“Achieving, Believing & Caring” 25 Mountainberry Rd, Brampton, ON L6R IJ3

25 Mountainberry Rd, Brampton, ON L6R IJ3
Phone: (905) 789-1741 Fax: (905) 789-1958
“Achieving, Believing & Caring”
Principal: K. Dolan
Vice Principal: S. Chambers
Secretary: P. Tomei
(905) 789-1741
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
(905) 890-1221
Trustee: S. Xaviour
Superintendent: L. Storey
St. Marguerite D’Youville Parish
(905) 792-7497
Pastor: R. Mignella
Associates: Fr. B. Alphonsus/Fr. R. Tolentino
Lent is a season of turning to God in simplicity
and sincerity as we prepare to celebrate the joy of
Easter. Our hearts feel heavy as we remember our
sins, but we are also confident in God’s mercy and
Respect is an attitude about how we treat ourselves
and how we care for others. We all deserve to be
shown courtesy, consideration, sensitivity and
thoughtfulness, which are different ways of saying
respect. Speaking and acting respectfully gives
people the dignity they deserve. When you treat
yourself with respect, others respect you. When we
treat others with respect, we are being Christ-like,
which helps people feel valued in our homes, school
and community.
The three great Lenten practices are prayer,
fasting and alms-giving (giving money or other
help to the needy). Doing these three things will
help us to keep Lent as a holy season. In our
prayers this Lenten season, let us be open to
God’s kindness as we promise to pray with more
love, avoid treats and make a contribution to a
charitable organization, such as Share Life.
Lord God,
in this Lenten season of growth
teach us humility
and help our love to grow.
May our faith grow stronger
and our selfishness weaker.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
I am respectful when…
…I show courtesy to everyone
…I avoid put downs, name-calling and
inappropriate gestures.
…I treat others and myself with respect
…I learn from the wisdom of my elders
Inside this Edition
Black History Month & Catholic School
Council Fundraiser for 2016
Winter Weather Reminders
Important Events & Announcements
School Dates for February & March
Achieving, Believing & Caring
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February is Black History Month. This is a
time to celebrate the many achievements and
contributions of Black Canadians, who
throughout history have done so much to make
Canada the culturally diverse, compassionate
and prosperous nation we know today. It is an
opportunity for us to learn about the
experience of Black Canadians in our society
and the vital role this community has played
throughout our shared history. During
this month, Father Clair Tipping School is
recognizing and celebrating the many
contributions of Black Canadians and famous
black people from around the world. Various
activities and Black history facts will be
shared throughout the month. On Friday
February 26th from 9:10 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.
and 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Mrs. Pelaia’s and
Mrs. Rulli’s Grade 6 classes will be hosting
the fifth annual Black History Wax Museum,
in the school gym.
In this spectacular museum you will see
many African Canadian and American figures.
You will hear their speeches, learn about their
struggles, their hardships, inequalities and
challenges that they have faced in their
lifetime. This museum is a contribution to all
of the women and men that have changed our
society but are often forgotten in the history
books. Their names and legacies will forever
be remembered at Father Clair Tipping
Catholic School.
Our School Dance-A-Thon goal is to raise
$4,000 for
 New blinds for our Classrooms
 Support for Sacramental Programs and
- 2 Early Bird Draw Winners
Lunch with a friend, Mr. Dolan & Mrs.
Principal for the day with Mr. Dolan!
WEEK OF FEB. 8th - 12th - Daily Prizes
Books, Balls, Computer Memory Sticks and
FRIDAY, FEB. 12th - Valentines Dance for All
FRIDAY, FEB. 12th - Hand in all Sponsor
Forms by 9:00 a.m.
1. Classroom Prize Winners!
Top selling Primary, Junior and Intermediate
Classes Wins Pizza and Cookie Treat!
2. Student with Top Pledges Overall – 22”
3. Grand Prize Draw (for all students with
tickets entered) – RAPTORS TICKETS
($450.00 value) and/or ANDROID TV
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5TH – P.A. DAY – Parent/Teacher Interviews (No school for students)
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15th – FAMILY DAY (Provincial Holiday – No school)
Achieving, Believing & Caring
Upcoming Liturgical Dates
Wednesday, February 10 th - Ash Wednesday Liturgy @
approximately 10:15 a.m.
On Ash Wednesday, there will be a
liturgy for the students at the school.
Ashes will be distributed to students by
their teachers. The liturgy will take
place at approximately 10:15 a.m. in our
gym. As always parents, family and
friends are invited to join us.
Saint Valentine
In the month of February, we
celebrate Saint Valentine’s Day.
Saint Valentine was a bishop who
bravely died for his faith. The name
Valentine means “Valiant” or
“Strong”. This day is connected with love because of the
legend that birds pick their mates on February 14th. A
common practice that has developed through time is to send
notes of love and friendship on this day.
Valentine’s Candy Grams for Share Life
Valentine’s Day is fast approaching! Candy Grams are
being sold at the school in support of Share Life. They will
be sold every morning in Mrs. Rulli’s room from February
1st to February 11th and will be distributed on the 12th! The
candy gram is a snack size box of peanut-free Smarties.
