CAMPUS SECURITY REPORT FOR WEEK ENDING 2-9-13 REPORTED INCIDENTS Date Time Nature of Report Location Details 2-6-13 1248 Trespass LRC South Side Individuals passing out religious books. Referred to Joanne Pleak and moved to free Speech area. 2-6-13 1606 Missing Person Unknown Male student reported missing by a sister. Our check revealed he had missed three days of classes. It was later determined he was in jail. 2-6-13 1751 2015 Hit and Run Parking Structure Level Two A student parked her vehicle and later found that it was struck by another vehicle. 2-6-13 1055 Information Cafeteria A female was approached by a subject she had gone to school with eight years ago. She was not interested in renewing an old acquaintance and he became insistent; following her to the CAB. 2-7-1 1800 2000 Disruptive Student CAB 319 A male student came into his English class smelling of alcohol and went to sleep and refused to wake up; snoring through the class. Faculty requested we stand by when she told him not to return to her class. He did not show. 2-7-13 1843 Lot 4 Assist Salinas PD with Suspicious Person Salinas PD found with a man after they had been called about the subject hanging around the parking lot. The officer advised the man was waiting on his wife. 2-5-13 2-7-13 2215 2215 Graffiti Female Restroom 1st Floor VAF. A vulgar answer to an obscene statement left earlier. Men’s Restroom 1st Floor VAF Writing of an unknown origin in one of the stalls. Alarm VAF 216 The alarm sounded immediately upon opening the door, caused by an apparent malfunction. Petty Theft Aliasal B103 A multi-tester taken from a box of multi-testers. 2-5-13 2-7-13 2215 Graffiti 2215 2-8-13 1806 2-6-13 2-8-13 2-6-13 2-8-13