Document 14266586

M. Gibson
Secretarial Staff
L. Cameron
M. Carli
St. Anne Catholic School
Vice Principal
L. Rossi
K. Allen
S. Steer
(905) 890-1221
Fr. J. Cherickal
Fr. F. Marrone
(905) 453-1303
A. DaSilva
(416) 706-5679
March &
Jesus prayed and fasted for forty days
In the desert a long time ago.
He showed endurance and restraint
With temptation as His foe.
The length of Lent is forty days
For us a time of preparation.
It starts on Wednesday we call Ash
And it ends with Easter's celebration.
We follow Lent to follow Him
A time of sacrifice and prayer
We give up something we desire
That His example we might share.
By giving up some things in life
During this time of preparation
We show Him that we too are willing
To overcome our own temptation.
Oh, what joy that Lent will bring
At the end of the forty days
When Sunday's bells will ring
With Resurrection’s praise.
Important Dates
Lenten Mass at St. Anne’s Church
Tuesday, March 10 at 10:30 am
March Break: no school
Monday, March 16-Friday, March 20
St. Anne Catholic School
124 Vodden St. E.
Brampton, ON
(905) 459-7621
Fax: (905) 459-7473
Follow us on Twitter:
Good Friday:
Friday, April 3 - no school
Easter: Sunday, April 5
Easter Monday:
Monday, April 6 - no school
Easter blessings to all the families of the
St. Anne School Community!
Attendance: Please call (905) 459-7621 BUSING
(press 1) to let us know your child will be It is a good idea to regularly review safety rules with your
late or absent. You can call at any time and child with regards to riding the bus. We thank you in adleave a message. As part of the Safe Schools vance for your cooperation and support.
Arrival policy, the school will contact parents if you have not called to let us know your child will
be absent. This ensures that all students are safe either at
 be at the bus stop at least 10 minutes ahead of
home or at school. Thank you for your cooperation.
All visitors must report to the office and sign in.
 follow all directions from the driver, especially
when getting on and off the bus
Appointments: Should you need to pick up your child
 go directly to a seat and stay seated until the drivfor an appointment, please put a note in your child’s agener opens the door for drop-off
da or call the school. You will need to come in to the
 keep all belongings inside the bus
office and sign your child out.
 speak only in conversational tones (loud voices
Voicemail: St. Anne’s office is a busy place and office
can distract the driver)
staff and administration make every effort to answer
no eating or drinking on the bus
phone calls. However, at times, we may be on another
 do not speak with the bus driver while the bus is
call or dealing with injured or sick students. Please leave
in operation, unless necessary
us a message as voicemail is checked regularly throughout
the day.
St. Anne School is very fortunate to
have exceptional individuals who support students and families in achieving
their fullest potential by offering supports that go beyond the classroom.
We continue to offer supports such as
the Breakfast Club, Snack Program,
and subsidized lunches for those families in need. We also have a number of new hats, mittens
and scarves available for students. Should your family
situation change and you require support, please do not
hesitate to talk to your child’s teacher or a school administrator. Rest assured that confidentiality will be respected.
Our Support Services Staff includes K. Page, Psychological Associate, E. Riddell, Speech and Language
Pathologist, G. Stewart, Child and Youth Worker, and M.
Botelho, School Social Worker.
Please note that the Breakfast Club is not a “before
school child care program” and is intended to support families in need in our school community.
Our Lost and Found boxes are almost to the point of
overflowing. Please ensure that you label all of your
child’s clothing and discuss with him or her the importance of looking in the Lost and Found box for missing articles. We will have items out on tables over the next
couple of weeks. Any unclaimed items will be donated to
charity during March Break.
Parents are encouraged to check the STOPR website for
the latest information with regards to bus delays and/or
Should you have any transportation concerns, please feel
free to call the school or contact STOPR at 905-890-6000,
press 2 for Transportation West.
Conflict is a part of life. Teaching children strategies to
help manage it is part of what parents and teachers do.
Bullying is different than conflict in that it is persistent,
targeted behaviour by someone who has power over you
and wants to harm you physically and/or emotionally.
Students are encouraged to talk to a caring adult when
trying to deal with conflict or bullying. A caring adult can
be a parent or a teacher at school. Together we work to
keep all children safe and to feel welcome at school.
When information of a serious conflict or incidents of
bullying are disclosed, the school will inform the family in
order to make them aware and to help provide the support and understanding they need both at school and at
home. Should parents have any concerns about their
child, they are also encouraged to share it with the school
directly so the problem can be addressed appropriately.
Facebook and other social networking sites are not constructive means for students or adults to resolve problems
that occur at school. It does not allow for a dialogue
amongst the people involved in order to deal with the
We STRONGLY encourage parents or
guardians to spend some time and continue reading with
their child. Using the RAZ KIDS reading program allows
you to spend some quality time together, while further
enhancing your child’s reading development. If you have
any questions, please contact your child’s teacher.
