HARTNELL COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Meeting: November 20, 2014, 2:00-4:30 PM Library Information Competency Room Minutes MEMBERS: Name Representing Present Carol Kimbrough, Chair Larry Adams James Beck Theresa Carbajal LaVerne Cook Mary Cousineau Mary Dominguez Jeanne Hori-Garcia Jason Hough Debra Kaczmar Stephanie Low Jeff McGrath Daniel Ortega Mercedes Quintero Deborah Stephens Joe Welch Ann Wright Faculty Faculty (SBS) Faculty (LA) Faculty (COU) Articulation Officer Faculty (Nursing/Allied Health) Administration (Student Affairs/Enrollment) Faculty (SBS) Faculty (FA) Administration (Nursing/Allied Health) Administration (FA/SBS) PT Faculty (FA) Faculty (PE/Athletics/HED) Faculty (COU) Faculty (Library) Faculty (MSE/CTE) Faculty (MSE) X X X X X X X X X X X X Vacant (student) Absent X X X X X SUPPORT STAFF: Ruby Garcia, Belen Gonzales GUESTS: Shannon Bliss, Parviz Entekhabi, Christina Esparza-Luna, Steve Ettinger, Marnie Glazier (via phone), Frank Henderson, Hortencia Jimenez, Pimol Moth, Sam Pacheco, Val Rodriguez, Lisa Storm. I. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Carol Kimbrough welcomed all members and guests to the meeting. The agenda was adopted by unanimous vote. CSS-27, -29, 78, -84, and -126 were removed from the agenda. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion: MSA (vote unanimous) to approve the minutes of 11/6/2014. III. CONSENT ITEMS: a. COURSE INACTIVATION 1. ADJ-45, Special Projects 2. AST-45, Special Projects b. NONSUBSTANTIAL CHANGES: 1. MUS-11, Applied Music- Instrumental (reduce units to 0.5; reduce contact hours) 2. MUS-13A, Beginning Piano I (remove corequisite: MUS-19) 3. MUS-13B, Beginning Piano II (remove corequisite: MUS-19) 4. MUS-14, Intermediate Piano (remove advisory, concurrent enrollment MUS-19) Hartnell College Mission Statement Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement, and success. CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Minutes 11/20/2014 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. MUS-15, Advanced Piano (remove advisory, concurrent enrollment MUS-19) MUS-20, Hartnell College Choir (prerequisite: audition is required) MUS-21, Hartnell Chamber Singers (prerequisite: audition is required) MUS-24, Estudiantina Hartnell (prerequisite: audition is required) MUS-25, Hartnell College Wind Ensemble (prerequisite: audition is required) MUS-26, Jazz Ensemble (prerequisite: audition is required) MUS-29.4, Symphonic Band – 20th Century Pops Emphasis (prerequisite: audition is required) 12. MUS-29.5, Symphonic Band – 21st Century Emphasis (prerequisite: audition is required) c. REMOVE ELIGIBILITY FOR AUDIT 1. WLD-52, -53, -54, -57, -58, -150, -151 d. REVISE CATALOG PAGES 1. Welding Technology AS and Certificate 2. Computer Science and Information Systems – Network and Security Option, AS MOTION: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve consent items a, b, c, d IV. TWO READING ITEMS – SECOND READING, ACTION a. NEW COURSES 1. CSS-120B, Routing and Switching Essentials, 4 units (Joe Welch) Prerequisite: CSS-120A, Intro to Networks; eligible for audit Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve CSS-120B as a new course. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve prerequisite course. DE/Hybrid: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve DE addendum. 2. CSS-120C, Scaling Networks , 4 units Prerequisite: CSS-120B Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve CSS-120C as a new course. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve prerequisite course. DE/Hybrid: MSP (vote: unanimous to approve DE addendum. 3. ECO-10, Introduction to Economics, 3 units (Christina Esparza-Luna) Advisory: Eligibility for ENG-1A Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve ECO-10 as a new course. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve advisory. DE/Hybrid: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve DE addendum. 4. SOC-20, Sociology of Gender and Society, 3 units (Hortencia Jimenez) Advisory: SOC-1, Eligibility for ENG-1A Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve SOC-20 as a new course. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve advisory. GE: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve SOC-20 for Hartnell’s G.E. categories: Social and Behavioral Science; and Ethnic Groups in the U.S. 5. THA-13, Acting for the Camera, 3 units (Marnie Glazier) Eligible for audit Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve THA-13 as a new course. 