT RIGHTS & GRIEVANCES’ REPORT – CAROLANNE MOORE Thank you for turning in your WID/WIH info this past Friday. You have one due when you return from Spring Break. For those of you who are going out of town for Spring Break, talk to other students you meet who are attending other universities to get ideas. OFFICER REPORTS CONTINUED: TREASURER’S REPORT – BOBBY DUFRENE I distributed an Expense Report today. So far, we’ve spent $20,000. Pending, we have about $19,000. We now have $7,500 left in Senator Projects and are presenting a motion today to increase that. If you have any questions about the budget or need any ideas, come by and talk to me. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONS’ REPORT – LILLIE BOURGEOIS The week we get back from Spring Break, we’ll have Orientation which will last four days, Monday through Thursday. It’ll probably be 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. It’ll be mandatory to attend each one of these days but we need every time filled. We’re going to serve punch and possibly cookies. We’ll have slogans like “SGA will punch out your problems”. Hopefully, we’ll have new Senators that come to us for next year so please sign up for this. We’re ordering more ink pens but if you have other ideas on what to order, please let me know. We have about $2,000 in the SGA budget remaining to spend on this. VICE PRESIDENT'S REPORT – MARY SAUCE I attended a Budget Meeting last week as well as the Scantron Giveaways. I want to thank you for the attention you gave the Scantron Giveaways. It’s important that we reach out to students and not just stand around the table. You should stand in front of the table. I’ll attend a Tech Fee Committee Meeting soon. I put the blank “Vote for Higher Ed” vouchers around campus in University College as well as the Rec Center. If you know anyone who would like these cards, let me know. We need to have as many of those completed before the Rally on April 15th. We have a break this week so we don’t have much time. ACTIONS TAKEN ON OLD BILLS S1415-061 I move that the Senate allocate $1,000 per year for a three year period to purchase one 3’ x 7’ sign to be placed on the outside fence of all home softball games and one 3’ x 7’ sign to be placed on the outside fence of all baseball games. Passed and signed. S1415-063 I move that the Senate amend the SGA Leadership Graduate Scholarship from awarding 15 scholarships at #200 each to awarding 8 scholarships at $00 each. This will increase the total budgeted amount for the scholarship from $3,-000 to $3,200. The SGA Leadership Graduate Scholarship line item in the budget will increase by $200 beginning with the Fall 2015 semester. Passed and signed. S1415-064 I move that the Senate purchase an M8 Charging Station that will be placed in the Union for student use. The cost for the one Charging Station will be $899.00. This will come from the Senator Projects line item of the budget. Passed and signed. S1415-065 I move that the SGA purchase three microscopes at $199.99 for the Physical Sciences Department totaling $599.97. This will come from the Senator Projects line item of the budget. Passed and signed. S1415-066 I move to allocate up to $350.00 to purchase a Quartet Porcelain Dry-Erase Board (48” x 72”) for the Tutorial Academic and Enhancement Center. The cost of the board is $280.99 and taxes are about $26.00. Shipping will be free. This will be taken from the Senator Projects line item of the budget. Passed and signed. STUDENT SUPREME COURT REPORT – Celia Ordoyne No report. ELECTION COMMISSION REPORT – Kristine Normand In Commissioner following: Kristine N.’s absence, Senator Austin W. reported the This past election there was an issue that occurred. They’re in the early stages of inquiring about the recent election. It’s possible a malfunction took place. Some football players complained that they received notifications that they voted but they had not voted. This is something they’re looking into. WEB TECH REPORT – Trey Clark Updated the website. SGA SENATE COMMITTEE REPORTS Finance Committee – Tiffany Durocher, Chair Present: Senators Tiffany Durocher, Lawrence Arceneaux, III, Peyton Chiasson, Trey Clark, Katelyn Cortez, Charles Johns, Markos Picou, Emily Sauce, Les Theriot, Tommy Thibodeaux, Jessica Fradella and Darian Graivshark. Absent: Senators Yaye Ba, Micah Hebert and Meah Johnson. Guest: Treasurer Bobby Dufrene. Today we discussed the following: Motions to provide a charter bus and a Nicholls bus to bring students to a Higher Education Rally on April 15, 2015. Two motions to purchase protest signs for the Higher Education Rally. Motion to purchase a white board for the Tutoring Center. A motion to purchase a paper cutter for the Art Department. A motion to extend the Senator Projects line item of the Spring 2015 budget from $15,000 to $21,000. The above motions were all found to be highly favorable. A motion to purchase a two-way