Grade 9 Course Outline Technological Education Department: Course Title:

Grade 9 Course Outline
Technological Education
Course Title:
Course Code:
Course Type:
Credit Value:
Exploring Computer Technology
110 hours
Ministry Guidelines:
Technological Education Guidelines. The Ontario Curriculum Grade 9
and 10 Ministry of Education and Training
Course Description:
This exploratory course introduces students to concepts and skills in
computer technology, which encompasses computer systems, networking,
interfacing, and programming, as well as electronics and robotics. Students
will develop an awareness of related environmental and societal issues,
and will begin to explore secondary and postsecondary pathways leading
to careers in the field.
Mr. A. Sinapi
Curriculum Expectations
Theory and Foundation
By the end of this course, students will:
• describe how the internal components of the computer enable the peripherals to
• describe a problem-solving model such as the input, processing, output model;
• explain internal numbering and character representation systems;
• describe and illustrate the functions of logic gates;
• describe the fundamental programming constructs.
Skills and Processes
By the end of this course, students will:
• connect and use correctly a variety of computer components and peripherals;
• demonstrate the use of an operating system, including a network;
• use logic gates to construct simple circuits;
• apply fundamental programming constructs to develop programs that interact with
external components.
Impact and Consequences
By the end of this course, students will:
• describe the evolution of computer electronics;
• identify the social impact of computers and associated technologies;
• identify related computer careers.
Units of Study:
Unit 1: Hardware/Software/Operating Systems
Unit 2: Networking
Unit 3: Electronic Circuits, Data Representation, and Digital Logic
Unit 4: Computer Programming
Unit 5: Computer Interfacing
Unit 6: Technology, the Environment, and Society
Unit 7: Professional Practice and Career Opportunities
Problem Solving
Final Exam/Evaluation
Term Evaluation Breakdown
(17.5 % of overall)
(17.5 % of overall)
25 %
(17.5 % of overall)
25 %
(17.5 % of overall)
 Tests/Quizzes
 Assignments/Projects
 Tests/Quizzes
 Assignments/Projects
Presentations, drawings, and
visual displays
 Tests/Quizzes
 Practical Assignments/Projects
(70 % of overall)
You will also be evaluated on learning skills:
Independent work, work habits, team work, organization and initiative.
You will require a three-ring binder to store your notes, handouts, assignments,
quizzes, tests etc. It is a good idea to keep your notebook organized so it will
make studying for tests and quizzes easier. Notes should always be dated. Be
sure to catch up on any missed notes/handouts.
You are expected to
Come to class in full uniform, on time, alert and ready to learn. Have regular
Use the computer lab quietly and appropriately. There is no food or drink allowed
in the computer labs.
Be courteous to others in the class.
Be prepared for class with notebook, workbook, and supplies.
Contact a classmate to catch up when you are absent. Missed work is your
responsibility. It is a good idea to keep a phone number or email address of a
classmate in order to find out about any homework or missed assignment. Meet
Late Policy
If you arrive late without legitimate reason, you are considered late! If you arrive late
knock on the door and wait quietly until you are allowed to enter. Do not wonder the
halls. There will be no interruptions during classroom instruction.
Assignments will be given a firm deadline. I will accept the assignment for up to 5 days
at a penalty of 2% per day for a total of 10%. At that time if it is not submitted a mark of
zero (0%) will be given. You will also be issued a mark of zero if you are caught
copying other student's assignments. (Both the person who copied, and the person
who allowed their work to be copied)
You will be given advance notice of an upcoming test or quiz. There may be a surprise
quiz given without any notice. In the event you miss a test or quiz, you will be expected
to write it the first day back provided that a valid note is given to me. An unexcused
absence (skip) during a test, quiz or assignment will result in an automatic mark of zero
(0%), and a phone call home. If the student is suspended on the day of a test, quiz or
assignment, a mark of zero (0%)will be assigned.
Extra Help
You are encouraged to seek clarification or extra help when necessary. Contact the
teacher if you need to use the computer lab during your lunch time or after school. Don
not wait until the day the assignment is due.