Teenage Suicide Krissy Cross AP Language

Teenage Suicide
Krissy Cross
AP Language
Background Information
This is an advertisement of teenagers at risk of committing suicide.
Types of teens who are at higher risk of committing suicide: already
made an attempt, relationship problems with family/friends,
depressed teens (lost interest in daily activities, negativity towards
him/herself, sudden change in weight/sleeping pattern), overusing
alcohol and drugs, sexually abused teens, etc.
What is the main subject of this ad?
 The
main subject is conveying how
often suicide occurs.
What does the time difference
The man on the left killed himself. The
female on the right is someone who had
just found out about his death. She is left
grieving and upset over the death of the
loved one.
What is the focal point of the ad?
 The
persons eyes. You can see the
hopelessness and sadness in their eyes.
Why does the picture only show
half of their face?
It only shows half of their face because it makes the
viewer focus in on the emotions in the eyes. If their faces
where fully shown then the viewer would have more
trouble seeing the emotion.
Who do you think the people in the
picture are?
I believe that the man on the right is the one who
committed suicide. And that the woman on the
left is someone who loved/cared about him, for
example, a significant other or a family member.
Who is the intended audience?
The audience is anyone who sees this ad.
Almost everyone can relate because they have
known or known of someone who committed
What is the ethological appeal?
Ethos – Ethical Appeal
 Everyone
knows suicide happens, but
people don’t realize how often is occurs.
What is the logical appeal?
Logos – Logical Appeal
Whether we like it or not, suicide is part of our daily lives.
It is logical to understand suicide affects more than just
the person who commits suicide.
What is the pathological appeal?
Pathos – Emotional Appeal
Suicide is a big deal and almost everyone can
connect with it because it has affected their lives
in some way. A lot of people have lost friends
and/or family members due to suicide.
Works Cited
 Teen
suicide. Family Matters. 20 Aug.
2009. Web. 5 Nov. 2011.