ST. BONAVENTURE SEPTEMBER 2012 NEWSLETTER Principal: Mrs. S. Wolfe Vice-Principal: Mr. J. MacSween Head Secretary: Mrs. L. Pietrantuono Assistant Secretary: Mrs. K. Leonard Trustee: Mrs. L. Zanella Superintendent of Brampton West Family of Schools: Mrs. C. Pitoscia Parish Priest: Father Jan Gogolewski OPENING PRAYER Good and gracious God, as our new school year begins, fill the hearts of our students with an eagerness to learn about the world you have created, about themselves, and most of all about You. Bless our teachers with gifts of wisdom and patience that they may help students find the truth. Give our parents generous hearts to encourage and support their children. Help us all work together to form a community of learning that teaches, not only the skills for success, but all that we need to live our faith fully in the world. Amen. PRINCIPAL‟S MESSAGE As the new school year begins, I see the excitement in your children’s eyes and their expectations for a rewarding year filled with many rich school experiences. I ask for your support and co-operation, as we work, learn and grow together within our Catholic faith. I am very excited about our upcoming school year and I look forward to continuing to build our partnership with the School Council, Church and community, where together we can provide academic excellence within a strong Catholic context. Your involvement in your child’s learning is vital. Please do not hesitate to contact the school whenever you have a question or require further information. I look forward to seeing you at our Open House, liturgies and masses, at school activities throughout the year and during your informal visits to the school. S. Wolfe WELCOME CLASS REORGANIZATION We extend a very warm welcome to all new families in our school community. Thank you to staff for all your work in preparing to receive our students on the first day of school. We regard ourselves as partners with parents in the education of your children. Your support and input by contacting your child’s teacher, volunteering in the school, or serving on our School Council is valued and necessary to ensure the success of our students. Your involvement has been shown by research to have a major impact on student learning and success. We are looking forward to a productive and rewarding 2012/2013 school year. St. Bonaventure staffing for 2012/2013 is based on a “projected” student enrolment that is calculated each spring. This projected student enrolment number attempts to take into account any new students who are moving into our school as well as any students who may be moving out of the area. This year St. Bonaventure had an increase in enrolment which has effected our primary (Grade 1- 3) class cap size. As a result this has caused some reorganization of our grade 2 and grade 3 classes. Below is the class reorganization which was effective Monday, September 17th, 2012 SCHOOL HOURS JUNIOR AND SENIOR KINDERGARTEN A.M. 8:45 am to 11:15 am P.M. 12:45 pm to 3:15 pm Mrs. Sparkes Mrs. Willett JK/SK AM – A JK/SK AM – B Mrs. Sparkes JK/SK PM – A Mrs. Willett Mrs. Cheng-Hayward Mrs. Arena JK/SK PM – B JK/SK PM – C 1–A GRADES ONE TO EIGHT 8:45 am - 3:15 pm Lunch 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Mrs. Killman Ms. Beck Ms. Black Mrs. Hayes Mrs. Lomasney Mrs. Shakes Mrs. Dearling Mrs. Trueman Mr. Deverell Mr. Mowat Mrs. Tuzi Mrs. Patel Mrs. Gallant Ms. Poerba 1/ 2 – A 2–A ATTENDANCE VERIFICATION 2–B 2/3 – A 3–A 3/4 – A 4–A 4/5 – A 5–A 5/6 – A 6–A 7—A 7/8 – A 8—A Daily attendance and punctuality are very important. If your child is going to be absent from school, or late, please inform the office by leaving a message on the school‟s attendance line at (905) 970-9069 ext. 2. STUDENT SUPERVISION TIMES Please note that teachers are on supervision duty 15 minutes before the start of the school day. For safety reasons we ask that you not drop your child off at the school prior to 8:30 am and to please pick them up ON TIME at 3:15 pm. VIRTUES This year, we will again be focusing on a particular virtue each month, making the presence of God visible in the world around us. The Virtue for the month of September is Faith. Faith believes the incredible, sees the invisible and receives the impossible. A faithful person believes that God’s plan for us includes the right to be safe, cared for and included, especially at school. FAITH is the great virtue of believing and trusting in God. Our faith helps us to remember the importance of God in our lives, and calls us to deepen our relationship with God, when things are going well and when they are not. Thank you, parents, for continuing to review all virtues: Faith, Empathy, Conscience, Hope, Self-Control, Respect, Kindness, Love, Acceptance and Fairness with your children. Together we can continue to make a difference and help to make the world a better place for ourselves, our children and those generations which will follow. LUNCH HOUR During the lunch hour, all students who stay for lunch are expected to remain at school, and