radio packet for the Mass Comm Department. The committee did not vote on the motion because more research will be done on it for a later meeting. Judiciary Committee – Lawrence Arceneaux, III, Chair; Austin Wendt, Co-Chair Present: Senators Lawrence Arceneaux, III, Austin Wendt, Meah Johnson, Emily Sauce, Trey Clark, Taylor Bruce, Kaitlyn Mistretta, Tommy Thibodeaux and Darian Graveshark. We discussed one motion and one absentee form: The motion dealt with amending the SGA Bylaws and removing certain sections that were felt to be unnecessary. After committee discussion, the committee found the motion highly favorable. Went over one absentee form and excused it. Meet the SGA/Social Events: Mr/Ms Nicholls/Banquet - Homecoming/Christmas) – Grant Ordoyne, Chair Present: Senators Grant Ordoyne, Peyton Chiasson, Theriot, Tommy Thibodeaux and Austin Wendt. Absent: Senators Emily Sauce and Taylor Bruce. Guest: Director Lillie Bourgeois. Abigail Ledet, Les We discussed the following: Ideas for the upcoming Student Government banquet. Talked about the Freshman Orientations on April 13 to 16 and the items that we will hand out to the student. We’ll give out punch and have a sign saying “Let SGA punch out your problems”. This will be a mandatory event so all Senators are encouraged to attend. SGA SENATE COMMITTEE REPORTS CONTINUED: Campus Improvements Committee – Peyton Chiasson, Chair; Tommy Thibodeaux, CoChair; Present: Senators Peyton Chiasson, Tommy Thibodeaux, Katelyn Cortez, Tiffany Durocher, Charles Johns, Abigail Ledet, Grant Ordoyne, Austin Wendt and Kaitlyn Mistretta. Absent: Senators Jessica Fradella and Taylor Bruce. We discussed the following: Drainage issues in the front of Talbot Hall and Stopher Gym. Possible improvement to the Free Speech Podium in front of the Union. Issues and confusion with the housing lottery. Discussed the possibility of getting signs made to advertise the CStore in Brady. Campus Improvements committee attending the RHA meeting on Tuesday after Spring break. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS S1415-067 I move to allocate up to $350.00 to purchase a Quartet Porcelain Dry-Erase Board (48” x 72”) for the Tutorial Academic and Enhancement Center. The cost of the board is $280.99 and taxes are about $26.00. Shipping will be free. This will be taken from the Senator Projects line item of the budget. 1. 2. Les Theriot Katelyn Cortez Discussion: Senator Les T. said it’s the same motion that Senator Katelyn C. wrote because we have two boards in the Tutoring Center which are bad and we have money to replace these. They’re porcelain boards so they’ll be used for a long time. Question: Move into vote Passed For-17 Against-0 Abstained-0 S1415-068a I move to suspend the Rules of Procedure to allow the motion to be heard. The reason for the suspension is the motion is in violation of Article VIII, Letter B., Number 6 of the Rules of Procedures (The motion is over $500.00). 1. 2. Move into vote: Passed For-17 Against-0 Tiffany Durocher Lawrence Arceneaux, III Abstained-0 S1415-068 I move that Senate allocate up to $1,500 to provide a charter bus for 55 students to attend a Higher Education Rally at the State Capitol in Baton Rouge on April 15, 2015. The costs are broken down as follows: Quote for Charter Bus Travel Insurance ($.15/student) TOTAL = $1,205.00 = ____$8.25 = $1,213.25 This will be taken from the Professional Services line item of the budget. 1. 2. Tiffany Durocher Lawrence Arceneaux, III Discussion: Senator Tiffany D. said this is one of the buses we plan to use for the Rally at the State Capitol. This is for a charter bus because the Nicholls large bus is not operable at this time. We’ll also have to purchase travel insurance. NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED: COMMENT: Senator Austin W. asked if we already have students that are attending. Senator Tiffany D. said no. Hopefully, the advertising will get students involved. They’ll be a signup in the Union. Question: Move into vote Passed For-17 Against-0 Abstained-0 S1415-069 I move that Senate allocate up to $150 to purchase protest signs for the Higher Education Rally on April 15, 2015. The signs will say “No Funds, No Future”. The price breakdown is as follows: 50 Signs = $100 Shipping = $30 TOTAL = $130 This will come from the Senator Projects line item of the budget. 1. 2. Discussion: Rally. COMMENT: Abigail Ledet Katelyn Cortez Senator Abigail L. said we’re ordering these signs for the Senator Austin W. said his only objection is that the signs will be used only one time. No objection to the price, but it’s used only once. Question: Move into vote Passed For-16 Against-1 Abstained-0 S1415-070 I move that Senate allocate up to $150 to purchase protest signs for the Higher Education Rally on April 15, 2015. The signs will say “Enough is Enough”. The price breakdown is as follows: 50 Signs = $100 Shipping = $30 TOTAL = $130 This will come from the Senator Projects line item of the budget. 