M. Gibson
Website: http://www.dpcdsb.org/ANNEE
St. Anne Catholic School
Vice Principal
L. Rossi
Secretarial Staff
L. Cameron
M. Carli
K. Allen
S. Steer
(905) 890-1221
Fr. J. Cherickal
Fr. F. Marrone
(905) 453-1303
A. DaSilva
(905) 459-7089
St. Anne Catholic School
124 Vodden St. E.
Brampton, ON
(905) 459-7621
Follow us on Twitter:
In Flanders Fields
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders Fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders Fields.
By Dr. John McCrae, 1915
Halloween Spirit!
Staff at St. Anne showing their Halloween Spirit.
Junior and Intermediate students participated in a
Scavenger Hunt to find and identify various staff
members based on clues about their costume.
Attendance: Please call (905) 459-7621 (press 1)
to let us know your child will be late or absent.
This information is important to the safety of your
All visitors: must report to the office and sign in.
Appointments: Any student leaving the school
during the day due to appointments, etc., must be
signed out at the office. Please ensure that you
send a note in this regard to your child’s teacher.
Remembrance Day is on Tuesday, November
11, 2014. School will be open and we will have a
morning (10:50 a.m.) and afternoon (1:10 p.m.)
assembly. Parents are welcome to join us.
Start Time
9:00 a.m.
AM Recess
10:23 a.m.
11:45 a.m.
PM Recess
2:08 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
Just a reminder,
lunch recess is from
11:45-12:25; students
come in to eat lunch
from 12:25-12:45.
Labelled lunches can
be left on the table in
front of the Office.
Our Lost and Found box is beginning to fill up. Please ensure that
you label all of your child’s clothing
and discuss with him or her the
importance of looking in the Lost
and Found box for missing articles.
On rainy days, students in Grades 1-8 are supervised in
the school from 8:45 a.m. on. They should enter via
their regular doors. FDK students can enter thru the
Library door in the FDK yard where a staff member will
take them to the Library to be supervised till 9:00 a.m.
Kiss and Ride is a convenient way to quickly drop off and
pick up your child. It is open at 8:45 every morning and
after school. Children should be able to exit/enter the car
independently. Please encourage your child to
enter/exit the school yard using the walkway and not
through the parking lot. Please adhere to the posted signs
and stop in the designated areas only. In order to keep
Kiss and Ride moving along, parents must not stop in the
area marked by the series of yellow lines directly in front
of main doors. The Kiss and Ride loop is very narrow
and stopping there makes it very difficult for parents to
turn. There are spots on the other side of the loop where
you can drop off your child and they can safely walk to
the yard. Please do not to leave your car to take children
into the school yard. Should you need to park, please use
the visitor parking lot or a side street. Safety is our number one priority for all students.
Parents are reminded that visitor parking is located just
west of the main entrance. We ask that parents please not
park in the Staff parking lot. Please observe all parking
signs including parking designated as Wheelchair Accessible which requires a permit. Thank you for your cooperation.
The main doors of our school are intended for visitors,
such as supply teachers, volunteers, maintenance staff,
delivery personnel and parents picking up students for
appointments. All visitors to the school, including parents, must stop in at the office. This is our way of keeping
the school safe. Students should be lining up with their
peers at their designated door and not coming in the front
door. Congestion in the front hall makes it difficult to
track who is coming in and out of our building. Parents
are not permitted to escort students to classrooms nor
should they be in the hallway watching their children walk
to their class. One of the office staff will be more than
happy to walk a younger child who is late down to the
office once announcements are done.
November 11 - Remembrance Day
- Progress Reports -Home
November 13 - Parent-Teacher Interview
November 14 - P.A. Day - No school
Our Raz Kids Reading Program is
underway! This reading program is
being aimed at our primary students
as a means of supplementing our
school Literacy Program, with enriching reading activities that can be done at home. All students will be receiving an instruction package shortly,
including their passwords, so that they can participate in
the reading program at home. We encourage parents/
guardians to log their child onto RazKids a minimum of 3
times/week for 20 minutes per session. Students can read
one book to you and they can choose another to be read
October 22, 2014 was Bus Driver Appreciation Day. We
thank them for ensuring a safe ride to and from school
for our students. All courtesy seats have now been assigned by STOPR (Student Transportation of Peel Region). Students have had bus tags attached to their knapsacks: red tags for Kindergarten and Grade One students
and green ones for Grades Two to Eight. We thank you
in advance for your co-operation regarding the transportation of your child. For further inquiries, such as, pick-up
and drop-off times, locations, and late or cancelled buses due to inclement weather, please visit
www.stopr.ca or call Transportation West at 905-8906000, press 2.
