3 Grade News- 8/28/15

3rd Grade News- 8/28/15
What an awesome week it has been! I have been blown away with your children.
They are kind, hardworking, and eager to learn. After one day, we were ready to
jump right in to the 3rd grade curriculum. I am CONFIDENT that your child will
LOVE 3rd grade….or your money back!
Here are some things we did this week:
Discussed growth mindset and how to challenge your brain.
Discussed being BRAVE and ‘filling a bucket’. (showing kindness to others
makes you feel better)
Practiced routines and expectations of readers/writers workshop.
Learned many cheers/chants to get our attention for learning.
Practiced with 3 digit numbers, place value and number lines.
In a few weeks we will be decorating our writing notebook. This will help your child
feel connected and inspired with his/her journal. If possible, please collect
pictures, magazine clippings, Target ads, personal drawings, etc. that interest your
child. Place them in a baggie and have your child bring it to school no later than
Sept. 8th. If you have extra store ads or magazines that you would like to share,
please send them in.
Back to School night is next Tuesday from 6:30-7:30. (adults only please) During
that time I will discuss the 3rd grade curriculum as well as classroom expectations.
If you have any questions/concerns/comments before Tuesday, please email me at:
Stacey.elliott@lz95.org or leave a voice mail at 847-540-5357
You can check out my webpage for school related links, class photos, and updated
newsletters. Just go to www.lz95.org and under the staff directory at May
Whitney, locate my name!
Enjoy your weekend
-Stacey Elliott