SAC Meeting Call to Order: Roll Call

SAC Meeting
Call to Order: (3:00)
Roll Call: All but Fara present
Prayer: Given by Travis, Analisa to give prayer at next meeting.
Approval of minutes: 9-14-2011 minutes were approved without change
Public Forum
Seth Walsh: Introduction as new Senate Coordinator
Review of the Budget
Crystal Guffey
Passed out budget spreadsheets
Report of the SGA Executive
Report of the Legislative Vice President, Brock McMorran
Not a ton to report today, so it should be pretty short!
1.) First, I would like to congratulate Seth Walsh on his recent switch to Senate Coordinator. Seth and I have
already had a chance to sit down and discuss the transition, and I am both confident and excited that he will
serve well!
2.) Seth’s switch to Senate Coordinator now means the Chair position on the Association Affairs Committee is
vacant. President Alleman, Seth, and I will be working in the next few days to take care of this issue so that a
new chair can be installed at this coming Monday’s Senate meeting.
3.) As Morgan mentioned in her report last week, SGA will be hosting two teams for this year’s Club Olympics,
which will be held on Sunday, October 9. One team is already full and we only have four spots remaining, so
if you are interested, please sign up!
4.) Now that there is a new Senate Coordinator I can really start focusing on the Executive Platform! I will be
meeting with Nia Williams, the current Student Director of Diversity, to discuss her goals and overall visions
for her position as well as MOSAIC.
5.) In addition I am trying to identify and address sustainability issues within the Association. For SAC this is
largely related to promo for events. As of this morning there was 38 pieces of promo for upcoming events
that have not been hung. This is almost $15.00 of student’s money that is literally sitting on table being
wasted. Not mention a waste of paper. I will be following up with Res. Life to make sure we aren’t printing
more promo than is needed.
6.) Lastly, I do want to apologize if you have not been able to get into the Office late at night or on weekends.
For some reason the doors were being locked, but no worries, I have talked to Joe Christman and Campus
Police, so this should not be a problem anymore.
Other than that, still getting used to the position! Please come in and talk to me, I need more friends, who just
happen to be SACers!
Did you know some promo might be sitting there in wait of use?
Did you know there is a key at the Welcome Desk to unlock our office?
Report of the President, Ryan Alleman
Not Emailed
If your name was picked, is there a prize? Probably a gift card. will have to ask Dave Johnson.
Report of the Administrative Vice President, Lydia Gerlach
Remember SAC with Snacks! Thanks for the awesome treat, Sarah. Next week Katie Sellers is
“not sure” what she’s bringing! Here’s an update:
1. Excused Religious Observances
Still waiting on syllabi—I have 70 and need 100.
2. LGBTQ position
I met with Tamika Odum from the Women’s Center. She played a
significant role at UC with their LGBTQ support center. She has agreed to
be the advisor for our internship. We made strides of progress with this
today. I have a meeting with Steve Yandell next week, he is the advisor to
Alliance. Also, GLSEN is Saturday.
3. Discovery Services
I met with Judy Molnar and Jim Sales from Information Resources to
discuss the next steps for moving forward with better marketing IR to the
students at Xavier. We are going to help with “Cyber Security Month”
(October) through tabling featuring password strength and profile
questions in case students forget their password. Flashdrives will be given
out. There will also be a movie and pizza event for Cyber Security Month.
4. Sarah Niemoeller
Second lecture of series—first was Franklin McCain last year. Will be
needing some help with the cool display in Gallagher regarding a line of
poetry, “Then they came for me--/and there was no one left/ to speak out
for me.”
5. Ides of March
Execs gave some money to SAC for an Ides of March event. Should be
6. Lawyer Referral
Forum on Oct. 3, lawyer that provides answers to questions, Xavier police,
Norwood Police, Erik Zimmerman. Discussion will be about leases, landlord
expectations, Xavier police jurisdiction, foot patrols at night on the
weekends. It’s going to be a hot issue.
