Verb Builder List- Nivel Tres 1. abrazar (F*)-to embrace, to hug, to clasp 2. abrochar-to button, to fasten, to lace, to tie 3. aborrecer (1*)-to hate, to abhor 4. Aburrirse (7*)-to become bored 5. acabar- to finish, to complete 6. acercarse (7-F*)-to approach, to draw near 7. acertar (3*)-to guess correctly, to find, to hit upon 8. actuar (´)-to act, to perform 9. advertir (3-D*)-to notice, to warn 10.afligir-(1*)to cause pain, to trouble, to distress 11.agradecer (1*)-to thank, to be grateful for 12.alcanzar (F*)-to reach (up to), to catch, to attain 13.alejarse (7*)-to move away, to withdraw 14.alojarse (7*)-to lodge, to stay 15.alzar (F*)-to raise, to lift up 16.anochecer (1*)-to get dark, to arrive at nightfall 17.anotar-to annotate, to make note of 18.aplastar-to crush 19.apostar (4*)-to wager, to post 20.apretar (3*)-to tighten, to squeeze, to compress 21.arder- to burn, to glow, to blaze 22.arrodillarse (7*)-to kneel 23.asistir- to attend, to accompany 24.atender (3*)-to pay attention to, to keep in mind 25.atraer (1-A*)- to attract 26.atreverse (7*)-to dare 27.ayudar- to help, to aid 28.bromar- to gnaw 29.broncearse (7*)-to get a tan, to suntan 30.bucear- to scuba dive, to swim underwater 31.burlarse (7*)-to make fun of, to ridicule 32.caber (1-A*)- to fit 33.caerse (1-7-E*)- to fall down, to drop 34.cambiar- to change 35.cazar (F*)- to hunt, to catch, to land 36.cepillarse (7*)- to brush 37.cobrar un cheque- to cash a check 38.cocer (1-4*)-to cook, to boil, to bake 39.coger (1*)-to grab, to grasp, to capture 40.colgar (F*)-to hang up 41.colocar (F*)-to place, to position, to invest 42.comenzar (3-F*)- to begin, to start 43.componer (1-A*)-to compose, to fix 44.concluir (6-E*)- to conclude, to finish 45.confiar en-to trust, to feel confident, to count on 46.conquistar-to conquer, to win 47.conseguir (5-D*)-to obtain 48.contener (1-A*)-to contain, to hold back 49.cortarse las uñas (7*)- to trim ones nails 50.corregir (1-5-D*)- to correct 51.costar (4*)- to cost, to find it difficult 52.crecer (1*)-to grow, to increase 53.charlar- to chat, to chatter 54.chillar-to shriek, to squeak 55.chismear-to gossip 56.chupar-to suck, to lick (a sucker) 57.dañar-to wound, to cause pain 58.darse cuenta de (1-7-C*)- to realize 59.deber- to owe, to ought to 60.dedicar (F*)-to dedicate 61.dejar atrás- to leave behind 62.derramar-to spill, to pour out, to shed 63.desconocer (1*)- not to know, to deny, not to recognize, not to remember 64.desdecir (1-5-A*)-not to live up to, to fall short 65.desembocar (F*)-to flow, to run 66.desenterrar (3*)-to unearth, to dig up 67.deshacer (1-A*)-to undo, to destroy, to ruin 68.desinflar- to deflate, to let air out 69.despertarse (3-7*)- to wake up, to awaken 70.destruir (6-E*)-to destroy, to ruin 71.dibujar- to draw, to sketch 72.dirigirse (1*)-to go, to make ones way, to direct o.s. towards 73.disfrutar-to enjoy , to make the most of 74.distinguir (1*)- to distinguish, to favor, to show preference for 75.dormirse (4-7-D*)- to go to sleep 76.ducharse (7*)- to take a shower 77.echar de menos- to miss 78.embragar (F)-to connect, to engage 79.empujar-to push, to oust 80.encajar-to fit, to insert 81.encantar-to enchabt, to charm, to love something 82.enganchar-to hook, to wheedle, to persuade 83.engañar- to trick, to fool, to deceive 84.entender (3*)- to understand, to comprehend 85.entrar-to enter, to come in, to be admitted 86.entregar (F*)-to deliver, to hand over 87.entretener (1-3-A*)-to entertain, to amuse, to occupy 88.equivocarse (7-F*)-to be mistaken 89.esperar- to hope, to wait for 90.exigir (1*)-to demand, to exact, to require 91.experimentar- to experiment, to try out, to test 92.fabricar (F*)- to manufacture, to make, to build, to construct, to invent 93.faltar-to lack, to need 94.fingir (1*)-to pretend, to feign 95.florecer (1*)- to bloom, to flower 96.freír (5 +´ +D*)-to fry 97.frustrar- to frustrate, to thwart 98.gastar- to spend money, to consume, to exhaust 99.girar- to turn, to rotate, to revolve 100. grabar- to record, to engrave, to tape 101. gruñir-to grunt, to growl to grumble 102. guardar silencio-to keep quiet 103. hacer cola (1-A*)- to form a line 104. helar (3*)- to freeze 105. hervir (3-D*)- to boil 106. hinchar-to swell, to inflate, to blow up, to exaggerate 107. hipar-to have the hiccups, dogs-pant 108. hostigar (F*)-to whip, to harass, to urge, to push forward 109. huir (6-E*)-to escape, to run away, to avoid, to