Flowers for Algernon Essay Assignment

ENG 4C1 Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
Five Paragraph Essay
Your culminating task for this unit will be to write a five paragraph essay on the novel
Flowers for Algernon. Choose a topic from the list below and complete the process using the
information and handouts included in the “essay writing workshop” in the package that follows.
1. Based on Charlie’s experiences after the operation, should scientists experiment with procedures to
increase intelligence? Support your opinion with specific arguments and examples from the novel.
2. Charlie is on a journey of self-discovery. Analyze what he comes to discover about himself AND
how this discovery leads him to happiness and self-fulfillment. Be sure to provide specific
arguments and examples from the novel to support your opinion.
4. Analyze the author’s message to the readers regarding society’s treatment of the mentally
disabled. Provide specific arguments and examples from the novel to support your response.
5. Charlie hypothesizes that “Intelligence without the ability to give and receive affection leads to
mental and moral breakdown. . . And the mind absorbed . . . in itself . . . to the exclusion of human
relationships can only lead to violence and pain” (Keyes 249). Analyze how Charlie’s character
illustrates the truth of this statement. Provide specific arguments and examples from the novel to
support your analysis.
6. Analyze either Fay or Alice’s role in Charlie’s development. Provide specific arguments and
examples to support your analysis.
1. Topic Selection / Brainstorming / Thesis Statement
Due: Mon. May 16th, 2016
2. Body Paragraphs Outline
Due: Wed. May 18th, 2016
3. Rough Draft
Due: Fri. May 20th, 2015
5. Final Draft
Due: Wed. May 25th, 2015
*Each step in the writing process is important. Therefore you must submit all of your rough
work with your final draft. If you skip a step in the writing process, you will be penalized.
*Steps 1-2 will include a conference with your teacher.
Remember that this is an independent project, and therefore you must not share your rough
work with other students! Also, using other writers’ work as your own is PLAGIARISM. If you
plagiarize you risk a mark of zero for the entire assignment. Document any secondary sources
ENG 4C1 Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
What is a Thesis?
 A thesis is the most important part of your essay. It is the reason you are writing your essay.
 A thesis is the main point you want to make in your essay, the argument of which you are
trying to convince your reader.
 A thesis must not make an obvious point. Rather, a thesis should be provocative and
 A thesis must make an arguable assertion. To test whether your assertion is arguable, ask
yourself whether it would be possible to argue the opposite. If not, then it's not a thesis -it's more of a fact.
 The thesis appears in the form of a statement located near the end of the first paragraph
Here is an example of a thesis statement:
Charlie made a poor decision in choosing to have the surgery as he suffers physical,
emotional and intellectual hardship as a result.
Here is another example of a thesis statement:
Charlie made the right choice in choosing to have the surgery as he experiences an
awakening of the mind, body and spirit as a result.
ENG 4C1 Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
How to write a Paragraph:
1. Topic Sentence
 Introduces the reader to the topic and main idea of the paragraph.
 Grabs or hooks the reader.
For example: In the novel Flowers for Algernon, Charlie Gordon discovers how others truly
perceive him.
2. Supporting Sentences
 Follows the topic sentence.
 Offers points, proof in the form of direct or indirect references to the text, and an
explanation relating the information back to the main idea.
For example:
 Point: Prof. Nemur feels superior to Charlie and treats Charlie as a guinea pig, instead of
a human being.
 Proof: Charlie recognizes Prof. Nemur’s mistreatment, only after having the operation,
and writes the following in a progress report, “I resent Nemur’s constant references to
me as a laboratory specimen. He makes me feel that before the experiment I was not
really a human being” (Keyes 113).
 Explanation: With Charlie’s increased intelligence, he gains an acute awareness of his
surroundings and can interpret the opinions and attitudes of those around him. He feels
hurt and disrespected by Prof. Nemur, as he knows he is much more than a science
3. Concluding Sentence
 Closing sentence follows the supporting sentences, shedding light on the main idea and
topic of the paragraph.
For example: If Charlie had chosen not to have the surgery, he would never have been made
aware of how other people perceive him and the mistreatment he has endured. As a result, he
would not have suffered the emotional pain of being treated and regarded as less of a human
ENG 4C1 Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
When writing an essay, it is essential that every main idea be supported with points,
proof in the form of direct and indirect references to the text, and explanations relating the
information back to the thesis statement. Following this format will ensure that your essay is
well organized and that your opinions are well grounded in the text.
Here is an example of the Point-Proof-Explanation Format:
POINT- After the operation, Charlie has several flashbacks and discovers his family members do
not accept or appreciate him. Norma, Charlie’s sister, is embarrassed by Charlie’s disability and
denies the fact he is her sibling.
PROOF – “He’s not my real brother! He’s just a boy we took in because we felt sorry for him.
My momma told me, and she said I can tell everyone now that he’s not really my brother at all”
EXPLANATION - This memory is very painful for Charlie and it leaves him feeling unsettled. He
recalls not wanting to hurt his sister; rather he just wants to be a part of his sister’s life and feel
acceptance and love. If Charlie had not participated in the operation, he would never have
remembered this painful memory or have to face the aftermath of his discovery.
ENG 4C1 Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
How to use textual references:
With each argument you make, it is important to include proof in the form of direct and
indirect quotations from the text. Below are models of how to incorporate direct and indirect
quotations in your writing.
Direct QuotationWhen including a direct quotation from the text, you must use quotation marks and
indicate the page number from which you took the reference.
Here is an example of how to use a direct quotation:
Dr. Straus states “The more intelligent you become the more problems you’ll have, Charlie.
Your intellectual growth is going to outstrip your emotional growth” (47).
* Note that the exact wording from the text has been used.*
Indirect Quotation –
When using an example from the text in your own words, it is still necessary to indicate
where your idea originated. State the page number after the example is used, but do not
include quotation marks.
Here is an example of how to use an indirect quotation:
Dr. Straus explains to Charlie that his intellectual development is going to exceed his emotional
development, which will result in future difficulties (47).
*Note that the quotation marks are not used but the page reference is indicated in
ENG 4C1 Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
Body Paragraph Outline:
Argument #1
Topic Sentence: _______________________________________________________________
Point #1:
Proof #1:
Explanation #1:
Point #2:
Proof #2:
Explanation #2:
ENG 4C1 Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
Concluding Sentence: __________________________________________________________
Argument #2
Topic Sentence: _______________________________________________________________
Point #1:
Proof #1:
Explanation #1:
Point #2:
Proof #2:
Explanation #2:
ENG 4C1 Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
Concluding Sentence: __________________________________________________________
Argument #3
Topic Sentence: _______________________________________________________________
Point #1:
Proof #1:
Explanation #1:
Point #2:
Proof #2:
ENG 4C1 Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
Explanation #2:
Concluding Sentence: __________________________________________________________
ENG 4C1 Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
MLA Formatting Tips:
General Guidelines:
 Double space
 Times New Roman
 12 pt. font
 Margins = 1 inch on all sides
 Indent the first line of paragraphs – use the tab key.
 Create a header in the upper right hand corner, which includes your last
name, followed by a space with the page number (no comma needed).
 Italicize titles of other works.
Formatting the first page of your paper:
 Do not make a title page for your paper.
 In the upper left hand corner list your name, your teacher’s name, the course
code, and the date you are submitting your paper (double space between
each piece of information).
 Double space again and center the title. Do not underline or italicize the title.
 Double space between the title and the first sentence of your introduction.
ENG 4C1 Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
The Introduction:
The introduction of the essay is important since it is what makes the reader
interested in reading the rest of the essay. The format follows the shape of an
inverted pyramid moving from the general to the specific.
 Grabs or hooks the reader.
 Something very general, hinting at the direction of the essay but WITHOUT
using specifics such as names of characters, places, or specific events.
 Begin to move to the specific.
 Each sentence, in the order set out in the thesis, hints at each of the three
main ideas.
 One of these statements MUST contain the title and the author’s name.
 Thesis statement is the main focus of your essay.
 Include thesis statement at the end of the introduction.
ENG 4C1 Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
Introduction Outline:
General Opening Statement: _________________________________________
Harnessing Statement #1: ___________________________________________________
Harnessing Statement #2: ___________________________________________________
Harnessing Statement #3: ___________________________________________________
Thesis Statement: ___________________________________________________
ENG 4C1 Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
The Conclusion:
The conclusion is similar to the introduction, but follows a pyramid shape
beginning with the specific and moving to the general.
