Geometry Developing Mindsets that Promote Growth

Volume 3
Developing Mindsets that Promote Growth
The ability to identify and describe
shapes, sizes, positions, directions, and
movement is important in many work
situations, such as construction and
design, as well as in creating and
understanding art. Becoming familiar
with shapes and spatial relationships in
their environment will help children
grasp the principles of geometry in
later grades.
What do we mean by “mindset”?
Mindsets are the assumptions and expectations we have for
ourselves and others. These attitudes guide our behavior
and influence our responses to daily events.
- Dr. Robert Brooks
Tips for Fostering a Growth Mindset:
Tip # 3. Set Appropriately High Expectations and Provide
Web Resource: (Intermediate Level)
 Expectations should focus on habits, effort, and
growth, not grades.
 Provide your child with other supports (extra help,
additional resources). Don’t assume that “you could
do it easily if you just tried harder.”
Family Math Activity K – 3:
There are many ways to
Big Ideas:
represent a given shape.
Use 20 toothpicks to make 3 shapes. None of the
shapes can use the same number of toothpicks. Talk
to your child about the shapes they made.
 What are the names of the shapes you made?
Why did you decide that those would be good
shapes to make?
Family Math Activity 4-6:
Big Idea: There are many ways to represent a given shape.
We invite you to explore these dynamic interactive
games with your child:
html (geometric properties)
tiveshapes.html (spatial awareness)
(variety of geometry games)
Grades 7 & 8: Continuing
the Conversation about
Financial Literacy!
Let’s discuss some factors affecting “Money
 Ask your child to keep a log for one
week of all the times, instances, or
circumstances that he/she has an
encounter with money (e.g., a bus ride,
buying gum at a store, going to the bank
or ATM, buying an app or music).
 Ask your child to make a list of all the
ways in which money enters into
his/her daily life.
 Discuss with your child his/her money
encounters (e.g., what was the total
value of your money encounters?)
“God has also given each of us different gifts to use.” Romans 12: 6-8