APPROVED Father C.W. Sullivan School Council Minutes

Father C.W. Sullivan
School Council Minutes
September 28, 2015
Minutes Taken by: Sonja Hock
Daniel Birkenbergs
Lisa Belsito
Mary Grace Andavias
Cecil Goodman
Sonja Hock
Susie Rocha
Mary Caputo
Abigail Tumamao
Amanda Baez
- Principal
- Chair
- Parish and OAPCE Representative
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Parent
- Parent
- Parent
- Parent
Michelle Boyd
- Parent
Opening Prayer / Welcome / Introductions
Elections of CSC Executive
o Report of Nominations – D. Birkenbergs
 Fr. C.W. Sullivan School received 15 nominations for CSC Executive positions.
 Since September 24th, 2 nominations have been rescinded, leaving 13
candidates. 8 are present and eligible for election.
 Mr. Birkenbergs requested CSC members to consider an exception for Ms. Boyd
due to extenuating circumstances. CSC approved exception meaning 9
individuals are eligible for election.
 The nominees are present at the meeting this evening and are as follows:
o Mary Grace Andavias
o Amanda Baez
o Lisa Belsito
o Michelle Boyd (not in attendance; exception granted by CSC membership)
o Mary Caputo
o Cecil Goodman
o Sonja Hock
o Susie Rocha
o Abigail Tumamao
Report of Elections – D. Birkenbergs
 Mr. Birkenbergs indicated that all 8 members previously on CSC in the 2014-2015
school year would be acclaimed to positions on CSC.
 Mr. Birkenbergs recommended that the newly acclaimed CSC members consider
amending current By-Laws to expand the number of members to 9. CSC voted
unanimously in favour to amend the By-Laws as such.
 Mr. Birkenbergs congratulated the newly acclaimed 2015-2016 executive.
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Mr. Birkenbergs reviewed the 4 portfolios for CSC and gave a brief description of
each (positions listed below); members without a portfolio would be considered
o Chair
o Treasurer
o Secretary
o Parish Representative & OAPCE Representative
Mr. Birkenbergs requested declarations of interest for the positions; only one
interested party per position expressed interest; portfolio assignments were
acclaimed as follows:
o Chair – Lisa Belsito
o Treasurer – Cecil Goodman
o Secretary – Sonja Hock
o Parish Representative & OAPCE Representative – Mary Grace Andavias
Mr. Birkenbergs congratulated the appointees and reminded all of the voting
process on CSC.
To conclude the elections portion of the evening the 2015-2016 CSC for Fr. C.W.
Sullivan was introduced as indicated below:
o Chair – Lisa Belsito
o Treasurer – Cecil Goodman
o Secretary – Sonja Hock
o Parish Representative & OAPCE Representative – Mary Grace Andavias
o Member-at-large – Amanda Baez
o Member-at-large – Michelle Boyd
o Member-at-large – Mary Caputo
o Member-at-large – Susie Rocha
o Member-at-large – Abigail Tumamao
Opening Remarks – Mr. Birkenbergs
o Mr. Birkenbergs distributed a handout with future CSC meeting dates, all members
agreed to meet the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Future meeting dates are as
October 14, 2015 @ 6:30 pm
November 11, 2015 @ 6:30 pm
December 9, 2015 @ 6:30 pm
January 13, 2016 @ 6:30 pm
February 10, 2016 @ 6:30 pm
April 13, 2016 @ 6:30 pm
May 11, 2016 @ 6:30 pm
June 8, 2016 @ 6:30 pm
Mr. Birkenbergs encouraged all to use the Father C.W. Sullivan twitter account
(@FRCWSullyDPCDSB), and encouraged CSC members to inform parents of the
account to connect with the school.
Mr. Birkenbergs reported on events planned: A Christmas event and a parent
engagement event in the New Year.
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Opening Remarks – Chair, CSC
o Mrs. Belsito reported that the Chocolates fundraiser was a great success last school
year; we would like to have another at the start of this year. It was decided we would
begin the fundraiser during the second week of November. Mrs. Rocha will ask
Manish Makwana from World’s Finest Chocolate to come to the next CSC meeting.
o Mrs. Belsito reported we will still put on the Halloween Dance, and Mr. Birkenbergs
reported the school will ask for a $2 donation from each child which will go to Share
Life. The dance is booked for Friday October 30 and Father CW Sullivan will cover
the DJ. CSC will discuss if we want to do best costume prizes at the next meeting.
Mrs. Rocha mentioned the possibility of sending a letter to parents to request prize
donations (prizes would have to be new and unused items)
o Mrs. Belsito brought up the possibility of Subway/Mr. Sub lunches; it was decided we
would discuss this more at a later date. There are concerns with money collection and
also the cost and its potential as a fundraiser.
o Movie Night: Last school years Movie night was a success and families really enjoyed
it so it is worth having again. To support this Mrs. Belsito thought CSC should consider
the possibility of purchasing a popcorn machine for future events.
Discussion Items:
o CSC minutes of meeting held May 28, 2015 were approved by Mrs. Caputo and
Mrs. Andavias.
o Technology upgrade ($3,000) was approved by CSC.
o Mr Birkenbergs spoke about the improvements made to the school over the summer
break. One outstanding item was the playground painting; he will meet October 1st
with the new company hired to paint the playground. $300 for the painting comes
from a Region of Peel grant; the school board matches the grant and Mr.
Birkenbergs will let the CSC know if more funds are required.
o OAPSE/DRAPSE: Mrs. Andavias will report on events at future CSC meetings
o CCCSC: Mrs. Belsito will report on at future CSC meetings.
o Mrs. Belsito reported that the $1000 PRO grant we applied for was approved.
o Mr. Birkenbergs reported Father CW Sullivan was not approved to have another
bike rack installed because there is not enough square footage available to allow for
proper installation.
Meeting Adjourned @ 7:35pm
Next Meeting: October 14, 2015 at 6:30pm
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