PPLP ASSIGNMENT You must complete a Personalized Placement Learning Plan (PPLP) in order to be eligible for any co-op credits in Ontario. It proves to the Ministry of Education that you are meeting course expectations even though your learning is outside of the St. Augustine building. This assignment is done in 3 Stages which are outlined below: Stage One: You are to make rough notes explaining the specific workplace activities that you are performing at the placement that meet the specific course expectations Stage Two: You are to add additional meaningful specific workplace activities that you are performing at the placement that meet the specific course expectations Stage Three: You are to finalize your specific workplace activities that you are performing at the placement that meet the specific course expectations You are to ensure that all formatting is complete and that you have complete grammatically correct sentences with no spelling errors. You are to print 2 copies of your PPLP and have your supervisor verify all of your specific workplace activities by signed the cover page on both copies Please note: It is important to have access to your PPLP from your home computer as well as your school account. Either save it to a USB key as you are creating/updating it or email it to yourself. PERSONALIZED PLACEMENT LEARNING PLAN RUBRIC Student Name______________________________ Criteria/Achievement Category Knowledge/Understanding -makes rough draft notes on specific workplace activities that relate to course expectations Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 STAGE 1 Demonstrates little ability and understanding of the process and terms in developing the PPLP Demonstrates some ability and understanding of the process and terms in developing the PPLP Thinking -adds value to rough notes with additional meaningful workplace activities that relate to course expectations Demonstrates little ability and understanding of appropriate choices Demonstrates some ability and understanding of appropriate choices Demonstrates consistent ability and understanding of the process and terms in developing the PPLP Demonstrates consistent ability and understanding of appropriate choices Demonstrates thorough ability and understanding of the process and terms in developing the PPLP Demonstrates thorough ability and understanding of appropriate choices Demonstrates consistent ability and understanding of linked course expectations with activities at the workplace Demonstrates thorough ability and understanding of linked course expectations with activities at the workplace Demonstrates consistent ability to communicate clearly and concisely throughout PPLP development Demonstrates thorough ability to communicate clearly and concisely throughout PPLP development Mark 20 20 STAGE 2 Application -apply expectations and pair them with lists of activities at workplace -understands relationship between expectations and activities -completes typed expectations and has them signed by employer Demonstrates little ability and understanding of linked course expectations with activities at the workplace Demonstrates some ability and understanding of linked course expectations with activities at the workplace 40 STAGE 3 Communication -uses correct formatting -uses language appropriately with good conventions -shares information with supervisor-signature -presented in proper format and lay out STAGE 3 Demonstrates little ability to communicate clearly and concisely throughout PPLP development Demonstrates some ability to communicate clearly and concisely throughout PPLP development 20