all students who go home for lunch are expected to go home every day. If there is a change in the regular lunch hour procedure for your child, parent/guardians are asked to provide the teacher with a note explaining the change. A letter has gone home with your child in regard to your child’s lunchtime arrangements. Please indicate your child’s regular lunchtime arrangements, sign the form and return it to the school as soon as possible. There is also a section for parents to sign authorizing lunchtime arrangements in the student agenda. Parents are asked to ensure that both the form and the section in the agenda are signed and returned to school. DELIVERING LUNCHES When delivering your child’s lunch to school please advise your child in advance you will be doing so, and write his/ her name and teacher’s name on the bag. Your child can come down to pick it up from the lunch table with minimal disruption to the class. The lunch table is located in the hallway, in front of the office. We would greatly appreciate your co-operation in this matter. LEAVING DURING THE SCHOOL DAY PED POLICY When it is necessary for your child to leave school early, please send a note to your child’s teacher advising him/ her of the time that you will be picking your child up. Your child will be asked to meet you in the office at the indicated time. When dropping off or picking up students during school hours, please go to the office to sign your child in or out. As part of our efforts to promote and maintain a positive Catholic climate in our schools, the Board maintains a policy regarding Personal Electronic Devises (PEDS) on school property. In this regard, all PEDS must be kept out of sight, turned off and not used within school premises or during school-sanctioned activities. To prevent the loss or damage of PEDS, we ask students to leave electronic devices and games at home as the school cannot be responsible for their safe keeping. Parental support is requested and greatly appreciated. VISITORS TO THE SCHOOL All visitors and parents are requested to enter the building through the front door, and to go directly to the office. Please understand that during instructional time, teachers are not available to meet with you or to take phone calls. Students are expected to enter and exit through their designated doors. These reminders are outlined for safety, security and protection of staff and students in our school. KINDERGARTEN YARD We will be asking all parents to bring their kindergarten children to the gate of the kindergarten yard before school and to allow only the children to enter the yard with teacher supervisors. With the large number of students in kindergarten, we believe this will allow more space and a safer environment for the children. Parents are welcome to remain by the fence outside of the kindergarten yard if they wish. We ask for your co-operation in observing this procedure for the safety of the children. CROSSING GUARD Kindly assist us in reminding children to cross with the Crossing Guard at Leagate when coming to and going home from school. The Crossing Guard is on duty at 8:15 - 8:45 am and 3:15 - 3:45pm. Thank you for your co-operation in looking out for the safety of all our students. PARKING LOT SAFETY/KISS AND RIDE Our school driveway is a matter of great concern in regards to the safety of our students. Please use the Kiss „n‟ Ride lane at the SIDE of the school to drop off or pick up your child. For the safety of all of our children, CARS ARE ALSO NOT PERMITTED TO DROP OFF or PICK UP students in the driveway or bus lane located at the FRONT of the school. STUDENT AGENDAS We ask that you make a special note of your child’s student agenda as it contains the school Code of Behaviour, expectations, serves as an invaluable tool to assist them with daily homework planning, develops proper organizational skills and good study habits. The agenda is also a daily means of communication between teachers and parents and a way to assure that homework is being completed each night. The cost of the school agenda is complimentary and is being subsidized by the school, however, students will be expected to submit a replacement fee of $5.00 if their agenda is lost or damaged. SCHOOL BUS COURTESY SEAT POLICY At this time, transportation is only available to students who are deemed eligible by the Student Transportation of Peel Region (STOPR). Those wishing to access the Courtesy Bus Seat policy are asked to pick up an application form at the school office and return it to Mr. J. MacSween. Depending on availability, seats will be allocated no earlier than October as per STOPR’s transportation policy. The Courtesy Bus Seat policy requires parents/guardians to apply every year for a seat on the bus if they live beyond the eligibility requirements. Please visit for detailed information. Questions and/or concerns can be addressed by calling Student Transportation of Peel Region (STOPR) directly at 905-890-6000. BUSSING Students who are eligible to take the school bus should be waiting at their bus stop at least ten minutes prior to the scheduled bus arrival time. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that kindergarten children are met at the bus stop shortly after 11:15 am. Children who do not see a parent or babysitter will remain on the bus and will be returned to the school to be picked up there by the parent/ babysitter. DISTRIBUTION AND STORAGE OF MEDICATION AND EPI-PENS If a child is required to bring medication to school, procedures relative to the administration of medication shall only be adopted: when requested by the parents/guardians; and when authorized by a physician; and when medication must be provided during school hours If a designated staff member must administer medication, signed request/authorization forms from the parents/guardians and the supervising physician is initiated and/or changed at the beginning of every school year. These forms are available through the school office. The required authorization forms and the medication is to be delivered to the principal or designated person by the parents/guardians or other responsible person. All medication will be stored in a safe location in the Health room. Medication must not be kept in the child’s possession (i.e. pocket, backpack, etc.) or in the classroom. AN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING NUT ALLERGIES Did you know that peanuts are the leading cause of severe allergic reactions followed by shellfish, fish, tree nuts and eggs? We have several students at St. Bonaventure who have life threatening allergies to nuts, especially peanuts. We are asking that you make St. Bonaventure a peanut safe school by refraining from sending your children with peanut butter or other products containing nuts or nut oils (e.g., nutella). If these students come into contact with anything containing nuts, nut oils or derivatives, it could be life threatening for him/her. It is only necessary that physical contact with these substances be made, even on a second hand basis. For example, a severe reaction may occur should the child touch a desk, toy or book previously handled by another student who has touched peanut butter, peanuts or peanut oil. Children with severe food allergies are advised to be very much aware of his/her allergy and have been told by their parents of the danger of sharing snacks. Students are discouraged from sharing snacks. In our Catholic School Community we have an obligation to be responsible for one another. Thanking you in advance for your continued support, co-operation and understanding regarding this matter. STUDENT EMERGENCY INFORMATION Your child received a package of forms when school started; containing a lunch letter, school excursion, media, internet and their Student Verification form (blue form) which contains your address, phone numbers, emergency contacts and health information as it currently exists in our computer. We ask that you take a few minutes and check over this information to ensure that it is accurate. Please make any changes needed directly onto the sheet and return it to your child’s teacher this week. Please add area codes for all phone numbers. ALL SHEETS NEED TO BE SIGNED AND RETURNED TO THE SCHOOL as soon as possible even if there are no corrections needed. It is very important that we have accurate phone numbers and emergency contacts. HEPATITIS AND HPV INNOCULATIONS Peel Health will continue to offer free immunization against Hepatitis B for students in grade 7. It is given as a series of two injections over a period of six months. Grade 8 girls are also given the opportunity to receive the HPV inoculation. If you have any questions, please call the Peel Health Department at (905) 799-7700. The following date has been assigned to St. Bonaventure School: Dose #1 Hep B for Grade 7‟s - October 3 HPV for Grade 8 girls - October 3 FIRE DRILLS AND LOCKDOWN PROCEDURES We are required to conduct three fire drills in the fall and three in the spring. We are also required to practice two lock down drills during the year. Lock down drills involve students moving away from the classroom door to a location within the classroom away from windows. Lights are turned off and the doors are locked. These practices are to ensure that students and staff are prepared in case we should need to go into lock down. Lock down would be initiated by police and Board security personnel. CRIMINAL REFERENCE CHECKS Parents are reminded of the Ministry and Board Policy that requires all volunteers to provide the school with a valid (dated within the last six months) Criminal Reference Check before they can begin working with students. These forms are available in the school office. GATEWAY CAMPUS Catholic Education Centre Schools Program Once again, we are delighted to welcome the Catholic Education Centre Program to our school. This is a Ministry of Education funded program that provides an alternative learning opportunity for students who require specialized support. The focus on literacy, numeracy and overall student achievement