Regular Meeting of the Board of Education December 20, 2012, 7:00 pm Lake Zurich High School - Library 300 Church Street, Lake Zurich, IL 6:15 pm Closed Session to discuss personnel matters 6:45 pm Public Hearing for Tax Levy 7:00 pm Regular Meeting Agenda I. Call to Order & Roll Call II. **Public Comments – Please sign in by 7:00 p.m. III. President’s Comments & Recognitions a. Students of the Month b. Parent Volunteer of the Month c. Staff Member of the Month IV. *Consent Agenda a. Approval of Minutes b. Treasurer’s Report c. Approval of Settlement Agreement – John Doe v. Board of Education of Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95, et al d. Approval of Settlement Agreement and release with Illinois Masonry Corporation - Board of Education of Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 v. Illinois Masonry Corporation, et al V. Curriculum – Ms. Wirt a. Monthly Curriculum Report b. *High School Course Approval – Reading Strategies II VI. Human Resources – Ms. Becich a. *Personnel Report i. Employment of Non-Certified Staff, Change of Non-Certified Staff, Resignation of Non-Certified Staff, Termination of Non-Certified Staff VII. Business and Operations – Ms. Cullinan a. *Check Register b. *Tax Levy Approval VIII. *Closed Session – to discuss personnel and pending litigation matters. IX. *Approval of Addendum to Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations Contract *Action Items – It is anticipated that the Board will take action on these items, **Public Comments will be limited to 5 minutes per individual, 30 minutes total time for any one topic** In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting or any other activity or program and who require certain accommodations so that they can observe and participate, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of the meeting room or the District’s facilities, should contact the Superintendent’s office (847-540-4963) promptly to allow the District to make reasonable accommodations for those persons. Dr. Michael J. Egan, Superintendent of Schools District 95 Administration Center - 400 South Old Rand Road - Lake Zurich IL 60047-2459 Phone: (847) 438-2831 Website: Fax: (847) 438-6702 Agenda Board of Education Special Recognitions – December 2012 Students of the Month School Grade Student Lake Zurich High School 12 Lauren Auster Middle School South 7 Matthew Mauleon Middle School North 6 Lukas Troutman Isaac Fox Elementary 4 Nina Guarisco Seth Paine Elementary 4 Sammie Kopp Spencer Loomis Elementary 3 Riley Pollard Sarah Adams Elementary 4 Jenna Snyder May Whitney Elementary K Xavier Catanzaro Parent Volunteer of the Month Isaac Fox Elementary Mary Santi Staff Members of the Month May Whitney Speech Pathologist Liz Atkinson Agenda TO: Board of Education FROM: Dr. Michael Egan, Superintendent AGENDA ITEM: Consent Agenda DATE: December 20, 2012 Background Information: The items included for consideration on the Consent Agenda: A. Approval of Minutes Board of Education, Open Session Board of Education, Closed Session Committee of the Whole, Open Session Committee of the Whole, Closed Session November 15, 2012 November 15, 2012 December 6, 2012 December 6, 2012 B. Treasurer’s Report C. Settlement Agreement – John Doe v. Board of Education of Lake Zurich Community Unit School District, et al D. Settlement Agreement – Board of Education of Lake Zurich Community Unit School District v. Illinois Masonry Corporation, et al Suggested Motion: Move to approve the consent agenda as prepared and presented by the Administration. District 95 Administration Center – Dr. Michael J. Egan, Superintendent of Schools 400 South Old Rand Road - Lake Zurich IL 60047-2459 Phone: (847) 438-2831 website: FAX: (847) 438-6702 Agenda 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010134 FUND Community Unit School District 95 SUMMARY OF REVENUE ACCOUNTS (Date: 11/2012) 10:23 AM PAGE: ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION November 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 UNREALIZED 2012-13 NBR. FUNC MONTHLY RECEIPTS FYTD Activity BUDGET BALANCE FYTD % 10 EDUCATION FUND 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 10 1110 EDUCATION LEVY 0.00 0.00 25,793,309.00 25,793,309.00 0.00 10 1110 EDUCATION LEVY 274,848.35 25,190,781.52 25,270,311.00 79,529.48 99.69 10 1230 CPPRT 0.00 48,372.78 91,000.00 42,627.22 53.16 10 1311 DAY TUITION-PUPILS/PARENTS 1,255.33 5,021.32 10,000.00 4,978.68 50.21 10 1321 SUM SCH TUITION-PUPILS/PARENTS 0.00 10,445.00 155,000.00 144,555.00 6.74 10 1323 SUMMER ACADEMY/CAMPS/TOURN 0.00 10,159.00 130,000.00 119,841.00 7.81 10 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 6,084.24 25,869.48 52,000.00 26,130.52 49.75 10 1611 PUPIL LUNCH SALES 159,481.68 537,647.37 1,228,000.00 690,352.63 43.78 10 1620 ADULT LUNCH SALES 3,740.00 7,058.40 32,000.00 24,941.60 22.06 10 1690 OTHER FOOD SERVICE REVENUE 2,750.06 2,750.06 0.00 -2,750.06 0.00 10 1711 ATHLETIC EVENTS 1,600.00 21,741.41 33,000.00 11,258.59 65.88 10 1712 SCH SPON TOURNAMENTS 5,861.49 7,253.34 4,500.00 -2,753.34 161.19 10 1719 STUDENT REPLACEMENTS IDS 675.00 1,482.00 1,500.00 18.00 98.80 10 1720 FEES 542.26 103,767.15 835,000.00 731,232.85 12.43 10 1721 INTERSCHOLASTIC 37,993.75 171,358.75 315,000.00 143,641.25 54.40 10 1722 INTRAMURAL FEES 350.00 4,971.25 14,000.00 9,028.75 35.51 10 1724 BAND/ORCHESTRA/CHORAL FEES 350.00 29,189.25 84,000.00 54,810.75 34.75 10 1725 PE UNIFORMS 580.00 20,403.50 25,000.00 4,596.50 81.61 10 1726 PE LOCKS 10 1727 HIGH 10 1728 CHILD DEVELOPMENT TUITION 10 1729 TRANSCRIPTS 10 1730 YEARBOOK SALES 10 1750 STUDENT TESTING FEES 10 1751 10 52.00 169.00 1,000.00 831.00 16.90 395.00 72,700.00 135,000.00 62,300.00 53.85 2,200.00 2,200.00 16,000.00 13,800.00 13.75 660.00 4,170.00 10,000.00 5,830.00 41.70 98.00 15,826.00 128,000.00 112,174.00 12.36 0.00 0.00 21,000.00 21,000.00 0.00 A/P TESTING FEE 0.00 0.00 59,000.00 59,000.00 0.00 1790 OTHER PUPIL ACTIVITIES 0.00 0.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 0.00 10 1791 HS 60.00 600.00 1,900.00 1,300.00 31.58 10 1829 OTHER-PLANNER 0.00 20.00 400.00 380.00 5.00 10 1890 OTHER TECHNOLOGY 7.05 24.05 0.00 -24.05 0.00 10 1920 PRIVATE 0.00 1,267.72 0.00 -1,267.72 0.00 10 1950 REFUND OF PRIOR YEARS' EXP 50.00 205.38 20,000.00 19,794.62 1.03 10 1970 DRIVERS ED REGIST. 790.00 2,367.00 61,000.00 58,633.00 3.88 10 1999 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 10 1--- * SCHOOL PARKING FEE WEIGHT ROOM FEE CONTRIBUTIONS FEES 25.00 26,188.18 10,000.00 -16,188.18 261.88 500,449.21 26,324,008.91 54,606,920.00 28,282,911.09 48.21 12/07/12 1 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010134 FUND Community Unit School District 95 SUMMARY OF REVENUE ACCOUNTS (Date: 11/2012) 10:23 AM PAGE: ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION November 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 UNREALIZED 2012-13 NBR. FUNC MONTHLY RECEIPTS FYTD Activity BUDGET BALANCE FYTD % 10 EDUCATION FUND 3000 STATE REVENUE 10 3001 GENERAL STATE AID 193,796.39 774,848.77 2,129,051.00 1,354,202.23 36.39 10 3100 SPECIAL ED PRIVATE TUITION 0.00 489,388.31 1,199,527.00 710,138.69 40.80 10 3105 SPECIAL ED EXTRAORDINARY 0.00 411,859.12 773,871.00 362,011.88 53.22 10 3110 SPECIAL ED PERSONNEL 0.00 244,762.50 971,000.00 726,237.50 25.21 10 3145 SUMMER SCHOOL 0.00 0.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 10 3220 SECONDARY PROG IMPROVE -CTEI 0.00 10,498.01 16,000.00 5,501.99 65.61 10 3305 BILINGUAL DOWNSTATE TPI 10 3360 STATE FREE LUNCH 10 3370 DRIVER EDUCATION 10 3800 State Library Grant 10 3--- *COMMUNITY SERVICES 4000 0.00 33,644.00 62,958.00 29,314.00 53.44 319.25 2,291.16 3,100.00 808.84 73.91 0.00 12,732.86 38,000.00 25,267.14 33.51 4,698.05 4,698.05 0.00 -4,698.05 0.00 198,813.69 1,984,722.78 5,200,507.00 3,215,784.22 38.16 57,889.00 146,669.00 176,763.00 30,094.00 82.97 0.00 49,965.00 14,517.00 -35,448.00 344.18 FEDERAL REVENUE 10 4300 TITLE 1 LOW INC 10 4600 Fed SpEd-Prshl FlwThru 10 4620 Fed SpEd-Low In Flw Thru 0.00 452,224.00 988,000.00 535,776.00 45.77 10 4625 Fed SpEd-Room/Board 0.00 20,045.60 11,835.72 -8,209.88 169.37 10 4770 PERKINS TECH PREP 0.00 615.00 16,352.00 15,737.00 3.76 10 4909 TITLE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ACQ. 1,572.00 25,768.00 24,300.00 -1,468.00 106.04 10 4932 TITLE II TEACHER QUALITY 4,157.00 45,053.00 81,754.00 36,701.00 55.11 10 4991 MEDICAID ADMIN OUTREACH 0.00 0.00 14,000.00 14,000.00 0.00 10 4992 MEDICAID FEE FOR SERVICE PROG. 673.27 80,440.44 79,767.00 -673.44 100.84 10 4--- * 1- ---- *EDUCATION FUND 20 OPER & MAINT 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 64,291.27 820,780.04 1,407,288.72 586,508.68 58.32 763,554.17 29,129,511.73 61,214,715.72 32,085,203.99 47.59 20 1111 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE LEVY 0.00 0.00 4,474,505.00 4,474,505.00 0.00 20 1111 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE LEVY 47,337.14 4,338,608.65 4,352,300.00 13,691.35 99.69 20 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 20 1910 RENTALS 20 1950 REFUND OF PRIOR YEARS' EXP 20 1981 ENERGY REBATES 20 1999 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 1,438.22 5,894.36 8,500.00 2,605.64 69.35 18,163.64 101,460.89 211,000.00 109,539.11 48.09 500.00 1,530.00 0.00 -1,530.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 0.00 62,745.75 66,714.84 65,000.00 -1,714.84 102.64 12/07/12 2 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010134 FUND Community Unit School District 95 SUMMARY OF REVENUE ACCOUNTS (Date: 11/2012) 10:23 AM PAGE: ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION November 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 UNREALIZED 2012-13 NBR. FUNC MONTHLY RECEIPTS FYTD Activity BUDGET BALANCE FYTD % 130,184.75 4,514,208.74 9,119,305.00 4,605,096.26 49.50 20 OPER & MAINT 1000 20 1--- 3000 * STATE REVENUE 20 3999 OTHER REVENUE-STATE GRANTS 0.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 100.00 20 3--- *COMMUNITY SERVICES 0.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 4000 FEDERAL REVENUE 20 4600 Fed SpEd-Prshl FlwThru 0.00 0.00 77,615.00 77,615.00 20 4620 Fed SpEd-Low In Flw Thru 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 20 4--- * 0.00 0.00 127,615.00 127,615.00 0.00 7000 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 20 7140 Perm Transfer of Interest 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 20 7--- * 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 2- ---- *OPER & MAINT 130,184.75 4,564,208.74 9,311,920.00 4,747,711.26 49.01 30 DEBT SERVICE FUND 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 30 1112 DEBT SERVICE LEVY 0.00 0.00 3,798,748.00 3,798,748.00 0.00 30 1112 DEBT SERVICE LEVY 42,056.04 3,854,578.22 3,866,747.00 12,168.78 99.69 30 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 30 1--- * 7000 721.22 6,314.50 12,000.00 5,685.50 52.62 42,777.26 3,860,892.72 7,677,495.00 3,816,602.28 50.29 0.00 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 30 7600 TRANS TO DEBT SERV PRINCIPAL 0.00 0.00 201,075.40 201,075.40 30 7700 TRANSFER DEBT SERV 0.00 0.00 64,945.39 64,945.39 0.00 30 7--- * 0.00 0.00 266,020.79 266,020.79 0.00 3- ---- *DEBT SERVICE FUND 42,777.26 3,860,892.72 7,943,515.79 4,082,623.07 48.60 INTEREST 12/07/12 3 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010134 FUND Community Unit School District 95 SUMMARY OF REVENUE ACCOUNTS (Date: 11/2012) 10:23 AM PAGE: ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION November 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 UNREALIZED 2012-13 NBR. FUNC MONTHLY RECEIPTS FYTD Activity BUDGET BALANCE FYTD % 40 TRANSPORTATION 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 40 1113 TRANSPORTATION LEVY 0.00 0.00 1,374,421.00 1,374,421.00 0.00 40 1113 TRANSPORTATION LEVY 13,607.50 1,247,173.33 1,251,110.00 3,936.67 99.69 40 1411 FEES FROM PUPILS AND PARENTS 233.33 21,233.33 21,000.00 -233.33 101.11 40 1415 FEES FROM CO-CURRICULAR 6,481.34 18,466.01 73,000.00 54,533.99 25.30 40 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 1,294.21 5,726.33 13,000.00 7,273.67 44.05 40 1--- * 21,616.38 1,292,599.00 2,732,531.00 1,439,932.00 47.30 67.97 3000 STATE REVENUE 40 3500 TRANSPORTATION REGULAR 0.00 220,913.46 325,000.00 104,086.54 40 3510 TRANSPORTATION SPL EDUCATION 0.00 675,499.40 1,410,000.00 734,500.60 47.91 40 3--- *COMMUNITY SERVICES 0.00 896,412.86 1,735,000.00 838,587.14 51.67 4- ---- *TRANSPORTATION 21,616.38 2,189,011.86 4,467,531.00 2,278,519.14 49.00 50 IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 50 1114 MUNICIPAL RETIRE LEVY 0.00 0.00 320,698.34 320,698.34 0.00 50 1114 MUNICIPAL RETIRE LEVY 2,698.37 247,314.82 248,095.00 780.18 99.69 50 1150 SS/MEDICARE LEVY 0.00 0.00 450,504.81 450,504.81 0.00 50 1150 SS/MEDICARE LEVY 4,779.97 438,100.55 439,483.00 1,382.45 99.69 50 1230 CPPRT 50 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 50 1--- * 3000 0.00 32,843.40 100,000.00 67,156.60 32.84 134.60 582.57 1,000.00 417.43 58.26 7,612.94 718,841.34 1,559,781.15 840,939.81 46.09 0.00 STATE REVENUE 50 3220 SECONDARY PROG IMPROVE -CTEI 0.00 0.00 781.00 781.00 50 3305 BILINGUAL DOWNSTATE TPI 0.00 0.00 58.00 58.00 0.00 50 3--- *COMMUNITY SERVICES 0.00 0.00 839.00 839.00 0.00 0.00 4000 FEDERAL REVENUE 50 4300 TITLE 1 LOW INC 0.00 0.00 8,886.00 8,886.00 50 4620 Fed SpEd-Low In Flw Thru 0.00 0.00 110,101.53 110,101.53 0.00 50 4909 TITLE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ACQ. 0.00 0.00 237.00 237.00 0.00 12/07/12 4 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010134 FUND Community Unit School District 95 SUMMARY OF REVENUE ACCOUNTS (Date: 11/2012) 10:23 AM PAGE: ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION November 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 UNREALIZED 2012-13 NBR. FUNC MONTHLY RECEIPTS FYTD Activity BUDGET BALANCE FYTD % 50 IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 4000 FEDERAL REVENUE 50 4932 TITLE II TEACHER QUALITY 0.00 0.00 87.00 87.00 0.00 50 4--- * 0.00 0.00 119,311.53 119,311.53 0.00 5- ---- *IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 7,612.94 718,841.34 1,679,931.68 961,090.34 42.79 60 CAPITAL PROJECTS 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 60 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 4.85 170.71 500.00 329.29 34.14 60 1930 IMPACT FEES 0.00 4,620.00 10,000.00 5,380.00 46.20 60 1--- * 4.85 4,790.71 10,500.00 5,709.29 45.63 6- ---- *CAPITAL PROJECTS 4.85 4,790.71 10,500.00 5,709.29 45.63 70 WORKING CASH 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 70 1115 WORKING CASH LEVY 0.00 0.00 38,178.37 38,178.37 0.00 70 1115 WORKING CASH LEVY 154.19 14,132.28 14,176.00 43.72 99.69 70 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 345.85 1,580.28 2,500.00 919.72 63.21 70 1--- * 500.04 15,712.56 54,854.37 39,141.81 28.64 7- ---- *WORKING CASH 500.04 15,712.56 54,854.37 39,141.81 28.64 12/07/12 5 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Grand Revenue Totals Number of Accounts: 966,250.39 40,482,969.66 92 ************************ End of report ************************ 84,682,968.56 44,199,998.90 47.81 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010134 FD FUNC 10 FUNC Community Unit School District 95 EXPENSE SUMMARY BY FUND/FUNCTION (Date: 11/2012) November 2012-1 2012-13 2012-13 MTD EXPENSE YTD EXPENSE BUDGET AMT 10:27 AM PAGE: 2012-13 UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED % USED EDUCATION FUND 10 1100 10 1110 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS 8,571.46 42,857.30 149,000.00 106,142.70 0.00 106,142.70 28.76 1,018,601.40 4,620,410.65 12,386,204.14 7,765,793.49 46,744.79 7,719,048.70 10 1120 37.68 MIDDLE SCHOOLS 645,497.33 3,001,753.03 8,453,154.12 5,451,401.09 26,114.88 5,425,286.21 10 35.82 1130 HIGH SCHOOL 638,932.55 2,848,502.16 7,727,418.00 4,878,915.84 13,997.28 4,864,918.56 37.04 10 1200 SPECIAL EDUCATION 17,678.18 71,621.71 235,825.00 164,203.29 1,277.39 162,925.90 30.91 10 1205 LEARNING DISABLED 385,750.61 1,634,828.00 4,529,139.21 2,894,311.21 477.50 2,893,833.71 36.11 10 1213 OCCUPATIONAL/PHYSICAL THERAPY 34,756.49 173,990.23 419,810.28 245,820.05 162.80 245,657.25 41.48 10 1218 ADAPTED PHYSICAL ED 8,075.31 38,980.67 94,691.00 55,710.33 0.00 55,710.33 41.17 10 1225 EARLY CHILDHOOD ED 38,005.68 164,718.48 484,201.57 319,483.09 0.00 319,483.09 34.02 10 1400 VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS 88,543.35 431,691.00 1,218,727.00 787,036.00 4,466.29 782,569.71 35.79 10 1500 INTERSCHOLASTIC PROGRAMS 135,807.26 643,374.01 1,640,366.00 996,991.99 17,742.63 979,249.36 40.30 10 1600 SUMMER SCHOOL PROGRAMS 0.00 59,394.66 228,270.00 168,875.34 0.00 168,875.34 26.02 10 1610 SUMMER SCHOOL-ATHLETICS 1,184.15 70,882.50 127,450.00 56,567.50 0.00 56,567.50 55.62 10 1620 SUMMER SCHOOL SPECIAL ED 0.00 45,517.41 73,850.00 28,332.59 0.00 28,332.59 61.63 10 1650 GIFTED PROGRAMS 28,193.50 138,858.18 346,650.00 207,791.82 0.00 207,791.82 40.06 10 1700 DRIVERS EDUCATION 29,460.52 136,267.04 349,528.00 213,260.96 281.41 212,979.55 39.07 10 1800 BILINGUAL PROGRAMS 65,572.72 292,224.82 763,790.00 471,565.18 0.00 471,565.18 38.26 10 1911 REG ED K-12 PRIVATE TUITION 1,820.00 1,820.00 0.00 -1,820.00 0.00 -1,820.00 0.00 10 1912 SPED TUITION K-12 PRIV 196,623.33 736,398.88 2,400,000.00 1,663,601.12 23,715.69 1,639,885.43 31.67 10 1913 PRE-K SPECIAL ED TUITION 10 2110 ATTENDANCE AND SOCIAL WORK 10 2115 DEAN'S OFFICE 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 10 2120 GUIDANCE SERVICES 61,546.14 247,501.46 777,764.00 530,262.54 1,336.59 528,925.95 31.99 10 2130 HEALTH SERVICES 41,772.29 182,805.34 502,943.63 320,138.29 99.00 320,039.29 36.37 10 2140 PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES 44,587.21 226,366.51 566,385.00 340,018.49 0.00 340,018.49 39.97 10 2150 SPEECH PATHOLOGY SERVICES 51,539.04 237,362.52 779,025.00 541,662.48 14,630.70 527,031.78 32.35 10 2190 STUDENT SERVICES 200.00 434.49 3,000.00 2,565.51 122.33 2,443.18 18.56 10 2210 IMPROVEMENT OF INSTRUCTION 19,683.07 88,518.76 410,410.04 321,891.28 45,258.06 276,633.22 32.60 10 2220 EDUCATIONAL MEDIA SERVICES 69,135.96 334,437.42 909,301.00 574,863.58 22,038.44 552,825.14 39.20 10 2230 ASSESSMT & TESTING -1,000.00 24,408.50 182,150.00 157,741.50 3,514.38 154,227.12 15.33 10 2310 BOARD OF EDUCATION 37,231.00 202,088.55 459,000.00 256,911.45 29,274.42 227,637.03 50.41 10 2320 EXECUTIVE ADMIN 24,213.15 123,342.84 328,737.00 205,394.16 562.03 204,832.13 37.69 10 2330 SPECIAL AREA ADMIN 41,580.60 227,452.45 555,179.00 327,726.55 514.97 327,211.58 41.06 10 2362 WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSRNCE 0.00 303,498.00 303,500.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 100.00 10 2364 INSURANCE PAYMENTS GENERAL 99.74 10 2410 OFFICE OF PRINCIPAL 10 2510 10 2520 305.00 610.00 0.00 -610.00 0.00 -610.00 0.00 93,503.98 435,954.15 1,133,148.00 697,193.85 0.00 697,193.85 38.47 0.00 346,086.00 347,000.00 914.00 0.00 914.00 298,874.36 1,479,581.47 3,608,963.72 2,129,382.25 979.10 2,128,403.15 41.02 DIRECTION OF BUSINESS SERV 17,232.16 85,040.49 225,050.00 140,009.51 0.00 140,009.51 37.79 FISCAL SERVICES 38,015.35 131,252.33 734,350.00 603,097.67 1,834.05 601,263.62 18.12 12/07/12 1 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010134 FD FUNC 10 Community Unit School District 95 EXPENSE SUMMARY BY FUND/FUNCTION (Date: 11/2012) FUNC November 2012-1 2012-13 2012-13 MTD EXPENSE YTD EXPENSE BUDGET AMT 10:27 AM PAGE: 2012-13 UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED % USED EDUCATION FUND 10 2550 PUPIL TRANSPORTATION SERV 10 2560 FOOD SERVICES 0.00 633.00 3,560.00 2,927.00 0.00 2,927.00 17.78 169,916.23 336,552.84 1,632,500.00 1,295,947.16 1,432.29 1,294,514.87 10 2570 INTERNAL SERVICES 20.70 -30.00 570.00 10,000.00 9,430.00 0.00 9,430.00 10 2620 5.70 CURRICULUM 48,882.97 234,935.87 668,210.00 433,274.13 0.00 433,274.13 35.16 10 10 2630 INFORMATIONAL SERVICES 12,650.92 86,981.78 231,880.00 144,898.22 670.12 144,228.10 37.80 2640 STAFF SERVICES 58,556.23 320,319.55 705,380.00 385,060.45 13,461.63 371,598.82 47.32 10 2660 DATA PROCESSING SERV 99,509.65 1,099,853.52 2,070,502.00 970,648.48 47,600.71 923,047.77 55.42 10 3000 COMMUNITY SERVICES 2,050.24 12,142.43 70,686.50 58,544.07 4,277.55 54,266.52 23.23 10 4190 PMTS TO OTHER GOVT UNITS 0.00 5,313.00 5,300.00 -13.00 0.00 -13.00 100.25 10 4210 REG ED TUITION PAID TO LEA'S 0.00 108,263.14 290,000.00 181,736.86 1,007.95 180,728.91 37.68 10 4220 SPED PAID TO OTHER LEA 693.39 509,415.10 1,127,000.00 617,584.90 0.00 617,584.90 45.20 10 8610 TRANSFERS BETWEEN FUNDS 0.00 0.00 201,075.40 201,075.40 0.00 201,075.40 0.00 10 8710 TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 64,945.39 64,945.39 0.00 64,945.39 0.00 1- ---- EDUCATION FUND 4,573,722.78 22,545,812.24 60,537,020.00 37,991,207.76 323,594.98 37,667,612.78 37.78 20 OPER & MAINT 20 2530 FAC ACQUISIT/CONSTRUCTION 0.00 249,902.49 282,000.00 32,097.51 0.00 32,097.51 88.62 20 2540 OPERATIONS OF PLANT SERV 434,212.14 2,691,324.45 7,835,050.00 5,143,725.55 137,912.84 5,005,812.71 36.11 2- ---- OPER & MAINT 434,212.14 2,941,226.94 8,117,050.00 5,175,823.06 137,912.84 5,037,910.22 37.93 3,993,639.00 3,993,639.00 4,787,905.00 794,266.00 0.00 794,266.00 83.41 0.00 1,874.56 3,749.12 1,874.56 0.00 1,874.56 50.00 30 DEBT SERVICE FUND 30 5220 BOND INTEREST 30 5250 REVENUE BONDS OTH AGENCIES 30 5290 OTHER INT ON LT DEBT 54,885.91 54,885.91 61,196.27 6,310.36 0.00 6,310.36 89.69 30 5320 PRINCIPAL 2,483,036.00 2,483,036.00 2,963,974.00 480,938.00 0.00 480,938.00 83.77 30 5350 PRINCIPAL 0.00 0.00 15,315.00 15,315.00 0.00 15,315.00 0.00 30 5390 OTHER PRINC 142,771.05 142,771.05 185,760.40 42,989.35 0.00 42,989.35 76.86 30 5400 OTHER DEBT SVCE EXP 0.00 0.00 4,800.00 4,800.00 0.00 4,800.00 0.00 30 8140 INTEREST 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 3- ---- DEBT SERVICE FUND 6,674,331.96 6,676,206.52 8,037,699.79 1,361,493.27 0.00 1,361,493.27 83.06 LT DEBT 12/07/12 2 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010134 FD FUNC 40 FUNC Community Unit School District 95 EXPENSE SUMMARY BY FUND/FUNCTION (Date: 11/2012) 10:27 AM PAGE: November 2012-1 2012-13 2012-13 MTD EXPENSE YTD EXPENSE BUDGET AMT UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED 2012-13 % USED TRANSPORTATION 40 2550 PUPIL TRANSPORTATION SERV 241,524.96 994,383.46 3,611,320.00 2,616,936.54 125,777.92 2,491,158.62 31.02 4- ---- TRANSPORTATION 241,524.96 994,383.46 3,611,320.00 2,616,936.54 125,777.92 2,491,158.62 31.02 15,105.45 61,758.15 168,673.00 106,914.85 0.00 106,914.85 36.61 8,077.64 37,665.89 98,875.00 61,209.11 0.00 61,209.11 38.09 50 IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 50 1110 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS 50 1120 MIDDLE SCHOOLS 50 1130 HIGH SCHOOL 11,115.68 47,421.62 129,000.00 81,578.38 0.00 81,578.38 36.76 50 1200 SPECIAL EDUCATION 244.09 815.37 4,850.00 4,034.63 0.00 4,034.63 16.81 50 1205 LEARNING DISABLED 15,079.98 53,930.47 153,024.52 99,094.05 0.00 99,094.05 35.24 50 1213 OCCUPATIONAL/PHYSICAL THERAPY 5,412.54 27,092.54 73,354.88 46,262.34 0.00 46,262.34 36.93 50 1218 ADAPTED PHYSICAL ED 102.16 506.80 1,250.00 743.20 0.00 743.20 40.54 50 1225 EARLY CHILDHOOD ED 2,826.98 10,034.90 31,421.72 21,386.82 0.00 21,386.82 31.94 50 1400 VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS 1,051.54 4,558.33 13,100.00 8,541.67 0.00 8,541.67 34.80 50 1500 INTERSCHOLASTIC PROGRAMS 2,390.08 9,971.84 31,130.00 21,158.16 0.00 21,158.16 32.03 50 1600 SUMMER SCHOOL PROGRAMS 0.00 1,423.34 3,115.00 1,691.66 0.00 1,691.66 45.69 50 1610 SUMMER SCHOOL-ATHLETICS 0.00 2,903.46 4,400.00 1,496.54 0.00 1,496.54 65.99 50 1620 SUMMER SCHOOL SPECIAL ED 0.00 3,624.50 5,700.00 2,075.50 0.00 2,075.50 63.59 50 1650 GIFTED PROGRAMS 361.12 1,787.08 4,400.00 2,612.92 0.00 2,612.92 40.62 50 1700 DRIVERS EDUCATION 337.50 1,635.75 3,900.00 2,264.25 0.00 2,264.25 41.94 50 1800 BILINGUAL PROGRAMS 780.67 3,504.45 8,800.00 5,295.55 0.00 5,295.55 39.82 50 2110 ATTENDANCE AND SOCIAL WORK 1,177.97 5,459.51 14,000.00 8,540.49 0.00 8,540.49 39.00 50 2120 GUIDANCE SERVICES 1,644.69 6,207.71 18,357.40 12,149.69 0.00 12,149.69 33.82 50 2130 HEALTH SERVICES 4,427.79 15,471.31 47,894.25 32,422.94 0.00 32,422.94 32.30 50 2140 PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES 533.60 2,683.43 6,250.00 3,566.57 0.00 3,566.57 42.93 50 2150 SPEECH PATHOLOGY SERVICES 576.01 2,504.33 6,000.00 3,495.67 0.00 3,495.67 41.74 50 2210 IMPROVEMENT OF INSTRUCTION 0.00 136.48 1,572.00 1,435.52 0.00 1,435.52 8.68 50 2220 EDUCATIONAL MEDIA SERVICES 2,975.15 10,582.83 33,850.00 23,267.17 0.00 23,267.17 31.26 50 2230 ASSESSMT & TESTING 50 2320 EXECUTIVE ADMIN 50 2330 SPECIAL AREA ADMIN 50 2410 OFFICE OF PRINCIPAL 50 2510 DIRECTION OF BUSINESS SERV 50 2520 FISCAL SERVICES 50 2540 OPERATIONS OF PLANT SERV 50 2550 PUPIL TRANSPORTATION SERV 50 2620 CURRICULUM 0.00 135.48 315.00 179.52 0.00 179.52 43.01 854.85 4,177.01 10,600.00 6,422.99 0.00 6,422.99 39.41 1,355.73 7,827.83 20,360.00 12,532.17 0.00 12,532.17 38.45 10,952.40 52,634.01 129,250.00 76,615.99 0.00 76,615.99 40.72 186.40 934.84 2,268.00 1,333.16 0.00 1,333.16 41.22 2,403.92 11,521.96 26,455.00 14,933.04 0.00 14,933.04 43.55 39.57 2,239.54 13,256.56 33,500.00 20,243.44 0.00 20,243.44 17,002.89 81,553.31 242,900.00 161,346.69 0.00 161,346.69 33.57 1,106.08 5,644.80 13,800.00 8,155.20 0.00 8,155.20 40.90 12/07/12 3 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010134 FD FUNC 50 Community Unit School District 95 EXPENSE SUMMARY BY FUND/FUNCTION (Date: 11/2012) FUNC November 2012-1 2012-13 2012-13 MTD EXPENSE YTD EXPENSE BUDGET AMT 10:27 AM PAGE: 12/07/12 4 2012-13 UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED % USED IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 50 2630 INFORMATIONAL SERVICES 1,933.32 9,620.47 21,800.00 12,179.53 0.00 12,179.53 44.13 50 2640 STAFF SERVICES 4,581.21 23,554.69 55,775.00 32,220.31 0.00 32,220.31 42.23 50 2660 DATA PROCESSING SERV 10,614.37 55,916.94 130,200.00 74,283.06 0.00 74,283.06 42.95 50 3000 COMMUNITY SERVICES 229.88 1,136.88 4,415.50 3,278.62 0.00 3,278.62 25.75 50 4120 FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS 0.00 10,312.00 10,312.