Private Punt & Kick Clinics

Private Punt & Kick Clinics
Coach Jeff Mandelker has trained kickers &
punters at numerous schools including; St.Roch, St.
Marcellinus, St. Edmund Campion and St. Mikes
College(Toronto) and is in his third year coaching
University of Toronto Football Blues.
“Coach Mandelker has been a volunteer community coach with Campion’s
football program for the last two years. He has been a tremendous help
dedicating his time and knowledge to developing our kickers. His patience
and perseverance helped bring Campion its first championship when the
senior team won a Tier II championship during the 2010 season. He has
become a member of our coaching family whose presence on the sidelines
during games and on the practice field during the season is a welcome sight.
His commitment and attendance throughout the entire season is a testimony
to his dedication to helping players learn and truly develop their skills”. –
Oliver Ocampo (Head Coach).
Cost: $25.00/hr. + travelling costs