Math Prodigy is a free online math game for students in
Grades 1-8 that is curriculum focused fun! Students are
able to create characters and play the game while practicing math skills at the same time. Teachers can set up specific tasks for their classes and are able to track their progress. It’s been shown that for every half hour of math
practice at school using Math Prodigy, students will spend
an additional half hour at home. Practice makes perfect!
On October 29, students had the opportunity to enjoy a
live theatre presentation of Cinderella's Frog Prince.
While students enjoyed the show, teachers were involved
in Professional Development analyzing EQAO data, exploring the concept of a growth mindset, and exploring
high-yield math instructional strategies.
Mrs. Nielsen, a parent in our school community, challenged staff to add a pink hair extension to their hair in
support of Wellspring Cancer Hospice facility. Thank you
to all staff (female and male) who participated in this worthy cause. Talk about pink hair flair!
From October 20-24, 2014, the Intermediate Division
participated in a Waste Free Challenge. Waste from all 6
Intermediate classes was checked daily for weight and
content. While there was no clear, overall winner, all classes were able to reduce waste or improve the condition of
their waste and recycling containers. The Junior Division
will participate in a Waste Free Challenge in November!
Please review these with your child:
be at the bus stop at least 10 minutes ahead of
scheduled pick-up
follow all directions from the driver, especially when getting on and off the bus
stay seated until the driver opens the door for
sit facing forward and keep aisle clear
younger students should sit in front seats
keep all belongings inside the bus
speak in conversational tones
absolutely no eating or drinking on the
do not speak with the bus driver while the
bus is in operation, unless necessary
respect the property/public space at your
respect bus patrollers
Colder weather is here again! Please ensure that your
child comes to school prepared to participate in all activities, including outdoor recess. All children should have
hats, scarves, gloves, warm coats and boots, labeled with
their names. On extremely cold days, we limit the amount
of time that students spend outside. We obtain our
weather information from the Environment Canada
Weather Information Line and follow Board guidelines.
With the exception of these occasions, it is our expectation that all children will go out for recesses and the lunch
break. If you feel your child is not well enough to go outside, it would be best for you to keep your child home.
The students at St. Anne School will focus on the Virtue
of Conscience during the month of November. We invite parents/ guardians to join us at our Virtues Liturgy
and Assembly this month on November 27. FDK,
Grades 1,3,5,7 @ 1:00 p.m. & Grades 2, 4, 6,8 @ 2:30 pm.
The St. Anne Junior Boys' Volleyball Team did very well
this year. During their first tournament, they played
against 4 schools. The team won the round robin part of
the tournament to gain a bye into the final. During the
final, they won by beating the other team in two out of
three games. Because of this tournament win, they advanced to the Family Level Tournament. At this second
tournament, the St. Anne Boys' Team made it all the way
to the semi-final. Job well done! Thank you to the following team members for representing St. Anne so well.
Daniel V., Joshua M., Bryce N., William A., Jaspheth C.,
Jaheem J., Daniel J.-H., Nicholas T., Aidan N., Jordan W.,
Lamech A., Assistant Coach: Charles A. Many thanks to
Mr. Halverson for coaching.
A person with Conscience…
listens to the voice of the Holy Spirit inside
can see how their actions can help or hurt others
chooses to do what Jesus would do
admits their sins and feels badly about poor choices
says sorry and tries to make up for hurtful actions
God wants us to know the difference between right and
wrong choices, and how our choices can impact others
around us.
