The Green Gazette

The Green Gazette
Isaac Fox Elementary
March 11, 2016
Curriculum At A Glance
Report cards were sent home today. Please
remember that the report card is merely a
“snapshot” of your child’s school progress that’s
been developing over the past few months.
Remember that all children do not learn to talk or
walk at the same time, nor do they learn math,
reading, or writing at the same rate. I am so proud
of the amazing learning all the children are doing,
and I hope you will take some time to celebrate
accomplishments with your child. Also sent home
today were some 2nd trimester assessments and their
final personal narrative. I encourage you to review
these papers with your son or daughter.
Literacy- The students of Room 403 had their best month of
reading in February with a grand total of 14, 260 minutes!!
And…everyone met the minimum expectation of 400 minutes. Way
to go first graders!! 
We have been hard at work in writer’s workshop. After days of
generating possible topics for an all-about book, your child has
carefully selected a nonfiction topic to write about. Next week, we
will start exploring ways writers research their ideas and gather
relevant information from different sources. During the Collecting
phase of the writing process, students become immersed in their
ideas and topics via reading, discussion, and research. The
information the students collect will be used to develop and draft
their all-about writing pieces. Soon I will be asking for your support
in helping your child research his/her topic, so please watch for
more details.
 Mrs. Green
Science – Having expanded their knowledge of weathering (rocks
breaking apart or dissolving) and erosion (movement of rocks &
soil), the students are ready to consider a new Big Idea question.
Our rocks and soil unit will culminate with the exploration of: What
can you observe about soil? We kicked things off with a hands-on
investigation this week. Ask your child to tell you about the 3 types
of soil they observed using their sense of sight, smell, and touch.
Math- The class took the Chapter 8 test today. They have really
expanded their understanding of how addition and subtraction are
related, and how they can use that knowledge for more efficient
problem solving. The children will now use this knowledge to more
fully explore the concepts of equality and inequality.
March 11
Report cards sent home
Week of March 14th
Mar 25-
Spring Break
Week of March 21st
Apr 1
April 4
March Reading Calendar due
Posters are due on Monday, and personal items for sharing
should be sent in on Friday of your child’s week. Oral and
written communication skills are being practiced as students
present their poster & personal items, and we all write a
thank you letter to our star.
Mrs. Green