1. 2. Grant Ordoyne Les Theriot Discussion: Senator Grant O. said these will also be used for the Rally and are a result of the “Gathering” we held recently. COMMENT: Senator Tommy T. commented on the need for two different signs. Question: Move into vote Passed For-17 Against-0 Abstained-0 S1415-071 I move that the Senate allocate funds from the Professional Services line item of the budget to cover the cost of fuel to use the small, 32-passenger Nicholls bus to take students to the State Capitol in Baton Rouge on April 15, 2015. Also, the travel insurance cost will be $0.15/student at $4.80. 1. 2. Tiffany Durocher Lawrence Arceneaux, III Discussion: Senator Tiffany D. said this bus is smaller and even though there will be a larger bus, this bus can be used for more students. We also have to cover the fuel cost to Baton Rouge. We’ll find out the cost of fuel used after the trip. Question: Move into vote Passed For-17 Against-0 Abstained-0 NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED: S1415-072 I move to increase the budgeted amount of the Spring 2015 Senator Projects line item of the budget from $15,000 to $21,000. The money will come from unallocated funds. 1. Tiffany Durocher 2. Austin Wendt Discussion: Senator Tiffany D. said we have only two weeks left and we’re talking about possibly having more motions. We want to increase the budgeted amount to have enough funds for the motions. Vice President Mary S. said amendment to the budget. this motion will be tabled because it’s an S1415-073 I move that the Senate purchase one Guillotine Paper Cutter for the Art Department, which will cost $424.19. This will come from the Senator Projects line item of the budget. 1. Darian Graivshark 2. Emily Sauce Discussion: replaced. Senator COMMENT: Darian G. said the one they now have needs to be Senator Austin W. asked what purpose did the Art Department use the cutting board. Senator Darian G. said for cutting mats, etc. Question: Move into vote Passed For-16 Against-0 Abstained-1 UNIVERSITY COMMITTEE REPORTS Vice President for Academic Affairs Search Committee – Adam Lefort We narrowed the pool down to ten applicants, thirty plus applied. start the interviews for that. We’ll Alumni Director Search Committee – Adam Lefort We narrowed it down to the final three applicants. week. We’ll decide that this Budget Committee – Adam Lefort There are sub-committees for each person presented. and degrees. I’m on the Enrollment Sub-Committee. suggestions to the General Budget Committee. They analyze programs Each of these submits University Council – Adam Lefort Dr. Murphy’s cleared his calendar for the fiscal year 2016 so if you have anything you’ll have to reapply to get it back on the calendar. Dr. Dial said he thinks it’s something specific to the students. So if your student organization has something for next year, talk to your Advisor for more information. General Education and Assessment – Les Theriot Last week we didn’t have quorum so we didn’t vote on anything. We discussed the CLR for Computer Science. The chair also answered members’ questions. DISCUSSION PERIOD: SGA Banquet: Vice President Mary S. said the Banquet is scheduled for Wednesday, April 29th. (A sign-up sheet for officers and guests was distributed to compile an invitation list.) Director Lillie B. said the meal for SGA officers is free but if you bring a guest, there is a fee for their meal. Vice President Mary S. said every year we invite faculty members and administrators. If there is anyone influential to you that you’d like SGA to invite, please let us know to be included. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Adam L. Suggested that the SGA officers read the motions more carefully so we’re not asking questions during the meeting that are unnecessary. I’m going to share on our SGA page, the “No Funds – No Future” for the Rally event. Go to it and ask everyone on campus to do so. Lawrence A. Tomorrow is the Faculty Political Forum. We’re talking about free speech and radical Islamism that is currently going on. It’s from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in Peltier Auditorium. There’s also a Student Forum that going on in the Ballroom of the Student Union. Carolanne M. Delta Zeta is having a “Give Back Night” in Thibodaux on April 13th from 5:00 until closing. Dolly M. Thank you everyone for the Get Well Card, Flowers and Prayers. I know that’s why I had such a speedy recovery. I want you to know how proud I am of all of you. You had a Rally on top of all sorts of other things going on at this time. I want you to know I’m really proud of you. I know there are so many of us in Student Affairs, like Dr. Dial, who really appreciate all the work you do. You did great work at a really crucial time with a lot going on. Congratulations! Job well done! There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m.