After many weeks of training, the Cross Country team
participated in the Brampton West Family Cross Country
meet at Chinguacousy Park on October 15th. The students not only ran their hearts out, but cheered on their
teammates as they crossed the finish line. Way to go
team! A special congratulations goes to Sebastian, ZachaThis year, Intermediate students have the opportunity to
ry and the 1st place Grade 8 team: Eric (placing 1st), Jusvisit Montreal from June 10-12, 2015. Brightspark
tin (placing 3rd), Blake (placing 4th), Austin (placing 5th),
Travel has arranged a great itinerary. A parent inforJadyn (placing 6th), and Lucas (placing 11th) who all qualimation meeting took place on October 23. If you were
fied to move on to the Board Cross Country Meet on
unable to attend or wish more information, please contact
October 30th at Centennial Park in Etobicoke. Congratuthe school. The first payment is a non-refundable deposit
lations to Eric who finished 5th at the Board finals!
due November 6. Please register online at:
Thanks to all the coaches: Mrs. Degabriele, Ms. Roca
www.brightsparktravel.ca, Tour Web Code 1473381.
Lopez, Mrs. Nicholson and Ms. Calzato, as well as, parent
volunteers Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Jorge-Henriques.
The Intermediate Volleyball season is underway; teams
have been selected and practices are ongoing. Both teams
Thank you to everyone for your participation in this year's will participate in Mini-Tournaments the week of NovemHalloween Spirit Week! Staff and students participated in ber 17th. Winners advance to the Family Tournament on
Pyjama Day, Twin Tuesday, Wacky Wednesday, Black and November 25 (Girls) and 26 (Boys). Thank you to Miss
Orange Day, and Costume Dress-Up. It was a lot of fun Farrell and Miss Roca Lopez for coaching the girls, and
and great to see so many teachers and students participat- Mr. Gibson for coaching the boys.
ing! Looking forward to our next spirit week!
Boys’ Team: Adam A., Jaeden S., Charles A., Blake N.,
Jacob W., Joshua D., Austin B., Justin P., Eric M., Hunter
On October 9th the Jr. Girls Volleyball team participated B.-B., Bohdan M., and Jesse C.
in a mini-family tournament at St. Anne School. The girls
played with great skill and team work! Congratulations to Girls’ Team: Melody R., Sofia A., Brianna E., Leila N.,
Mikayla, Stephanie, Angel, Chelsea, Samantha, Malicah, Ciera O., Victoria G., Arianna O., Victoria P., Brianna N.,
Miyah, Jennifer, Victoria, Mariel and Kendra. A special and Naomi I.
thank-you to Ms. Stewart, parent volunteer, Ms. Calzato,
student coaches Brianna and Melody, referee Charles and
scorers Victoria V., Kayla, Arianna and Victoria G.
Thanks to Mrs. Degabriele for coaching the girls.
French Immersion Information Meeting
Senior Kindergarten parent(s))/guardian(s), who wish to
enroll their child in Grade 1 French Immersion class for
September, 2015 are invited to attend an information
meeting. For Brampton parents, the meeting will be held
at Our Lady of Providence School on Tuesday, November 25 at 7:00 p.m. For further information, please
visit the Board website at www.dpcdsb.org or call
905-890-0708 ext. 24307.
Council meetings are a great way to get information about
what is happening at the school and what initiatives the
council will be undertaking through the year,. The meetings are open to the community and we welcome your
attendance. Our next Catholic School Council Meeting
will be held on Tuesday, November 4 at 6:45 p.m. in
the Conference Room. Hope to see you there!
Thank you to School Council for organizing the
Dance-a-thon which took place October 30. Presswood
Extended French Information Meeting
Entertainment created a great atmosphere of fun and
Grade 4 parent(s)/guardian(s) who wish to enroll their
dancing. A special thank you to the parent volunteers
child in a Grade 5 Extended French class for September, who helped plan this event, supervise the dance and count
2015 are invited to attend an information meeting at:
the money raised. This was the major fundraiser for the
St. Anne School on Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at
year and a BIG thank you to all the families who support7 p.m. Applications will be available/accepted as of Janu- ed it. Money raised helps to support the Community
ary 19, 2015 and are due to the office on February 17 by
Fund, literacy and numeracy initiatives, as well as, Grade 8
3 p.m. Should a lottery be required to determine enrolgraduation activities. The students of St Anne are the
ment, it will be held on February 25, 2015.
ones who benefit from your generosity.