2 || *MOI (methods of instruction); MOE (methods of evaluation), tch (total contact hrs) wch (weekly contact hrs) CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Minutes 11/20/2014 7. THA-14, Improvisational Acting Techniques I, 3 units Eligible for audit Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve THA-14 as a new course 8. THA-20, Directing, 3 units Advisory: Eligibility for ENG-1A. Eligible for audit Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to TABLE approval of this course. 9. THA-21, Playwriting and Screenwriting, 3 units Advisory: Eligibility for ENG-1A. Eligible for audit Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve THA-21 as a new course. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve advisory. 10. THA-30, Fundamentals of Theatre Design, 3 units [proposed C-ID 172] Eligible for audit Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve THA-30 as a new course. 11. THA-32, Puppetry and Mask, 3 units Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve THA-32 as a new course. b. NEW PROGRAMS 1. AA-T, MUSIC (Steve Ettinger) Steve had provided some revisions to the program as needed to complete the degree in 60.0 units. Currently there are no courses that could be doublecounted as GE; future course revisions may allow for double counting to take place. Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve the AA-T Degree in Music. V. TWO READING ITEMS – FIRST READING, NO ACTION a. NEW COURSES 1. AAT-131, Fuel Systems and Emissions Control, 4 units (Val Rodriguez) Advisories: MAT-121, AAT-100, -120, -130; eligibility for ENG-1A 2. AAT-140, Brake Systems, 4 units Advisories: Eligibility for ENG-1A, MAT-121 3. AAT-141, Steering and Suspension Systems, 4 units Advisories: Eligibility for ENG-1A, MAT-121 4. AAT-150, Manual Transmission and Drive Train, 4 units Advisories: Eligibility for ENG-1A, MAT-121 5. AAT-151, Automatic Transmission, 4 units Advisories: Eligibility for ENG-1A, MAT-121 The committee expressed concern for all AAT courses that a plan needs to be submitted that will show how these courses will replace existing curriculum in the Automotive Technology area (AUT program and certificates in the Shop Management area are currently listed in the catalog as under review). 6. HIS-8A, Colonial History of Latin America, 3 units (Sam Pacheco, Ann DeJesusRiley) 7. HIS-8B, Modern Latin American History, 3 units 3 || *MOI (methods of instruction); MOE (methods of evaluation), tch (total contact hrs) wch (weekly contact hrs) CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Minutes 11/20/2014 8. HIS-15, Indigenous History of the United States, 3 units The committee provided suggestions for the course initiators. These courses will return in 2 weeks for second reading. When approved, these courses will be considered for Hartnell GE in the Social and Behavioral Science category. HIS-15 will also meet requirements for Ethnic Groups in the U.S. 9. THA-15, Devised Theatre Performance – Creation Workshop, 3 units (Marnie Glazier) 10. THA-50, Video Production Lab – Single Camera, 3 units The committee provided feedback to the course initiator for these new courses. b. NEW PROGRAM 1. AA-T, ECONOMICS (Christina Esparza-Luna) The committee reviewed the proposal degree and will look forward to its second reading on 12/4. VI. ONE READING ITEMS - ACTION a. COURSE REVISIONS1. ADJ-33, Constitutional Law for Criminal Justice Professionals, 3 units (Lisa Storm) Modifications: objectives, MOI, MOE, materials, DE addendum, [SLOs] (eligible for audit) MOTION: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to ADJ-33. DE/Hybrid: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve the DE addendum. 2. AST-1, Introduction to Astronomy, 3 units (Pimol Moth) Modifications: objectives, content, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs], DE addendum MOTION: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to AST-1. DE addendum (no hybrid): MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve DE addendum. 3. AST-1L, Astronomy Laboratory, 1 unit Modifications: [SLOs], objectives, content, MOE, MOI, assignments MOTION: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to AST-1L. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve corequisite course. 