and well being. This program responds to the educational needs of young people for whom the regular pattern of school and/or family life is interrupted for a variety of reasons. The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board continues to offer support for these programs in collaboration with community agencies and the Ministry of Education. We look forward to another successful year welcoming our CEC School Program students, as well as their parents/guardians. OPEN HOUSE Our Open House will be held on Wednesday, September 26th. The BBQ will take place from 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm. Classroom visits will be from 6:00pm to 7:30 pm. SCHOOL PICTURES Picture day for all our students will be held on Friday, October 12th. Retake day will be held on Friday, November 9th, 2012. PARISH NEWS FOR PARENTS OF CHILDREN IN GRADE 3, 4, 5, 6 AND 7 WHO HAVE NOT RECEIVED THEIR FIRST HOLY COMMUNION AT SCHOOL. Guardian Angels Parish is providing classes to prepare your child for this Holy Sacrament. Classes begin Sunday, September 23, 2012. Please contact Guardian Angels Parish at 905-970-9175. DPCDSB is now on Twitter! For the latest Board news and information, follow us at DPCDSBSchools. CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL There are two primary roles of the Catholic School Council: to promote the vision, values, sacramental life and Catholic practices of the School Board and the Catholic community it serves to being an advisory body to the Principal and the School Board As well, the School Council’s role is to establish and maintain good communication flow within and among the school community, the parent community and the community at large. They also play a role in improvement of students learning by: complimenting educational directives and programs working to support and promote Catholicity, both in the school and in the parish building community through support of sports, school spirit and community events The School Councils are comprised of parents/guardians, teaching and non-teaching representatives, a parish representative and administrators. Parents and guardians form the majority on Council. 6-10 parents and/or guardians of students enrolled in the school shall form a majority the Principal a member of the teaching staff a member of the non-teaching staff a parish representative (designated by the local parish) one person appointed by the Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education We welcome your participation and encourage you to consider being a member of the School Council. A nomination form for the St. Bonaventure School Council will be available at the school office from September 26 during school hours. Completed nomination forms must be submitted by 4:00 pm on Friday, September 28th, 2012. Elections will take place at the first School Council meeting on Wednesday, October 3 at 7:00 pm in the school library. All are welcome to attend. MEDIC ALERT “No child without” What is “No Child Without”? Safe guarding your child’s health is our priority. That is why the Canadian Medic Alert foundation is partnering with the Lions Clubs of Canada and with the assistance of the Government of Canada to introduce the “No Child Without” program at NO COST to families. With the rise in childhood diabetes, asthma and allergies, it’s estimated that one in five children has a medical condition, allergy or special need that should be communicated to emergency medical personnel in an emergency period. The “No Child Without” program has been created to provide these students (age 4 - 14 birthday) with the 24 hour protection of the Medic Alert emergency information services. Please read the attached brochure for additional information. DATES TO REMEMBER SEPTEMBER 22 First Day of Autumn 26 Open House and BBQ 27 Kid Essential Luncheon 28 Terry Fox Run 28 School Council nomination forms due - (available at the office) OCTOBER A MESSAGE FROM SCHOOL COUNCIL Do you want to get an early start on your Christmas shopping? St. Bonaventure School Council can help you get started. This year School Council will be holding a fundraiser through DFS Canada. They offer a variety of items including, gift wrap and gift products, Eco-totes, Stationery, Candles and Jewelry. . Catalogues will be sent home with the students this month. This is a chance to help support the school. All profits from this fundraiser will go directly back into the school. Please come visit the School Council table at Open House on Sept 26. We will have a few of the items on display. Thanks in advance for your support. Please join us in welcoming our new Vice-Principal Mr. J. MacSween, our new assistant secretary Mrs. K. Leonard, Susan Keeping FSL teacher, Anne Atzori ERW, Cathy Fowler ERW and Amanda Walter CYW. We also welcome back to the classroom Mrs. Arena and Mrs. Patel. 3 Hepatitis B Clinic (All Grade 7 students) and HPV Clinic – for Grade 8 girls only 3 First School Council Meeting 7:00 pm 8 Thanksgiving Day - no school 12 Picture Day 31 Halloween