Main Record Fields - Required in FACTS Field Name Description

FACTS Fields for Grant Awards
Main Record Fields - Required in FACTS
Field Name
Agency Identifier
Grant Id
Original Grant Award Amount
Short Title
Long Title
Date of Beginning
Original End Date
Recipient Type
Grant Document Number
Grantor Name
Manager Name
Letter of Credit Number
Agency OLO - not an entered field but determined when the Agency User
logs into FACTS
Unique by Agency - FLAIR Grant ID number
The amount of grant funds awarded.
Agencies should use the space to record the grant name that would assist
them in identifying the grant.
Agencies should use the space to record the grant name in a manner that is
meaningful to the public.
Start date of the Grant Award - Date funds can begin to be expended.
Final date for expending the funds from the Grant Award. MM/DD/YYYY
This is required if CFDA or CSFA codes are entered for the grant. Valid
values are: A=Nonprofit Organization, B=For Profit Organization, includes
Sole Proprietor, C=Local Government, D=State Community Colleges,
E=District School Boards, F=Another State Agency, excluding State
Universities, G=State Universities, H=No Sub recipient (Federal Assistance
Only), I=Sub recipients (Federal Assistance Only), J=Federal Agency
The Code of Federal Domestic Assistance that is associated with the Grant
The Code of State Financial Assistance that is associated with the Grant
The number assigned by the issuing entity.
The name of the issuing entity.
The Agency Manager for the Grant Awards
Free text field to describe the general purpose of the grant
Reference Number for the Letter of Credit
Grant Amendment Fields - Required in FACTS
Field Name
Agency Amendment Reference
Change Type
Amendment Amount
Amendment Effective Date
Amendment Execution Date
Change Date
New Ending Date
Change Description
Agency Assigned Reference Number for the Grant Award Amendment
Type of Change (Amendment, Extension, Renewal)
Captures amounts that are added or deducted from the Grant. This can be a
zero, positive or negative amount.
Effective Date of the Grant Award Amendment. MM/DD/YYYY
Effective date that amendments to the Grant were executed. MM/DD/YYYY
Identifies the date that amendments to the Grant were executed.
Required if the Grant Award Amendment is an extension or renewal.
Free form field that is used to describe the amendments to a Grant.
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FACTS Fields for Grant Awards
FLAIR Fields Needing Clarification
Field Name
Indirect Cost Rate*
State Matching
Grant Matching
Local Matching
Type Local Matching
FLAIR Grant Type
Percentage to be applied to the base for reporting and / or reimbursement of
grant expenses.
Percentage of state participation required as a condition of the funding entity.
Percentage of grant participation by grantee.
Percentage of local participation required as a condition of the funding entity.
Agency assigned code which identifies type of local participation required by
grant funding source - would become state standard code (Salaries,
Expense, etc.)
Type of Grant ( C = Federal Grant [FED CAT # known]; F = Federal Grant
[FED CAT # unknown]; O = Other Federal Grant; N = Non-Federal Grant)
SAI Number
State Application Identifier assigned by the State Clearinghouse.
Report Requirement
Identifies reporting requirements of the Grant. (The values are: M-Monthly; QQuarterly; Y-Yearly)
Agency assigned code which identifies how funds are received.
(Reimbursement, Fixed Price, Advance)
The requirement that spending of funds be maintained at the level of a
previous funding period, the period being identified by the funding source. If
a maintenance of effort requirement is a condition of grant, an "X" is used to
designate this condition. (QUESTION: Does this tie to matching?)
Method of Payment
Maintenance of Effort
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