Miss Block’s Friday Note Our Successful Week!!

Miss Block’s
Friday Note
February 19th, 2016
Our Successful Week!!
Extra Excitement!
We started our fiction unit by looking at all of the
We will have Words Their Way next week!
different types of fiction texts. Students were able to
We have been working very hard on a extra
reflect on their own fiction reading habits. We also looked
fun project the past two weeks. Students were
at story elements we often see in fiction stories. Those
able to research a specific type of penguin
elements include: main characters, setting, plot, problem/
and create a Padlet with all of the information
solution. Next week, we are going to look closely at
they gathered. Padlet is sort of like an online
identifying the theme or moral in fables.
bulletin board. To show off all their hard work,
students made penguins with QR codes on their
bellies to go in the hallway. Students also
brought home a QR code to share with you!
This week we have worked on interpreting and creating
There are many free QR Reader apps
different types of graphs. We are focusing on picture
available for any devise (iPhones, iPads,
graphs, bar graphs, and line plots. We also expanded our
Tablets, etc.)
knowledge of division, by adding zero, one, and eight
division strategies to our ever growing repertoire.
Social Studies:
Dates to Remember!
This week we continued our government unit by looking at
March 10—Early Release
the different levels of government and our civic
March 15– Poetry Assembly
responsibilities. We will be having our government test on
March 25—No School
Friday the 26th. More information and study guides will be
sent home on Monday.
Check out our new class twitter!!!
How to be AWESOME!
We have created a twitter ac-
We want to work on being somebody who makes
count for our classroom to show
everyone feel like a somebody. We discussed the
off how awesome we are! You
importance of sharing, sacrificing, and celebrating
can follow us @MissBlockRocks or
the people around you.
check out Miss Block’s website!
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns: