UNIT 5 THEME: En un restaurante [In a restaurant] LEARNING TARGETS INTERPRETIVE Listening I can understand when a waiter tells me the specials of the day. Reading I can understand some of what I read on a menu. I can understand some of what people say about food. I can understand of what I read about a restaurant in an ad or review in a newspaper, online, or a brochure. I can understand what I hear in a restaurant advertisement. INTERPERSONAL Person-to-Person I can order food and drink in a restaurant. I can ask for my bill in a restaurant. I can ask for and understand basic information about the menu. I can talk about what the food is like. I can ask for what I need in a restaurant. PRESENTATIONAL Speaking I can talk about a restaurant and its menu. Writing I can write a description of a restaurant and its menu. I can give my preferences and recommendations of what to order in a restaurant. I can give my preferences and recommendations of what to order in a restaurant. UNIT 5 THEME: En un restaurante [In a restaurant] VOCBULARY el restaurante el café el mesero / la mesera el camarero / la camarera el menú la mesa el plato la cuchara el cuchillo el tenedor la servilleta la taza el vaso restaurant café waiter / waitress (Latin America) waiter/waitress (Spain) menu table plate spoon knife fork napkin cup glass la sal la pimienta la comida el postre el helado la fruta la bebida el agua (fem.) la leche el refresco el café el té helado dulce el azúcar salt pepper (spice) food, meal dessert ice cream fruit drink water milk soft drink coffee tea iced sweet sugar la ensalada la hamburguesa el pan la mantequilla el bocadillo el queso el pollo la sopa la papa [la patata] el arroz las papas [patatas] fritas el cerdo salad hamburger bread butter sandwich cheese chicken soup potato [in Spain] rice French fries pork UNIT 5 THEME: En un restaurante la carne de res beef el pescado el jamón gracias por favor fish ham thank you. please comer beber pedir [e i] leer comprender aprender escribir [In a restaurant] to eat to drink to order to read to understand to learn to write to receive to live to see recibir vivir ver GRAMMAR Present tense regular –ER and –IR verbs The irregular verbs VER and PEDIR CULTURE Understanding differences in eating customs in Spanish-speaking countries. Understanding traditional foods in Spanish-speaking countries. UNIT 5 THEME: En un restaurante [In a restaurant] ASSESSMENTS NOTES SUBJECT PRONOUNS 3rd person 2nd person 1st person singular (1 person) I plural (more than 1 person) yo we tú (familiar) you you (plural) [y’all] nosotros(as) vosotros(as) (familiar: in Spain only) ustedes [Uds.] (formal) usted [Ud.] (formal) he, it (masculine) él they (all male/mixed) ellos she, it (feminine) ella they (all female) ellas CONJUGATING VERBS INFINITIVE – the base form of the verb In Spanish, infinitives end in –AR, –ER, or –IR. In English infinitives consist of the word “to” and a verb. Example: to walk When you look up a verb in a Spanish/English dictionary, it will be in its infinitive form. CONJUGATION – putting the verb with possible subject for use in a sentence. Infinitives cannot be used as is in sentences. The infinitive ending [–AR, –ER, or –IR] is removed and new endings are added depending on the subject. COMER – to eat UNIT 5 THEME: En un restaurante 1st person singular (1 person) yo 2nd person 3rd person plural (more than 1 person) o nosotros(as) es vosotros(as) com com tú [In a restaurant] com emos com éis usted com e ustedes com en él com e ellos com en ella com e ellas com en VIVIR – to live 1st person singular (1 person) yo 2nd person o nosotros(as) es vosotros(as) e ustedes viv e ellos viv e ellas viv viv tú 3rd person plural (more than 1 person) viv usted viv él viv ella viv imos viv ís viv en en en VER – to see singular (1 person) plural (more than 1 person) 1st person UNIT 5 THEME: En un restaurante yo 3rd person 2nd person tú [In a restaurant] veo* nosotros(as) es vosotros(as) v e ustedes v e ellos v e ellas v v usted v él v ella v emos v eis en en en