Report of the SAC Chair, Morgan Zuziak
Committee Chairs – don’t forget we have our chair dinner this Sunday at 5:00p.m. Let’s meet
in Bellarmine circle at 4:45p.m. and we will go from there and we will be back by 7:00p.m!
Dustin and I will be driving.
To give you an update on the SAC apps – so far we have 2 applications turned in – and they
are due this Friday. Please encourage your friends, classmates, residents, and anyone who
you feel would benefit the board to apply! Thanks!
Leadership Summit – we only have 6 SACers signed up so far: Margaret, Lauren, Whitney,
LeeAnn, Kevin, and Me. I encourage you all to sign up – we have a lot of spots left and it’s
what do you have to lose?
Office hours- please write description! I won’t be approving them unless there is a description.
Also, as of this morning according to OrgSync there is only 1 SACer who has completed all of
their office hours. We are now 5 weeks into the semester and you all should have at least 2
office hours logged each week.
We are taking new pictures this Wednesday in the alumni center from 2:45pm-3:15pm then
we will be coming back to Gallagher for our meeting!
Proposals due this Sunday:
Thanks-A-Latte Open Mic Night on October 19th.
Late Night Snack on October 20th..
Halloween Event on October 25th.
Late Night Movie on October 27th.
Crazy Stupid Love – tomorrow
Renaissance festival – Saturday
Milk – Next Tuesday
Other fliers – never be extra promo!
Pass around coupons!
If you are doing SAC work not in the office, does that count as second office hour? One hour is committee meeting, one
is in the office.
When logging office hours, does that go straight to you? Yes.
Are the pictures the ones we will hang on office wall? Yes. Dress code? Look nice.
Do you want every extra hour we are in the office recorded? Yes, record all.
Do you want us to count events we work? Yes.
Do you want us to do back hours? No, record from now on.
Did you know it’s really important to get your picture taken, can’t come Wed, come Mon with Senate.
Report of Advisor, Dustin Lewis
For your Senate Minute today here are the updates to share with you:
The new Club Activation process was approved by Senate this week and Club Relations worked throughout
most of the summer and early fall to develop this process, so I want to recommend you review what
Morgan sent out earlier this week. The main thing you need to know is that if a student comes to the SGA
office and they are wanting to start a new club, they need to start by contacting Jared Greene – the chair of
Club Relations – at
Club Relations is also developing new policies and rules related to the Club Space. Sarah Roveda is in charge
of this process, so if you have any feedback or comments on how the space is being used or could be more
effectively used, please share those with Sarah. As a reminder, when you are painting a banner, please use
a drop cloth and please do not leave your banner in the Workroom for more than a day. We are having a
problem with paint stains and with banners being left for days and days. As SGA members, please help to
set the example for other clubs.
The Community Affairs Committee is actively attending City Council meetings with North Avondale,
Evanston and Norwood. If you are ever interested in attending with CAC, just let the chair, Zach Aliberti,
know. Also, Zach is going to begin reporting in those meetings about the work of SGA and happenings at
Xavier. If you ever need to share something with those city councils, such as planning on having an outdoor
event such as a 5K run or a late night outdoor concert, it would be great to work with Zach to communicate
with those groups.
To See Great Wonders Week is this week, which is a personal senate project for Nick Albin. The attendance
has been really low so far and I want to strongly encourage you to attend the remaining events on Thursday
and Friday. Thursday’s event is at 4pm with Rabbi Abie in Alter Hall and Friday’s event is at 1pm in the
Jesuit Residence. I hope you can make it and support Nick in his project.
I have worked over the numbers regarding NACA and it looks like SAC can send 4 members to the regional conference
in Covington and 4 members to the National Convention in Charlotte, NC. I will be announcing next week who the
delegates for the regional conference will be. This decision is being made in consultation with Morgan.
Senators Meghan Savercool and Joe Colak are working on a bid to bring the National Jesuit Student Leadership
Conference here to Xavier in 2013. Their bid is due next week and if it is successfully received and we are granted the
2013 conference, they will be looking for your help and support to make this happen. Wish them luck!
Just a few reminders:
First Year Senate Elections are next week on Wednesday and Thursday. Do your part by voting and getting
your friends to vote next week.
Family Weekend Registration is now open. If your family is coming to Xavier for Family Weekend, please
make sure that you have them register through the Family Weekend website as soon as possible –
I am still working on some SAC Website updates. I want to ask the committees to each send a committee
photo at your next event; Late Night should take one at MAD, Concerts should take one at NexCyx, Campus
Traditions should take one at Grease and Life & Culture should take one at the Food Fair. FAC and Publicity
can take one any time you are all together!
Do we look at the people who go to NACA as people who will be committed to join SGA next year? We are just looking
for someone who can bring something back. Does not make you ineligible if you don’t join next year.
Report of the SGA Resource Assistant, Crystal Guffey
I know I’ve brought this up to you before, but I’ve been hit with a lot of questions about events. Most I know the
details of, but it would be helpful if you sent me a quick email letting me know if there is going to be a sign up, fee,
what-have-you so I can give out correct information.
Opinion Entries
Kevin Tighe
I am giving you all an oration of my opinion today for a philanthropic reason. As some of you may know, Unified for
UNIFAT gives the opportunity for anyone to adopt a child from the Ugandan region in order for them to attend
school, be provided meals and an array of other services for an entire year. On Monday, senator Elizabeth Bousson
proposed to the senate board that they all donate, if they are willing, an equal share to adopt a child in the name of
senate. The donation would obviously come from their own pocket. The result from that effort was that every single
senator pledged to donate. Therefore, I am here to ask if you all would be willing to join their effort, cutting the price
even further. If we join the effort, it would only cost around $7 per individual. I personally believe this to be a great
effort and something that the representatives of the student body should be more than willing to partake in. I now
will be handing around a sign-up sheet for all those interested in donating. Please simply write your name if you
pledge to help.
Proposals (must be emailed prior to meeting)
FAC, Jim Reitenbach
Let Me See Your Sushi Roll
Chairs: Jess Finkel & Katie Keller
Date: October 18th, 2011
Time: 7:00-9:00
Location: GSC 214/ rain site
Estimated Attendance: 100
Event Description:
We plan to collaborate with Japanese Club and teach students how to make their own rolls of sushi using various
ingredients. Different time slots will be available and groups of 25 will be permitted for each. There will be a sign up
sheet in GSC 214 to know how many students are coming when.
Total Amount Proposed: $400.00
Budget Requested From: Life and Culture
Cost Breakdown:
Food: $ 250.00
Food will be purchased at the Cincinnati Asian Market (Seaweed rolling papers, sushi vinegar rice,
crab sticks, eel, shrimp, tuna, cucumber, cream cheese, avocado, lettuce, scallop, soy sauce,
Promo: $100
Flyers $50.00
Sushi erasers $50.00
Contingency $50.00
Total: $400.00
(Initial Questions)
214 rain site? Actual location because clock tower is booked.
(Debate and Discussion)
Any ideas on better places to have it?
What about Kennedy Auditorium? No food.
3rd floor conference rooms? Booked.
214 would be good, but would like people to direct to this room.
Last year, was really crowed. Is this enough room?
Class rooms in CLC?
If we use this room, would have to make more shifts, smaller groups.
If we set it up right, it should be fine.
Experience from last year, got messy and crowded.
In 214 we would have office to “hold” people.
The O’Conner gym?
Atrium? Too public.
Thought about asking Andy’s? Good idea.
Debate Ended
Senate Motion #12-029
Move to amend the Constitution by replacing Article IV Section 3b with “The Senate will approve or not approve all
appointments and nominations with individual students or student organizations proposed by the Association
President or the SAC. Decisions made by the SAC will only be reviewed when a matter of serious consequence is
Association Affairs: Seth Walsh (Chair), Ryan Martin, Greg Rose
The Senate may approve or not approve all appointments, nominations, and contracts with individual students or
student organizations proposed by the Association President or the SAC. Decisions made by the SAC will only be
reviewed when a matter of serious consequence is involved.
