St. Gertrude Catholic School Council (CSC) Meeting Meeting Minutes Tuesday, April 5, 2016 Attendance Name School Administration Mrs. Tina De Vellis-Carino, (Principal) (D-C) Ms. Karen Yates (Vice-Principal) Mrs. Gentilli (Teacher Rep.) Ms. Benevides (Teacher Rep.) Mrs. Subic (Non-Teacher Rep.) Mrs. Dri (Non-Teacher Rep.) Council Shelley Bonello Shamika Joseph Sandy Dutra Tanya Wah Kan Present Absent X X X X X X X X X X 6:15 pm Meeting called to order: Welcome and introductions Prayer: Led by Mrs. Borges. Approval of Agenda and Meeting Minutes: Today’s meeting agenda was reviewed and approved. The March minutes require one more Treasurer Report. Once added, the minutes are considered approved. Treasurer’s Report: At the beginning of the month, we had a balance left of $2,600. We will have raised approximately $4,000 for Term 3 pizza and subs. We need to aside enough of a balance to cover next year’s agendas and sacramental/grad gifts. With respect to the gift cards purchased by the Social Work during the Easter season, we are requesting Mrs. DC to follow up with the receipts from the Social Worker. We have $200 this year that remains outstanding to be sent by our Social Work for families in our school community during the Easter season. Principal’s Report: April 7 2015 Minutes Principal T. De Vellis Carino welcomed and thanked all those in attendance at the Council meeting and also those who attended the PARC open house meeting held on March 30 2016 at St. Joseph SS Principal T. De Vellis Carino shared/Clarified the following information items: a) New PhysEd Curriculum -all expectations of the new curriculum that deal with Human Growth and Sexual Health will only be taught through our family life program, called “Fully Alive”. This updated program has been created and approved by the Ontario Bishops. For details, please visit the Ontario Bishops’ website (and then after choosing the English side, click on the Fully Alive tab). Possible areas of concern are topics found in teacher prompts, examples (e.g.) and student suggested replies. Even in the public school system (without a Fully Alive program) these teacher prompts, examples, and student replies are just that – suggestions and not actual information that is imparted to the students. Training for staff will be rolled our soon. Unit 3 “Created Sexually” will be postponed until teachers have been trained. Skate Night-RSPV’s coming in. Invitation sent to Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Papaloni As in the past, to ensure that Board insurance coverage in effect, on behalf of Council, School signed the contract with an amendment/exclusion of the “hold harmless” clause. Signing of the contract by the school requires that the principal/Vice Principal is in full control of the event and complies with all Board policies, thus helmets are mandatory. Element of Risk is not required as parent/guardians are responsible for supervising their children. Reminder that students are not admitted to attend the Skate night without a parent/guardian. b) Election Committee: By-Laws include the need to establish an Election Committee in May. The Election Committee will work with the Principal and coordinate the election procedures to establish a Council for the following year. Mrs. DC requested volunteers for the Election Committee and reminded Council that the committee members must not be those seeking a position on Council. Mrs. DC thanked current Council Chair, S. Joseph for volunteering to Chair the election committee for next year. Principal T. De Vellis Carino shared the following good news and information items: Lenten Activities: Lenten Project: Collected clothing and money for Syrian Refugee – St. Vincent de Paul received the winter clothing & New Circles Community Services who distribute clothing to Syrian Refugees received the rest of the clothing. We collected over $ 500 for Project Hope. Project Hope is “a special humanitarian relief appeal, supported by Catholic community of the Archdiocese of Toronto and all people of goodwill. Their mandate is to financially support those who are fleeing war, violence and persecution.” Sacramental Years: Gr. 8 Confirmation retreat: April 1 @ Queen of Apostles, Confirmation, April 21 at St. FX Parish, 7pm Gr. 2 First Communion retreat , April 13 @ school First Communion, April 16 St. FX Parish, 10 am- Mrs. DC thanked Ms WahKan and Ms Borges for offering to attend and distribute the sacramental gifts to the grade 2 students. Catholic Education Week: May 1-6 2016 Theme: Opening Doors of Mercy “Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.” – Matthew 5:7 The sub-themes for Catholic Education Week 2016 are as follows: 1. Mercy that Welcomes 2. Mercy that Loves 3. Mercy that Forgives 4. Mercy that Lives the Gospel 5. Mercy that Rejoices Teachers will invitations to the many special events/activities happening in the classrooms and/or school wide to celebrate Catholic Education Week. Principal T. De Vellis Carino shared the following