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 5- ---- IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 127,681.23 589,906.87 1,564,868.27 974,961.40 0.00 974,961.40 37.70 60 CAPITAL PROJECTS 60 2530 FAC ACQUISIT/CONSTRUCTION 0.00 402,489.17 448,000.00 45,510.83 0.00 45,510.83 89.84 60 2540 OPERATIONS OF PLANT SERV 0.00 41,612.50 10,000.00 -31,612.50 0.00 -31,612.50 416.13 6- ---- CAPITAL PROJECTS 0.00 444,101.67 458,000.00 13,898.33 0.00 13,898.33 96.97 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Grand Expense Totals Number of Accounts: 12,051,473.07 34,191,637.70 82,325,958.06 1802 ************************ End of report ************************ 48,134,320.36 587,285.74 47,547,034.62 42.25 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010134 LOC LOCATION NAME 10 Community Unit School District 95 OPERATIONAL UNIT SUMMARY REPORT BY FUND (Date: 11/2012) 10:31 AM PAGE: 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 MTD EXPENSES FYTD EXPENSES BUDGET AMOUNT UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED 2012-13 FYTD % 216,360.96 973,897.76 2,626,159.80 1,652,262.04 11,902.86 1,640,359.18 37.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 891,426.01 2,444,149.72 1,552,723.71 9,681.29 1,543,042.42 36.47 EDUCATION FUND 001 MAY WHITNEY 002 CHARLES QUENTIN 003 SARAH ADAMS 201,510.20 004 SETH PAINE 212,015.90 888,644.19 2,531,032.00 1,642,387.81 2,695.70 1,639,692.11 35.11 005 MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 406,612.20 1,902,515.32 5,019,635.12 3,117,119.80 12,939.48 3,104,180.32 37.90 006 LAKE ZURICH HIGH SCHOOL 1,013,187.18 4,801,894.76 12,809,814.00 8,007,919.24 37,533.08 7,970,386.16 37.49 008 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 1,668,083.48 9,298,020.31 25,048,225.98 15,750,205.67 229,873.11 15,520,332.56 37.12 009 ISAAC FOX 217,180.79 1,004,478.46 2,645,503.04 1,641,024.58 1,918.18 1,639,106.40 37.97 010 MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTH 428,220.78 1,833,257.54 4,877,626.72 3,044,369.18 10,757.66 3,033,611.52 37.59 011 NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 012 SPENCER LOOMIS 210,551.29 951,677.89 2,534,873.62 1,583,195.73 6,293.62 1,576,902.11 37.54 --- EDUCATION FUND 4,573,722.78 22,545,812.24 60,537,020.00 37,991,207.76 323,594.98 37,667,612.78 37.24 55.68 20 OPER & MAINT 001 MAY WHITNEY 11,312.51 330,183.30 593,000.00 262,816.70 21,139.94 241,676.76 002 CHARLES QUENTIN 4,546.41 12,929.29 34,500.00 21,570.71 0.00 21,570.71 37.48 003 SARAH ADAMS 6,895.83 148,616.49 363,000.00 214,383.51 1,751.57 212,631.94 40.94 004 SETH PAINE 7,947.52 44,991.05 206,400.00 161,408.95 1,786.90 159,622.05 21.80 005 MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 29,277.46 151,804.23 349,500.00 197,695.77 4,830.16 192,865.61 43.43 006 LAKE ZURICH HIGH SCHOOL 67,038.88 407,336.40 1,360,000.00 952,663.60 34,979.02 917,684.58 29.95 007 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CTR 2,020.45 79,799.49 143,000.00 63,200.51 4,262.85 58,937.66 55.80 008 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 262,967.27 1,477,496.98 4,191,050.00 2,713,553.02 59,194.22 2,654,358.80 35.25 009 ISAAC FOX 010 MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTH 011 NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 012 SPENCER LOOMIS --- OPER & MAINT 30 7,251.93 67,385.04 265,100.00 197,714.96 4,380.11 193,334.85 25.42 22,456.87 147,381.47 403,000.00 255,618.53 3,337.74 252,280.79 36.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,497.01 73,303.20 208,500.00 135,196.80 2,250.33 132,946.47 35.16 434,212.14 2,941,226.94 8,117,050.00 5,175,823.06 137,912.84 5,037,910.22 36.24 DEBT SERVICE FUND 008 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 6,674,331.96 6,676,206.52 8,037,699.79 1,361,493.27 0.00 1,361,493.27 83.06 --- DEBT SERVICE FUND 6,674,331.96 6,676,206.52 8,037,699.79 1,361,493.27 0.00 1,361,493.27 83.06 12/07/12 1 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010134 LOC LOCATION NAME 40 Community Unit School District 95 OPERATIONAL UNIT SUMMARY REPORT BY FUND (Date: 11/2012) 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 MTD EXPENSES FYTD EXPENSES BUDGET AMOUNT 10:31 AM PAGE: 12/07/12 2 2012-13 UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED FYTD % TRANSPORTATION 001 MAY WHITNEY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 008 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 241,524.96 994,383.46 3,611,320.00 2,616,936.54 125,777.92 2,491,158.62 27.54 --- TRANSPORTATION 241,524.96 994,383.46 3,611,320.00 2,616,936.54 125,777.92 2,491,158.62 27.54 3,978.11 16,933.26 45,445.00 28,511.74 0.00 28,511.74 37.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50 IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 001 MAY WHITNEY 002 CHARLES QUENTIN 003 SARAH ADAMS 3,805.27 16,369.80 46,770.00 30,400.20 0.00 30,400.20 35.00 004 SETH PAINE 4,045.69 15,884.02 45,375.00 29,490.98 0.00 29,490.98 35.01 005 MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 6,362.62 28,147.92 77,375.00 49,227.08 0.00 49,227.08 36.38 006 LAKE ZURICH HIGH SCHOOL 19,944.74 89,250.16 239,887.40 150,637.24 0.00 150,637.24 37.21 008 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 75,734.81 362,827.91 946,740.87 583,912.96 0.00 583,912.96 38.32 009 ISAAC FOX 4,011.52 17,421.63 50,140.00 32,718.37 0.00 32,718.37 34.75 010 MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTH 6,037.20 26,351.67 72,725.00 46,373.33 0.00 46,373.33 36.23 012 SPENCER LOOMIS 3,761.27 16,720.50 40,410.00 23,689.50 0.00 23,689.50 41.38 --- IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 127,681.23 589,906.87 1,564,868.27 974,961.40 0.00 974,961.40 37.70 60 CAPITAL PROJECTS 001 MAY WHITNEY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 002 CHARLES QUENTIN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 003 SARAH ADAMS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 004 SETH PAINE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 005 MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 006 LAKE ZURICH HIGH SCHOOL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 007 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CTR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 008 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 0.00 444,101.67 458,000.00 13,898.33 0.00 13,898.33 96.97 009 ISAAC FOX 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 010 MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 011 NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 012 SPENCER LOOMIS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 --- CAPITAL PROJECTS 0.00 444,101.67 458,000.00 13,898.33 0.00 13,898.33 96.97 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Grand Expense Totals 12,051,473.07 34,191,637.70 82,325,958.06 48,134,320.36 587,285.74 47,547,034.62 41.53 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010134 LOC Community Unit School District 95 OPERATIONAL UNIT SUMMARY REPORT BY FUND (Date: 11/2012) LOCATION NAME Number of Accounts: 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 MTD EXPENSES FYTD EXPENSES BUDGET AMOUNT 3522 ************************ End of report ************************ 10:31 AM PAGE: 2012-13 UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED FYTD % 12/07/12 3 FROM THE OFFICE OF Jodi Wirt ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION Stacie Noisey DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM Dr. Terry Mootz DIRECTOR OF DATA & ASSESSMENT Agenda INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Dr. Mike Egan FROM: Mrs. Jodi Wirt and Dr. Terry Mootz DATE: December 20, 2012 SUBJECT: Lake Zurich High School School Improvement Goals This synopsis addresses the following strategy from the Strategic Plan: Align and develop curriculum, innovative instructional practices, and learning opportunities that promote rigorous learning, connections to global issues, and support students’ pursuit of personally meaningful goals. The program addresses the following board policy: Instruction: School Accountability; 6:15: “The School Board continuously monitors the quality of the District’s work. The Superintendent shall supervise the following quality assurance components, in accordance with the State Board of Education rules, by establishing school improvement plans that utilize: • District student learning objectives, • Assessment systems for measuring students’ progress in the fundamental learning areas, and • Reporting systems for informing the community and the State of assessment results The Superintendent shall annually report to the Board progress and status of School Improvement Plans. The Superintendent shall seek Board approval for each School Improvement Plan. Description/Purpose/Objective Enclosed is Lake Zurich High School’s • 2012-14 modifications for School Improvement Goals This year, the high school Building Leadership Team (BLT) participated in multiple days of data retreat. These data retreats provided a structure to interpret multiple data perspectives and develop hypotheses about how to improve student learning. Based on the analysis of available data, the building leadership team prioritized the needs of the high school and identified a goal for the school community. Once the goal was established, the BLT identified action steps that can be taken to achieve the goal. As was evidenced earlier this fall, each of Lake Zurich CUSD 95’s schools has established a School Improvement Goal that is aligned to the district’s strategic goals. However, each building leadership team takes into consideration the unique needs of its students as specific action plans are established. This process reinforces the district’s commitment to provide students with challenging work that enhances each student’s ability to master content standards as well as acquire the attributes of District 95’s mission. The requirements for Illinois schools not meeting Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) status, under PA 930470, call for increasing supervision and oversight of student achievement by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE). Lake Zurich High School submitted a two-year School Improvement Plan in 2011-12 to the state using the template provided by the Illinois Interactive Report Card (IIRC) because the school had not made AYP for two consecutive years. This plan remain in effect for 2012-13 with the modifications attached. CUSD 95 School Improvement Plan Goals 2012-2013 School: Lake Zurich High School Principal: Mrs. Kim Kolze This School Improvement Plan for 2012-2013 is aligned with the District 95 mission statement and Strategic Plan Strategies listed below. The SIP Goals demonstrate the alignment to Strategic Objectives with measurement indicators. The goals are SMART goals (S - Strategic and specific, M – Measurable, A – Attainable, R - Results-oriented, T - Time bound). SIP Goal-What will be done? To which district goal is it linked? Action Plan-How will the goal be accomplished? During the 2012-13 school year, Lake Zurich High School students will read, analyze, and synthesize textual information to construct an argument in all content areas. LZHS administrative team participated in an extensive data retreat and established a single growth goal, based on the analysis, aligned with the district mission and Common Core State Standards. Link-Strategy #5 Align and develop curriculum, innovative instructional practices and learning opportunities that promote rigorous learning, promote connections to global issues, and support students’ pursuit of personally meaningful goals. Staff will develop and use a common vocabulary for reading comprehension strategies across all content areas. Link-Mission Statement: Lake Zurich High School will work to build relationships with students, families, and the community developing the attributes of a continuous learner who is a responsible, caring citizen in a global community. Staff will receive professional development 1. to understand and use the eight (8) reading strategies. 2. on Common Core Standards. Develop and present a proposal for inclusion of high school literacy coach. Expand the Strategies program to include sophomore and junior level students. Evaluation/Measurement Criteria -What are the expected results and measurements? How will you know progress has been made? The evidence collected to help us determine if our goal is being met will include: • PSAE proficiency reading and math data, • ACT (English, Math, & Composite) {reading & science for progress monitoring only} • Advanced Placement data, • grade mark data, • placement enrollments, • common classroom formative and summative assessments, as well as, • MAP reading data. LZHS departments will utilize PLC’s and department meetings to review and refine their implementation of reading comprehension strategies. Conduct department inventory to determine current resources and practices to support reading. Each PLC team will evaluate the common assessments by aligning questions to essential objectives and/or Common Core standards/targets and are standardized in format and administration. FROM THE OFFICE OF Jodi Wirt ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION Stacie Noisey DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM Dr. Terry Mootz DIRECTOR OF DATA & ASSESSMENT Agenda INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Dr. Michael Egan FROM: Jodi Wirt and Eric Hamilton DATE: December 13, 2012 SUBJECT: New High School Course Proposals The Curriculum Review Process and Course Proposal process addresses the following strategies from the Strategic Plan: • Align and develop curriculum, innovative instructional practices, and learning opportunities that promote rigorous learning, promote connections to global issues, and support students’ pursuit of personally meaningful goals. Description/Purpose/Objective In January 2011, Eric Hamilton and I informed the Board of Education that the high school would be reinstating the Strategies Course (now called Reading Strategies I) in order to support those freshman students who were striving readers. In this presentation we informed the Board that the administration anticipated there would be a need for a Strategies II course. At the time, the desire was to design Strategies II for both reading and mathematics support. At this time, the high school administration is requesting to add Strategies II but continue to focus on Literacy. Therefore, the course will be Reading Strategies II. This course supports the high school’s School Improvement Plan. RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends adding Reading Strategies II to the high school course offerings. Reading Strategies II: This course is for sophomores who need to improve their comprehension, academic vocabulary, and acquire the reading and writing strategies needed to be a successful student. Students will experience many activities and strategies that will help to increase their understanding in all subject areas. Students will set goals to improve skills while building the confidence needed to be successful in core subject areas. Grades are pass/fail only. This course is a full-year English elective and does not count towards the English graduation requirement. Tentative cost: $1,600 for curriculum writing. Estimated materials and textbooks: $2,250. FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: It will cost $3,600 to develop these courses.. The Curriculum Office budget will cover these expenses. Projected impact on staffing: There is a potential for staffing allocations to increase slightly (.2 FTE) depending on the number of students identified for Reading Strategies I. Motion: Accept the administration recommendation to add Reading Strategies II to the high school course offerings. Agenda TO: Board of Education FROM: Ms. Julia Becich AGENDA ITEM: Personnel Report DATE: December 20, 2012 Background Information: Mrs. Becich will present the personnel report dated December 20, 2012. Suggested Motion: Move to approve the personnel report as presented by the Administration. District 95 Administration Center – Dr. Michael J. Egan, Superintendent of Schools 400 South Old Rand Road - Lake Zurich IL 60047-2459 Phone: (847) 438-2831 website: FAX: (847) 438-6702 Agenda Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 Report to Board of Education Board Meeting Date: December 20, 2012 From: Vicky Cullinan, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations Re: Check Register Policy Reference: 4:50 – Payment Procedures Background: Attached is the check register for the December 20, 2012 Board of Education Meeting, for Board approval. Also included for approval are payments from the imprest fund and student activity monthly reports. Motion: To approve the check register, payments from the imprest fund and student activity monthly reports as presented by the administration. Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 Report to Board of Education Board Meeting Date: December 20, 2012 From: Vicky Cullinan, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations Re: December 2012 Check Register Highlights Policy Reference: 4:50 – Payment Procedures Background: Attached are the highlights of the December 2012 check register: • • • • • • • • • • United Dispatch Champion Energy Services Chicagoland Paving Driessen Construction GCA Services Lakeside Transportation Petroleum Traders Corp. Sequent Energy Management Sodexo, Inc. Technology Campus Taxi Cabs Electricity MW Site Improvement SA Partition Wall Custodial/Maintenance Bus Transportation Fuel Natural Gas Food Service Tuition $ 42,027.00 $ 61,331.35 $ 64,949.07 $ 47,417.80 $210,202.88 $172,127.51 $ 44,977.12 $ 67,664.00 $200,008.70 $ 34,507.28 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 220331 UNITED DISPATCH AGENT FOR 303 12/20/2012 2000167296 OCT BILLING - SPEC ED 8,779.50 40E008 2550 3330 01 000000 220331 UNITED DISPATCH AGENT FOR 303 12/20/2012 2000167297 OCT BILLING - SPEC ED 6,796.50 40E008 2550 3330 01 000000 220331 UNITED DISPATCH AGENT FOR 303 12/20/2012 2000167298 OCT BILLING - SPEC ED 9,303.00 40E008 2550 3330 01 000000 220331 UNITED DISPATCH AGENT FOR 303 12/20/2012 2000167299 OCT BILLING - SPEC ED 5,859.00 40E008 2550 3330 01 000000 220331 UNITED DISPATCH AGENT FOR 303 12/20/2012 2000167300 OCT BILLING - SPEC ED 3,501.00 40E008 2550 3330 01 000000 220331 UNITED DISPATCH AGENT FOR 303 12/20/2012 2000167301 OCT BILLING - SPEC ED 1,803.50 40E008 2550 3330 01 000000 220331 UNITED DISPATCH AGENT FOR 303 12/20/2012 2000167302 OCT BILLING - SPEC ED 5,984.50 40E008 2550 3310 01 000000 220332 95 PERCENT GROUP, INC 12/20/2012 11158 Blueprint for INtervention Guide and Manipulatives Linking 357.50 10E010 2120 4100 02 000000 CCSS to Curriculum Lesson for Mastering Standards Linking CCSS to Curriculum Mastering Standards 220333 A-1 CLEANERS 12/20/2012 4161 220334 ABC-CLIO 12/20/2012 SLM1016889 Library Monthly Subscription DRY CLEANING - OUR TOWN 220334 ABC-CLIO 12/20/2012 SUBSCRIPTI Library professional magazine 220335 ACCESS INFORMATION MANAGEMENT 12/20/2012 0027710 storage of boxes from 11/1/12 through 11/30/12 106.26 10E006 2120 3100 01 000000 220336 ACCURATE BIOMETRICS, INC 12/20/2012 106061211 November Fingerprints 378.75 10E008 2640 3100 01 000000 220337 ACKERSON, ANDREW 12/20/2012 111312 SO BBB 11/13/12 60.