English II Syllabus Ms. Kelley Ross Barren County High School School #: (270) 651-6315 Planning Period: 3rd Block 11:25-1:15 kelley.ross@barren.kyschools.us Textbooks: The Language of Literature: Grade 10 (McDougal Littell 2006) AND Language Network (McDougal Littel 2006) Course Description: This sophomore level course covers units from The Language of Literature: Grade 10, which will essentially serve as a survey of various authors in world literature and satisfies the tenth grade English requirement. Selections within the units will provide students practice in reading, writing, and critical thinking skills as they will be required to study and analyze various plays, poems, short stories, and novels. English II students will also write essays, persuasive speeches, on-demand pieces, constructed/open responses, and journal entries. Additionally, students will learn grammar, writing, and vocabulary skills in relation to the studied literature as well as speaking and listening techniques. Course Rationale: The primary objective of English II is to enhance the students’ knowledge of reading, writing, speaking, listening, study, research, and life skills. Without the knowledge that English provides, you will not be able to excel in any field in the real world. College and/or the job market will not accept the fact that you do not know how to read with a critical eye, write using appropriate grammatical conventions, and/or practice articulate speaking skills. In other words, the manner in which you read, write, and speak is a reflection upon yourself and your capabilities in the workplace. Units of Study: In this class, we will use the literature and grammar textbooks as well as individually assigned novels in order to complete the study of the following units: - Short Stories (various ones; assessed over literary techniques and the elements of a short story) - Writing a Short Story (if time allows or at teacher’s discretion) - Of Mice and Men - Hero (on-demand writing exercise) - Julius Caesar (study of persuasive techniques, creation of a commercial, and writing and presenting a persuasive speech) - Ethan Frome - Poetry (various ones selected by teacher and/or English dept.) - Oedipus and Antigone (history of the Greek theatre and literary devices unique to it) - Panel Novels (if time allows) Grammar lessons will also be utilized throughout the literature and writing units to teach concepts such as quotes, dialogue, semi-colon, pronoun usage, misplaced modifiers, and commonly confused words. In addition, I will provide students with further information and/or writing assignments that will accompany each unit. The teacher reserves the right to alter this syllabus at any time during the course. EXPECTATIONS FOR CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR: My primary goal is to ensure that all students will have the opportunity to learn in a mutually respectful classroom. I have high expectations for all of you to succeed and work to the best of your ability. I will do everything in my power as your teacher to ensure your success in this class as long as you put forth the necessary effort on your part. If you follow these basic behavior guidelines you will succeed in this class: 1.) Be on time, in your seat, and ready to work when the bell rings. 2.) Be prepared with paper/pen and all needed materials EVERY day. 3.) Be respectful to yourself and others. 4.) Follow all school rules and procedures. 5.) Have a positive attitude and come to class everyday ready to learn! Consequences: 1.) Individual warning from teacher 2.) Discipline referral/ write-up 3.) Write-up and telephone call/email to parent or guardian 4.) Write-up and Teacher/Parent/Student conference (appropriate measures will be agreed upon) Materials Needed for Class: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Spiral notebook for bell work, writer’s notebook/ journal writing, and/or notes 1 three-pronged folder or three-ring binder for handouts, writing assignments, etc. Blue or black ink pens ONLY and/or pencils 3 x 5 note cards for various classroom activities (persuasive speech) * It is important that students come to class prepared everyday in order to be successful. This means that you should come to class prepared to learn with the appropriate materials needed for the day. Discipline action may be taken if you fail to come to class prepared on a regular basis. GRADING POLICY: Each student will be graded on a point system. Each assignment, quiz, test, and piece of writing will be given a point value. Your grade will be based on the number you get correct. A scoring guide will accompany assignments most assignments. The teacher reserves the right to alter this syllabus at any time during the course. 