flee 110. hundir-to sink, to drown 111. imaginar-to imagine, to invent, to suppose, to presume 112. imponer (1-A*)-to impose, to instill, to inspire 113. importar-to be important, to matter 114. inflar-to inflate 115. ingresar-to enter, to become a member of 116. inventar- to invent, to fabricate, to make up 117. juntar-to join, to assemble 118. jurar- to swear, to take an oath 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. juzgar (F*)- to judge ladrar- to bark, to growl, to snarl lamerse (7*)- to lick o.s. (animal) lanzar (F*)-to throw, to hurl, to shoot lastimarse (7*)- to hurt, to injure o.s. lisonjear -to flatter lograr-to get, to obtain, to achieve luchar- to fight, to strugle llevarse (7*)-to take away, to carry off llorar- to cry, to weep llover (4*)- to rain manejar- to drive, to handle, to manage mantener (1-A*)- to maintain, to support, to feed marcharse (7*)-to go away, to leave masticar (F*)- to chew matricularse (7*)-to registar, to study at a school medir (5-D*)- to measure, to compare mejorarse (7*)-to improve, to get better, to clear up mentir (3-D*)- to lie, to tell lies merecer (1*)-to deserve, to be worthy of moler (4*)-to grind, to mill, to press montar- To mount, to get on, to ride morder (4*)-to bite, to nibble morir (4-D*)-to die nacer (1*)-to be born, to be hatched, to sprout negarse (3-7-F*)-to refuse, to deny o.s. negociar-to negotiate, to deal, to deal, to do business nevar (3*)- to snow, to whiten nivelar-to make level, to survey, to grade obedecer (1*)-to obey, to respond to obligarse (7-F*)- to obligate o.s. obrar-to work ocultar- to hide, to conceal oler (4*+H)- to smell ofatear-to sniff, to get wind of omitir- to omit orar-to make a speach, to pray parecer (1*)-to seem like, to appear patinar- to skate, to skid, to slide pecar (F*)-to sin 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. pegar (F*)-to glue pelear-to fight, to quarrel, to battle pensar en (3*)- to think about perderse (3-7*)-to lose yourself perseguir (1-5-D*)-to persue, to chase pertenecer (1*)-to belong picar (F*)-to prick, to perforate, to punch ponerse (1-7-A*)- to put oneself, to put on portarse (7*)-to behave postergar (F*)-to postpone, to pass over preocuparse (7*)-to worry presentar-to present, to show, to display probar (4*)- to try, to taste, to test proporcionar-to apportion, to distribute proteger (1*)-to protect quebrar- To break, to break off, to break up quedarse (7*)-to stay, to remain, to be, to become quejarse (7*)- to moan, to whine, to complain quietar-to quiet, to calm quitarse (7*)-to take off realizar (F*)-to realize, to accomplish rebajar-to reduce, to lower recoger (1*)-to pick up, to gather reconocer (1*)- to recognize, to identify, to appreciate recordar (4*)-to remember, to remind recorrer- to travel, to look over rechasar-to reject, to refuse, to repel redactar-to draft regalar- to give a present regatear- to bargain regresar-to return rehacer (1-A*)-to redo, to remake reír (5 + ´-D*)- to laugh rellenar-to refill, to fill up, to stuff remar-to row remendar (3*)-to mend resfriarse (7*)-to catch a cold reventar-to burst, to blow, to break rezar (F*)- to pray, to say 198. rodear-to go around, to go by a roundabout way, to beat around the bush 199. rogar (4-F*)-to beg 200. saltar- to jump, to hop 201. saludar- to greet 202. sanarse (7*)-to heal, to recover from an illness 203. seguir (1-5-D*)-to follow, to come after 204. sentarse (3-7*)-to sit down 205. silbar-to whistle 206. soler (4*)-to be in the habit of 207. sollozar (F*)-to sob 208. someterse (7*)-to surrender, to undergo 209. soñar con (4*)-to dream of, to dream about 210. soplar-to blow 211. sorprender-to surprise, to take by surprise 212. subir- to go up, to climb, to raise, to enter transportation 213. sostener (1-3-A*)- to sustain, to support 214. tachar-to cross out 215. tejer-to weave, to knit 216. tirar-to throw 217. tocar (F*)-to touch, to play an instrument, to feel, to handle 218. torcer (1-4*)-to twist, to bend, to sprain 219. tragar (F*)- To swallow, to devour 220. tronar-to thunder, to be in a rage 221. tropezar (3-F*)-to stumble, to trip 222. tutear-to address as tú 223. utilizarse (7-F*)- to utilize 224. vacilar-to sway, to flicker, to hesitate 225. vagar (F*)-to wander, to be idle 226. vencer (1*)- to conquer, to defeat, to overcome, to surpass 227. vengar (F*)-to avenge 228. vestirse (5-D*)-to get dressed 229. viajar- to travel 230. zumbar- to buzz