Our Lady of Mount Carmel Department of Business Studies Course Name: Managing Personal Resources Course Code: HIP 3E Level: Grade 11, Workplace Course Overview: This course prepares students for living independently and working successfully with others. Students learn to manage their personal resources (including talent, money, and time), to develop interpersonal skills, and to understand economic influences on workplace issues, in order to make wise and responsible personal occupational choices. The course emphasizes the achievement of expectations through practical experiences and introduces students to skills used in researching and investigating resource management. Curriculum Strands and Overall Expectations: Self and Others: demonstrate an understanding of self-concept and its role in effective communication; describe the role of “interpersonal intelligence” (the capacity for listening to and empathizing with others) in successful relationships; demonstrate an understanding of the elements of communication; describe techniques that lead to effective interaction with others; demonstrate an understanding of the basic nature of conflict and identify ways in which conflict is resolved. Personal Responsibilities: demonstrate an understanding of the process of decision making in life situations; identify the basic principles and techniques an individual would use in effectively managing personal resources, including talent, time, and money. Preparing for the Challenges of the Future: identify the elements of successful employment and lifestyle planning; explain why personal well-being is an important factor in getting and keeping a job; Social Structures: demonstrate an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of employers and employees describe how economic influences affect the individual; identify ways in which financial institutions assist in the management of personal economics; identify the benefits and costs of working for pay. Research and Inquiry Skills: use appropriate social science research methods in the investigation of issues related to personal resource management; use a variety of print and electronic sources and telecommunications tools to research information effectively; correctly use terminology associated with personal resource management; communicate the results of their inquiries effectively. Assessment and Evaluation: Students will be assessed & evaluated according to the work produced & skills displayed. Methods of providing feedback may include assessing work in process & evaluating completed assignments, quizzes, tests, co-operative learning activities, research, and presentations. Category Weightings Term (70%): Knowledge & Understanding Thinking Communication Application 25% 20% 25% 30% Final (30%): Culminating Activity 30% Communication Application Achievement Categories: Knowledge/ Understanding Thinking/Inquiry knowledge of facts and terms critical and creative thinking skills (e.g., evaluating business situations; analysing financial data and solving business problems; making decisions) understanding of concepts, principles, and theories understanding of relationships between concepts and ideas inquiry skills (e.g.,generating ideas; formulating questions; planning; selecting strategies and resources; analysing, interpreting, and assessing information; forming conclusions) communication of information and ideas (e.g., through writing, visual and oral presentations) use of language, symbols, and visuals communication for different audiences and purposes (e.g., choice of language and style relevant to business environments) application of concepts, skills, and rocedures in familiar contexts transfer of concepts, skills, and procedures to new contexts use of equipment, materials, and technology application of technology (e.g. choice of tools and software, ethical use) making connections (e.g. between use of various forms of personal experiences and the communication (e.g., memos, subject, between the subjects and letters, reports) the world outside the school Feedback will also be provided for student learning skills. Skills like working independently, team work, organization, work habits and homework, and initiative are assessed independently student achievement and will be conducted through the use of a rubric indicating specific criteria to be achieved to receive each of the following letter grades: E –Excellent G – Good S – Satisfactory N - Needs Improvement Achievement Levels: Level 1: 50 – 59% Limited knowledge and/or success Level 2: 60 – 69% Some knowledge and/or success Level 3: 70 – 79% Considerable knowledge and/or success Level 4: 80 – 100% Thorough understanding & mastery of skills Please refer to your student agenda for the following policies: Evaluation Attendance Uniform Student Textbook: Expanding Your Horizons, Career Development Guide. Replacement Cost $45 Student: (print name) __________________________ Signature: ____________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________ Date: ____________________________