Hiseville Junior Beta Club The Hiseville Junior Beta Club in a non-secret, non-profit leadership service club and is affiliated with the National Beta Club. Our purpose is to encourage effort, reward merit, and promote qualities of character that make a good citizen. Qualifications for membership are: 1. Be on the honor roll – all A’s and B’s 2. No serious office referrals 3. Display worthy character 4. Participate in Beta fundraisers and service opportunities (see sponsor if there is a question) Service Hours: Beta is a service organization – service is a requirement. All members must participate with the club or independently. Examples include: 1. Nursing home visits (school sponsored or on your own) 2. Volunteer service for the school or PTO (example: volunteer to work coke wagon for PTO) 3. Community Service for which they are not paid (example: babysitting, raking leaves, etc.) 4. Donation of items for Club sponsored events (bake sales, toys for tots, items to take to nursing home, etc) If you have a question about something qualifying, please ask a sponsor. Probation: Students will be placed on probations: 1. Off honor roll for nine weeks 2. Serious office referral 3. Saturday School 4. Teacher/Administrator recommendation 5. Repeated classroom disruption Dismissal: 1. Not on Honor second nine weeks 2. 2nd serious office referral will place member before committee and could result in dismissal 3. Repeated disruptive behavior in classroom 4. Suspension 5. Teacher-Administrator recommendation Membership dues are $25 for students joining for the first time. Inability to pay this fee will not exclude anyone from membership***