information items & good news: o Stain Glass: Students started the hands on component of the project. We are confident that by Catholic Education Week, the last two windows will be completed and hopefully installed. CCCSC Market Place: Saturday, April 9, 2016 at St. Joseph Secondary School. The event will begin at 8.30 a.m. with registration and will be followed at 9.00 a.m. by a Liturgy and the Keynote Address by Dr. Susan Williams. The theme of this year’s event is “Opening Doors of Mercy”. There are a number of exciting workshops being offered this year. Class Placement for next year: Requests are due to the office on April 15 2016. Current staff with resource staff and administration will be meeting soon to develop class lists for the upcoming year. Our goal is to choose the best possible learning environment for each child with consideration given to parental requests. We thank you for your understanding that for various reasons, regrettably, we are not always able to honour all parental requests. EQAO: Students in grade 3 & 6 will participate in the provincial testing on the following days: Grade 6 –June 1,2 &3 , 2016 Grade 3 - June 6,7 & 82016 It is important that all grade 3 & 6 students are present for these days. Please try to avoid scheduling appointment or holidays during the EQAO days. Grade 8 Graduation: June 27 @ 9:00am , Year end and Graduation Mass, School gym, June 27 11:00 Grad Luncheon, @ St. FX Parish, Upper Hall June 27 7:00 pm, Graduation Ceremony, St FX Parish Hall Summer School information will be coming soon. Literacy camp, Gr. 1-6 (for cost/ & NO transportation provided Gr. 7 & 8 (free) at St. Gertrude ( Free transportation provided) French Immersion: wait list is maintained centrally, at the Board office. o Electronic lottery held in January Offered of admission were sent via email from the Board office. Full Day Kindergarten (FDK)- Sept 2016 We are projected to have 3 full FDK classrooms – FKD is available to in Boundary students 1st Some Flex boundary requests have been accepted, others may be confirmed later this year and up to Sept. Sports/Team updates Our Junior Boys Basketball Team finished 2nd place in their Family Tournament! Go Gators! Thank you to Mme Silva, Mme Tessar and Mr. Migdal for coaching! The Math Mania team had a great day placing 3rd overall! Thank you Mrs. Cassano for taking our Gator brains to the competition! Congratulations to our Speech Competition winners: Junior-Devin, Matthew, Liezel & Intermediate-Alexandria, Tracey, Patricia! Great job to all those who participated! Chess Club: March 31 2016 Tournament- Gr. 2-8, 100 students participate. Thank you to staff advisors & helpers Mr. Shelsen, Mrs. Lackey, Mr. Migdal, Mrs. McGuire & Mme Bahsous . Congratulations to our all our teams! Junior team- 1st place winners, Primary Team- 2nd place, and Intermediate Team, 3rd place winners! o Healthy Schools: Walk /Cycle to school re-launch will be scheduled- we are hoping for Earth Day, April 22 o PALS- leaders trained: sessions have begun- Student leaders (gr.5 & 6) wearing red “pinnies” are lead students in gr. 1-3 in organized games and activities during the lunch recess. Their motto is “there’s always room for one more”. Thank you to Ms. Braithwate ( CYW) & Mrs. Martelli for leading this initiative. BBQ update: Thursday, June 23 2016 Mrs. DC requested that the Chair of the BBQ committee contact the Vice Principal, Ms Yates to coordinate number of volunteers needed for the BBQ. Reminder that volunteers will be contacted by the Vice Principal. Mrs. DC thanked Ms Bonello for offering to chair the BBQ committee. Principal T. De Vellis Carino made the following requests from Council: Transportation costs for the upcoming grade one trip to the Living Arts Centre Volunteers to count T-3 pizza money Principal T. De Vellis Carino introduced Vice Principal, Karen Yates who presented the Catholic Graduate Expectations – Survey results Principal T. De Vellis Carino shared the following Important Dates to Remember: April 6 April 7 April 7 April 13 April 14 April 16 April 13 April 14 April 15 April 16 April 18 Scientists in the School Rose Theatre Trip, gr. 5-8 Skate Night First Communion Retreat Peel Police Vs Teachers game First Communion, 10 am Day of Pink ShareLife fundraiser, Staff vs Police VVball, 1pm Bd Chess Tournament, First Communion Mass at St. FX Rosary Apostolate visit April 19 April 12 April 11 April 13 April 13 April 13 Dance Competition Skills Competition PA DAY First Communion Retreat Gr. 2’s Confirmation Rehearsal, St. FX Virtue Assembly, 1pm April 19 April 20 April 21 April 22 April 26-28 April 27 April 28 April 29 April 29 Dance Comp- Rose Theatre Jr. Achievement Confirmation, gr. 7 & 8 St. FX Parish, 7 pm Gr. 7 Crawford Lake Trip Peel Police Presentations Book Fair begins Dancing Night with Miguel Diversity Conference Int. Boys BB May 1-6 Catholic Education Week May 2 May 2 May 2 May 3 May 4 May 5 May 6 May 9-12 May 11 May 12 May 13 May 16-19 May 20 May 20 May 26 June 1-3 June 