Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing Form 014 - DOC OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 1. Agency Name Florida Department of Corrections 2. Contact Name 3. Mike Deariso 4. Contact Title Contact E-mail o 5. Chief, Finance and Accounting Contact Phone Number (850) 717-3827 6. Impact to agency if request is not approved: Expenditure Reporting X Business System Impact - Names of System(s): X Other – Please explain: 7. Impact Statement (Explanation of Impact to the agency include any concerns on timeline) 1. (2510xx, 3100xx, 4991xx) The Department of Corrections uses Statistical Analysis System (SAS) software to develop monthly management reports for each division within the agency. Additionally, the software is used to develop unique reports to track specific areas of interest as identified by management and other end users. The program uses data downloaded from Information Warehouse to organize and display the information in a manner that is easy for non-financial managers (Wardens and other department chiefs) to understand. The Department has developed numerous SAS reports, all of which heavily rely on object codes to ensure that expenditures are grouped correctly on the reports. The loss of certain unique object codes will create a significant burden in the re-code of the SAS reports as the current design does not acknowledge fields such as OCA, commodity code, external object codes, etc. Response: Agencies have the option to use other FLAIR fields to track additional details for expenditures (OCA, External Category, External Object, External GL, etc.). DFS will offer training related to reporting and the use of these codes. DFS is also working to include these fields in commonly used FLAIR standard reports and the FLAIR information warehouse. Agencies have ability to create variations of the standard reports with different sort functionality for agency specific reporting needs. Please see #8 below for the response to each requested object code. 2. (51xxxx) The Department of Corrections and many other agencies utilize this series of object codes in order to drive non capitalized equipment to property pending (guns, cell phones) or ensure that non-capitalized equipment obligations are not paid out of capital categories and GL’s. Equipment needs to be identified as such regardless of the capitalization requirements. The proposed alternative would require too many combinations of ORG and EO for this agency and others we have talked with to effectively manage. Response: The Statewide Expenditure Object Code List classifies expenditures related to purchases of property primarily based on the type of property items. Property items over the inventory threshold should be recorded using Object Code 51**** (Tangible Personal Property) as appropriate whereas items under the inventory threshold should be recorded using Object Code 34**** (Supplies) as appropriate. The statewide Object Code list includes an object code in the 5***** series for property – attractive items to allow agencies to record property items under the inventory threshold that the agencies would like to track. As a result of these changes, agencies should provide proper training to staff responsible for recording and accounting of property items. 1 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 3. We respectfully request the following items be assigned unique object codes. Response: Please see #8 below for the response to each requested object code. 2 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 8. Request for Statewide Object Codes (if applicable) Object Code Short Title Long Title 251075 251094 251095 Off Drug Drug Facility Drug Definition Justification Offender Drug Treatment This object code is used to track contracted community-based program costs that provide outpatient mental health/sex offender treatment services to felony offenders that Identifies costs for specific outpatient programs that are court ordered for offenders under the department’s supervision. The department will be unable to track this cost if it is not identifiable. Contracted Drug Facilities This object code is used to track community-based residential prison diversion programs that provide a sentencing alternative for inmates and probationers attempting to reintegrate into society. Programs vary from nine to 28 months, depending on type of program participant. Identifies costs for specific programs that are court ordered for the offender population which are under the department’s supervision for inmates that are nearing release. The department will be unable to track this cost if it is not identifiable. Non-secure Contract Drug This object code is used to track substance abuse treatment of probationers attempting to reintegrate into society. These are short term residential substance treatment beds; six to eight months. Identifies costs for specific short-term (non-secure) residential substance abuse treatment programs that are court ordered for offenders under the department’s supervision. The department will be unable to track this cost if it is not identifiable. Approved Y/N N DFS Comments Agency should be directed to 251059 Care/Subsistence - Medical - Vendor - Drug Trtmnt or 251112 - Care/Subsistence Medical - Client - Drug Trtmnt and consider using a different field in FLAIR to track expenditures. N Agency should be directed to 251059 Care/Subsistence - Medical - Vendor - Drug Trtmnt or 251112 - Care/Subsistence Medical - Client - Drug Trtmnt and consider using a different field in FLAIR to track expenditures. N Agency should be directed to 25xxxx Care and Subsistence proposed codes. 