The Senate will approve or not approve all appointments and nominations with individual students or student
organizations proposed by the Association President or the SAC. Decisions made by the SAC will only be reviewed
when a matter of serious consequence is involved.
(Initial Questions)
(Debate and Discussion)
Debate Ended
Senate Motion #12-033
Move to amend Constitution by striking Article VII, Section V (on the Lecture Series Chair)
Association Affairs: Seth Walsh (Chair), Ryan Martin, Greg Rose
The Senate and the Association President shall share responsibility for creating and maintaining an Office of the
Lecture Series Committee. The Lecture Series Committee will perform all duties expressed in Lecture Series Policies
and Format. Any deviations from this manual must be approved by the Association President.
(Initial Questions)
(Debate and Discussion)
Debate Ended
Club Activation Process
Senate Association Affairs
Time frames for clubs to activate*:
Fall Semester: Starts the week of Labor Day for the following six weeks, ending Friday of the sixth week
Spring Semester: First 6 weeks of the semester, ending Friday of the sixth week
*Clubs must have completed the activation packet, turned it in, and met with Club Relations within the six-week
windows. The club may be approved by Senate and may complete their conditional club requirements outside of the
First step: Email Club Relations Committee (CR)
 Students interested in forming a club will be directed to email the CR chair with the following information:
o Club name
o Club’s mission statement and a brief description of the club
 The CR chair will forward the email to the committee for discussion. If the potential club fits into the
university mission and whose mission does not overlap with that of another club, the chair will email an
activation packet to its leadership.
 If the committee does not endorse the potential club, it will contact the club with an explanation as to why
it does not meet SGA requirements. The committee may recommend a similar club to work with or give tips
on forming a more effective club. The potential club may challenge the decision by requesting a meeting
with CR to explain in further detail why their club fits into the mission and the requirements of a new club.
Second step: Activation packet and conditional approval
 The potential club will fill out the packet and then schedule a meeting with CR within the activation
windows mentioned above. During this meeting, at least one member of the club’s leadership will answer
questions to prepare the committee to propose to Senate.
 The committee will deliberate amongst itself after meeting with the potential club and vote on the club’s
validity after confirming that the club would meet the following requirements:
 Consistent with the mission of a Jesuit, Catholic university
 Meets the needs of students
 Significantly different from other clubs
 If one or more CR member votes in favor of the club, the committee will propose the club to Senate. If the
club passes the Senate vote, it will be passed on to the Dean of Students for approval. If he or she approves
of the club, it is conditionally approved.
Conditionally approved clubs will have the ability to create an OrgSync page, access to
room rentals, approval to hold meetings on campus, and the ability to post signs around
Third step: Complete and document conditional club requirements
 Once a potential club has been approved, it will receive documentation forms and begin to complete the
requirements of a conditional club:
1. Hold at least two club meetings (one of which is attended by a CR member).
2. Demonstrate an effort to expand or retain membership.
3. Map out a plan to maintain the club’s active status for the next three years.
4. Create a first year budget, including SGA’s $350 allocation, fundraising, and any additional funding.
5. Create an OrgSync page for the club
 Student Working Groups looking to become a club must complete the following requirements of a
conditional club:
1. Hold at least one club meeting.
2. Map out a plan to maintain the club’s active status for the next three years.
3. Create a first year budget, including SGA’s $350 allocation, fundraising, and any additional funding.
 The potential club must keep track of its progress on the activation packet to be presented to CR.
Fourth step: Final approval
 Five weeks* after becoming conditionally approved, the club must have turned in all documentation. CR will
review the documents and confirm whether or not the club has met all requirements.
*Clubs may not receive a time extension for completing these requirements.