The cost is $0.50/box. Don’t miss the chance to show your
friends that you care 
ESL Programs for Adults
DPCDSB offers a variety of ESL, Citizenship and CO-OP
Programs for Adults throughout Mississauga and
Brampton. Registration is ongoing for many of our
programs. Please see our Winter Flyer posted on the board
website at http://dpcdsb.org or call us at 905-891-9263.
General Interest Courses for Adults
Discover a new talent, explore a new interest, put a hop in
your dance step, come and join us. Various General
interest courses are available…visit the board website at
http://dpcdsb.org and click on the “Adult and Continuing
Education” Link for Winter Program.
A Hearing and Vision Screening clinic will be held for
All students at Father Clair Tipping on Thursday,
February 11, 2016. Results of the clinic will be sent
home with children following testing.
Appropriate Dress
A reminder that students need
to be dressed appropriately for the winter
weather. Students should be wearing
winter coats, boots, hats, gloves and
scarves. Students are also expected to wear
shoes in the school building at all times.
Once students are at their classrooms, they
are expected to remove their winter boots and replace
them with indoor shoes. Please ensure that your child has
indoor footwear to be worn in the school. Wet floors and
hallways can result in possible slippery conditions, which
may result in injuries.
Our school policy is that recess is a part of the school day.
If a student is too ill to go outside, they should probably
not be at school on that day. If there are specific medical
reasons which should exclude a child from going outside,
please submit a doctor’s note to the office. This note
should indicate the reason and the time period that
permission to not go outside should be granted. We
follow the guidelines provided by the Board and Peel
Health when making decisions as to whether it is too cold
for the students to go outdoors.
Father Clair Tipping has a strict rule
forbidding the throwing of
snowballs or ice. We are asking the
students to keep the snow on the ground. The students
have been made aware of the importance of this rule in
the preventing of injury to others. We encourage our
students to use the snow that winter brings to us
constructively by building snow people, sculptures, etc.
Please assist us by reviewing with your child the dangers
of throwing snowballs and the importance of preventing
injury to other children. This will help to make our school
yard a safe place for all our students during the winter
Reports for Term 1 will be sent home on Tuesday,
February 2nd, 2016. Report card interviews will take place
the evening of Thursday, February 4th and also during the
day on Friday, February 5th. Also, a reminder that Friday,
February 5th is a PA Day for students (no school).
Picking up your Child at School
If you are going to be picking up your child early from
school and you would like them to be ready in the office
for a particular time we require a note addressed to the
classroom teacher informing him/her of this process.
Also, if your child is not picked up at the end of the day
they will be directed to the office to wait for you to sign
them out. Please be aware that school concludes at 3:00
p.m. and we do not have supervision after this time.
Achieving, Believing & Caring
National Sweater Day
On February 4, 2016, Father Clair Tipping School will
join other Dufferin-Peel Elementary and Secondary
Schools in the board-wide National Sweater Day. This
day provides an opportunity for all employees and
students to learn about the importance of saving energy,
while at the same time, reminding us to use less heat
throughout the winter. The heating in the schools will be
turned down by 2 degrees on February 4 and everyone is
encouraged to wear a sweater. On this day our
school will also be accepting donations of gently used
sweaters for the Region of Peel.
Intermediate Public Speaking Contest
On Monday, February 1st a group of our Intermediate
students in Grades 7 and 8 took part in our annual Public
Speaking Contest which was held in our school gym.
Each student presented a speech on a topic of their choice
for 3-5 minutes and also provided an impromptu speech
on a topic provided. All of our contestants did a fabulous
job in presenting to our Grade 5-8 students! Some of the
topics addressed were: Anxiety, Emotions, Feminism and
Racism, Coffee, Famous Failures and How to avoid
getting into trouble with your parents. Congratulations go
out to Isabel M., Neha C., Darren S., Kiyang W., Ryan M.
and Kaleigh L.! A special congratulations to both Darren
and Kiyang who will be representing Father Clair Tipping
Catholic School at the upcoming Catholic Women’s
League Speech Contest. Also, a special thank you to Mrs.
Capone for organizing the school contest and to our
Intermediate staff for helping prepare the students. Also a
big thank you to our judges: Mr. Rowe, Mrs. McKnight
and Mrs. Najem! Good luck to Darren and Kiyang at the
CWL contest on Saturday, February 27th! Well done
Virtues at FCT – Self-Control for January
Our monthly Virtues Assembly for January took place in
our school gym on Friday, January 29th. The Virtue of
Self-Control was presented by our Grade 4 students from
Mrs. Eaton’s and Mrs. Di Federico’s classes. All students
who received the Virtue of the Month Award were
honoured at this ceremony. As well, each student who
received the virtue’s certificate also received a virtue’s
medallion to commemorate their achievement!