3 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 251097 310011 310008 499108 511001 Drug Inm Std Cl Uniforms Uniforms PROPNCBOOKS Secure Contract Drug Treatment This object code is used to track substance abuse treatment of probationers attempting to reintegrate into society. These are long term residential substance; more than eight months not to exceed 18 months. Inmate Clothing Standard Issue This object code is used to track standard issue clothing provided to inmates. Employee Uniforms This object code is used to track uniforms purchased by the Department to provide to new employees. Employee Uniforms This object code is used to track uniform and shoe allowances provided by the Department to employees. PROP NONCAPBOOKS/LIBRARY RESOURCES Used to record the purchase of books and library resources that do not meet the capitalization threshold criteria Identifies costs for specific long-term (secure) residential substance abuse treatment programs that are court ordered for offenders under the department’s supervision. The department will be unable to track this cost if it is not identifiable. Identifies costs for specific clothing use to inmate population. The department will be unable to track this cost if it is not identifiable. Identifies costs for specific uniform purchases for newly hired certified staff. The department will be unable to track this cost if it is not identifiable. Identifies costs for specific uniform and shoe allowances per department’s policy. The department will be unable to track this cost if it is not identifiable. Accommodating OCO/expense category and property/expense GL requirements will necessitate numerous expansion options to be created (one for each org/fund/be combination) which will serve to confuse data entry processors. N Agency should be directed to 251059 Care/Subsistence - Medical - Vendor - Drug Trtmnt or 251112 - Care/Subsistence Medical - Client - Drug Trtmnt and consider using a different field in FLAIR to track expenditures. N Agency should be directed to 310016 Clothing/Uniform - Non Employee. N Agency should be directed to 310007 Clothing/Uniform and 310016 - Clothing/Uniform - Non Employee. N Agency should be directed to 499105 - Perquisites Clothing/Uniform. N Agency should be directed to 341027 - Supplies Books. Agency can add a property item into the property system by assigning a property ID while using any object code. 4 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 512001 512016 512019 PROPNCFEGEN PROPNCFEPHO PROPNC-FOOD PROP NONCAPFURNITURE/ EQUIPMENT GENERAL Used to record the purchase of general furniture and equipment that does not meet the capitalization threshold criteria PROP NONCAPFURNITURE/ EQUIPMENT COMMUNICATION/ PHONE Used to record the purchase of communications and phone system furniture and equipment that does not meet the capitalization threshold criteria PROP NONCAPFURNITURE/ EQUIPMENT - FOOD SERVICE Used to record the purchase of food service furniture and equipment that does not meet the capitalization threshold criteria Same as above Same as above Same as above N Agency should be directed to 341022 - Supplies Furniture/Equipment. Agency can add a property item into the property system by assigning a property ID while using any object code. N Agency should be directed to 22xxxx Communications series. Agency can add a property item into the property system by assigning a property ID while using any object code. N Agency should be directed to 341022 - Supplies Furniture/Equipment. Agency can add a property item into the property system by assigning a property ID while using any object code. 5 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 512024 512029 513001 PROPNC-MAIN PROPNC-A/V PROPNC-EDUC PROP NONCAPFURNITURE/ EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE Used to record the purchase of maintenance furniture and equipment that does not meet the capitalization threshold criteria PROP NONCAPFURNITURE/ EQUIPMENT AUDIO/VIDEO Used to record the purchase of audio/video furniture and equipment that does not meet the capitalization threshold criteria PROP NONCAPEDUCATIONAL Used to record the purchase of educational furniture and equipment that does not meet the capitalization threshold criteria Same as above Same as above Same as above N Agency should be directed to 341022 - Supplies Furniture/Equipment. Agency