 Reacquaint the reader with the thesis statement.
 Use different wording or present the arguments in a different order.
 Summarize each of the three arguments.
 Be sure to clearly and effectively remind your reader of what you have
already argued in the essay.
 Closing comment which sheds like on the essay in a general way.
 Should be insightful and on topic with the essay.
ENG 4C1 Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
Conclusion Outline:
Reword Thesis: ____________________________________________________
Harnessing Statements: ______________________________________________
General Closing Statement: __________________________________________
ENG 4C1 Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
Point-Proof-Explanation Game!
Argument #1: After having surgery, Charlie quickly recalls his unpleasant childhood. He
discovers the emotional and physical abuse he has endured by his loved ones.
Point: Rose Gordon refuses to accept her son’s disability.
Proof: ________________________________________________________________________
Point: Norma Gordon is embarrassed by her brother’s disability and denies he is her sibling.
Proof: ________________________________________________________________________
Point: Rose Gordon uses physical punishment in an effort to teach her son.
Proof: ________________________________________________________________________
Point: Matt Gordon cannot bear the pressures of the Gordon household, and leaves when times
get tough.
Proof: ________________________________________________________________________
ENG 4C1 Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
Direct and Indirect References: Prove that Point Activity!
Instructions: Listed below are a number of points that can be discussed in an essay based on the
novel Flowers for Algernon. For each point raised you must find proof, both direct and indirect,
to support the statement. The direct and indirect proof can be the same, but remember the
different methods of incorporating quotes into your written work.
Argument #1: After having surgery, Charlie’s intelligence increases, causing him to feel a sense
of empowerment.
Point: Charlie receives a promotion from Mr. Donner.
Direct: _______________________________________________________________________
Indirect: _____________________________________________________________________
Point: Charlie learns to read and speak different languages.
Direct: _______________________________________________________________________
Indirect: _____________________________________________________________________
Point: Charlie develops a love of reading.
Direct: _______________________________________________________________________
ENG 4C1 Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
Indirect: _____________________________________________________________________
Point: Charlie conducts his own research with permission from the Welburg Foundation.
Direct: _______________________________________________________________________
Indirect: _____________________________________________________________________
Point: Charlie is no longer reliant on others for survival. He is independent.
Direct: _______________________________________________________________________
Indirect: _____________________________________________________________________
ENG 4C1 Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
Did Charlie make the right choice in choosing to have the surgery?
He learned about his past.
He remembers he has a family and he has childhood memories.
He dreams and has flashbacks – has an active memory.
He becomes aware of his surroundings; he is no longer in the dark. He is given an opportunity to
He discovers that his friends at the bakery are not really his friends at all (ignorance is not bliss).
He learns to read and write.
He is engaged in learning; is capable of learning different languages and retaining a large amount
of knowledge. He is a genius.
He experiences relationships (Fay Lillman and Alice Kinnian).
He experiences a range of emotions.
He makes decisions on his own (running away from the conference/moving into his own apartment,
etc.) He is no longer dependent on everyone around him.
He experiences love for the first time (with Alice Kinnian).
Although he regresses, he did contribute to a meaningful scientific inquiry.
It is better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.
He is only intelligent for a few months and then regresses back to his original state.
He gets a taste of what it feels like to live “normally” and then it is taken away from him.
He learns of his abusive childhood.
He discovers that he has few meaningful relationships in his life. His friends at the bakery are not
his friends.
He learns that he was considered inferior to everyone around him.
He discovers that in terms of his emotional development, he is very delayed.
He can’t control his actions in the present on account of his past – He has no control and it is
difficult to carry on.
Although he becomes a genius, he is still isolated from society as he has nothing in common with
the average folk.
He learns how cruel the world is – the disabled boy in the restaurant, the way Nemur treats him
like a guinea pig, the way he was treated by his coworkers.
He is smart enough to know that like Algernon, he too will regress. It’s like receiving a death
sentence and waiting to die.
In the end, he is worse off than if he hadn’t had the surgery. At least before he was living on his
own and working at Donner’s. Now he is going to live at Warren.