Document 14283915

St. Basil Catholic School Council Meeting Minutes
November 25, 2014
Attendance: Marianne Tomszak, Brenda Kontostergios, Lorraine DeRose, Cindy SudacCarino, Crystal Kopec.
Regrets: Lorraine Klemens, Caterina Marcello-Branco, Mary Galego, Josie Brady, Marilyn
Agenda Item
Discussion Notes
Prayer was led by Marianne Tomczak.
2. Call to Order /
Approval of Agenda
Motion to approve November 25, 2014 Meeting Agenda
Moved by: Lorraine DeRose
Seconded by: Brenda Kontostergios
3. Approval of
October 28, 2014
Motion to review and approve over email as we did not have the
minutes to review during the meeting.
Moved by: Crystal Kopec
Seconded by: Lorraine DeRose
4. Fundraising
Boogie-A-Thon was a success with over $3200 raised. Prizes and
a lunch provided to winners.
Poinsettia fundraiser concluded on Friday November 21. We sold
67 plants and generated $1,142 in revenue. The net profit for the
fundraiser is $343.37.
Discussion held around the possibility of hosting a “Milk Day” review at January council meeting.
Discussion around the events/activities the council has traditionally
supported; communion and confirmation gifts, Graduation cakes
and t-shirts for grade 8, dances, agendas and BBQ for following
year. Fundraiser update to be generated and shared.
Advent Mass is scheduled for Thursday December 11th. The
Council agreed to purchase goodies for the social and help with
set- up and clean-up.
5. Treasurer
Treasurer Report will ask Lorraine to resend the document. The
council can review it during our next meeting in January.
6. Chair Update
The Catholic School Council Annual Survey has been completed
and submitted.
This year our theme is “Healthy Body, Healthy Mind”; a portion of
the grant of $1000 will go towards Skate Night. Discussion around
other options to be reviewed in January.
7. and 8. Teacher’s
Report and
Principal’s Report
Our assigned Youth Police Officers have visited the school to
speak with students in grades 1 through 8 about bullying and
bullying prevention.
Fire Fighters visited with the FDK. The students enjoyed meeting
the firefighters and exploring the fire trucks and equipment.
Author Mike Wade visited the school. Students in grades 3 through
6 had the opportunity to meet with him, hear his stories, and
purchase his collection of books at a discounted rate. Ms. Brady
purchased a set for the library.
The Raz Kids (Reading A to Z) program is underway and students
in grades 1 through 3 will all be online by the end of the week. This
is a wonderful tool which encourages students to read, while
providing online books at their reading level.
Students can complete comprehension tests to earn points and
work towards increasing their reading level. Teachers and parents
will be able to monitor student progress.
“Math Prodigy”, the math equivalent to Raz, is available online.
This is an additional option for us to explore for our students.
Yearly book fair will take place in February. The fair will run the
week of February 2nd.
“Battle of the Books” is coming. Students that wish to participate
read a selection of books and will then compete against other
schools, gaining points for correct comprehension questions.
Bullying Prevention week commenced on November 17th.
Activities included prayers and discussions around bullying.
Mr. & Mrs. Clause visited the school today for pictures. The cost of
$15 included a picture and a CD. We will investigate other options
for next year.
Scientist in the School (Math) will be provided for the junior grades.
Scientist in the School (Science) will be provided for all grades.
Oceans Alive presentation was well received by the students.
This Advent season the church has requested we participate in a
loonie/toonie box for families in need and in making donations of
toiletries for all age groups.
JOY Day (Jesus, Others and You) will be celebrated on
Wednesday December 17th with a liturgy, slides and activities.
This is followed by a craft making session ;toonies from Council for
each student is a tradition to provide for some of the cost of a craft
for parents.
Friday December 19 grade 8 teachers will lead the school in a
9. General Business Next meeting which was originally scheduled for January 27th has
to be rescheduled to January 20th as the 27th is the FDK
registration snow day.
10. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn
Moved by: Brenda
Seconded by: Lorraine D