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 220337 ACKERSON, ANDREW 12/20/2012 12612 SO BASKETBALL 12/6/12 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 220337 ACKERSON, ANDREW 12/20/2012 121312 SO BASKETBALL 12/13/12 220338 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 12/20/2012 19070 Repair of HS walk-in cooler in kitchen 220339 ADVOCATE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 12/20/2012 463486 DRIVER PHYSICALS 220339 ADVOCATE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 12/20/2012 466291 DRIVER PHYSICALS & DRUG SCREENINGS 220340 ADVANCE VISUALS INC. 12/20/2012 1 51201 paper for the poster machine 220341 AIMS EDUCATION FOUNDATION 12/20/2012 4339857-IN Math manipulatives 220342 AIRGAS NORTH CENTRAL 12/20/2012 9905272609 Equipment Rental 220343 ALARM DETECTION SYSTEMS,INC 12/20/2012 97009-1057 Alarm services 229.33 10E008 2520 3160 01 000000 55.00 10E012 2220 4400 01 000000 59.00 10E010 2220 4400 01 000000 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 346.25 10E008 2560 3230 01 000000 929.00 40E008 2550 3110 01 000000 1,036.00 40E008 2550 3110 01 000000 461.00 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 234.70 10E005 1120 4100 06 000000 21.53 20E008 2540 3250 01 000000 3,659.61 20E008 2540 3255 01 000000 220345 ALEXIAN BROTHERS BEHAVIORAL HE 12/20/2012 H080021362 Home/Hospital Tutoring 228.00 10E008 2330 3106 44 000000 220345 ALEXIAN BROTHERS BEHAVIORAL HE 12/20/2012 H080021278 Home/Hospital Tutoring 247.00 10E008 2330 3105 44 000000 220345 ALEXIAN BROTHERS BEHAVIORAL HE 12/20/2012 H080021328 Home/Hospital Tutoring 171.00 10E008 2330 3105 44 000000 220345 ALEXIAN BROTHERS BEHAVIORAL HE 12/20/2012 H080021294 Home/Hospital Tutoring 228.00 10E008 2330 3105 44 000000 220345 ALEXIAN BROTHERS BEHAVIORAL HE 12/20/2012 H080021461 Home/Hospital Tutoring 190.00 10E008 2330 3105 44 000000 220345 ALEXIAN BROTHERS BEHAVIORAL HE 12/20/2012 H080021190 Home/Hospital Tutoring 342.00 10E008 2330 3105 44 000000 220345 ALEXIAN BROTHERS BEHAVIORAL HE 12/20/2012 H080021216 Home/Hospital Tutoring 342.00 10E008 2330 3105 44 000000 220345 ALEXIAN BROTHERS BEHAVIORAL HE 12/20/2012 H080021503 Home/Hospital Tutoring 133.00 10E008 2330 3105 44 000000 220345 ALEXIAN BROTHERS BEHAVIORAL HE 12/20/2012 H080021369 Home/Hospital Tutoring 285.00 10E008 2330 3105 44 000000 220347 ALL POINTS REPAIR AND MAINTENA 12/20/2012 1882 Kitchen Repairs 156.00 10E008 2560 3100 01 000000 220347 ALL POINTS REPAIR AND MAINTENA 12/20/2012 1888 Kitchen Repairs 214.25 10E008 2560 3100 01 000000 220347 ALL POINTS REPAIR AND MAINTENA 12/20/2012 1890 Kitchen Repairs 415.63 10E008 2560 3100 01 000000 220347 ALL POINTS REPAIR AND MAINTENA 12/20/2012 1892 220347 ALL POINTS REPAIR AND MAINTENA 12/20/2012 1908 Kitchen Repairs Kitchen Repairs 307.85 10E008 2560 3100 01 000000 179.58 10E008 2560 3100 01 000000 1 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 220347 ALL POINTS REPAIR AND MAINTENA 12/20/2012 1909 Kitchen Repairs 75.00 10E008 2560 3100 01 000000 220347 ALL POINTS REPAIR AND MAINTENA 12/20/2012 1911 Kitchen Repairs 1,054.50 10E008 2560 3100 01 000000 220350 AMAZON 12/20/2012 0041124847 Reading Strategies Texts for Strategies Teachers 220350 AMAZON 12/20/2012 0272589562 Reading Strategies Texts for Strategies Teachers 42.70 10E006 1130 4200 05 000000 42.68 10E006 1130 4200 05 000000 220350 AMAZON 12/20/2012 2289845666 Reading Strategies Texts for Strategies Teachers 27.06 10E006 1130 4200 05 000000 220350 AMAZON 12/20/2012 0993889136 REPLACEMENT PROJECTOR LAMPS FOR DELL PROJECTORS 220350 AMAZON 12/20/2012 0035625177 REPLACEMENT PROJECTOR LAMPS FOR DELL PROJECTORS 220350 AMAZON 12/20/2012 2198089673 Books for professional development, Guided Math: 117.47 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 84.53 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 A 86.12 10E008 2210 4100 81 493200 Framework for Math Instruction 220350 AMAZON 12/20/2012 1190049052 Misc. Amazon -AV 60.67 10E006 2220 4500 11 000000 220350 AMAZON 12/20/2012 1614158157 Preview texts 98.53 10E006 1130 4200 05 000000 220350 AMAZON 12/20/2012 0508325043 Sony NP-FH-50 InfoLithium Actiforce Battery for YB camera. 26.99 10E005 1120 4100 01 000000 220350 AMAZON 12/20/2012 0586090866 Misc. Amazon AV 33.13 10E006 2220 4500 11 000000 220350 AMAZON 12/20/2012 2248305640 Misc. Amazon - Books 366.76 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 220350 AMAZON 12/20/2012 2248335766 Misc. Amazon - Books 128.87 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 220351 AMALGAMATED BANK OF CHICAGO 12/20/2012 T#18515840 BOND REGISTRAR & PAYING AGENT FEE FOR PERIOD 12/1/12 - 425.00 30E008 5400 3190 01 002000 11/30/13. 220352 AMERICAN RED CROSS 12/20/2012 10170459 CPR/AED Training - 8 students 152.00 10E008 2640 3100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410701 Custodial Supplies 197.32 20E001 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410701 Custodial Supplies 197.32 20E003 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410701 Custodial Supplies 197.32 20E004 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410701 Custodial Supplies 390.39 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410701 Custodial Supplies 969.61 20E006 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410701 Custodial Supplies 197.32 20E009 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410701 Custodial Supplies 390.39 20E010 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410701 Custodial Supplies 197.33 20E012 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410719 Custodial Supplies 79.45 20E001 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410719 Custodial Supplies 79.45 20E003 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410719 Custodial Supplies 79.45 20E004 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410719 Custodial Supplies 157.18 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410719 Custodial Supplies 390.39 20E006 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410719 Custodial Supplies 79.45 20E009 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410719 Custodial Supplies 157.18 20E010 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410719 Custodial Supplies 79.45 20E012 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410727 Custodial Supplies 79.45 20E001 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410727 Custodial Supplies 79.45 20E003 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410727 Custodial Supplies 79.45 20E004 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410727 12/20/2012 276410727 Custodial Supplies Custodial Supplies 157.18 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 390.39 20E006 2540 4100 01 000000 2 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410727 Custodial Supplies 79.45 20E009 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410727 Custodial Supplies 157.18 20E010 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410727 Custodial Supplies 79.45 20E012 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410735 Custodial Supplies 40.16 20E001 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410735 Custodial Supplies 40.16 20E003 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410735 Custodial Supplies 40.16 20E004 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410735 Custodial Supplies 79.45 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410735 Custodial Supplies 197.32 20E006 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410735 Custodial Supplies 40.16 20E009 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410735 Custodial Supplies 79.45 20E010 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410735 Custodial Supplies 40.14 20E012 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410743 Custodial Supplies 40.16 20E001 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410743 Custodial Supplies 40.16 20E003 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410743 Custodial Supplies 40.16 20E004 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410743 Custodial Supplies 79.45 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410743 Custodial Supplies 197.32 20E006 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410743 Custodial Supplies 40.16 20E009 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410743 Custodial Supplies 79.45 20E010 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410743 Custodial Supplies 40.14 20E012 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410750 Custodial Supplies 40.16 20E001 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410750 Custodial Supplies 40.16 20E003 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410750 Custodial Supplies 40.16 20E004 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410750 Custodial Supplies 79.45 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410750 Custodial Supplies 197.32 20E006 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410750 Custodial Supplies 40.16 20E009 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410750 Custodial Supplies 79.45 20E010 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410750 Custodial Supplies 40.14 20E012 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410768 Custodial Supplies 40.16 20E001 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410768 Custodial Supplies 40.16 20E003 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410768 Custodial Supplies 40.16 20E004 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410768 Custodial Supplies 79.45 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410768 Custodial Supplies 197.32 20E006 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410768 Custodial Supplies 40.16 20E009 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410768 Custodial Supplies 79.45 20E010 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410768 Custodial Supplies 40.14 20E012 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410776 Custodial Supplies 40.16 20E001 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410776 Custodial Supplies 40.16 20E003 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410776 12/20/2012 276410776 Custodial Supplies Custodial Supplies 40.16 20E004 2540 4100 01 000000 79.45 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 3 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410776 Custodial Supplies 197.32 20E006 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410776 Custodial Supplies 40.16 20E009 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410776 Custodial Supplies 79.45 20E010 2540 4100 01 000000 220356 AMSAN 12/20/2012 276410776 Custodial Supplies 220357 ANDY FRAIN SERVICES 12/20/2012 165599 HS CAMPUS SECURITY OCTOBER 2012 40.14 20E012 2540 4100 01 000000 10,681.30 10E006 2520 3100 11 000000 220357 ANDY FRAIN SERVICES 12/20/2012 166490 HS Campus Security - November 2012 220358 BEST SANITATION 12/20/2012 6699983 outside toilet rentals 8,807.94 10E006 2520 3100 11 000000 565.00 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 220358 BEST SANITATION 12/20/2012 6708260 outside toilet rentals 759.00 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 220360 APPLE INC. 12/20/2012 4212185073 APPLE MINI IPADS VGA ADAPTER FOR SL 112.97 10E008 2660 3100 11 000000 220360 APPLE INC. 12/20/2012 4212185073 APPLE MINI IPADS VGA ADAPTER FOR SL 375.41 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 220360 APPLE INC. 12/20/2012 4212185073 APPLE MINI IPADS VGA ADAPTER FOR SL 6.62 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 220360 APPLE INC. 12/20/2012 4212275690 APPLE MINI IPADS VGA ADAPTER FOR SL 375.41 10E008 2660 3100 11 000000 220360 APPLE INC. 12/20/2012 4212275690 APPLE MINI IPADS VGA ADAPTER FOR SL 1,247.59 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 220360 APPLE INC. 12/20/2012 4212275690 APPLE MINI IPADS VGA ADAPTER FOR SL 220360 APPLE INC. 12/20/2012 4212861513 VGA ADAPTERS FOR IF iPADS 220360 APPLE INC. 12/20/2012 4213966143 VOLUME VOUCHER TO PURCHASE APPS ON HS FINE ARTS IPADS 220360 APPLE INC. 12/20/2012 4213818401 VGA ADAPTERS FOR IF iPADS 220360 APPLE INC. 12/20/2012 4216852487 MAC BOOKS TO BE USED FOR IMAGING IDEVICES 366.00 10E008 2660 3100 11 000000 220360 APPLE INC. 12/20/2012 4216852487 MAC BOOKS TO BE USED FOR IMAGING IDEVICES 2,798.00 10E008 2660 7001 11 000000 220360 APPLE INC. 12/20/2012 4217075343 VOLUME VOUCHER CARD FOR SPECIAL ED APPS 220360 APPLE INC. 12/20/2012 4600932522 VGA ADAPTERS FOR IF iPADS 220360 APPLE INC. 12/20/2012 4219065261 VOLUME VOUCHER CARDS FOR MSN/MSN FLIP CLASSROOM IPADS 400.00 10E008 2660 4701 11 000000 220361 AQUA ILLINOIS, INC. 12/20/2012 112712 138 Water - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 001550634 1091384 1,011.01 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 22.00 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 116.00 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 1,000.00 10E006 1400 4100 11 000000 116.00 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 500.00 10E008 1200 3100 01 000000 -116.00 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 220361 AQUA ILLINOIS, INC. 12/20/2012 112712 138 Water - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 001550634 1091384 337.01 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 220362 ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SERVICES 12/20/2012 318898 COFFEE & SUPPLIES 236.32 40E008 2550 4100 01 000000 220363 ARLINGTION POWER EQUIPMENT INC 12/20/2012 535497 Grounds Equipment Repair 248.48 20E001 2540 3230 01 000000 220363 ARLINGTION POWER EQUIPMENT INC 12/20/2012 535497 Grounds Equipment Repair 19.97 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220363 ARLINGTION POWER EQUIPMENT INC 12/20/2012 535919 Grounds Equipment Repair 19.97 20E001 2540 3230 01 000000 220363 ARLINGTION POWER EQUIPMENT INC 12/20/2012 535919 Grounds Equipment Repair 220365 ASCD 12/20/2012 MEMBERSHIP MEMBERHSIP RENEWAL FOR KIM KOLZE FOR THE 2012-13 SCHOOL 220365 ASCD 12/20/2012 0010973981 ASCD Strategic Teacher DVD and Leading and Managing a 1.61 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 189.00 10E006 2410 6400 01 000000 YEAR 260.95 10E008 3000 4100 81 493200 Differentiated Classroom DVD, Roy Rasch, St. Francis de Sales Catholic School, Title II 220365 ASCD 12/20/2012 0011032424 ASCD membership for Jeff Bivin 220366 ASBESTOS INSPECTION & MANAGEME 12/20/2012 12-11757 Indoor Air Quality - Bulk Sampling 220366 ASBESTOS INSPECTION & MANAGEME 12/20/2012 12-11760 Bulk Sampling of floor tile 220367 ASPEX SOLUTIONS 220368 AT&T 12/20/2012 39225 Online Application 11/08/2012 -02/08/2013 12/20/2012 4779059108 Sub acct #'s 831-000-3612-783,792,798,806,812,819,834,775. 219.00 10E006 1130 4100 06 000000 566.00 20E008 2540 3112 01 000000 1,063.00 20E008 2540 3112 01 000000 700.00 10E008 2640 3100 01 000000 20,530.02 20E008 2540 3401 01 000000 4 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 220369 ATHLETICO 12/20/2012 806030 220370 BAKER & TAYLOR BOOKS 12/20/2012 2027522348 Library books per online order. 220371 BAKOTA, DAN 12/20/2012 121312 SO BASKETBALL 12/13/12 220372 BALDA, MARY 12/20/2012 103112 Misc. items purchased by Mary Balda for 3rd Grade - PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER Acct # 831-000-3612 648 athletic trainer Oct 2012 inv# 806030 11/21/2012 3,289.00 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 995.31 10E005 2220 4300 01 000000 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 176.91 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 Bananagrams, Learning Resource-Word for Word Phonics Game, Appletters - Red 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1763282 Heating, Ventilation and Plumbing Supplies 0.30 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1763282 Heating, Ventilation and Plumbing Supplies 15.71 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1763282 Heating, Ventilation and Plumbing Supplies 1.19 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1760874 Heating, Ventilation and Plumbing Supplies 1.18 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1760874 Heating, Ventilation and Plumbing Supplies 61.21 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1760874 Heating, Ventilation and Plumbing Supplies 4.62 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1760875 Heating, Ventilation and Plumbing Supplies 10.22 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1760875 Heating, Ventilation and Plumbing Supplies 528.47 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1760875 Heating, Ventilation and Plumbing Supplies 39.83 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1760927 Heating, Ventilation and Plumbing Supplies 0.23 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1760927 Heating, Ventilation and Plumbing Supplies 11.85 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1760927 Heating, Ventilation and Plumbing Supplies 0.89 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1762637 Heating, Ventilation and Plumbing Supplies 5.26 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1762637 Heating, Ventilation and Plumbing Supplies 271.89 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1762637 Heating, Ventilation and Plumbing Supplies 20.49 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1756115 Maintenance Supplies 3.94 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1756115 Maintenance Supplies 14.08 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1756115 Maintenance Supplies 55.48 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1756115 Maintenance Supplies 5.54 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1758072 Maintenance Supplies 4.41 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1758072 Maintenance Supplies 15.77 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1758072 Maintenance Supplies 62.11 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1758072 Maintenance Supplies 6.19 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1758619 Maintenance Supplies 4.20 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1758619 Maintenance Supplies 15.03 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1758619 Maintenance Supplies 59.19 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1758619 Maintenance Supplies 5.90 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1759519 Maintenance Supplies 23.11 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1759519 Maintenance Supplies 82.63 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1759519 Maintenance Supplies 325.48 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1759519 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 C088623 Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Supplies 32.48 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 -4.19 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 5 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 C088623 Maintenance Supplies -14.96 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 C088623 Maintenance Supplies -58.95 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 C088623 Maintenance Supplies -5.88 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1765036 Coupler for Dist. Pump at MSS/IF 67.62 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220375 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 12/20/2012 1765036 Coupler for Dist. Pump at MSS/IF 67.62 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 NUMBER VENDOR ACCOUNT 220376 BARATZ, ARNOLD 12/20/2012 REISSUE SO THIS IS A REISSUE FOR LOST CK # 214886 DATED 9/2/11. 53.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220376 BARATZ, ARNOLD 12/20/2012 REISSUE FB THIS IS A REISSUE FOR LOST CK # 215271 DATED 10/21/11 53.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220377 BARBAGLIA, COLLEEN 12/20/2012 112712 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 78.76 40E008 2550 4100 01 000000 220378 BASBAGILL, PAUL 12/20/2012 111212 SO BBB 11/12/12 220379 BECKWITH, DANIEL 12/20/2012 REISSUE 10 THIS IS A REISSUE FOR LOST CK # 213123 DATED 4/25/11 220380 BEER, THERESA 12/20/2012 11712 Lunch money refund 220381 BERGSTROM, SHARON 12/20/2012 112612 Misc. items for Sharon Bergstrom's Classroom 220382 BIODOT OF INDIANA INC 12/20/2012 7239 Biodots for Health 92.00 10E005 1120 4100 16 000000 220383 BLICK ART MATERIALS 12/20/2012 1172847 Misc. Art Supplies 995.38 10E001 1110 4100 12 000000 220383 BLICK ART MATERIALS 12/20/2012 1198547 Misc. Art Supplies 220384 BOES, NANCY 12/20/2012 9412 SO GIRLS VOLLEYBALL 9/4-9/21-9/24/12 186.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 60.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 300.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 14.91 10R000 1720 0000 00 000000 128.94 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 70.80 10E001 1110 4100 12 000000 220385 BOX CARS AND ONE-EYED JACKS 12/20/2012 14176 LD Supplies 300.00 10E008 1205 4100 01 000000 220386 BRAINPOP LLC 12/20/2012 US82820 BrainPOP Jr School Access subscription renewal - 1 year 875.00 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 220387 BRONSTEIN, MARLA 12/20/2012 101112 Classroom supply 220388 BUCK BROS., INC. 12/20/2012 03 3029176 Oil and Filter for JD tractor 220389 BUREAU OF EDUCATION & RESEARCH 12/20/2012 4379345 What's New in Children's Literature and How to Use It In 53.89 10E010 1120 4100 15 000000 23.72 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 229.00 10E001 2210 3100 01 000000 Your Program Seminar 220390 BURRIS EQUIPMENT CO 12/20/2012 RL39841 Air compressor for Blowing out Irrigation Lines 461.00 20E008 2540 3250 01 000000 220390 BURRIS EQUIPMENT CO 12/20/2012 RL39992 Compressor rental for blowing out irrigation lines. 269.89 20E008 2540 3250 01 000000 220391 CALUMET PHOTOGRAPHIC, INC 12/20/2012 6757420 Art/Bale 220392 CAMELOT SCHOOLS, LLC 12/20/2012 TUITION NO Tuition Nov 2012 220393 CANON BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 12/20/2012 143144399 N1 Staples for mailroom copier. Tag #31366. 387.50 10E005 1120 4100 01 000000 220393 CANON BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 12/20/2012 143154553 staples for copy machine 260.00 10E004 1110 4100 01 000000 220393 CANON BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 12/20/2012 143162250 small office photocopier box of staples 220393 CANON BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 12/20/2012 143164031 Consumables for copiers 220393 CANON BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 12/20/2012 4008194677 Maintenance agreement from 12/31/12 - 1/30/13 72.00 10E006 1130 4100 12 000000 20,168.40 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 95.00 10E006 2120 4100 01 000000 432.50 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 5,120.00 10E008 1110 3110 01 000000 220394 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. 