can add a property item into the property system by assigning a property ID while using any object code. N Agency should be directed to 341029 - Supplies Audio/Visual. Agency can add a property item into the property system by assigning a property ID while using any object code. N Agency should be directed to 341022 - Supplies Furniture/Equipment. Agency can add a property item into the property system by assigning a property ID while using any object code. 6 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 514001 515001 516001 PROPNC-MED PROPNC-AGRI PROPNC-ITGEN PROP NONCAPMEDICAL PROP NONCAPAGRICULTURAL PROP NONCAPINFORMATION TECHNOLOGY GENERAL Used to record the purchase of medical furniture and equipment that does not meet the capitalization threshold criteria Used to record the purchase of agricultural equipment that does not meet the capitalization threshold criteria Used to record the purchase of information technology furniture and equipment of a general nature that does not meet the capitalization threshold criteria Same as above Same as above Same as above N Agency should be directed to 341022 - Supplies Furniture/Equipment. Agency can add a property item into the property system by assigning a property ID while using any object code. N Agency should be directed to 341022 - Supplies Furniture/Equipment. Agency can add a property item into the property system by assigning a property ID while using any object code. N Agency should be directed to 341023 - Supplies Information Tech and 341024 - Supplies Information Tech Equip. Agency can add a property item into the property system by assigning a property ID while using any object code. 7 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 516020 516021 516024 PROPNCITCOM PROP NONCAPINFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COMMUNICATIONS Used to record the purchase of communications equipment that does not meet the capitalization threshold criteria Same as above PROPNC-ITSER PROP NONCAPINFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVERS Used to record the purchase of servers that do not meet the capitalization threshold criteria Same as above PROPNC-ITPC PROP NONCAPINFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PERSONAL COMP Used to record the purchase of personal computers that do not meet the capitalization threshold criteria Same as above N N N Agency should be directed to 341023 - Supplies Information Tech and 341024 - Supplies Information Tech Equip. Agency can add a property item into the property system by assigning a property ID while using any object code. Agency should be directed to 341023 - Supplies Information Tech and 341024 - Supplies Information Tech Equip. Agency can add a property item into the property system by assigning a property ID while using any object code. Agency should be directed to 341023 - Supplies Information Tech and 341024 - Supplies Information Tech Equip. Agency can add a property item into the property system by assigning a property ID while using any object code. 8 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 518005 519029 519030 PROPNCMVFIRE PROPNC-LAB PROPNC-LE PROP NONCAPMOTOR VEHICLE FIREFIGHTING Used to record the purchase of law enforcement vehicles that do not meet the capitalization threshold criteria PROP NONCAPLABORATORY Used to record the purchase of laboratory furniture and equipment that does not meet the capitalization threshold criteria Same as above PROP NONCAPLAW ENFORCEMENT Used to record the purchase of law enforcement furniture and equipment that does not meet the capitalization threshold criteria Same as above Same as above N N N Agency should be directed to 341025 - Supplies Vehicles. Agency can add a property item into the property system by assigning a property ID while using any object code. Agency should be directed to 341022 - Supplies Furniture/Equipment. Agency can add a property item into the property system by assigning a property ID while using any object code. Agency should be directed to 341022 - Supplies Furniture/Equipment. Agency can add a property item into the property system by assigning a property ID while using any object code. 9 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 519032 PROPNC-ART PROP NONCAP- ART WORK Used to record the purchase of art work that does not meet the capitalization threshold criteria Same as above N Agency should be directed to 341021 - Supplies Office - Non-Consumable. Agency can add a property item into the property system by assigning a property ID while using any object code. THE FOLLOWING CERTIFICATION MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE AGENCY’S DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION OR DELEGATE. I hereby certify, to the best of my knowledge, that the information provided above is true and correct. Printed Name: Michael Deariso Signature: Michael Deariso Title: Chief of Finance and Accounting (Delegate for Mark Tallent) Phone Number: 717-3827 Date Signed:5/2/2014 10