Starting in March, all grade 3 and 6
students will begin preparing for the
EQAO provincial assessment on a
weekly basis. Please remind your
child that these practice sessions are an important part of
their learning, and will better prepare them for the province wide assessment which will take place from May 25th
to June 5th, 2015. We encourage parents to assist their
child at home by visiting the EQAO website for parent
resources: Should you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher.
On March 11th, all students will participate in Peel Region’s The Great Gulp to help create awareness about the
importance of drinking water in our lives. All students
will be taking a big gulp of water at the same time during
the day. For participating in this event, St. Anne School
will be entered into a draw for a chance to have a tap water refill station installed at the school for free or to win
reusable water bottles for the whole school! Thank you
Mrs. Mitchell for coordinating this event.
Saturday, March 28th marks the
ninth annual Earth Hour. This
worldwide event is organized by
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) as a
symbol of our commitment to the
Earth. From 8:30-9:30 pm, all
around the world, people are encouraged to turn off all
non-essential lights.
God has given us the gifts
of friends and companions
to keep us company and
help us out along the way.
Every person in our lives
carries the Spirit of God –
and so every person is our
brother or sister through
Jesus Christ.
As brothers and sisters
who share one Holy Spirit, we are all valuable to God.
We all deserve to be shown concern for our welfare and
our feelings. We have all been given the fruit of the Spirit
called kindness. It is not enough to say I will be kind or I
am kind. We must show that we are kind by our words
and our actions. Through prayer and concentration, we
can get better at showing kindness to everyone we meet.
A Kind Person:
 Says nice things about others so they feel good about
 Sticks up for people who are picked on or need help
 Refuses to join others who are insulting, intimidating,
mean or hurtful
 Watches and looks for ways to help those in need
Parents are always welcome to join us at our monthly Virtues Assemblies which take place at the end of each
The next Catholic School Council
Meeting will be on Tuesday, March
31st @ 6:45 pm. Please join us as we
will be discussing future fundraising
On February 23rd, 2015, the Ministry of Education released the updated Health and Physical Education Curriculum. A letter from Dufferin-Peel CDSB to the community was sent home with every student with regards to it.
There is a link to this letter on the St. Anne School website under the Board News tab.
His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston,
Governor General of Canada, declared 2015 as the “Year
of Sport” in Canada. Students in St. Anne's Black History
Club researched famous black athletes. Students presented
clues for each person over the PA and also gave classes a
puzzle piece. Classes used the clue and the individual's
picture to help them guess the identity of the famous athlete. Many students learned a lot about famous black Canadians! Winning classes were announced over the PA.
The Intermediate Girls and Boys season is underway.
Coaches will be sending home information regarding
practices, games and tournaments. Thank you to Ms.
Stewart, Ms. Tedesco and Ms. Badura for coaching the
girls and to Ms. Slade and Ms. Christie for coaching the
The St. Anne Card Dueling Club will begin this month.
Student are welcomed to bring their Pokemon or Yugioh
cards to scheduled club meetings. Meetings will be held in
the library during lunch recess. Those with no experience
are also welcomed and tutorials will be available for those
who wish to learn how to play. Practice card decks will be
provided for those with no gaming experience. See Mr.
Mesquita or Mr. Rawte for more information.
On Thursday February 12th, the St. Anne Titans hockey
team competed in the Cassie Campbell Invitational tournament. The team played hard, and showed great determination against all of the other schools, finishing
fourth. Coaches Slade and Pender are very proud of all
your hard work. Congratulations to Alex B., Jacob B.,
Jake B., Zachary C., Eric D., Jordan H., Nathaniel M., Eric
M., Kyle M., Aidan N., Zachary N., Blake N., Jacob S.,
Jason S., Elijah V., Jacob W. and Keegan W. Good luck
to the boys who will be playing in another invitational
tournament on March 3. Go Titans!
On Friday, March 27, the students of St. Anne will be
organizing a Multicultural Fair to showcase the various
cultures that are represented in our school community.
Students will be hosting a multicultural fashion show and
create displays with information, photos and artefacts
from various cultures that all students will be able to visit.
March 2
Skills Canada Presentation, Gr. 7, 8
March 6
Ski Trip: Gr. 6, 7 & 8
March 8
Daylight Savings Time Begins
March 9
Gr. 8 Retreat @ St. Anne’s Church
March 10
Lenten Mass @ St. Anne, 10:30 am
March 11
Grad Photos
March 16-20
March Break, no school
March 17
St. Patrick’s Day
March 25
Peel Police Presentations
Welcome to Kindergarten, 6:30 pm
March 27
Chess Tournament
Multicultural Fair
March 31
Catholic School Council Meeting in
Conference Room @6:45pm
April 3
Good Friday - no school
April 5
April 6
Easter Monday - no school
April 9
Peel Region Waste Reduction
Presentations: K-8