 If the club is found to have completed its requirements it will be passed by the committee and submitted to
the Dean of Students for final approval.
 Upon receiving approval from the Dean of Students, the club will achieve full club status.
 If the club has not met its requirements CR will recommend to Senate that its charters be revoked.
(Initial Questions)
(Debate and Discussion)
Debate Ended
Blast from the Past
Oktoberfest: went well, bus jammed except around lunch time. Attendance had to be around 400.
Bingo: 106 people attended. People enjoyed the grocery give-aways.
Here and Now
NexCyx: Performing during MAD outside in Xavier Yard, if no rain.
MAD: Friday, will have free massages, inflatables, free wraps, need volunteers
Late Night movie: Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun.
Committee Reports
Financial Affairs Committee, Jim Reitenbach
Not Emailed
Life & Culture, Analisa Condon
Thank you so much for passing Sushi Rolling. I think its going to be a great event! I appreciate everyone's help in
signing up to help with the Multicultural Food Fair. Please please please try to stop by. We are going to really
need everyone's help. I am disappointed in the sign-ups for the Renaissance Fair, so if you could please sign up to help
sell tickets that would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for everything! Ana
Campus Traditions, Sarah Richardson
Hey guys! This week Katie Sellers will be meeting with publicity to create the first round of promo for the fall ball to
get everyone to start thinking about their costume ideas! Be ready for the actual proposal for the event, with its
official title, next week! We have also been in communication this week with some potential contestants/MC's/judges
for Mr. Muskie in December. Lastly, we are happy to announce to the board that Matt and I are officially pursuing Bill
Nye the Science Guy for a spring lecture. Matt has just started communication with an agent so many things could
come up before this becomes official, therefore, treat this as B.o.B was treated last year and DO NOT SAY ANYTHING
Concerts, Matt Morefield
Not Emailed
How many seats do we have open? 3,000
How many sold? 760
This is SAC event, not just Concerts Committee. There should be more conversations of what SAC can do to sell tickets.
Cannot wait for this.
If anyone has suggestions send email to Matt.
Late Night Programming, LeeAnn Scherbauer
Hey guys! Sorry for not informing you about the Ides of March Event. We did receive funds from Co-Curricular and the
Executives to put this event together. We have had some communication problems with the theater we would like to
work with and that is why I had yet to disclose the information of the event. However, we hope to have all the details
worked out soon and are very excited for this event. Also, we have a small issue. When we tried to order the movie
Crazy Stupid Love today from Swank the anticipated release date changed. Therefore, we cannot get this movie. So,
we need to do another vote or will it be Transformers? (We decided to watch movie trailers for Super 8, The Help,
and Captain America and a straw poll was taken). The Help will be our late night movie for October 6-8. Next, thank
you for all who have signed up to help with MAD on Friday. Whitney and I can't stress it enough on how important it
is for everyone to be there! In addition, we really need your commitment for the whole night :) thanks! Please attend
late night movie this weekend on Thursday or Saturday if you get the chance! We will have another vote next week
for late night snack in October! Thanks!!
Straw Poll: The Help –Majority, Transformers-, Super 8Did you know Harry Potter is available for last Late Night movie Oct.?
Are we expecting all MAD to be mandatory? Yes
Publicity, Annette Frac
Hey all! Just a reminder for those proposing next week our meeting is still Sunday at 7. I should be back from the
chairs dinner by then. As far as the promo discussion earlier we order 115 fliers each time which is the perfect
amount for the space we have, so just be sure you are putting up all your promo and not leaving them around the
office because we should not have extras. Also if promo can meet real quick after this meeting real quick that would
be great. Any questions let me know thanks.
Have a problem having all MAD being mandatory, while other events are not?
Multicultural Food Fair has same attendance, but not mandatory.
Move to open executive session
Open executive session
Session Closed
Closing Sentiments
Cynthia Bear was given to Annette and the Promo Committee: Favorite TV show?
Adjourned: (5:06)