12/20/2012 12352046 Lease-Copiers 4,771.46 10E008 1100 3253 25 000000 220395 CARSON-DELLOSA PUBL CO.,INC 12/20/2012 062568 "Super Kids" Nameplates 220395 CARSON-DELLOSA PUBL CO.,INC 12/20/2012 062568 "Super Kids" Nameplates 7.54 10E001 2220 4300 01 000000 220396 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 12/20/2012 044373 Maintenance Supplies 5.49 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220396 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 12/20/2012 044564 Hinge for Ping Pong Table at the HS 220397 CASPER TRUE VALUE, INC. 12/20/2012 044191 MISC BUS SUPPLIES 10.98 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 220397 CASPER TRUE VALUE, INC. 220397 CASPER TRUE VALUE, INC. 12/20/2012 044256 12/20/2012 044257 MISC BUS SUPPLIES MISC BUS SUPPLIES 55.45 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 5.50 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 13.38 10E001 2220 4100 01 000000 5.17 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 6 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220397 CASPER TRUE VALUE, INC. 12/20/2012 044340 MISC BUS SUPPLIES 220398 CBM LLC 12/20/2012 16514 Navigating the Information Tsunami 220399 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 12/20/2012 S457705 REPLACEMENT PROJECTOR LAMPS 1=ADMIN 1=PDC 1=SPARE 219.63 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 220399 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 12/20/2012 S917767 REPLACEMENT PROJECTOR LAMPS 1=ADMIN 1=PDC 1=SPARE 439.28 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 220399 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 12/20/2012 T197427 ABSOLUTE MDM FOR HS FINE ARTS IPADS 346.00 10E006 1400 4100 11 000000 220399 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 12/20/2012 T197427 ABSOLUTE MDM FOR HS FINE ARTS IPADS 220399 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 12/20/2012 T406271 BATTERY BACK UP EQUIPMENT FOR TECHNOLOGY SERVER ROOM 1,002.99 10E008 2660 7001 11 000000 220400 CHALLENGER DAY SCHOOL 12/20/2012 6116 Tuition Nov 2012 3,941.20 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100391 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100391 98.59 20E002 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100391 298.61 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100391 425.25 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100391 1,362.34 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100391 3,899.97 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100391 133.55 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100391 136.99 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100391 336.02 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100391 1,327.21 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100391 454.12 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100392 40.82 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100392 7.32 20E002 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100392 22.18 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100392 31.59 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100392 101.20 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100392 289.71 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100392 9.92 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100392 10.18 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100392 24.96 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100392 98.59 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100392 33.74 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100394 56.72 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100394 10.18 20E002 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100394 30.82 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100394 43.90 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100394 140.62 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100394 402.55 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100394 13.79 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100394 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100394 14.14 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 34.68 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 19.96 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 29.95 10E003 2220 4400 01 000000 86.00 10E006 1400 4100 19 000000 549.52 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 7 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100394 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100394 46.86 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121012 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100608 176.07 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121012 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100608 31.59 20E002 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121012 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100608 95.68 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121012 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100608 136.25 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121012 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100608 436.51 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121012 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100608 1,249.58 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121012 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100608 42.79 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121012 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100608 43.89 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121012 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100608 107.66 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121012 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100608 425.25 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121012 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100608 145.51 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121074 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100990 752.09 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121074 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100990 134.93 20E002 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121074 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100990 408.68 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121074 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100990 582.01 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121074 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100990 1,864.52 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121074 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100990 5,337.59 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121074 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100990 182.78 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121074 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100990 187.49 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121074 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100990 459.89 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121074 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100990 1,816.45 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121074 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101100990 621.51 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101200532 139.13 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101200532 24.96 20E002 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101200532 75.60 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101200532 107.66 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101200532 344.91 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101200532 987.39 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101200532 33.81 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101200532 34.68 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101200532 85.07 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101200532 336.02 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9101200532 114.99 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9110500130 123.64 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9110500130 22.18 20E002 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9110500130 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9110500130 67.18 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 95.68 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 136.99 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 8 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9110500130 306.51 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9110500130 877.46 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9110500130 30.05 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9110500130 30.82 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9110500130 75.60 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9110500130 298.61 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121006 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9110500130 102.17 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121012 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9110300085 1,897.58 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121012 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9110300085 340.45 20E002 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121012 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9110300085 1,031.14 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121012 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9110300085 1,468.45 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121012 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9110300085 4,704.34 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121012 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9110300085 13,467.18 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121012 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9110300085 461.18 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121012 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9110300085 473.05 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121012 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9110300085 1,160.33 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121012 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9110300085 4,583.05 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 220405 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 12/20/2012 B121121012 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012. Acct # 9110300085 1,568.13 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 220406 CHERF, STEVEN 12/20/2012 202428 PRINTING OF MEDICAL EXCUSE FORMS 220407 CHICAGO EDUCATION PROJECT 12/20/2012 3431 Tuition Dec 2012 13,710.15 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220408 CHICAGOLAND PAVING 12/20/2012 122903 2012 Pavement Maintenance 33,000.00 20E006 2540 5400 01 000000 220408 CHICAGOLAND PAVING 12/20/2012 122903 2012 Pavement Maintenance 31,949.07 20E001 2530 5400 01 000000 220409 CHICAGO SPOTLIGHT 12/20/2012 0320652-IN PAC/Graham 220410 CINTAS DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT 12/20/2012 DD25160841 On-Site Document Shredding Services 29.00 10E008 2330 3100 01 000000 220411 CINTAS FIRE PROTECTION 12/20/2012 F750003044 Maintenance Supplies 82.20 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220412 CITRIX ONLINE LLC 12/20/2012 1200624830 5 LICENSES FOR GOTOMEETING 220413 CLARE WOODS ACADEMY 12/20/2012 TUITION DE Tuition Dec 2012 AMOUNT NUMBER 170.00 10E006 1130 4100 01 000000 328.16 10E006 1130 4100 67 000000 221.25 10E008 2660 4701 11 000000 13,995.84 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220414 CLASSROOM CONNECTION DAY SCHOO 12/20/2012 527 Tuition Jan 2013 7,855.47 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220414 CLASSROOM CONNECTION DAY SCHOO 12/20/2012 526 Tuition Jan 2013 7,855.47 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220414 CLASSROOM CONNECTION DAY SCHOO 12/20/2012 522 Tuition Jan 2013 7,855.47 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220416 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 12/20/2012 16982 Speech Evaluation 220416 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 12/20/2012 17036 Tuition Nov 2012 220416 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 12/20/2012 17036 Tuition Nov 2012 742.28 10E008 4220 6704 01 000000 220416 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 12/20/2012 17028 Tuition Nov 2012 3,381.42 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220416 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 12/20/2012 17028 Tuition Nov 2012 560.13 10E008 4220 6704 01 000000 220416 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 12/20/2012 17029 Tuition Nov 2012 3,381.42 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220416 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 12/20/2012 17029 Tuition Nov 2012 560.13 10E008 4220 6704 01 000000 220416 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 12/20/2012 17030 220416 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 12/20/2012 17030 Tuition Nov 2012 Tuition Nov 2012 3,381.42 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 560.13 10E008 4220 6704 01 000000 200.00 10E008 2150 3100 01 000000 4,481.05 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 9 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 220416 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 12/20/2012 17031 Tuition Nov 2012 220416 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 12/20/2012 17031 Tuition Nov 2012 3,381.42 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 560.13 10E008 4220 6704 01 000000 220416 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 12/20/2012 17032 Tuition Nov 2012 3,381.42 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220416 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 12/20/2012 17032 Tuition Nov 2012 560.13 10E008 4220 6704 01 000000 220416 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 12/20/2012 17033 Tuition Nov 2012 3,381.42 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220416 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 12/20/2012 17033 Tuition Nov 2012 560.13 10E008 4220 6704 01 000000 220416 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 12/20/2012 17034 Tuition Nov 2012 3,381.42 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220416 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 12/20/2012 17034 Tuition Nov 2012 560.13 10E008 4220 6704 01 000000 220416 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 12/20/2012 17035 Tuition Nov 2012 3,381.42 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220416 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 12/20/2012 17035 Tuition Nov 2012 560.13 10E008 4220 6704 01 000000 220418 COMED 12/20/2012 2223757008 Electricity 10/12/12 - 11/13/12. Acct #2223757008 94.28 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 220418 COMED 12/20/2012 2223757008 Electricity 10/12/12 - 11/13/12. Acct #2223757008 65.00 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 669.13 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 220418 COMED 12/20/2012 2223757008 Electricity 10/12/12 - 11/13/12. Acct #2223757008 220418 COMED 12/20/2012 2223757008 Electricity 10/12/12 - 11/13/12. Acct #2223757008 22.92 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 220418 COMED 12/20/2012 0294728000 Electricity 10/12/12 - 11/13/12. Acct #0294728000 983.88 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 220418 COMED 12/20/2012 0294728000 Electricity 10/12/12 - 11/13/12. Acct #0294728000 678.30 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 220418 COMED 12/20/2012 0294728000 Electricity 10/12/12 - 11/13/12. Acct #0294728000 6,982.69 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 220418 COMED 12/20/2012 0294728000 Electricity 10/12/12 - 11/13/12. Acct #0294728000 239.12 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 220418 COMED 12/20/2012 0051089046 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012 145.33 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 220418 COMED 12/20/2012 0051089046 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012 55.45 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 220418 COMED 12/20/2012 0899157030 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012 4,022.50 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 220418 COMED 12/20/2012 0899157030 Electricity 10/ 201212 - 11/2012 1,534.61 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 220419 CONNECTION'S DAY SCHOOL 12/20/2012 18451 Tuition-Diagnostic Program Nov 2012-Reg. Ed. 4,716.37 10E008 1911 6700 01 000000 220420 CONRAD, TOM 12/20/2012 111312 SO BBB 11/13/12 60.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 220420 CONRAD, TOM 12/20/2012 12612 SO BASKETBALL 12/6/12 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 220421 CONSTANT CONTACT, INC 12/20/2012 TGE516CAB3 Email Marketing subscription 1 yr MyLibrary Plus 714.00 10E008 2630 4700 01 000000 subscription 1 yr Email Archive subscription 1 yr 220422 COUNTRYSIDE GOLF CLUB 12/20/2012 Acct 1057 220423 DAILY HERALD 12/20/2012 ACCT #7423 Newspaper subscription for the Daily Herald for the office. girls golf 10/1/2012 thru 10/31/12: 220424 DAILY HERALD 12/20/2012 ACCT#146NL Dailey Herald News subscription. 220425 DELUXE BUSINESS FORMS AND SUPP 12/20/2012 2025769270 CHECKS 220426 DEGENER, SOPHIE 12/20/2012 SERVICES 9 Consultant fee for professional development, Institute Days 225.00 10E006 1500 4100 59 000000 86.00 10E005 1120 4100 01 000000 26.70 10E005 2220 4100 01 000000 579.10 10E008 2520 4100 01 000000 3,250.00 10E008 2210 3140 81 493200 9/28/12 (full day) and 11/2/12 (half day) 220426 DEGENER, SOPHIE 12/20/2012 SERVICES 1 Guided Reading Workshop for teachers at May Whitney 2,000.00 10E008 2210 3100 90 430000 11/1/2012 220427 DEMCO 12/20/2012 4806420 Library Supplies 220427 DEMCO 12/20/2012 4807173 LMC Supplies 220428 DICK POND ATHLETICS INC 12/20/2012 1000038699 12 Wrestling Singlets. Cost will be covered by MSN Student account. 179.15 10E010 2220 4100 01 000000 60.39 10E003 2220 4100 01 000000 483.00 10E005 1500 4100 35 000000 10 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT 220429 DICKSON, CATHERINE 12/20/2012 111212 Soccer fee refund 220.00 10R000 1721 0000 00 000000 220430 DIDAX INC 12/20/2012 SI-014022 Math manipulative's, first grade at Spencer Loomis, M 391.89 10E008 1110 4100 01 000000 Russis 220431 DIGITAL RIVER EDUCATION SERVIC 12/20/2012 9801330 SOFTWARE FOR HS MATH 165.00 10E008 2660 4701 11 000000 220432 DISCOVERY EDUCATION 12/20/2012 90081660 7th Grade Health DVD 108.45 10E005 1120 4100 16 000000 220433 DOERING LANDSCAPE COMPANY 12/20/2012 46214 Top soil for field repair at the high school 220434 DRIESSEN CONSTRUCTION CO. 12/20/2012 PROJECT 11 Project # 1165.06, 2011 Door replacements @ HS & SP Pay 29,256.00 20E006 2540 3230 01 000000 220434 DRIESSEN CONSTRUCTION CO. 12/20/2012 PROJECT 12 SA Folding Partitions. Project # 1265.01 - Final payment 18,161.80 20E003 2540 5300 01 000000 220435 DUFF, JULIE 12/20/2012 11112 220436 EAI EDUCATION 12/20/2012 INV0581119 Compass sets for classrooms 220437 EASTBAYTEAM SERVICES 12/20/2012 41102 poms warm up jacket /pants 220440 EBS HEALTHCARE 12/20/2012 225579 Contractual Speech Therapy Services 439.10 10E008 3000 3104 01 462000 220440 EBS HEALTHCARE 12/20/2012 225579 Contractual Speech Therapy Services 1,689.30 10E008 2150 3104 01 462000 220440 EBS HEALTHCARE 12/20/2012 225581 Contractual Speech Therapy Services 338.09 10E008 3000 3104 01 462000 220440 EBS HEALTHCARE 12/20/2012 225581 Contractual Speech Therapy Services 1,300.71 10E008 2150 3104 01 462000 220440 EBS HEALTHCARE 12/20/2012 225578 Contractual Speech Therapy Services 202.01 10E008 3000 3104 01 462000 220440 EBS HEALTHCARE 12/20/2012 225578 Contractual Speech Therapy Services 777.19 10E008 2150 3104 01 462000 220440 EBS HEALTHCARE 12/20/2012 226003 Contractual Speech Therapy Services 839.31 10E008 3000 3104 01 462000 220440 EBS HEALTHCARE 12/20/2012 226003 Contractual Speech Therapy Services 2,098.29 10E008 2150 3104 01 462000 220440 EBS HEALTHCARE 12/20/2012 226020 Contractual Speech Therapy Services 559.54 10E008 3000 3104 01 462000 220440 EBS HEALTHCARE 12/20/2012 226020 Contractual Speech Therapy Services 1,398.86 10E008 2150 3104 01 462000 220440 EBS HEALTHCARE 12/20/2012 225935 Contractual Speech Therapy Services 559.54 10E008 3000 3104 01 462000 220440 EBS HEALTHCARE 12/20/2012 225935 Contractual Speech Therapy Services 1,398.86 10E008 2150 3104 01 462000 220440 EBS HEALTHCARE 12/20/2012 226606 Contractual Speech Therapy Services 753.23 10E008 3000 3104 01 462000 220440 EBS HEALTHCARE 12/20/2012 226606 Contractual Speech Therapy Services 1,694.77 10E008 2150 3104 01 462000 220440 EBS HEALTHCARE 12/20/2012 226624 Contractual Speech Therapy Services 602.58 10E008 3000 3104 01 462000 220440 EBS HEALTHCARE 12/20/2012 226624 Contractual Speech Therapy Services 1,355.82 10E008 2150 3104 01 462000 220440 EBS HEALTHCARE 12/20/2012 226538 Contractual Speech Therapy Services 602.58 10E008 3000 3104 01 462000 220440 EBS HEALTHCARE 12/20/2012 226538 Contractual Speech Therapy Services 1,355.82 10E008 2150 3104 01 462000 220441 EBSCO INFORMATION SERVICES 12/20/2012 1415448 Instructor magazine mailbox magazine for grades k, 1, 2&3, 650.00 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 App #6 Reimbursement for Conference Registration Fees 80.00 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 551.92 10E006 1130 4100 06 000000 1,947.00 10E006 1500 4100 71 000000 134.75 10E004 2220 4400 01 000000 and intermediate 220442 EDER, CASELLA & CO. Progress bill for June 2012 audit examination 9,125.00 10E008 2310 3170 01 000000 220443 EDITORIAL PROJECTS IN EDUCATIO 12/20/2012 SIN006269 12/20/2012 4202 Ad for High School Principal 1,728.50 10E008 2640 3100 01 000000 220444 EDWARD STAUBER WHOLESALE HARDW 12/20/2012 033326 Maintenance Supplies 86.00 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220445 ENERGY PURCHASING SERVICES, IN 12/20/2012 11085 Monthly Gas Analysis 450.00 20E008 2540 3190 01 000000 220446 ENGELHARDT, LAUREN 12/20/2012 12312 Reimbursement for FACS supplies purchased at Jewel. 220447 ERNIE PETERSON PLUMBING, INC 220448 ERNIE'S WRECKER SERVICE 12/20/2012 37439 12/20/2012 E 149235 Repair of MW Lift Station BUS TOWING CHARGE 19.67 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 1,514.00 20E001 2540 3230 01 000000 125.00 40E008 2550 3230 01 000000 11 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220449 ESCO 12/20/2012 71394.8 Loss/Damage Coverage-FM Unit 103.00 10E008 1200 3103 01 000000 220450 ESSCOE, LLC 12/20/2012 9788 Fire Alarm Repairs at SA and IF 297.76 20E003 2540 3230 01 000000 220450 ESSCOE, LLC 12/20/2012 9788 Fire Alarm Repairs at SA and IF 195.99 20E009 2540 3230 01 000000 220450 ESSCOE, LLC 12/20/2012 9839 Fire Alarm Repairs at SA and IF 195.99 20E003 2540 3230 01 000000 220450 ESSCOE, LLC 12/20/2012 9839 Fire Alarm Repairs at SA and IF 129.01 20E009 2540 3230 01 000000 220451 ETA/HAND2MIND 12/20/2012 50520999 Versa tile answer cases - D.Herlocker 134.34 10E004 1110 4100 06 000000 220451 ETA/HAND2MIND 12/20/2012 50523017 Math manipulative's, first grade at Spencer Loomis, M 462.00 10E008 1110 4100 01 000000 220452 ETC PRESCHOOL 12/20/2012 110112/1 Preschool Tuition Nov 2012 220453 FACTS 4 ME, INC 12/20/2012 00004206 School subscription service for library 0.00 10E004 2220 4400 01 000000 220453 FACTS 4 ME, INC 12/20/2012 00004206 School subscription service for library 50.00 10E004 2210 4100 01 000000 220454 FASTENAL COMPANY 12/20/2012 ILLAK16540 Door mounting hardware 10.17 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220454 FASTENAL COMPANY 12/20/2012 ILLAK16540 Door mounting hardware 10.17 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220454 FASTENAL COMPANY 12/20/2012 ILLAK16540 Door mounting hardware 10.18 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220454 FASTENAL COMPANY 12/20/2012 ILLAK16540 Door mounting hardware 220455 FEDERAL SUPPLY USA 12/20/2012 123438 Light Diffusers (anti-shatter) for walk-in coolers at HS 220455 FEDERAL SUPPLY USA 12/20/2012 123881 Dishwasher Booster Heater O-Ring 220455 FEDERAL SUPPLY USA 12/20/2012 124277 Food Service Sneeze Guard Brackets - HS 220456 FISHELLA, KAREN 12/20/2012 196 Services on 6/26 & 7/20/12 220457 FISHER SCIENTIFIC COMPANY 12/20/2012 5000609 8 stools for science classroom. 424.48 10E005 1120 4100 01 000000 220457 FISHER SCIENTIFIC COMPANY 12/20/2012 5000609 8 stools for science classroom. 0.00 10E005 1120 4200 07 000000 220457 FISHER SCIENTIFIC COMPANY 12/20/2012 5000609 8 stools for science classroom. 