Holy Name of Mary Catholic Secondary
School - Regional All Girls School
There will be a Grade 9 information night at Holy Name
of Mary, 115 Glenvale Blvd., on Thursday, November 20
at 7 p.m. For more information, please call 905-458-5541
ext. 64104 or visit their website: www.dpcdsb.org/
hnmry/guidance .
AUTHOR VISIT - Junior Classes
Children’s author Peggy Dymond Leavey will be coming
to speak to our Junior students on November 5. Students
St. Roch C. S. S. - Regional Arts Program
will know Ms. Leavey as the author of Treasure at Turtle
There will be a parent information meeting at St. Roch,
200 Valleyway Dr., on Wednesday, November 13, 2014 at Lake which was one of the books read in Book Club last
7 p.m. For more information, contact the school at 905- year. Several of her books have been nominated for the
Silver Birch Award. Her work is featured in our Literacy
Resource series Moving Up. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about creative writing and becoming an
St. Martin C. S. S. -Regional Sports Info Night
Wednesday, November 19, 2014 from 7-9 p.m. at St. Mar- author. Thank you Ms. Farrell for organizing this event.
tin’s, 2470 Rosemary Dr. For more info, call
AUTHOR VISIT - Primary Classes
On Tuesday, November 25, children’s author, Kathy
Neralich, will be visiting the school. She will be meeting
with each class individually to share her stories. She is the
author of BOO and the Christmas Star and Have a Bootiful Christmas. Students may purchase any of her books
that day at a cost of $10 each or they can be bought at
Registration for Full Day Kindergarten for the 2015-2016 Chapters. Thank you Mr. Gibson for booking this author.
school year will take place at St. Anne on Monday, January
26, 2015, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. SNOW DATE for evening registration is Tuesday, January 27, 2015. Daytime
registration will take place from January 28-30, 2015 from
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at the school.
November 1
All Saints Day
School Council Executive Training
November 4
Catholic School Council Meeting
@ 6:45, Conference Room
November 11
Progress Reports go home
Remembrance Day Assembly
-10:50 a.m., Gr. 2, 4, 6, 8;
-1:10 p.m. - FDK, Gr. 1, 3, 5, 7
November 13
Progress Report Parent-Teacher
St. Roch (Regional Arts Programs)
Parent Info Night @ St. Roch
November 14
P.A. Day - No school
November 19
St. Martin S.S.- Regional Sports Info
Night @ St. Martin
November 20
Holy Name of Mary C. S. S. Grade 9
Info Night @ Holy Name of Mary
November 25
French Immersion Info Mtg. @
Our Lady of Providence, 7 p.m.
November 27
Virtue of Conscience Liturgy
FDK, Grades 1,3,5, 7 @ 1:00 p.m.
Grades 2,4,6,8 @ 2:30 p.m.
December 3
Advent Mass @ St. Anne’s Church,
10:30 a.m.
December 5-11
St. Anne’s Book Fair (daytime)
December 10
St. Anne Annual Christmas Open
Evening Book Fair Event
RazKids/Prodigy Info Session
Below are some helpful Be’s to support families in the homework process:
Be positive.
Be consistent.
Be available.
Be attentive.
Be a role model.
Be a cheerleader.
Be observant.
Be involved.
Communicate a positive attitude towards homework.
Develop a homework routine that includes a set time and a regular space for completing homework, free from distractions.
Encourage independent work on the part of your child, but be available for assistance. Provide guidance, not answers.
Take a few minutes every day to chat about the school day. Listen attentively to
your child as this may alert you to any academic difficulties, bullying situations
or concerns about emotional well-being.
Let your child see you reading, writing, and using math during homework time.
Praise your child for the effort displayed in completing homework.
Note any signs of frustration that your child may display while completing homework. If it appears difficult or confusing or if there are errors, encourage your
child to ask the teacher for help at school the next day. Follow up with the teacher, if necessary.
Participate in school functions that offer you the opportunity to stay connected to
your child’s learning. Contact your child’s teacher if you have concerns about
your child’s homework.