2 Class Procedures: • • • • • • • • • ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL: Be in your seat before the tardy bell rings. Stay in your seat, unless otherwise instructed, until the bell rings to leave. No one will be allowed to stand at the door at dismissal time. ASSIGNED SEATING: You will have an assigned seat, and you will be required to sit there. I reserve the right to make changes to the seating arrangement if necessary. BELL RINGERS: Class begins as soon as the bell rings. There will be an activity posted on the Smart Board or lying on the front desk of each row as you come in each day, and you should begin working on it right away. During this time I will check homework and hand back any graded work from the previous day. MAKE-UP WORK: Only after your absence has been deemed excused may you begin making up the work you have missed. Students having excused absences will be allowed the same number of days to complete make-up work/tests as they were absent (i.e. If the student missed Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, then he or she has 3 days to make-up work/tests). It is YOUR responsibility to find out what you have missed when you are absent. Check the corresponding file folder in your class’ black box for the classwork you missed before you come and ask me. This should be done before class begins after an absence. Any quizzes or tests that you miss will need to be made up before or after school at the teacher’s discretion. Note: If you miss a quiz or test on the day of a field trip, you are required to make up the quiz or test the day you return to school. Also, any work missed for a club meeting must be made up and submitted the following day. CELL PHONES AND HATS: Hats are not allowed inside the building and/or classroom. If I see them out, I will confiscate them. Cell phones should not be visible or audible during class time. You may ONLY have them out during breakfast break, lunch, and passing time. If I hear your cell phone or see it out for any reason during class time, I will confiscate it and take it to the office for your parent to pick it up later (per school policy). These offenses will also result in a discipline referral. HALL PASS: No agenda books have been given out this year. If you need to leave the classroom for any reason, you will sign out on the sheet provided on the clipboard and take the hall pass with you. You will need to wear the hall pass while you are out of the classroom. Only ONE person will be allowed out of the classroom at any given time. Take care of all your personal business during passing time. Do NOT ask to leave class to get your materials because you will not be permitted to do so. ETIQUETTE: When you need to leave, be sure that you are asking at appropriate times. (Of course, if it is an emergency, you certainly may leave without going through all of these steps!) Do not interrupt when someone else is speaking, when I am lecturing, or during class discussion. Do not ask to leave unless absolutely necessary. We only have 45 minutes. You do have class change time to visit the restroom, etc. SEMESTER TEST POLICY: ALL students will take the semester exam. There will be NO exemptions this year due to the fact that the semester exam is part of state testing. PLAGIARISM/ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: According to Webster’s dictionary, plagiarism is taking ideas from another source and passing them off as one’s own. Do not compromise your integrity by cheating or copying information from another source. Plagiarism and academic dishonesty are serious offenses. The academic work of a student is expected to be his/her own effort. Students must give the author/s credit for any source material used. To represent ideas or interpretations taken from a source without giving credit is a flagrant act. To present a borrowed passage after changing a few words, even if the source is cited, is also plagiarism. Students who commit any act of academic dishonesty will receive a failing grade in that portion of the course work. Acts of academic dishonesty will be reported to the administration. The teacher reserves the right to alter this syllabus at any time during the course. 3 Please Return This Page ONLY & Book Rental Contract for Your First 20 point Grade -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have read and understand the syllabus that has been given to me. My signature signifies that I have agreed to follow the guidelines set forth for me. My parent/guardian has also read and understands these guidelines. Additionally, my parent/guardian understands that if he or she has questions or concerns regarding the syllabus, they can contact the teacher, Ms. Ross, at any time throughout the school year. _____________________ Student Printed Name _____________________ Student Signature ____________________ Student E-mail ____________ Date _____________________ Parent Signature ____________________ Parent E-mail ____________ Date ____________________ Parent Phone Number * Please indicate the method of communication that works best for you by simply placing a star by either your email address or phone number. This is the primary means by which I will communicate with you throughout the school year, if necessary. The teacher reserves the right to alter this syllabus at any time during the course. 4