220458 FLEET REPAIR, INC 12/20/2012 120412 MISC BUS REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 220459 FOLLETT EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 12/20/2012 1378835A Five copies of Strive for 5: Preparing For the AP European AMOUNT NUMBER Russis 305.00 10E008 1913 6701 01 000000 10.17 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 276.04 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 16.95 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 111.50 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 1,336.00 10E008 2310 3190 01 000000 0.00 10E005 1120 7001 01 000000 4,108.00 40E008 2550 3230 01 000000 16.00 10E006 1130 4200 08 000000 History Exam 220459 FOLLETT EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 12/20/2012 1378835B Five copies of Strive for 5: Preparing For the AP European 94.08 10E006 1130 4200 08 000000 History Exam 220459 FOLLETT EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 12/20/2012 1380261A Gr. 3 Government Books 220459 FOLLETT EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 12/20/2012 1383926A Hoot and Holes paperbacks for Gr. 5 68.10 10E003 1110 4100 08 000000 220460 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 12/20/2012 670710F-2 Books for LMC 220460 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 12/20/2012 691298F-0 Misc. Books 461.92 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 220460 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 12/20/2012 697249F-4 Books 151.01 10E001 2220 4300 01 000000 220460 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 12/20/2012 697249F-4 Books 18.61 10E001 2220 4400 01 000000 220460 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 12/20/2012 697249-5 Books 1,950.13 10E001 2220 4300 01 000000 220460 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 12/20/2012 697249-5 Books 240.34 10E001 2220 4400 01 000000 220460 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 12/20/2012 712254F-0 Isaac Fox Library Grant Funds 417.35 10E008 2220 4100 91 380000 220461 FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY COMPA 12/20/2012 729772 Fire Protection detectors for MW 622.00 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220462 FULL COMPASS SYSTEMS, LTD 12/20/2012 4477685 220463 G&C GLASS, MIRROR & CONSTRUCTI 12/20/2012 30745 Payemnt for new stereo cable for fieldhouse system. Sneeze guard for HS 58.79 10E006 1130 4100 09 000000 168.00 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 183.27 10E003 1110 4100 05 000000 3,481.28 10E003 2220 4300 01 000000 12 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER 220463 G&C GLASS, MIRROR & CONSTRUCTI 12/20/2012 30770 Replace broken glass in window 426.00 20E006 2540 3230 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 867590 HVAC Repair Supplies 4.31 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 867590 HVAC Repair Supplies 50.53 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 867590 HVAC Repair Supplies 11.35 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 867590 HVAC Repair Supplies 29.63 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 868215 HVAC Repair Supplies 7.67 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 868215 HVAC Repair Supplies 89.89 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 868215 HVAC Repair Supplies 20.18 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 868215 HVAC Repair Supplies 52.71 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 868292 HVAC Repair Supplies 21.89 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 868292 HVAC Repair Supplies 256.64 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 868292 HVAC Repair Supplies 57.62 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 868292 HVAC Repair Supplies 150.50 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 868344 HVAC Repair Supplies 20.63 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 868344 HVAC Repair Supplies 241.86 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 868344 HVAC Repair Supplies 54.30 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 868344 HVAC Repair Supplies 141.84 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 868625 HVAC Repair Supplies 9.08 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 868625 HVAC Repair Supplies 106.45 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 868625 HVAC Repair Supplies 23.90 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 868625 HVAC Repair Supplies 62.42 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 868802 HVAC Repair Supplies 17.64 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 868802 HVAC Repair Supplies 206.83 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 868802 HVAC Repair Supplies 46.44 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 868802 HVAC Repair Supplies 121.29 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 868806 HVAC Repair Supplies 4.16 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 868806 HVAC Repair Supplies 48.74 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 868806 HVAC Repair Supplies 10.94 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 868806 HVAC Repair Supplies 28.58 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 868835 HVAC Repair Supplies 7.06 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 868835 HVAC Repair Supplies 82.78 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 868835 HVAC Repair Supplies 18.59 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 868835 HVAC Repair Supplies 48.54 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 869026 Parts to Repair MSS/IF Univents 24.65 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 869026 Parts to Repair MSS/IF Univents 5.83 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 869026 Parts to Repair MSS/IF Univents 72.32 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 869026 Parts to Repair MSS/IF Univents 24.32 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 869332 12/20/2012 869332 Parts to Repair MSS/IF Univents Parts to Repair MSS/IF Univents 78.53 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 18.58 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 NUMBER VENDOR ACCOUNT 13 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 869332 Parts to Repair MSS/IF Univents 230.42 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 869332 Parts to Repair MSS/IF Univents 77.47 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 869447 Parts to Repair MSS/IF Univents 139.18 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 869447 Parts to Repair MSS/IF Univents 32.93 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 869447 Parts to Repair MSS/IF Univents 408.37 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 869447 Parts to Repair MSS/IF Univents 137.31 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 869690 Parts to Repair MSS/IF Univents 71.21 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 869690 Parts to Repair MSS/IF Univents 16.85 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 869690 Parts to Repair MSS/IF Univents 208.94 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 869690 Parts to Repair MSS/IF Univents 70.25 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 869694 Parts to Repair MSS/IF Univents 11.68 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 869694 Parts to Repair MSS/IF Univents 2.76 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 869694 Parts to Repair MSS/IF Univents 34.27 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 869694 Parts to Repair MSS/IF Univents 11.53 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 869698 Parts to Repair MSS/IF Univents 41.98 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 869698 Parts to Repair MSS/IF Univents 9.93 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 869698 Parts to Repair MSS/IF Univents 123.17 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 869698 Parts to Repair MSS/IF Univents 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 869974 Univent Parts at MSS/IF 202.50 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 869974 Univent Parts at MSS/IF 202.50 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 870186 Univent Parts at MSS/IF 18.98 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 870186 Univent Parts at MSS/IF 220468 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 12/20/2012 871180 Duct Sensorfor HS 220469 GARBACIAK, JR, STEPHEN 12/20/2012 101212 SO FOOTBALL 10/12/12 220470 GCA SERVICES GROUP 12/20/2012 468692 buyout of 2009 Silverado Truck 220470 GCA SERVICES GROUP 12/20/2012 468512 Contract Cleaning / Grounds / Maintenance for December 2012 7,038.29 20E008 2540 3250 25 000000 220470 GCA SERVICES GROUP 12/20/2012 468512 Contract Cleaning / Grounds / Maintenance for December 2012 184,331.13 20E008 2540 3220 01 000000 41.42 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 18.98 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 125.62 20E006 2540 3230 01 000000 68.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 14,907.06 20E008 2540 5500 01 000000 220470 GCA SERVICES GROUP 12/20/2012 472278 Contractual Services - Nov. GCA OT 220473 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 12/20/2012 411130 Toner for office printer 3,926.40 20E008 2540 3220 01 000000 359.76 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 220473 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 12/20/2012 411498 Toner for teacher printers 360.05 10E003 1110 4100 11 000000 220473 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 12/20/2012 411499 Laserjet cartridge 220473 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 12/20/2012 411501 Ink cartridges for teachers' printers 366.18 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 220473 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 12/20/2012 411504 Printer Ink 549.89 10E010 1120 4100 01 000000 220473 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 12/20/2012 411742 Ink Cartridge for HP 4200 Laser Printer 151.60 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 220473 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 12/20/2012 411571 Ink cartridge HP Part #42X. 307.42 10E005 1400 4100 11 000000 220473 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 12/20/2012 411800 Parts & repair for work room printer 289.00 10E009 1110 3100 01 000000 220473 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 12/20/2012 412113 GT laserjet cartrdige 224.05 10E004 1110 4100 11 000000 220473 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 220473 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 12/20/2012 412611 12/20/2012 412611 GT Color LaserJet 4700 Black Toner GT Color LaserJet 4700 Black Toner 108.77 10E008 2210 4100 01 000000 108.79 10E008 2320 4100 01 000000 83.35 10E004 1110 4100 11 000000 14 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER 220473 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 12/20/2012 412611 GT Color LaserJet 4700 Black Toner 108.78 10E008 2630 4100 01 000000 220473 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 12/20/2012 412935 toner 803.98 10E010 1120 4100 01 000000 220473 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 12/20/2012 412999 Toner for printers 239.87 10E003 1110 4100 11 000000 220473 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 12/20/2012 413161 Toners for printers 696.55 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 220473 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 12/20/2012 414080 toner collection unit for HR printer 220473 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 12/20/2012 414582 TONER CARTRIDGE ORDER 220474 GEWALT HAMILTON ASSOCIATES, IN 12/20/2012 4264.499-1 Project # 4264.499, SWPPP Inspections for MW Demo Project # ACCOUNT 210.02 10E008 2640 4100 01 000000 1,387.77 10E006 1130 4100 11 000000 1,250.00 20E008 2540 3160 01 000000 4264.425, 2012 Site Improvement Construction 220474 GEWALT HAMILTON ASSOCIATES, IN 12/20/2012 4264.499-1 MW Demo SWPPP Inspections Prjoect # 4264.499 10/29/12 - 1,000.00 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 11/25/12 220475 GLAY, KAREN 12/20/2012 1377 Audiology Services 375.00 10E008 1200 3100 01 000000 220475 GLAY, KAREN 12/20/2012 1379 Audiology Services 335.00 10E008 1200 3100 01 000000 220475 GLAY, KAREN 12/20/2012 1467 Audiological Services 255.00 10E008 1200 3100 01 000000 220475 GLAY, KAREN 12/20/2012 1510 Audiology Services 155.00 10E008 1200 3100 01 000000 220475 GLAY, KAREN 12/20/2012 1509 Audiology Services 255.00 10E008 1200 3100 01 000000 220476 GOODEN, JEFF 12/20/2012 121312 SO BASKETBALL 12/13/12 220477 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO 12/20/2012 963581289 STEREO CABLES TO USE IN ELEMENTARY IPADS 648.00 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 220478 GRAHAM, NANCY 12/20/2012 113012 Wrestling refund 220.00 10R000 1721 0000 00 000000 220482 GRAINGER 12/20/2012 9969558536 Motors for Exhaust and Univent Repairs 80.62 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220482 GRAINGER 12/20/2012 9969558536 Motors for Exhaust and Univent Repairs 40.80 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220482 GRAINGER 12/20/2012 9969558536 Motors for Exhaust and Univent Repairs 73.34 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220482 GRAINGER 12/20/2012 9969558544 Motors for Exhaust and Univent Repairs 144.89 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220482 GRAINGER 12/20/2012 9969558544 Motors for Exhaust and Univent Repairs 73.33 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220482 GRAINGER 12/20/2012 9969558544 Motors for Exhaust and Univent Repairs 131.78 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220482 GRAINGER 12/20/2012 9969189142 Motors for Exhaust and Univent Repairs 159.32 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220482 GRAINGER 12/20/2012 9969189142 Motors for Exhaust and Univent Repairs 80.63 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220482 GRAINGER 12/20/2012 9969189142 Motors for Exhaust and Univent Repairs 144.89 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220482 GRAINGER 12/20/2012 9977433086 Fan motor for MSS cafeteria 228.02 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220482 GRAINGER 12/20/2012 9002493329 Electrical Supplies and Shower Curtains for the HS 7.12 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220482 GRAINGER 12/20/2012 9002493329 Electrical Supplies and Shower Curtains for the HS 55.57 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220482 GRAINGER 12/20/2012 9002493329 Electrical Supplies and Shower Curtains for the HS 1.03 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 220482 GRAINGER 12/20/2012 9002678903 Electrical Supplies and Shower Curtains for the HS 50.12 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220482 GRAINGER 12/20/2012 9002678903 Electrical Supplies and Shower Curtains for the HS 391.17 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220482 GRAINGER 12/20/2012 9002678903 Electrical Supplies and Shower Curtains for the HS 7.27 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 220482 GRAINGER 12/20/2012 9003729069 Electrical Supplies and Shower Curtains for the HS 22.47 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220482 GRAINGER 12/20/2012 9003729069 Electrical Supplies and Shower Curtains for the HS 175.33 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220482 GRAINGER 12/20/2012 9003729069 Electrical Supplies and Shower Curtains for the HS 3.26 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 220482 GRAINGER 220482 GRAINGER 12/20/2012 9003729077 Electrical Supplies and Shower Curtains for the HS 12/20/2012 9003729077 Electrical Supplies and Shower Curtains for the HS 11.40 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 88.95 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 15 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220482 GRAINGER 12/20/2012 9003729077 Electrical Supplies and Shower Curtains for the HS 1.65 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 220482 GRAINGER 12/20/2012 9003729085 Electrical Supplies and Shower Curtains for the HS -50.12 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220482 GRAINGER 12/20/2012 9003729085 Electrical Supplies and Shower Curtains for the HS -391.17 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220482 GRAINGER 12/20/2012 9003729085 Electrical Supplies and Shower Curtains for the HS -7.27 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 220482 GRAINGER 12/20/2012 9003729093 Electrical Supplies and Shower Curtains for the HS 21.70 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220482 GRAINGER 12/20/2012 9003729093 Electrical Supplies and Shower Curtains for the HS 169.35 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220482 GRAINGER 12/20/2012 9003729093 Electrical Supplies and Shower Curtains for the HS 3.15 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 220482 GRAINGER 12/20/2012 9004526761 Electrical Supplies and Shower Curtains for the HS 1.03 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220482 GRAINGER 12/20/2012 9004526761 Electrical Supplies and Shower Curtains for the HS 8.06 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220482 GRAINGER 12/20/2012 9004526761 Electrical Supplies and Shower Curtains for the HS 220483 GRAPHIC 14, INC 12/20/2012 331319 COPY PAPER ORDER 3,425.00 10E006 1130 4108 01 000000 220484 GRAYSLAKE CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL 12/20/2012 1000 Professional Developmen Observing and Analyzing Teachers - 3,378.28 10E008 2640 3100 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 0.15 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 Erin Pittman and Terry Mootz 220484 GRAYSLAKE CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL 12/20/2012 1004 Travel expenses for Harriett Scarborough, OAT 1 Grayslake, 136.52 10E008 2210 3100 01 000000 6 + Site Visits, Oct 21-26, 2012 220485 GRAYSLAKE NORTH HIGH SCHOOL 12/20/2012 ENTRY FEE Grayslake North cheer competition fee 1/12/2013 130.00 10E006 1500 4100 72 000000 220485 GRAYSLAKE NORTH HIGH SCHOOL 12/20/2012 ENTRY FEEV Grayslake North cheer competition fee 1/12/2013 130.00 10E006 1500 4100 72 000000 220487 GREGORY, TODD 12/20/2012 11512 Reimbursement for FACS supplies purchased on 11/5/12. 92.28 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 220487 GREGORY, TODD 12/20/2012 111212 Reimbursement for FACS purchases at ALDI on 11/12/12. 26.47 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 220487 GREGORY, TODD 12/20/2012 102812 Reimbursement for PE supplies purchased at Sports 44.97 10E006 1130 4100 09 000000 Authority. 220487 GREGORY, TODD 12/20/2012 111912 Reimbursement for FACS supplies purchased at ALDI. 220487 GREGORY, TODD 12/20/2012 112612 FACS supplies purchased at ALDI. 128.32 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 95.87 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 220487 GREGORY, TODD 12/20/2012 12312 Reimbursement for FACS purchase at ALDI on 12/3/12. 72.59 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 220488 GREMBER, AL 12/20/2012 111212 SO BOYS BASKETBALL 11/12/12 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 220489 GROSS, REID 12/20/2012 111212 SO BOYS BASKETBALL 11/12/12 220490 GUMDROP BOOKS 12/20/2012 PINV56855 Library books 220491 GURRIE MIDDLE SCHOOL 12/20/2012 ENTRY FEE Payment for Tiger Invitational Wrestling Tournament. 220492 HACKER, RICHARD 12/20/2012 11512 Art/Hacker 220493 HALLETT, JAMES 12/20/2012 1872 sports awards for soccer/boys xc 69.77 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 220493 HALLETT, JAMES 12/20/2012 1876 sports trophies for end of season awards 82.42 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 220493 HALLETT, JAMES 12/20/2012 1877 November Board Award Plaques 57.16 10E008 2630 3108 01 000000 220493 HALLETT, JAMES 12/20/2012 1890 swimming /football plaques for sports award night. 50.56 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 1,041.45 10E005 2220 4300 01 000000 175.00 10E005 1500 4100 35 000000 35.68 10E006 1130 4100 12 000000 inv#1890 11/26/12012 220494 HANDWRITING WITHOUT TEARS 12/20/2012 713532-1 Digital Teaching Tool, Smartboard applications for 249.50 10E008 1120 4200 01 000000 Handwriting without Tears, Kindergarten teachers at all elementary schools. 220494 HANDWRITING WITHOUT TEARS 220495 HANLEY, CARRON 12/20/2012 710999-1 12/20/2012 111912 OT Supplies (A.Smith-MW) The 2 Sisters/The Daily 162.80 10E008 1213 4100 01 000000 255.00 10E001 2210 3100 01 000000 16 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 220495 HANLEY, CARRON 12/20/2012 102712 Electric Pencil Sharpener 220496 HANSON, J 12/20/2012 11212 reimbursement Cross Country Coach JB Hanson: for state meet PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 57.98 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 518.91 10E006 1500 6400 01 000000 11/3/12 food 220497 HEARTLAND LABEL PRINTERS, INC. 12/20/2012 HBS0007659 REPLACEMENT PRINTER FOR MSS TEACHER ROOM 600 861.54 10E010 1120 4100 01 000000 220497 HEARTLAND LABEL PRINTERS, INC. 12/20/2012 HBS0007707 TOUCHSCREEN MONITOR FOR HS 459.00 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 220497 HEARTLAND LABEL PRINTERS, INC. 12/20/2012 HBS0007763 TOUCHSCREEN FOR MSS 459.00 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 220498 HEARTLAND PAYMENT SYSTEMS, INC 12/20/2012 SLK0000004 BAR CODE SCANNER 220499 HEINEMANN 12/20/2012 6145169 Books and kits for Literacy Committee, December 12, 2012 220500 HENNING BROS 12/20/2012 0000382956 Rekeying of B100A at MSN 220500 HENNING BROS 12/20/2012 0000383612 Keys for SA Kitchen 220501 HERNANDEZ, LOREEN 12/20/2012 SERVICES 1 Translator services for Noe Gonzalez conference. 