Kiss N’ Ride & Bus Zone
Just a reminder to parents/guardians that when dropping
off your child in the Kiss N’ Ride to please pull your car
up to the top of the lane and have your child exit your
vehicle on the passenger’s side NOT the driver’s side for
their safety. Parents are also reminded that the lane in
front of the school is for School Buses only. Students
are NOT to be dropped off in this lane. Lately we have
had issues with vehicles blocking this lane and the bus
drivers are unable to enter or exit when dropping off the
children. It is imperative that these rules be followed by
all parents/guardians in our community to ensure the
proper safety of our students.
Safe Schools
A reminder to parents to please report to the main office
once we have authorized your access to the school
through the buzzer entry system. Parents are not permitted
to walk down the halls to their child’s classroom. Also
parents are asked to enter and exit through the main doors
at the front of the school – not the side or back doors.
These rules are put in place to ensure the safety of all
students at Father Clair Tipping Catholic School. Thank
you, Mr. Dolan – Principal.
Pediculosis Capitis – “HEAD LICE”
We would like to be proactive in advising you that lice
can often occur at this time of year. It is important at this
time to check your children regularly for lice, in order to
help stop the spread within the classroom and school.
Individual classroom letters are sent out with the students
when an occurrence of lice is found. Names of students
are never given. If your child has “head lice” please report
this to Mrs. Tomei our school administrative assistant
immediately and please keep your child at home until all
of the lice and nits (eggs) have disappeared. Lotions and
shampoos containing 1% permethrin often work well.
They can be bought at the store without a prescription, see
a pharmacist. If these do not work, a doctor may give you
a prescription for a stronger medicine. Thank you for your
Students Arriving Late to School
We continue to have an increase in the number of students
who arrive late to school in the mornings and after lunch.
Especially as more wintry weather approaches, it is very
important that students arrive to school on time and ready
to work, as late arrivals disrupt instructional activities and
classroom routines.
School starts at 8:30 a.m. and at 12:25 p.m. Students
should be at school with enough time to line up with their
classes. Please note that if they do not arrive on time to
make it to their line as the bell rings, they need to enter
through the front doors to pick up a late slip before going
to class.
Sending Payments to School
Please be reminded of the following;
Please send exact cash. We do not have change available.
Please do NOT combine orders or payments. We have
different staff members, parents and vendors that run the
various programs. This will prevent orders from being
delayed or lost between programs and/or activities.
We thank you in advance for your assistance in making
the programs and activities offered here at the school run
Achieving, Believing & Caring
Delivering Lunches to the School
When delivering your child’s lunch to school, please
advise your child in advance and write his/her name and
teacher’s name on the bag. Your child can pick up their
lunch from the lunch table at 11:25 a.m. The lunch table
in located in the front hallway just outside the main
office. For safety reasons, students are not allowed to go
outside and meet their parents at their vehicle to pick up
their lunch. We greatly appreciate your cooperation.
Calendar Dates to
February 2016
Feb 1
Feb 2
Feb 4
Please visit our school website at:
www.dpcdsb.org/FCTIP for up to date information on
what’s happening in our school.
Some of the information found on our website:
Events Calendar
Just Catering for Kids lunch forms
Attendance Information
School Hours
School Calendar Year Calendar
Monthly Newsletters
Bus Cancellations
Feb 5
Feb 10
Feb 11
Feb 12
Feb 15
Feb 18
Please Visit our School Twitter
Our goal is to tweet regularly about the wonderful and
amazing things that our school community is doing.
For the latest good news at Father Clair Tipping, please
follow us: @FCT_DPCDSB.
To sign up for a twitter account go to:
Feb 19
Feb 26
March 2016
March 8
March 14-18
Lenten Mass at 1:00 p.m.
March Break (No School)
Need information on
delayed or cancelled
Email Notifications
We continue to send email notifications to inform parents
about upcoming events, newsletters, food days, etc. If you
are not receiving information through email, and you have
requested it, please inform the office.
Do you have a question
regarding bussing?
Lost & Found
Our school Lost and Found containers are filling up with
various items of student clothing. If your child is missing
any items, especially clothing, please have them check
our Lost and Found container. Any Lost and Found items
remaining at school at the end of June will be donated to a
local charity. Lost and Found items will be on display in
the front foyer during Thursday evening and Friday –
Parent/Teacher Interviews.
Begin Black History Month
Intermediate Public Speaking Contest
Valentine’s Candy Grams for Share Life
Report Cards for Grades 1-8 sent home
Report Card Interviews for Term 1
(3:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.)
Early Bird Draw for Fundraiser
PA Day for Students (No school)
Report Card Interviews for Term 1
School Council Meeting – 7:00 pm
Ash Wednesday Service – 10:15 a.m.
Hearing and Vision Screening @ FCT
Valentine Fundraiser Dance-A-Thon
Draw for Prizes!
Pizza Friday
Family Day – Provincial Holiday
Junior Basketball Tournament – Girls and
Boys @ Holy Cross Catholic School
Pizza Friday
Grade 6 – Black History Wax Museum
Please visit the Board Transportation
Website at:
You can also contact the transportation
department directly from this website or call
905-890-6000 (Brampton East)
Achieving, Believing & Caring
Achieving, Believing & Caring