October 2015 Grade 1 News St. James Global Learning Centre 98 Wanita Road, Mississauga, Ontario L5G 1B8 Phone: 905- 891- 7619 Fax: 905-278-6539 Primary Division Grade 1 Teachers Ms. De Melo Room 105 October Already! It’s hard to believe that we are in October already. The students and staff have enjoyed a terrific start to the new school year. Mr. Discenza French, Gym and Music Mr. Carreiro Health Curriculum At a Glance Language Throughout the month of September, we have modeled for students a variety of strategies such as how to pick proper books and using pictures to gather information while reading. This month, students will begin reading logs and snuggle up and read program, which allows students to select books to read daily at home. More information will follow. The students will also learn how to respond to their reading and retell a story. In writing, the focus will be producing proper sentences and procedural writing. Students will continue to focus on a list of words each week and have a spelling quiz the following Monday. Mathematics We will be wrapping up our unit on number sense and numeration and there will be a quiz. Our focus this month is patterning. Students will explore geometric and numeric patterns. They will learn how to extend, describe, and identify rules. Please continue to practice counting to 100 with your child daily. Science The students will start their new unit of Inquiry, focusing on the transdisciplinary them “How the World Works”. Students will investigate into daily and seasonal changes. The central idea for this unit of inquiry focuses on how daily human choices and seasonal changes have an impact on all living things. In this unit students are investigating the impact of daily and seasonal changes on living things, including humans and demonstrating an understanding of what daily and seasonal changes are and of how these changes affect living things. Reminders Pizza Lunch Pizza lunch takes place on Tuesdays. If you would like to place an order, please send in $3/slice the morning of. The pieces have been rather large; many students opt to save half for their snack or bring some home. Mr. Sub Lunch Mr. Sub will be starting on Wednesday, October 14th, 2015. An email has been sent out explaining the details for ordering. A Mr. Sub 6” Sub can be purchased for $4.00 or a Sub Combo for $5.00. All pre-orders must be submitted by Thursday, October 8th, 2015. Phys-ed Grade one students have phys-ed classes on Thursday and alternating Fridays. If your child does not already wear running shoes as their indoor shoes, please ensure they bring a pair on days they have physed. Library Grade one students have library every Monday. Please ensure that your son/daughter brings in their library books so that they can do a book exchange. The Virtue for October is Empathy Thanksgiving Prayer People of Empathy… Dear God, We will soon celebrate Thanksgiving and we thank you for all you have given us. We thank you for food and for friends and family and the world you have made for us. We also remember today those who do not have enough to eat. May we find a way to share with them. Help us to appreciate one another and to be truly thankful for all your blessings. AMEN Can understand and name their feelings Care about other’s feelings Listen carefully to others Listen for clues in tone of voice Watch expressions and body gestures for messages Notice when someone is upset Can see and respect how others look at things Know that others may feel differently about things than they do Respond generously to help others Corny Corner How do you mend a broken pumpkin? A. With a pumpkin patch! What is a scarecrow’s favourite fruit? A. Straw-berries!