220502 HERNANDEZ, MATEO & EVELIA 12/20/2012 111912 715.06 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 2,346.30 10E008 2210 3100 01 000000 195.00 20E005 2540 3230 01 000000 48.70 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 10.00 10E005 1120 3100 01 000000 Registration refund 190.00 10R000 1720 0000 00 000000 188.00 10E008 2660 3100 11 000000 220503 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY 12/20/2012 52093839 WARRANTY ON VOICEMAIL SERVER 220504 HIGGINS, MARGARET 12/20/2012 8312 Reimbursement for classroom purchases 64.12 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 220505 HIGHSMITH/UPSTART 12/20/2012 4780720 Library supplies 62.35 10E010 2220 4100 01 000000 220506 HJERPE, ADAM 12/20/2012 12612 Reimbursement for Classroom Supplies from Teacher Stipend 59.90 10E003 1110 4120 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 9120197 Maintenance Supplies 2.51 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 9120197 Maintenance Supplies 2.85 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 9120197 Maintenance Supplies 1.75 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 9120197 Maintenance Supplies 9.62 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 4060662 Maintenance Supplies 7.92 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 4060662 Maintenance Supplies 9.00 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 4060662 Maintenance Supplies 5.54 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 4060662 Maintenance Supplies 30.40 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 2040501 Maintenance Supplies 8.39 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 2040501 Maintenance Supplies 9.55 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 2040501 Maintenance Supplies 5.88 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 2040501 Maintenance Supplies 32.22 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 1054237 Maintenance Supplies 3.66 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 1054237 Maintenance Supplies 4.16 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 1054237 Maintenance Supplies 2.56 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 1054237 Maintenance Supplies 14.06 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 4044575 Maintenance Supplies 2.13 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 4044575 Maintenance Supplies 2.43 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 4044575 Maintenance Supplies 1.49 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 4044575 Maintenance Supplies 8.19 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 1033565 Maintenance Supplies 4.34 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 1033565 12/20/2012 1033565 Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Supplies 4.93 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 3.04 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 17 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 1033565 Maintenance Supplies 16.64 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 6120660 Maintenance Supplies 29.90 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 0045370 Maintenance Supplies 19.22 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 0201152 Maintenance Supplies -19.22 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 14.84 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 8030550 Maintenance Supplies 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 3031869 Maintenance Supplies 4.29 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 4034547 Maintenance Supplies 10.98 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 5034205 Maintenance Supplies 7.77 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 6034101 Maintenance Supplies 19.56 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 1032611 Maintenance Supplies 9.84 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 1032563 Maintenance Supplies 20.45 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 2126032 Maintenance Supplies 57.66 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 6032556 Maintenance Supplies 13.44 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 2033400 Maintenance Supplies 8.06 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 1032332 Maintenance Supplies 23.51 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 1032332 Maintenance Supplies 15.03 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 9030067 Maintenance Supplies 8.06 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 9030067 Maintenance Supplies 5.16 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 1032372 Maintenance Supplies 60.38 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 1032372 Maintenance Supplies 38.62 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 9030233 Maintenance Supplies 16.74 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 9030233 Maintenance Supplies 10.71 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 3030343 Maintenance Supplies 42.07 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 3030343 Maintenance Supplies 26.90 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 5034121 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 21.50 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 5034121 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 8.47 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 6041363 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 10.19 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 6041363 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 4.01 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 7033300 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 8.78 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 7033300 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 3.46 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 7036184 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 19.31 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 7036184 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 7.60 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 8035980 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 18.32 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 8035980 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 7.21 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 9041181 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 17.85 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 9041181 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 7.02 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 2032007 Maintenance Supplies 1.52 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 2032007 12/20/2012 2032007 Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Supplies 1.63 20E002 2540 4900 01 000000 0.96 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 18 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 2032007 Maintenance Supplies 2.63 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 2042839 Maintenance Supplies 10.83 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 2042839 Maintenance Supplies 11.65 20E002 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 2042839 Maintenance Supplies 6.84 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 2042839 Maintenance Supplies 18.78 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 6117052 Maintenance Supplies 2.25 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 6117052 Maintenance Supplies 2.42 20E002 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 6117052 Maintenance Supplies 1.42 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 6117052 Maintenance Supplies 3.89 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 6123086 Maintenance Supplies 12.88 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 6123086 Maintenance Supplies 13.84 20E002 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 6123086 Maintenance Supplies 8.13 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 6123086 Maintenance Supplies 22.33 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 7040149 Maintenance Supplies 8.89 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 7040149 Maintenance Supplies 9.55 20E002 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 7040149 Maintenance Supplies 5.61 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 7040149 Maintenance Supplies 15.41 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 7124615 Maintenance Supplies 24.39 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 7124615 Maintenance Supplies 26.22 20E002 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 7124615 Maintenance Supplies 15.41 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 7124615 Maintenance Supplies 42.28 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 8040102 Maintenance Supplies 1.72 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 8040102 Maintenance Supplies 1.84 20E002 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 8040102 Maintenance Supplies 1.08 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 8040102 Maintenance Supplies 2.98 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 1038088 Maintenance Supplies 65.12 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 1038088 Maintenance Supplies 2.00 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 1038088 Maintenance Supplies 21.78 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 1041556 Maintenance Supplies 2.51 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 1041556 Maintenance Supplies 0.08 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 1041556 Maintenance Supplies 0.84 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 1126054 Maintenance Supplies 5.09 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 1126054 Maintenance Supplies 0.16 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 1126054 Maintenance Supplies 1.70 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 1205138 Maintenance Supplies -14.63 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 1205138 Maintenance Supplies -0.45 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 1205138 Maintenance Supplies -4.89 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 5037048 12/20/2012 5037048 Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Supplies 27.37 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 0.84 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 19 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 5037048 Maintenance Supplies 9.15 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 6034051 Maintenance Supplies 11.61 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 6034051 Maintenance Supplies 0.36 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 6034051 Maintenance Supplies 3.88 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 2041508 Maintenance Supplies 14.63 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 2041508 Maintenance Supplies 0.45 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 2041508 Maintenance Supplies 4.89 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220515 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 12/20/2012 9038468 Maintenance Supplies 220516 HODGE PRODUCTS INC 12/20/2012 0298673-IN Replacement keys for lockers at MSN AMOUNT NUMBER 4.65 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 47.89 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220517 HODGES, LOIZZI, EISENHAMMER, R 12/20/2012 23949 Legal Fees - October 2012 6,983.83 10E008 2310 3180 01 000000 220518 HORIZON FINANCIAL PARTNER, INC 12/20/2012 0004651 October major medical consulting, servicing and marketing 2,900.00 10E008 2640 3110 01 000000 220518 HORIZON FINANCIAL PARTNER, INC 12/20/2012 0004680 November major medical consulting, servicing and marketing 2,900.00 10E008 2640 3110 01 000000 220519 HUDSON, SARAH What's New in Children's Literature and How to Use it in 12/20/2012 111912 229.00 10E001 2210 3100 01 000000 your Program Seminar 220520 HUGH O'BRIAN YOUTH LEADERSHIP 12/20/2012 89293 Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership 325.00 10E006 1130 4100 46 000000 220520 HUGH O'BRIAN YOUTH LEADERSHIP 12/20/2012 89292 Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership 150.00 10E006 1130 4100 46 000000 220521 IASB 12/20/2012 0005 Board Training 220522 IASBO 12/20/2012 CONF 12/7/ CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 165.00 10E008 2520 6400 01 000000 195.00 10E008 2520 6400 01 000000 50.00 10E008 2310 6400 01 000000 220522 IASBO 12/20/2012 CONF 12-7- CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 220523 ICE MOUNTAIN 12/20/2012 02K8106047 Service 11/1 - 11/30/12. Acct # 8106047379 113.75 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 220524 IDEAS UNLIMITED 12/20/2012 R6072 REGISTRATION PAYMENT FOR ERICA STUART. 199.00 10E006 2410 6400 01 000000 220526 IDLEWOOD ELECTRIC SUPPLY 12/20/2012 006139 Wall Pack Lamps for SA 114.08 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220526 IDLEWOOD ELECTRIC SUPPLY 12/20/2012 008709 Lamps and Ballasts for HS Lighting Repairs 142.60 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220526 IDLEWOOD ELECTRIC SUPPLY 12/20/2012 009365 Lamps and Ballasts for HS Lighting Repairs 216.00 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220526 IDLEWOOD ELECTRIC SUPPLY 12/20/2012 010338 Lamps and Ballasts for HS Lighting Repairs 941.04 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220526 IDLEWOOD ELECTRIC SUPPLY 12/20/2012 010373 Lamps and Ballasts for HS Lighting Repairs 220526 IDLEWOOD ELECTRIC SUPPLY 12/20/2012 011627 HS Lighting Repairs 220526 IDLEWOOD ELECTRIC SUPPLY 12/20/2012 011735 HS Lighting Repairs 220527 IHSBCA 12/20/2012 CLINIC 201 IHSBCA Pre Registration and membership $225 220528 IL CTO 12/20/2012 20079 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR CRYSTAL STEKER 220529 ILLCO, INC 12/20/2012 4148452 Pressure Control for MSS freezer 6.43 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 133.04 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 43.65 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 225.00 10E006 1500 6400 01 000000 60.00 10E008 2660 6400 11 000000 147.11 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220530 ILLINOIS OFFICE OF THE STATE F 12/20/2012 9485791 Inspections / Property Services 220531 ILLINOIS PRINCIPALS ASSOCIATIO 12/20/2012 7560970 IPA dues. Member ID 22040 220532 IMEA 12/20/2012 REGIS FEE IMEA All-State Students Fees 210.00 10E006 1130 4100 46 000000 220533 JACOBS HIGH SCHOOL 12/20/2012 ENTRY FEE Jacobs HS Varsity/JV Cheerleading Invite 12/8/2012 250.00 10E006 1500 4100 72 000000 220534 JACKSON-WILLE, JAN 12/20/2012 111012 MISC BUS SUPPLIES 220535 JACOBSEN, ANNETTE 12/20/2012 111212 Reimbursement for Supplies for Superintendent's Coffee 220536 JAMES, JENNIFER 220537 JEWETT, DEAN 12/20/2012 11112 12/20/2012 101512 Speech refund Payment for weight room floor mats. 70.00 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 325.00 10E004 2410 6400 01 000000 65.25 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 6.45 10E008 2630 4100 01 000000 57.50 10R000 1720 0000 00 000000 360.00 10E006 1130 4100 09 000000 20 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220538 JOHNSON CONTROLS, INC 12/20/2012 1-60073897 Service agreement on BAS system and chillers at the HS 220538 JOHNSON CONTROLS, INC 12/20/2012 1-60592429 Repairs to units 10 and 11 at the HS 220538 JOHNSON CONTROLS, INC 12/20/2012 1-61306665 Installation of controller on AHU #11 at the HS 220538 JOHNSON CONTROLS, INC 12/20/2012 1-61356277 Service agreement on BAS system and chillers at the HS 220539 JOHN HERSEY HIGH SCHOOL 12/20/2012 ENTRY FEE Band/Thompson 220540 JONES SCHOOL SUPPLY CO., INC. 12/20/2012 1063150 Trophies for Spelling Bee 220541 KAMINS, JENNIFER 12/20/2012 113012 Basketball registration refund 220.00 10R000 1721 0000 00 000000 220542 KARIGAN, LISA 12/20/2012 113012 Basketball registration refund 220.00 10R000 1721 0000 00 000000 220543 KARPOV, EVGENY 12/20/2012 111512 Yearbook refund 220544 KC PRINTING 12/20/2012 P2430 Transcript Request Form 3000 (3 part carbonless) 545.76 10E006 2120 4100 01 000000 220544 KC PRINTING 12/20/2012 P2430/1 Level Change Forms 4 part carbonless 289.50 10E006 2120 4100 01 000000 220545 KELLER, KANDISE 12/20/2012 11612 Supplies for School 220546 KENNEDY, SANDRA 12/20/2012 91112 Books for Staff Development. 220547 KESHET 12/20/2012 9246 Tuition Nov 2012 9,343.25 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220547 KESHET 12/20/2012 9691 Tuition Nov 2012 2,229.48 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220548 KINNEY, MARY LOU 12/20/2012 11712 Reimbursement - Purchase of LD Supplies AMOUNT NUMBER 8,300.00 20E006 2540 3230 01 000000 567.00 20E006 2540 3230 01 000000 808.50 20E006 2540 3230 01 000000 2,575.00 20E006 2540 3230 01 000000 500.00 10E006 1130 3100 13 000000 21.75 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 26.00 10R000 1730 0000 00 000000 1000 copies 120.40 10E003 2410 4100 01 000000 101.71 10E012 2210 4100 01 000000 8.94 10E008 1205 4100 01 000000 220549 KLEIN, THORPE AND JENKINS, LTD 12/20/2012 103112 Legal Fees - September 2012 15,185.17 10E008 2310 3180 01 000000 220549 KLEIN, THORPE AND JENKINS, LTD 12/20/2012 112712 Legal Fees - October 2012 12,092.53 10E008 2310 3180 01 000000 220550 KLINGBERG, SCOTT 12/20/2012 REISSUE BB THIS IS A REISSUE FOR LOST CK # 217027 DATED 2/17/12 220551 KOTIW, MIKE 12/20/2012 121312 SO BASKETBALL 12/13/12 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220552 KRATZER, LAURA 12/20/2012 11812 Registration fee refund 220553 KRONOS INC 12/20/2012 10726090 KRONOS PAYROLL SYSTEM SUPPORT 220554 L.C.A.P.T. 12/20/2012 7 - ANNUAL DUES 220555 LA EUROPA ACADEMY 12/20/2012 115 Tuition/Room & Board Oct 2012 3,210.96 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220555 LA EUROPA ACADEMY 12/20/2012 115 Tuition/Room & Board Oct 2012 6,794.58 10E008 1912 6703 01 000000 220555 LA EUROPA ACADEMY 12/20/2012 116 Tuition/Room & Board Nov 2012 3,210.96 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220555 LA EUROPA ACADEMY 12/20/2012 116 Tuition/Room & Board Nov 2012 6,575.40 10E008 1912 6703 01 000000 220556 LAKE FOREST HIGH SCHOOL 12/20/2012 ENTRY FEE boys golf prairie lake meet 9/25/12 220557 LAJEUNESSE, KRISTEN 12/20/2012 103012 LaJeunesse-Reimburse 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 120.00 10R000 1720 0000 00 000000 1,834.15 40E008 2550 3230 01 000000 75.00 40E008 2550 6400 01 000000 33.86 10E006 1500 4100 36 000000 69.85 10E006 1130 4100 12 000000 220559 LAKE COUNTY HEALTH DEPT-POPULA 12/20/2012 2013 PERMI FOOD SERVICE 356.00 10E008 2560 6400 01 000000 220559 LAKE COUNTY HEALTH DEPT-POPULA 12/20/2012 2013 PERMI FOOD SERVICE 284.00 10E008 2560 6400 01 000000 220559 LAKE COUNTY HEALTH DEPT-POPULA 12/20/2012 2013 PERMI FOOD SERVICE 284.00 10E008 2560 6400 01 000000 220559 LAKE COUNTY HEALTH DEPT-POPULA 12/20/2012 2013 PERMI FOOD SERVICE 284.00 10E008 2560 6400 01 000000 220559 LAKE COUNTY HEALTH DEPT-POPULA 12/20/2012 2013 PERMI FOOD SERVICE 356.00 10E008 2560 6400 01 000000 220559 LAKE COUNTY HEALTH DEPT-POPULA 12/20/2012 2013 PERMI FOOD SERVICE 284.00 10E008 2560 6400 01 000000 220559 LAKE COUNTY HEALTH DEPT-POPULA 12/20/2012 2013 PERMI FOOD SERVICE 356.00 10E008 2560 6400 01 000000 220560 LAKE COUNTY EDUCATIONAL SERVIC 12/20/2012 W0031332 Registration for Workshop "Fall Gifted Coordinators 15.00 10E001 2210 3100 01 000000 220560 LAKE COUNTY EDUCATIONAL SERVIC 12/20/2012 W0032017 Meeting"-Burvikovs Registration fees for Common Core Math Curriculum and 50.00 10E008 2210 3140 81 493200 21 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER Assessment Development Meetings - Winter Session 220563 LAKE COUNTY REGIONAL OFFICE OF 12/20/2012 094 Fingerprints for substitutes 220563 LAKE COUNTY REGIONAL OFFICE OF 12/20/2012 CONFERENCE Fall Literacy Conference - Registration for MaryBeth 30.00 10E008 2640 3100 01 000000 750.00 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 Papiese-Grade 4, Jane Raday-Grade 4, Cathy Church - Grade 4, Kimberly Woodley-Grade 4, Dana Ladenburger-Grade 3, Jackie Ryan-Grade 3, Mary Balda-Grade 3, Liz Hopman-Reading Specialist, Patti Nishimura-Grade 5, Vicki Kay-Grade 5 220563 LAKE COUNTY REGIONAL OFFICE OF 12/20/2012 MATERIALS Instructional materials for K Knowles, Reading Recovery 908.20 10E008 2210 4100 01 000000 Consortium 220563 LAKE COUNTY REGIONAL OFFICE OF 12/20/2012 CIM TRAINI CIM Training, 11/9/2012, D Anaclerio, J Boden, M Miller 220563 LAKE COUNTY REGIONAL OFFICE OF 12/20/2012 PROF DEVEL Continuing professional development for trained teachers, 3,000.00 10E008 2210 3100 90 430000 13,500.00 10E008 2210 3100 01 000000 Northern Illinois Reading Recovery Consortium, K Knowles, F Noble, L Hopman, G Hogan, J Boden, K Peterson 220563 LAKE COUNTY REGIONAL OFFICE OF 12/20/2012 PROF DEVEL Continuing professional development for trained teachers, 6,750.00 10E008 2210 3100 90 430000 Northern Illinois Reading Recovery Consortium, M Miller, D Anaclerio, L Easton 220564 LAKE FOREST SCHOOL DISTRICT 12/20/2012 ENTRY FEE Entry Fee for Deer Path Middle School Wrestling Tournament. 220565 LAKE ZURICH TIRE & AUTO INC. 12/20/2012 127763 Oil change for 2012 cube van 220566 LAKESIDE TRANSPORTATION 12/20/2012 L037-RTINV OCT BILLING - SPEC ED 185.00 10E005 1500 4100 35 000000 34.45 20E008 2540 3230 01 000000 84,535.55 40E008 2550 3330 01 000000 220566 LAKESIDE TRANSPORTATION 12/20/2012 L037-RTINV OCT BILLING - SPEC ED 5,766.18 40E008 2550 3311 01 000000 220566 LAKESIDE TRANSPORTATION 12/20/2012 L037-RTINV NOV BILLING - SPEC ED 76,883.34 40E008 2550 3330 01 000000 220566 LAKESIDE TRANSPORTATION 12/20/2012 L037-RTINV NOV BILLING - SPEC ED 4,942.44 40E008 2550 3311 01 000000 220567 LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS 12/20/2012 5044441112 Kindergarten reading rug 279.00 10E003 1110 4100 01 000000 220568 LAKE ZURICH FLORIST 12/20/2012 1004 senior night flowers 268.00 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 220568 LAKE ZURICH FLORIST 12/20/2012 1004/1 Plants 155.85 10E008 2520 3160 01 000000 and out of town delivery charge. HS portion of invoice. 220568 LAKE ZURICH FLORIST 12/20/2012 1015 FLOWERS for xc senior nights $78.00 inv#1015 11/27/12 220569 LAMOTTE CO. 12/20/2012 1279001 Purchase of science supplies 12_13 school year 78.00 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 155.25 10E006 1130 4100 07 000000 220570 LAKE ZURICH DISTRICT 95 12/20/2012 12412 Replenish November 2012 Imprest 4,302.94 10A000 1050 0000 00 000000 220570 LAKE ZURICH DISTRICT 95 12/20/2012 12412 Replenish November 2012 Imprest 3,429.10 20A000 1050 0000 00 000000 220571 LDA OF ILLINOIS 12/20/2012 MEMBERSHIP Membership Dues 220572 LEARNING A-Z 12/20/2012 RI 1042599 RAZ KIDS LICENSE FOR MW KINDERGARTEN TEACHER 75.77 10E001 1110 4100 05 000000 220573 LEGGETT, ROBERT 12/20/2012 111212 60.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 220575 LINARES, PATRICIA 12/20/2012 SERVICE 11 Interpreting Services 19.00 10E008 2330 3107 44 000000 220575 LINARES, PATRICIA 12/20/2012 SERVICE 11 Interpreting Services 121.40 10E008 2330 3107 44 000000 220575 LINARES, PATRICIA 220575 LINARES, PATRICIA 12/20/2012 SERVICE 11 Interpreting Services 12/20/2012 SERVICES 1 Interpreting Services 19.00 10E008 2330 3107 44 000000 38.00 10E008 2330 3107 44 000000 50.00 10E008 2330 6400 01 000000 Membership Dues SO BBB 11/12/12 22 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220575 LINARES, PATRICIA 12/20/2012 SERVICES 1 Interpreting Services 19.00 10E008 2330 3107 44 000000 220575 LINARES, PATRICIA 12/20/2012 111312 11.20 10E005 1120 3100 01 000000 220575 LINARES, PATRICIA 12/20/2012 SERVICES 1 Interpreting Services 220576 LINDER, LISA 12/20/2012 113012 6th grade lab supplies 220577 LINGLE, JUNE 12/20/2012 9512 Reimbursement for Classroom Supplies - Teacher Stipend 220578 LONCRINI, GAEL 12/20/2012 111612 Reimbursement for expandable binders 220579 LOPEZ, STEPHANIE 12/20/2012 REISSUE BA THIS IS A REISSUE FOR LOST CK # 214674 DATED 10/27/11 220580 LOWERY MCDONNELL COMPANY 12/20/2012 INV042239 Translator services FURNITURE AMOUNT NUMBER 19.00 10E008 2330 3107 44 000000 8.79 10E010 1120 4100 07 000000 124.91 10E003 1110 4120 01 000000 37.58 10E010 2120 4100 01 000000 25.00 10R000 1724 0000 00 000000 1,949.00 20E008 2540 4111 01 000000 220581 MACKE WATER SYSTEMS 12/20/2012 775444 Drinking water system 220582 MAGIX 12/20/2012 IV016731 MUSIC SOFTWARE FOR MSS - REPLACES JAM TRAX WHICH WAS NOT 69.90 10E003 1110 4100 01 000000 220583 MANCINI, RANDI 12/20/2012 06-1348 Shirts 220584 MANKOFF INDUSTRIES, INC. 12/20/2012 3285 DRIVER FUEL KEYS 332.00 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 220585 MANKERT, CARL 12/20/2012 4238 Clay, Glaze and Underglaze-Art 350.48 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 220585 MANKERT, CARL 12/20/2012 4238 Clay, Glaze and Underglaze-Art 579.22 10E001 1110 4100 12 000000 220585 MANKERT, CARL 12/20/2012 4054 HANDS ON CLAY WORKSHOP 6/27/12 220586 MARENGO HIGH SCHOOL 12/20/2012 CLINIC 1/2 softball coaches clinic for Michael Kaufman -Jessie Acevedo 220587 MARKS, JANE 12/20/2012 113012 Registration fee refund 190.00 10R000 1720 0000 00 000000 220587 MARKS, JANE 12/20/2012 113012 Registration fee refund 54.00 10R000 1730 0000 00 000000 220587 MARKS, JANE 12/20/2012 113012 Registration fee refund 220588 MARSTON, MATTHEW 12/20/2012 11812 Reimburse for EW Scripps Company / spelling bee 220589 MATTHEWS MIDDLE SCHOOL 12/20/2012 RI ENTRY F THIS IS A REISSUE FOR LOST CK # 215885 DATED 1/27/12 220590 MCGRAW-HILL COMPANIES 12/20/2012 6887235400 Consumable Materials for May Whitney as detailed, 389.90 10E008 2660 4701 11 000000 WINDOWS 7 COMPATIBLE 1/25/13: 3,648.00 10E008 2520 3160 01 000000 500.00 10E008 1600 3000 01 000000 100.00 10E006 1500 6400 01 000000 pre-registration due 1/15/2013 : $50/person 50.00 10R000 1724 0000 00 000000 115.00 10E010 1120 4100 06 000000 25.00 10E005 1500 4100 01 000000 249.00 10E008 1110 4200 01 000000 2012-2013. 220591 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER LABOA 12/20/2012 309298 Water Testing 220592 MCINTYRE, ROBERT 12/20/2012 111912 SO BOYS BASKETBALL 11/19/12 150.00 20E001 2540 3230 01 000000 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 220592 MCINTYRE, ROBERT 12/20/2012 112912 SO BASKETBALL 11/29/12 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 220593 MENARDS 12/20/2012 6688 Maintenance Supplies 7.95 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220593 MENARDS 12/20/2012 6688 Maintenance Supplies 9.31 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220593 MENARDS 12/20/2012 06003 Maintenance Supplies 6.80 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220593 MENARDS 12/20/2012 06003 Maintenance Supplies 7.95 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220593 MENARDS 12/20/2012 08506 Maintenance Supplies 5.83 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220593 MENARDS 12/20/2012 08506 Maintenance Supplies 5.83 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220593 MENARDS 12/20/2012 08506 Maintenance Supplies 5.83 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220593 MENARDS 12/20/2012 08506 Maintenance Supplies 5.83 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220593 MENARDS 12/20/2012 08506 Maintenance Supplies 5.83 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220593 MENARDS 220594 MICRO ENTERPRISES 12/20/2012 08506 Maintenance Supplies 12/20/2012 0203984-IN iPAD COVERS FOR HS FINE ARTS 5.83 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 885.00 10E006 1400 4100 11 000000 23 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 220594 MICRO ENTERPRISES 12/20/2012 0204271-IN COVERS FOR PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER IPAD MINI'S 139.50 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 220596 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 12/20/2012 435564 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 195.51 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 220596 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 12/20/2012 435572 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 105.60 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 220596 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 12/20/2012 435586 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 42.63 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 220596 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 12/20/2012 435627 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 591.93 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 220596 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 12/20/2012 435223 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 277.36 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 220596 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 12/20/2012 435732 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 291.50 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 220596 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 12/20/2012 435841 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 58.06 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 220596 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 12/20/2012 436113 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 318.03 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 220596 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 12/20/2012 436398 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 301.70 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 220596 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 12/20/2012 436506 MISC BUS SUPPLIES 100.64 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 220596 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 12/20/2012 436654 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 182.71 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 220596 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 12/20/2012 436661 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 330.57 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 220597 MIGLIARESE, FRANK 12/20/2012 M000001153 BTWT refund 1,533.00 10E008 2330 3100 01 000000 220598 MILLER, MARY JO 12/20/2012 102612 reimbursement for Language Arts 220599 MILLER SCREEN PRINTING 12/20/2012 481 DRAMA CLUB T-SHIRTS 350.00 10E008 2520 3160 01 000000 220600 MIRIANI-SIMA, PATTI 12/20/2012 111912 What's New in Children's Literature and How to Use it in 229.00 10E001 2210 3100 01 000000 21.28 10E003 1110 4100 05 000000 Your Program Seminar 220601 MLYNEK-JANSCHUTZ, KAREN 12/20/2012 0040116633 MISC TRANSPORTATION EXPENSE 220602 MORAGNE, LEON 12/20/2012 111912 SO BOYS BASKETBALL 11/19/12 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 220602 MORAGNE, LEON 12/20/2012 112912 SO BASKETBALL 11/29/12 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 220602 MORAGNE, LEON 12/20/2012 121012 SO BASKETBALL 12/10/12 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 220603 MULTI MEDIA MARKETING 12/20/2012 111312SD95 Business Cards for Cyndi Sidor 220604 MURNANE PAPER COMPANY 12/20/2012 179858 11 X 17 Paper, and misc. cardstock 125.50 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 220604 MURNANE PAPER COMPANY 12/20/2012 179886 White and colored copy paper 835.96 10E004 1110 4108 01 000000 220604 MURNANE PAPER COMPANY 12/20/2012 179906 30 boxes of white copy paper. 846.00 10E005 1120 4108 01 000000 220604 MURNANE PAPER COMPANY 12/20/2012 179921 Consumable Paper 992.00 10E001 1110 4108 01 000000 220604 MURNANE PAPER COMPANY 12/20/2012 180179 White copy paper 564.00 10E012 1110 4108 01 000000 220604 MURNANE PAPER COMPANY 12/20/2012 180200 copy paper 589.80 10E003 1110 4108 01 000000 220605 MUSIC & ARTS CENTER, INC 12/20/2012 843575 Orchestra/Penksik 220605 MUSIC & ARTS CENTER, INC 12/20/2012 3395019 Repairs-band/orchestra 220605 MUSIC & ARTS CENTER, INC 12/20/2012 3410636 Orchestra/Penksik 220605 MUSIC & ARTS CENTER, INC 12/20/2012 1165963 Band/Orchestra Repairs 109.00 10E006 1130 3100 13 000000 220605 MUSIC & ARTS CENTER, INC 12/20/2012 1165965 Band/Orchestra Repairs 109.98 10E006 1130 3100 13 000000 220605 MUSIC & ARTS CENTER, INC 12/20/2012 3281826 Band/Orchestra Repairs 374.00 10E006 1130 3100 13 000000 220606 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 12/20/2012 T800015241 Waste Removal. 12/1/12 - 12/31/12. Acct T8037043 100.00 40E008 2550 6400 01 000000 81.00 10E008 2320 3100 01 000000 46.95 10E006 1130 4100 13 000000 158.00 10E006 1130 3100 13 000000 37.00 10E006 1130 3100 13 000000 239.29 20E001 2540 3210 01 000000 220606 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 12/20/2012 T800015241 Waste Removal. 12/1/12 - 12/31/12. Acct T8037043 226.38 20E003 2540 3210 01 000000 220606 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 12/20/2012 T800015241 Waste Removal. 12/1/12 - 12/31/12. Acct T8037043 220606 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 12/20/2012 T800015241 Waste Removal. 12/1/12 - 12/31/12. Acct T8037043 226.38 20E004 2540 3210 01 000000 473.19 20E005 2540 3210 01 000000 24 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 220606 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 12/20/2012 T800015241 Waste Removal. 12/1/12 - 12/31/12. Acct T8037043 1,304.47 20E006 2540 3210 01 000000 220606 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 12/20/2012 T800015241 Waste Removal. 12/1/12 - 12/31/12. Acct T8037043 337.80 20E007 2540 3210 01 000000 220606 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 12/20/2012 T800015241 Waste Removal. 12/1/12 - 12/31/12. Acct T8037043 47.46 20E008 2540 3210 01 000000 220606 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 12/20/2012 T800015241 Waste Removal. 12/1/12 - 12/31/12. Acct T8037043 233.46 20E009 2540 3210 01 000000 220606 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 12/20/2012 T800015241 Waste Removal. 12/1/12 - 12/31/12. Acct T8037043 860.42 20E010 2540 3210 01 000000 220606 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 12/20/2012 T800015241 Waste Removal. 12/1/12 - 12/31/12. Acct T8037043 0.01 20E012 2540 3210 01 000000 220608 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 12/20/2012 952549 Fan belts for various exhaust fan repairs in District 220608 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 12/20/2012 952549 Fan belts for various exhaust fan repairs in District 18.43 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220608 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 12/20/2012 952642 Fan belts for various exhaust fan repairs in District 10.91 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220608 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 12/20/2012 952642 Fan belts for various exhaust fan repairs in District 20.07 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220608 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 12/20/2012 952643 Fan belts for various exhaust fan repairs in District 16.37 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220608 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 12/20/2012 952643 Fan belts for various exhaust fan repairs in District 30.10 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220608 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 12/20/2012 952667 Fan belts for various exhaust fan repairs in District 93.90 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220608 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 12/20/2012 952667 Fan belts for various exhaust fan repairs in District 172.72 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220608 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 12/20/2012 952906 Fan belts for various exhaust fan repairs in District 33.09 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220608 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 12/20/2012 952906 Fan belts for various exhaust fan repairs in District 60.88 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220608 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 12/20/2012 953511 Battery and Circuit Tester for Grounds 15.98 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220608 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 12/20/2012 953753 Maintenance Supplies 25.34 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220608 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 12/20/2012 954319 MISC BUS REPAIR PRTS 32.60 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 220609 NATHAN, FRANK 12/20/2012 121012 SO BASKETBALL 12/10/12 220610 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SCHOOL PUB 12/20/2012 01000 Monthly publications for 2nd grade-Peterson, Bergstrom, 10.02 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 456.50 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 Vanderlinden & Sowizrol 220611 NATIONAL ASSESSMENT & TESTING 12/20/2012 2614 220612 NATIONAL LOUIS UNIVERSITY 12/20/2012 CONFERENCE Reading Recovery Conference National Assessment Testing (Math Team) 275.00 10E009 2410 6400 01 000000 220613 NCISC 12/20/2012 12650 195.00 10E008 3000 3140 81 493200 Registration fee for NCISC The 21 Irrefutable Laws of 150.00 10E006 1130 4100 46 000000 Leadership, 11/29/2012, R Rash, St. Francis de Sales Title II 220614 NCTM 12/20/2012 2202992 NCTM membership for Jeff Bivin 220615 NEW CONNECTIONS ACADEMY 12/20/2012 4817 Tuition Nov 2012 5,393.15 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 81.00 10E006 1130 4100 06 000000 220615 NEW CONNECTIONS ACADEMY 12/20/2012 4819 Tuition Nov 2012 5,393.15 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220615 NEW CONNECTIONS ACADEMY 12/20/2012 4820 Tuition Nov 2012 5,393.15 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220615 NEW CONNECTIONS ACADEMY 12/20/2012 4821 Tuition Nov 2012 5,393.15 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220616 NEW HOPE ACADEMY 12/20/2012 12290029 Tuition Dec 2012 2,785.20 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220617 NEXTEL (REMITTANCE) 12/20/2012 900810122- Service Oct 22 - Nov 21-2012. Acct #900810122 220618 NEXUS OFFICE SYSTEMS 12/20/2012 55168A 1 Staples for Copier 220618 NEXUS OFFICE SYSTEMS 12/20/2012 150406 1 Monthly maintenance & Supply charge 11/24 - 12/24/12 220619 NICHOLSON, BRIDGETTE 12/20/2012 7180 Assistive Tech Services Oct 2012 3,832.24 10E008 1200 3100 01 000000 220619 NICHOLSON, BRIDGETTE 220619 NICHOLSON, BRIDGETTE 12/20/2012 7181 12/20/2012 7182 Assistive Tech Services Oct 2012 Assistive Tech Services Oct 2012 1,224.59 10E008 1200 3100 01 000000 875.00 10E008 1200 3100 01 000000 1,109.31 20E008 2540 3401 01 000000 382.94 10E010 1120 4100 01 000000 454.66 10E008 1110 3110 01 000000 25 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 220620 NICKELL, JIMMY 12/20/2012 121012 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 110512 100 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/1/12. Acct #5831041000 4 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0004 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 5831041000 4 0.00 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0004 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 5831041000 4 17.97 20E002 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0004 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 5831041000 4 26.51 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0004 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 5831041000 4 32.09 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0004 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 5831041000 4 45.20 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0004 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 5831041000 4 144.75 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0004 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 5831041000 4 11.11 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0004 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 5831041000 4 7.64 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0004 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 5831041000 4 26.61 20E009 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0004 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 5831041000 4 63.01 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0004 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 5831041000 4 59.51 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0000 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 6882971000 0 0.00 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0000 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 6882971000 0 12.55 20E002 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0000 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 6882971000 0 18.51 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0000 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 6882971000 0 22.41 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0000 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 6882971000 0 31.57 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0000 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 6882971000 0 101.10 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0000 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 6882971000 0 7.76 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0000 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 6882971000 0 5.34 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0000 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 6882971000 0 18.58 20E009 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0000 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 6882971000 0 44.01 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0000 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 6882971000 0 41.56 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0002 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 2961041000 2 0.00 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0002 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 2961041000 2 44.01 20E002 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0002 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 2961041000 2 64.90 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0002 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 2961041000 2 78.56 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0002 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 2961041000 2 110.69 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 SO BASKETBALL 12/10/12 ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 274.52 20E009 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0002 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 2961041000 2 354.43 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0002 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 2961041000 2 27.20 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0002 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 2961041000 2 18.71 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0002 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 2961041000 2 65.15 20E009 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0002 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 2961041000 2 154.28 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0002 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 2961041000 2 145.72 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0006 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 9193081000 6 0.00 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0006 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 9193081000 6 101.10 20E002 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0006 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 9193081000 6 12/20/2012 12412 0006 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 9193081000 6 149.09 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 180.48 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 26 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0006 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 9193081000 6 254.28 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0006 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 9193081000 6 814.22 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0006 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 9193081000 6 62.50 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0006 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 9193081000 6 42.99 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0006 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 9193081000 6 149.66 20E009 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0006 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 9193081000 6 354.43 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0006 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 9193081000 6 334.73 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0008 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 8913081000 8 0.00 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0008 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 8913081000 8 32.78 20E002 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0008 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 8913081000 8 48.35 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0008 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 8913081000 8 58.53 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0008 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 8913081000 8 82.46 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0008 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 8913081000 8 264.04 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0008 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 8913081000 8 20.27 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0008 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 8913081000 8 13.94 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0008 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 8913081000 8 48.53 20E009 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0008 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 8913081000 8 114.94 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0008 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 8913081000 8 108.54 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0001 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 3023081000 1 0.00 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0001 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 3023081000 1 5.64 20E002 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0001 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 3023081000 1 8.31 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0001 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 3023081000 1 10.06 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0001 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 3023081000 1 14.18 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0001 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 3023081000 1 45.40 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0001 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 3023081000 1 3.48 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0001 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 3023081000 1 2.40 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0001 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 3023081000 1 8.35 20E009 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0001 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 3023081000 1 19.76 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 18.67 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0001 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 3023081000 1 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 3271 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 8854529327 1 0.00 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 3271 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 8854529327 1 44.46 20E002 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 3271 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 8854529327 1 65.57 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 3271 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 8854529327 1 79.38 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 3271 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 8854529327 1 111.83 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 3271 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 8854529327 1 358.10 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 3271 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 8854529327 1 27.49 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 3271 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 8854529327 1 18.91 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 3271 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 8854529327 1 12/20/2012 12412 3271 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 8854529327 1 65.82 20E009 2540 4650 01 000000 155.88 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 27 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 3271 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 8854529327 1 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0003 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 4228281000 3 0.00 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0003 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 4228281000 3 23.67 20E002 2540 4650 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 147.23 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0003 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 4228281000 3 34.91 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0003 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 4228281000 3 42.25 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0003 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 4228281000 3 59.53 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0003 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 