Barren County High School Course Syllabus 2015-2016 :

Barren County High School
Course Syllabus 2015-2016
Course Title: Freshstart Basic Algebra I
Instructor: Mr. Gary Groce
Contact Information:
Trojan Academy 629-5505
Course Resources: Textbooks will be assigned to students for the year.
Students are responsible for bringing a pencil, paper, and text to class each day.
Course Expectations:
Students are required to take notes daily
Students are expected to complete homework daily
Students can expect to take a quiz or test each week
Students will be required to complete various writing assignments
Any student wishing to purchase a calculator is advised to purchase a TI-84. This model is acceptable for use on
the ACT as well as senior level math and science courses.
Units of Study:
 Simplify expressions by using the order of operation on expressions that involve exponents and variables.
 Solving problems involving: patterns, sequences, proportions, percents, linear equations, systems
probability, statistics, basic geometric formulas, factoring quadratic expressions, using square, cube, and
fourth roots of numbers, fractional exponents, solve a formula for a given variable, and completing the
square to solve quadratic equations.
Grading Policy:
All assessments must be completed in the time allotted by the teacher.
Late homework will be accepted late with a deduction in points.
Overall grade is based on a point system
100 points each
40 – 50 points each
6 – 10 points each
50 points, twice each 9 weeks
Open Responses
10 – 50 points each
Extra Credit
Not Available!
Attendance Policy: Students are required to make up assignments and/ or tests due to an excused absence according to
school policy. Freshman may have the opportunity to make up quizzes/tests during W.I.N. See the involved teachers for
Final Exam Policy: Students are required to take a comprehensive final exam. This exam contains questions relatively
evenly selected from each unit of study and will be presented during the last two days of the school year. This test counts
for 20 percent of the final grade.
Literacy Component: Mathematical literacy will be assessed using various modes of writing. Students will be asked
to communicate results in written form using open response questions, on demand writing questions and other forms of
Plagiarism / Academic Dishonesty Policy: Plagiarism and academic dishonesty are serious offenses. The academic
work of a student is expected to be his/her own effort. Students must give the author(s) credit for any source material
used. To represent ideas or interpretations taken from a source without giving credit is a flagrant act. To present a
borrowed passage after having changed a few words, even if the source is cited, is also plagiarism. Students who commit
any act of academic dishonesty will receive a failing grade in that portion of the course work. Acts of academic
dishonesty will be reported to the administration.
Classroom Rules:
Be Prompt (be in your seat and ready to begin at the beginning of class)
Be Prepared (have homework, book, notebook, pencil, etc. ready on time)
Be Courteous
Be Cooperative
Be Respectful (to yourself, others, and the teacher)
Classroom Procedures:
Notebook: A notebook is required and will be collected twice during the nine weeks. It will consist of the
notes that have been given over each unit. Please use headers and dates on all sections of the notes.
Absent: When you are absent I will place the work that you missed in a folder for your class with your name
on it. Please check the folder when you return to pick up the missed assignments. It is the
responsibility of the student to get the missed work. It is also the student's responsibility to copy any missed
notes from a classmate.
Announcements: During announcements please do not talk. You may miss something that will involve you or
you will cause a fellow classmate to miss something important.
Pencils: Please use only pencils to complete all written activities for this class. Any test or quiz completed
with anything but a pencil will suffer a deduction in points. Homework will be given a 0.
No food or drinks allowed in the classroom.
The teacher reserves the right to alter this syllabus at any time during the course
I have read the course syllabus for Algebra I and I understand the expectations and requirements for this
course. Sign, cut at the dotted line, and return to teacher.
Parent Signature:
Student Signature: