ool E

Vice Principal
R. Furtado
Website: http://www.dpcdsb.org/ANNEE
St. Anne Catholic School
Acting Principal
M. Gibson
Secretarial Staff
L. Cameron
S. Forgione
K. Allen
S. Steer
(905) 890-1221
Fr. J. Cherickal
Fr. P. Magyar
(905) 453-1303
A. DaSilva
(905) 459-7089
Thanksgiving Prayer
Thank you, Father, for having created us and given us to each other in
the human family. Thank you for being with us in all our joys and sorrows, for your comfort in our sadness, your companionship in our
loneliness. Thank you for yesterday,
today, tomorrow and for the whole of
our lives. Thank you for friends, for
health and for grace. May we live this
and every day conscious of all that
has been given to us.
Attendance: Please call (905) 459-7621
(press 1) to let us know your child will
be late or absent. This information is
important to the safety of your child.
All visitors: must report to the office and sign in.
St. Anne Catholic School
124 Vodden St. E.
Brampton, ON
(905) 459-7621
Fax: (905) 459-7473
Follow us on Twitter:
Appointments: Any student leaving the school
during the day due to appointments, etc., must be
signed out at the office. Please ensure that you
send a note in this regard to your child’s teacher.
There will be no school for students on:
Friday October 11th
P. A. Day
Monday October 14th
Thanksgiving Holiday
Start Time
9:00 a.m.
AM Recess
11:04 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
PM Recess
2:23 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
JK/SK-Gr. 1
Gr. 2-4
Gr. 5 - 8
1.0 KM
1.6 KM
2.0 KM
Once St. Anne’s bus numbers have been finalized and
verified by the Transportation Department, we will begin
the process of providing transportation for those students
We applaud students who who wish a spot on the bus under the Board’s “Courtesy
are on time for class and ask all students to make a con- Seat Policy”.
certed effort to come to class in a timely manner, with
all homework completed, ready to learn. Punctuality A limited number of seats are made available for students
and preparedness are valuable life skills. In the workplace who are ineligible for bussing. If the number of applicants
deadlines must be respected. We will contact the parents exceeds the number of available spots, various criteria are
of students who are repeatedly late.
taken into consideration, such as age of the student and
distance of home address from the school. Application
forms will be available the week of October 15th.
We would like to take this opportunity to remind parents
that there are several students in the school
with life threatening allergies to various food
products. Birthday celebrations and festivities for special occasions are part of the educational experience, but we are requesting
that parents not send food items and consider alternative
treats to send in to the class. Please consider stickers, loot
bags or other non- edible products to ensure the safety of
all of our students.
We thank you in advance for your co-operation regarding
the transportation of your child. For further inquiries,
such as pick/drop-off times and locations, please visit the
stopr website at: www.stopr.ca.
A form has been sent home asking parents to indicate
whether their children will be staying at school for lunch.
If you have elected for your child to eat at school on a
regular basis, he or she cannot leave the school without
written permission. A new note must be provided for
each day you allow your child to leave the school for
lunch. Intermediate students can bring their notes directly
to their teacher (not the office). All students must be
signed out when leaving the school and signed in when
Please drop lunches at the table in the hallway outside the
office and ensure that your child is aware that his/her
lunch is being dropped off at the school. We will not
interrupt classes to notify students that their lunch has
If there is no lunch there for them, they will
then come to the office and we will contact a parent/
be at the bus stop at least 10 minutes ahead of
follow all directions from the
driver, especially when getting on
and off the bus
go directly to a seat and stay seated
until the driver opens the door for drop-off
keep all belongings inside the bus
sit quietly at all times
speak only in conversational tones
no eating on the bus
do not speak with the bus driver while the bus
is in operation, unless necessary
We are pleased to announce that St. Anne will be receiving an additional ERW soon. We welcome our temporary
Reading Recovery teacher, Mrs. Sangiorgio. We would
also like to welcome back M. Agas, R. Heywood and N.
Messzi, who play an essential in our FDK program as
DECE’s. We apologize for the omission of their names
from the staff list on the September Newsletter.
Our Raz Kids Reading Program is underway! This reading program is being aimed at our primary students as a
means of supplementing our school Literacy Program,
with enriching reading activities that can be done at home.
All students have received an instruction package, including their passwords, so that they can participate in the
reading program at home. Please spend some time with
your child getting familiarized with the program. If you
have any questions please contact your child’s teacher.
In keeping with Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School
Board Policy, all visitors to the school must report to the
office. We are asking for your cooperation to ensure that
there are no adults on school property other than those
adults who are staff at the school and can be identified by
wearing an orange safety vest.
You may be known to your child, but you are a stranger to
the other children on the playground. Please make ar-
rangements to meet your child at a specific place off
of school property at the end of the day. All students
have been told to go to the office or approach an adult in
a vest if they do not see their parent at the end of the day.
By continuing to work together, we can continue to ensure a safe environment for your child. Thank you for
setting the example and adhering to this important guideline.
The All Star Reading Program consists
of one-on-one reading sessions to
help students meet grade level reading
benchmarks. The coaches are parent
Our Kiss and Ride ensures a safe
volunteers who read to students each
arrival for your child at school
week, ideally for a minimum of two
while providing the convenience of
twenty-minute sessions per student.
drop-off. It is open at 8:45 every
We invite any support you can provide for this program. morning. Please adhere to the
posted signs and do not park in
Please obtain an application from the office.
the drive thru lane nor double
park in the parking lot. Also, please do not have your
child walk through the parking lot as this is a safety concern.
In accordance with Board GAP policy 801, all parent volunteers, even those attending a one-day only school trip or PEDICULOSIS (HEAD LICE)
event, are required to have a Criminal Reference Check Pediculosis is a nuisance that can affect anyone. It is not
(CRC). CRC applications are available on our school considered a health problem or a result of poor hygiene.
When children are in large groups, such as at school, they
website at http://www.dpcdsb.org/ANNEE.
are more easily infected. Lice is spread, for example, by
head- to- head contact or when hats or scarves are shared.
How can you help? Be alert to your child scratching his/
her head, particularly behind the ears or at the base of the
neck, where it is warmer. Examine your child’s hair regularly. Usually the nits or eggs are easier to spot than the
actual lice bugs. The nits may range from brownish to
grey in colour. They differ from dry scalp flakes in that
they tend to be at the base of the hair shaft and are
strongly attached to the hair in a way that makes removal
difficult. A variety of treatments are available from your
Our chocolate fundraiser continues to
be a huge success. The last day for
chocolate distribution will be on
Wednesday October 2nd. The fundraiser ends on October 7th. Students
are asked to return all outstanding
money and/or unsold chocolates by this date. The proceeds will help pay for tools to support literacy and numeracy, SMART Board purchases, and programs like All nits must be removed from your child’s hair beschool beautification. Thank you to our School Council fore he/she is admitted back to school.
Fundraising Committee for running this major fundraiser.
The students at St. Anne School will have the opportunity St. Anne is going green! In the efforts to support our
to focus on a virtue each month. We will celebrate the “Eco Schools initiatives,” we are encouraging parents/
virtue at the end of each month in a Liturgy.
guardians to receive future School Newsletters electronically. If you wish to receive your School Newsletter by eAn empathetic person…
mail in lieu of hard or paper copy, please provide us with
the appropriate e-mail address you would like your news listens when people speak
letter sent to.
 notices when someone is upset and tries to help
 can name her/his feelings
Your e-mail address will remain confidential and will be
 can see a situation from another person’s point of used for the purpose of sending newsletters only.
 accepts that others have different perspectives
God wants us to care about everyone’s feelings. There are
days in our lives that we may see others come to school
sad, afraid, frustrated, or even angry. To live the virtue of
EMPATHY is to not judge others. Try to remember that
you may not always understand what others are feeling but
you can always be a good friend.
Parents are always welcome to join our Virtues
St. Anne’s New Look
Last Year St. Anne became an
“Eco-School” and was awarded a bronze certificate. We are
hoping to improve our accreditation with a number of
“green” initiatives.
Several of our initiatives are
well underway, including a focus on school beatification.
The Green Team, under the
guidance of Mrs. Mitchell, has
been busy cleaning and adding
plants to the school’s newly
landscaped gardens.
Cross Country:
The Cross Country Team has
started to train for the upcoming
Family Cross Country Meet being held at Chinguacousy Park
on October 16th. Approximately 60 students from grades 4-8
will be competing against
schools from Brampton West. Thank you to Mme.
O'Reilly and Mrs. Degabriele for coaching. We wish all
runners good luck!
The intermediate boys and girls soccer teams participated
in the Brampton West soccer tournament on Tuesday
October 2nd and 3rd. It was a great couple of days for
soccer during this friendly competition. The boys played
well but lost in the quarterfinals to St. Francis Xavier. The
girls also played well with one win, one tie and one loss.
Both teams demonstrated hard work, dedication and
sportsmanship. Congratulations! Thank you to Mr.
Gomes, Mr. Pender, Mrs. Savage and Ms. Slade for coaching.
Student Parliament :
St. Anne Student Parliament will continue to
share leadership by running Playday, school
spirit weeks, dances, and a variety of school
initiatives that also support school safety and
education projects. They also support the
Youth Faith Ambassadors with joint school
We ask parents to remind their leaders.
child(ren) of the importance of
caring for our school grounds Youth Faith Ambassadors:
and not litter or walk through The Youth Faith Ambassadors are continour new gardens. Keep St. uing their social justice initiatives by collecting of pop tabs, milk bags, supporting
Anne a beautiful
our school food drives and Share Life
place to learn!
events later this year. They will work with
student Parliament to support school liturgies throughout the school year.
Starting October 7th, the Student
Parliament commences it’s “We
Scare Hunger” campaign ending on
Halloween Day. All students are
asked to bring one non-perishable
food item, which will be collected for
needy families within our school
community. Thank you for your support.
October 5th
World Teacher’s Day
October 7th
Grade 6 RAID Presentations
(Peel Police)
Peel Safety Village Bus Patroller
Training 9:00am –12:00 noon
October 8th
Thanksgiving Opening School Mass
1:30pm @ St. Anne’s Church
October 9th
Grades 7 and 8 Curling Program
October 11th
P.A. Day Designated by Ministry of
October 16th
Family of Schools Catholic School
Council Chairs Meeting
Each student in grades 1 through 8 has received a school
agenda. We encourage parents to make it part of their
home routines to sign their child’s agenda daily in all
grades. This will facilitate communication between home
and school, and will assist your child to develop his/her
organizational and time management skills.
Council meetings are a great way to get information about
what is happening at the school and what initiatives the
council will be undertaking through the year, and to meet
parents from other grades. The meetings are open to the
community and we welcome your attendance. Our first
Catholic School Council Meeting was held on Wednesday, October 2 at 7:00 p.m. We welcomed new and returning council members.
Cross Country Meet @
Chinguacousy Park
October 17th
Jr. Girls Volleyball Tournament
@ St. Anne
October 18th
Grades 4-6 Trip to Rose Theatre
Jason Bishop Presentation
October 21st
Grade 6 RAID Presentations
(Peel Police)
2013-2014 St. Anne Catholic School Council
Parish Rep:
J. Payne
Y. Simpson
S. Baltazar
E. Kennedy
J. Timbol
S. Brum
Other Members:
Teacher Reps:
Non-Teaching Rep:
M. Clark, K. O’Callaghan, R.
Sirianni, C. Martin, K. Lopes,
B. Kennedy, and N. Ashton
M. Gibson
R. Furtado
S. Blackmore and E. Reinhart
L. Cameron
Movie Night “Epic”
October 25th Catholic School Council’s Movie Night
@ 7:00pm. Please bring one non-perishable food item.
The next meeting will be held on:
Thursday November 14th 2013 @ 6:45pm
Jr. Boys Volleyball Tournament
@ St. Anne
October 23rd
Cardinal Leger S.S. Open House
Grade 8 Parents
October 25th
Virtues Assembly
9:30 a.m. Grades (JK-SK, 1,3,5,7)
10:15 a.m. Grades (2, 4, 6, 8)
Catholic School Council’s Movie
Night @ 7:00pm “Epic”
October 28th
Grade 6 RAID Presentations
(Peel Police)
October 26th
Sacramental Preparation Classes
Run by St. Anne’s Church
October 30th
Lockdown Drill
October 31st
Happy Halloween