4 June 6 June 6-8 June 8-10 June 11 Rosary Apostolates Dress Rehearsal Gr. 4 Trip to El Doroto Music Monday Crowning of Mary Celebration Last day of Book Fair Council Meeting French Café School Play-Joseph Fr. David visits gr. 2’s Little Red Theatre, 1pm P.A. Day X-Movement (tentative) Venture Outreach Workshops Gr. 1 Trip to Living Arts Welcome to Kinder Night EQAO Grade 6 Joseph Rehearsal Gr. 4 Trip to ROM EQAO Grade 3 Gr. 8 Ottawa Trip Joseph Rehearsal Presentations: Ms. Yates presented the Graduate Catholic Values Survey as completed by Gr. 8 and Gr. 12 students. OAPCE: No updates. Request by Alina Danglay, OACPE Rep to have Council pay for OAPCE Conference fee of $40. OAPCE conference is on May 6-7, 2016. Committee Updates & Approvals: Council approved $40 for OAPCE Rep to attend 2016 OAPCE Conference on May 6-7, 2016. 5 Fundraising: End of Year BBQ: Shelley Bonello will chair the sub-committee. M&Ms has been booked. DJ has been booked. Sandy Dutra will book the same company that was used for the photo booth. This year we will have 2x6 strips for $325 plus HST. Follow up with Mrs. Dri to have a band play music for free. Shelley Bonello will look into face painting. Follow up with Mrs. Gentili for PALS volunteers to organize games. Mrs. DC will follow up with her son to do our caricatures. Follow up to book cotton candy machine. Follow up to have donation letters for prizes prepared. Prizes: Gino’s Pizza will donate a bike; Mr. Sub will donate a tablet; Shelley Bonello will speak to Lunch Pails about donating a prize. PARC: Great turnout at Open House #2 from the St. Gertrude School Community. Our school had a parent from our community included in the Mississauga News article. The survey format was slight complicated. April 26th will be when the Board of Trustees will review the Interim Report at their Board meeting. May 9th will be delegation night. Shelley Bonello asked Council who had the list of volunteers interested in being delegates. Sonja Gascoyne indicated she had the list, which she would give to Shelley. May 24th will be when the Board of Trustees will review the Final Recommendation at their Board meeting. Trustees will get their own copy of all the options presented. Board staff will prepare the Interim Report to be presented to the Trustees. Email correspondence that was reviewed at the last ARC meeting were very negative, which were directed at St. Gertrude and other schools, primarily St. Dunstan. Email from the St. Gertrude school community have not been negative. At our Council meeting in January, we expressed and emphasized that communication should not be negative toward the Board staff, Trustees or other schools. This notation is noted in our January meeting minutes. Mr. Amaral, Chair of the ARC, indicated that negativity towards other schools will not be tolerated. One of the email correspondence items questioned how St. Gertrude spent money on t-shirts. It was clarified that the t-shirts were purchased by Council. The idea was first discussed in December. Council went through the required process to find out the proper policy to order the t-shirts regarding wording. Council received approval from the Board Superintendent and principal, with approval being received in February, when the t-shirts were ordered. Not every student can afford a t-shirt so it 6 was a way for Council to purchase spirit wear for all students. Parents had the option to buy a t-shirt at their own expense at $5 a t-shirt. Council ensured that through the process, proper protocol was followed. One of the email correspondence items related to a comment made in discussion with Thomas Thomas at the December Council meeting. A parent kept questioning Mr. Thomas and how could we win over the Trustees and a joke was made about how “5 were in the pocket”. The comment was made in a joking manner, it was not addressed further and was not captured in the December meeting minutes. One of the email correspondence items related to how we purchased our signs. It was clarified that money was collected in our February information session night where a parent volunteer collected the money for signs. Tanya Wah Kan told the parent she knew someone who could order signs. The parent gave Tanya the money to purchase the signs. When Tanya contacted the person she knew, they could no longer order the signs so Tanya found a vendor and ordered the signs with the money collected from the parent community. Money was not used from Council funds. Thomas Thomas donated money and it was discovered that the money was donated by his nephew. We did not want it to be a perceived conflict of interest so it was decided to return the money to Mr. Thomas to return to his nephew. St. Gertrude school community needs to remain positive and ensure that we are not negative towards other schools, Board staff or the Trustees. We need to be mindful of conversations so as not to be misinterpreted or misconstrued. Future Meeting Dates: May 5, 2016 at 6:00 pm Meeting Adjourned: 7:30 pm 7