4. BIO-5, Human Anatomy, 4 units (Ann Wright) Modifications: prereq (completion of any college-level biology course, eligibility for ENG- 1A.), description, objectives, content, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs], MOI, (DE/Hybrid) MOTION: MSP (vote: unanimous) to TABLE approval of revisions until next meeting; the nursing faculty and dean will meet with the biology faculty and dean to determine consequences of adding the prerequisite course to the nursing program’s unit limits. 5. CSS-124, Systems and Network Administration, (course reactivation) 4 units (Joe Welch) Modifications: course number, (former 170B) grading, advisory (CSS-44), description, objectives, content, MOI, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs] add DE/hybrid 4 || *MOI (methods of instruction); MOE (methods of evaluation), tch (total contact hrs) wch (weekly contact hrs) CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Minutes 11/20/2014 MOTION: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to CSS-124. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve advisory course, CSS-44. DE/hybrid: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve DE addendum. 6. CSS-125, Storage Management and Virtualization, 4 units Modifications: course number (170A), title, advisory (CSS 120A), description, objectives, content, materials, [SLOs], DE/Hybrid, assignments MOTION: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to CSS-125. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve advisory. DE/ Hybrid: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve DE addendum. 7. DRA-52, Introduction to AutoCAD, 3 units (Parviz Entekhabi) Modifications: grading, description, objectives, content, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs], revisions to DE/Hybrid; Advisory: DRA 50 MOTION: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to DRA-52. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve advisory. DE/Hybrid: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve DE addendum. 8. DRA-53, Advanced AutoCAD, 3 units Modifications: grading, change prereq to advisory (DRA-52), course, lab content, materials, assignments, [SLOs]. DE/Hybrid, Advisory: DRA-52 MOTION: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to DRA-53. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve advisory. DE/Hybrid: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve DE addendum. 9. DRA-54, AutoCAD 3D Modeling, 3 units Modifications: course, lab content, MOI, (DE/Hybrid), materials, assignments, [SLOs]. Prereq: DRA-52, advisory: DRA-53 MOTION: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to DRA-54. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve advisory. DE/Hybrid: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve DE addendum. 10. HIS-49B, Chicano History, 3 units (Sam Pacheco, Ann De Jesus-Riley) Modifications: content, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs] MOTION: MSP (vote: unanimous) to TABLE approval of this course. 11. MUS-46, Music Theory and Musicianship I, 4 units Prereq: MUS-2; advisory familiarity with musical notation and the piano keyboard Modifications: description, objectives, content MOTION: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to MUS-46. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve prerequisite and advisory. 12. MUS-47, Music Theory and Musicianship II, 4 units Prereq: MUS-46 Modifications: description, objectives, content MOTION: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to MUS-47. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve prerequisite course. 5 || *MOI (methods of instruction); MOE (methods of evaluation), tch (total contact hrs) wch (weekly contact hrs) CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Minutes 11/20/2014 VII. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER a. Revised catalog template The committee reviewed two possible templates for use for AA and AS degrees in the catalog. These will also be shared with Counseling faculty and will return for further consideration. VIII. ADJOURNMENT AND NEXT MEETING DATE a. Next meeting date: 12/4/2014, 2:00-4:30PM ctk: 11/22/2014 STRATEGIC PRIORITIES Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Priority Priority Priority Priority Priority Priority 1 2 3 4 5 6 - Student Success Student Access Employee Diversity and Development Effective Utilization of Resources Innovation and Relevance for Educational Programs and Services Partnerships with Industry, Business, Agencies, and Education 6 || *MOI (methods of instruction); MOE (methods of evaluation), tch (total contact hrs) wch (weekly contact hrs)