4228281000 3 190.63 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0003 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 4228281000 3 14.63 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0003 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 4228281000 3 10.06 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0003 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 4228281000 3 35.04 20E009 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0003 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 4228281000 3 82.98 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412 0003 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 4228281000 3 78.37 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412- 000 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 0903381000 4 0.00 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412- 000 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 0903381000 4 19.55 20E002 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412- 000 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 0903381000 4 28.83 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412- 000 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 0903381000 4 34.91 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412- 000 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 0903381000 4 49.18 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412- 000 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 0903381000 4 157.47 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 12.09 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412- 000 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 0903381000 4 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412- 000 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 0903381000 4 8.31 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412- 000 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 0903381000 4 28.95 20E009 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412- 000 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 0903381000 4 68.55 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 220626 NICOR GAS 12/20/2012 12412- 000 Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 12/1/12. Acct # 0903381000 4 64.74 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 220627 NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY 12/20/2012 DCE009206 Conference (I.Ross-MSN) 220628 NORTH SUBURBAN CONFERENCE SUPE 12/20/2012 MEMBERSHIP Membership Dues for 2012-2013 North Suburban Conference 225.00 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 200.00 10E008 2320 6400 01 000000 Superintendents 220629 O'CONNOR, MARY 12/20/2012 72512 220630 O'DONNELL, CAROL 12/20/2012 SERVICE SE New Teacher Mentoring September and October Reimbursement for classroom purchases 130.00 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 3,732.96 10E008 2640 3100 99 000000 220634 OFFICE DEPOT 12/20/2012 6299501860 Office Supplies 102.76 10E005 1120 4100 15 000000 220634 OFFICE DEPOT 12/20/2012 6308738450 Consumable supplies 314.61 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 220634 OFFICE DEPOT 12/20/2012 6296998320 Coffee maker for office 85.49 10E005 2410 4100 01 000000 220634 OFFICE DEPOT 12/20/2012 6316350860 Coffee maker for office -85.49 10E005 2410 4100 01 000000 220634 OFFICE DEPOT 12/20/2012 6311042840 Supplies 220634 OFFICE DEPOT 12/20/2012 6316334200 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR PDC 220634 OFFICE DEPOT 12/20/2012 6316334440 Office Supplies for HR and Exec Admin dept's 220634 OFFICE DEPOT 12/20/2012 6321469130 office supplies 646.96 10E003 1110 4100 01 000000 220634 OFFICE DEPOT 12/20/2012 6311043000 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 180.52 40E008 2550 4100 01 000000 220634 OFFICE DEPOT 220634 OFFICE DEPOT 12/20/2012 6326565000 Office Supplies for HR and Curriculum Dept's 12/20/2012 6326565010 Office Supplies for HR and Curriculum Dept's 81.48 10E005 1120 4100 15 000000 142.18 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 81.15 10E008 2320 4100 01 000000 65.43 10E008 2320 4100 01 000000 29.99 10E008 2320 4100 01 000000 28 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 220634 OFFICE DEPOT 12/20/2012 6329189430 Lamination film, misc supplies 220634 OFFICE DEPOT 12/20/2012 6308738240 Office Supplies (first aid kits for trucks and office) 220634 OFFICE DEPOT 12/20/2012 6329189590 Crate/Binders/Post-it Paper 168.12 10E006 1130 4100 05 000000 220634 OFFICE DEPOT 12/20/2012 6326565300 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIS 119.85 40E008 2550 4100 01 000000 220634 OFFICE DEPOT 12/20/2012 6335089110 Consumable supplies 365.91 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 220634 OFFICE DEPOT 12/20/2012 6348713190 Classroom and office supplies 159.92 10E003 1110 4100 01 000000 220634 OFFICE DEPOT 12/20/2012 6348713320 Office Supplies, Payroll 231.48 10E008 2640 4100 01 000000 220635 OLSON TRANSPORTATION INC 12/20/2012 10318 11/16/12 - LZHS FIELD TRIP 220636 OMBUDSMAN EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 12/20/2012 IVC0000000 3rd Contract Tuition Billing for 2012-13 School Year ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 146.47 10E010 1120 4100 01 000000 51.61 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 964.76 40E008 2550 3340 01 000000 10,786.00 10E008 4210 6708 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123162 Pest Control 12.08 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123162 Pest Control 11.64 20E003 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123162 Pest Control 12.08 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123162 Pest Control 12.51 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123162 Pest Control 23.73 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123162 Pest Control 15.75 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123162 Pest Control 10.35 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123162 Pest Control 12.51 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123162 Pest Control 10.35 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123165 Pest Control 5.93 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123165 Pest Control 5.71 20E003 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123165 Pest Control 5.93 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123165 Pest Control 6.14 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123165 Pest Control 11.64 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123165 Pest Control 7.72 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123165 Pest Control 5.08 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123165 Pest Control 6.14 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123165 Pest Control 5.07 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123168 Pest Control 6.37 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123168 Pest Control 6.14 20E003 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123168 Pest Control 6.37 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123168 Pest Control 6.60 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123168 Pest Control 12.51 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123168 Pest Control 8.30 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123168 Pest Control 5.46 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123168 Pest Control 6.60 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123168 Pest Control 5.45 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123170 Pest Control 6.15 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123170 12/20/2012 80123170 Pest Control Pest Control 5.93 20E003 2540 3240 01 000000 6.15 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 29 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123170 Pest Control 6.37 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123170 Pest Control 12.08 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123170 Pest Control 8.02 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123170 Pest Control 5.27 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123170 Pest Control 6.37 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123170 Pest Control 5.26 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123172 Pest Control 6.15 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123172 Pest Control 5.93 20E003 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123172 Pest Control 6.15 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123172 Pest Control 6.37 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123172 Pest Control 12.08 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123172 Pest Control 8.02 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123172 Pest Control 5.27 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123172 Pest Control 6.37 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123172 Pest Control 5.26 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123175 Pest Control 6.37 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123175 Pest Control 6.14 20E003 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123175 Pest Control 6.37 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123175 Pest Control 6.60 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123175 Pest Control 12.51 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123175 Pest Control 8.30 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123175 Pest Control 5.46 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123175 Pest Control 6.60 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123175 Pest Control 5.45 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123178 Pest Control 5.27 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123178 Pest Control 5.08 20E003 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123178 Pest Control 5.27 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123178 Pest Control 5.46 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123178 Pest Control 10.35 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123178 Pest Control 6.87 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123178 Pest Control 4.52 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123178 Pest Control 5.46 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123178 Pest Control 4.52 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123181 Pest Control 5.27 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123181 Pest Control 5.08 20E003 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123181 Pest Control 5.27 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123181 Pest Control 5.46 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123181 12/20/2012 80123181 Pest Control Pest Control 10.35 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 6.87 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 30 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123181 Pest Control 4.52 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123181 Pest Control 5.46 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123181 Pest Control 4.52 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123183 Pest Control 5.27 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123183 Pest Control 5.08 20E003 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123183 Pest Control 5.27 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123183 Pest Control 5.46 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123183 Pest Control 10.35 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123183 Pest Control 6.87 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123183 Pest Control 4.52 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123183 Pest Control 5.46 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123183 Pest Control 4.52 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123186 Pest Control 2.75 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123186 Pest Control 2.65 20E003 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123186 Pest Control 2.75 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123186 Pest Control 2.84 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123186 Pest Control 5.39 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123186 Pest Control 3.58 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123186 Pest Control 2.35 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123186 Pest Control 2.84 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 220641 ORKIN 12/20/2012 80123186 Pest Control 220642 PADDOCK PUBLICATIONS 12/20/2012 T4321667 Public Notice- Lighting Retrofit Bid. Acct 8474382831 42.55 10E008 2520 6400 01 000000 220645 PALOS SPORTS,INC 12/20/2012 134907-00 Volley Ball net, Basketballs, bubble rebounder and lateral 68.28 10E005 1500 4100 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 2.35 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 steppers. 220645 PALOS SPORTS,INC 12/20/2012 134907-00 Volley Ball net, Basketballs, bubble rebounder and lateral 125.32 10E005 1500 4100 31 000000 steppers. 220645 PALOS SPORTS,INC 12/20/2012 134907-00 Volley Ball net, Basketballs, bubble rebounder and lateral 171.58 10E005 1500 4100 41 000000 steppers. 220645 PALOS SPORTS,INC 12/20/2012 134907-01 Volley Ball net, Basketballs, bubble rebounder and lateral 130.69 10E005 1500 4100 01 000000 steppers. 220645 PALOS SPORTS,INC 12/20/2012 134907-01 Volley Ball net, Basketballs, bubble rebounder and lateral 239.86 10E005 1500 4100 31 000000 steppers. 220645 PALOS SPORTS,INC 12/20/2012 134907-01 Volley Ball net, Basketballs, bubble rebounder and lateral 328.42 10E005 1500 4100 41 000000 steppers. 220645 PALOS SPORTS,INC 12/20/2012 131122-00 Coaches First Aid Kit, Athletic Tape & Colds Packs. 220645 PALOS SPORTS,INC 12/20/2012 134554-00 Palos Sports order of PE supplies. 1,256.01 10E006 1130 4100 09 000000 408.91 10E005 1500 4100 01 000000 220645 PALOS SPORTS,INC 12/20/2012 134555-00 Palos Sports order of PE supplies. 1,940.49 10E006 1130 4100 09 000000 220645 PALOS SPORTS,INC 220645 PALOS SPORTS,INC 12/20/2012 134554-01 12/20/2012 134555-02 Palos Sports order of PE supplies. Palos Sports order of PE supplies. 146.79 10E006 1130 4100 09 000000 179.99 10E006 1130 4100 09 000000 31 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 220645 PALOS SPORTS,INC 12/20/2012 134555-01 Palos Sports order of PE supplies. 220645 PALOS SPORTS,INC 12/20/2012 132609-00 PE supplies. 220646 PAPASTRATAKOS, NICK 12/20/2012 101312 SO FOOTBALL 10-13-12 220647 PARKLAND PREPARATORY ACADEMY, 12/20/2012 408 Tuition Nov 2012 220648 PAXTON PATTERSON LLC 12/20/2012 276102 app tech supplies 5.91 10E005 1400 4100 18 000000 220648 PAXTON PATTERSON LLC 12/20/2012 275790 app tech supplies 162.12 10E005 1400 4100 18 000000 220649 PEAPOD COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS 12/20/2012 a39784475 Peapod payment for order on 10/24/12. 173.63 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 220649 PEAPOD COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS 12/20/2012 a39803719 Payment for Peapod order 163.51 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 220649 PEAPOD COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS 12/20/2012 a39900645 Payment for Peapod order 195.75 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 220649 PEAPOD COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS 12/20/2012 a40193343 Peapod payment for order #a40193343. 220650 PERKINS, KATHY 12/20/2012 102412 Reimbursement for Classroom Supplies - Teacher Stipend 220651 PETROLEUM TRADERS CORPORATION 12/20/2012 610547 DIESEL & UNLEADED FUEL - 11/ 8/12 DELIVERY 2,276.45 20E008 2540 4640 01 000000 220651 PETROLEUM TRADERS CORPORATION 12/20/2012 610547 DIESEL & UNLEADED FUEL - 11/ 8/12 DELIVERY 20,706.86 40E008 2550 4130 01 000000 220651 PETROLEUM TRADERS CORPORATION 12/20/2012 610547 DIESEL & UNLEADED FUEL - 11/ 8/12 DELIVERY 281.41 10E006 1700 4640 22 337000 220651 PETROLEUM TRADERS CORPORATION 12/20/2012 616852 DIESEL FUEL - 11/29/12 DELIVERY 403.08 20E008 2540 4640 01 000000 DIESEL FUEL - 11/29/12 DELIVERY 21,309.32 40E008 2550 4130 01 000000 220651 PETROLEUM TRADERS CORPORATION 12/20/2012 616852 220652 PHONAK, LLC 12/20/2012 5196105984 FM Unit Audio Shoe 220653 PITNEY BOWES 12/20/2012 5502071375 SUPPLIES FOR THE MAIL MACHINE 220653 PITNEY BOWES 12/20/2012 6227616-DC Charges for period 9/30/12 - 12/30/12 for equipment at the ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 424.97 10E006 1130 4100 09 000000 2,156.11 10E006 1130 4100 09 000000 53.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 4,200.84 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 94.73 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 52.00 10E003 1110 4120 01 000000 67.39 10E008 1200 4100 02 462000 146.98 10E006 1130 4100 01 000000 1,248.00 10E008 2310 3400 01 000000 HS 220653 PITNEY BOWES 12/20/2012 7039084-DC Charges from 9/30/12 - 12/30/12 for equipment located at 1,005.00 10E008 2310 3400 01 000000 the Admin Bldg 220654 POLLARD, KERRY 12/20/2012 61412 Summer school refund 220655 POWELL, MICHAEL 12/20/2012 111212 SO BBB 11/12/12 220656 PROSPECT HIGH SCHOOL 12/20/2012 REGISTRATI Speech Tournament 220657 PROPER, BRYAN 12/20/2012 10512 220658 QBS,INC 12/20/2012 TRAINING 1 Certificates for Safety-Care Training 12/6-7/12 220659 QUILL CORP 12/20/2012 7037083 SO FOOTBALL 10/5/12 Misc. Office Supplies 90.00 10R000 1321 0000 00 000000 60.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 125.00 10E006 1130 4100 46 000000 68.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 36.00 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 126.95 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 220659 QUILL CORP 12/20/2012 7229490 Coffee maker for office 220660 R&G CONSULTANTS 12/20/2012 2855 Service Fees 109.94 10E005 2410 4100 01 000000 220662 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 12/20/2012 732828 Custodial Supplies 175.13 20E001 2540 4100 01 000000 220662 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 12/20/2012 732828 Custodial Supplies 410.73 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 220662 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 12/20/2012 732828 Custodial Supplies 556.07 20E006 2540 4100 01 000000 220662 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 12/20/2012 732828 Custodial Supplies 49.58 20E009 2540 4100 01 000000 220662 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 12/20/2012 733293 Custodial Supplies 141.37 20E001 2540 4100 01 000000 220662 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 12/20/2012 733293 Custodial Supplies 331.54 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 220662 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 12/20/2012 733293 Custodial Supplies 448.86 20E006 2540 4100 01 000000 220662 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 220662 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 12/20/2012 733293 12/20/2012 733309 Custodial Supplies Custodial Supplies 40.01 20E009 2540 4100 01 000000 29.66 20E001 2540 4100 01 000000 2,820.62 10E008 2330 3100 01 000000 32 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220662 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 12/20/2012 733309 Custodial Supplies 69.55 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 220662 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 12/20/2012 733309 Custodial Supplies 94.16 20E006 2540 4100 01 000000 220662 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 12/20/2012 733309 Custodial Supplies 8.39 20E009 2540 4100 01 000000 220662 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 12/20/2012 734065 Custodial Supplies 70.56 20E001 2540 4100 01 000000 220662 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 12/20/2012 734065 Custodial Supplies 165.48 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 220662 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 12/20/2012 734065 Custodial Supplies 224.03 20E006 2540 4100 01 000000 220662 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 12/20/2012 734065 Custodial Supplies 19.97 20E009 2540 4100 01 000000 220662 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 12/20/2012 734081 Custodial Supplies 104.76 20E001 2540 4100 01 000000 220662 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 12/20/2012 734081 Custodial Supplies 245.69 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 220662 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 12/20/2012 734081 Custodial Supplies 332.64 20E006 2540 4100 01 000000 220662 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 12/20/2012 734081 Custodial Supplies 29.66 20E009 2540 4100 01 000000 220662 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 12/20/2012 734210 Custodial Supplies 191.27 20E001 2540 4100 01 000000 220662 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 12/20/2012 734210 Custodial Supplies 448.57 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 220662 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 12/20/2012 734210 Custodial Supplies 607.30 20E006 2540 4100 01 000000 220662 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 12/20/2012 734210 Custodial Supplies 54.14 20E009 2540 4100 01 000000 220662 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 12/20/2012 734566 Custodial Supplies 254.16 20E009 2540 4100 01 000000 220663 RAINERI, LAURA 12/20/2012 112712 Classroom reimbursement 130.00 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 220664 RAMS, CAROL 12/20/2012 111712 Office supplies for payroll 220665 RANDALL INDUSTRIES 12/20/2012 126614 Safety inspection for man-lifts 220665 RANDALL INDUSTRIES 12/20/2012 126615 Safety inspection for man-lifts 235.50 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 220666 RAPTOR TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 12/20/2012 30220 RN Annual Software Access Fee Renewal (per location) 432.00 10E008 2520 3100 01 000000 220668 REALLY GOOD STUFF 12/20/2012 4144749 Store More Deluxe Chair Pockets 255.88 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 220668 REALLY GOOD STUFF 12/20/2012 4144570 Chair Pockets 255.88 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 220668 REALLY GOOD STUFF 12/20/2012 4145369 Misc. items for Mary Balda - Reading 121.97 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 220668 REALLY GOOD STUFF 12/20/2012 4023297 6th Grade Reading Specialist Supplies 220668 REALLY GOOD STUFF 12/20/2012 4148384 K-2 Bilingual instructional materials for May Whitney, 220668 REALLY GOOD STUFF 12/20/2012 4148385 AMOUNT NUMBER 61.37 10E008 2640 4100 01 000000 330.50 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 33.94 10E005 1120 4100 05 000000 823.89 10E008 1110 4100 01 330500 TBE-TPI K-2 Bilingual instructional materials for Seth Paine, 864.54 10E008 1110 4100 01 330500 TBE-TPI 220669 REGIONAL TRUCK EQUIPMENT CO. 12/20/2012 39505 Repair Hydraulics of 5 Ton Dump Truck 220670 REITSMA, MARY 12/20/2012 9812 Reimbursement for Music expense - M. Reitsma 220671 RENTAL MAX 12/20/2012 11-074150- Equipment Rental 220672 RESEARCH FOR BETTER TEACHING, 12/20/2012 13114-3-4 Consultant fee, Studying Skillful Teacher, L Cooper, 1,717.00 20E007 2540 3230 01 000000 53.93 10E004 1110 4100 24 000000 152.25 20E008 2540 3250 01 000000 1,875.00 10E008 2210 3140 81 493200 11/30/2012 220673 RHINE, SAM 12/20/2012 CONFERENCE GENETIC UPDATE CONFERENCE 2/21/12 220674 RICHTER, MARK 12/20/2012 11712 Light Conference snack for faculty. 220675 RIGBY, SHANNON 12/20/2012 121012 Wrestling refund. Duplicate payment 220676 RIVERSIDE PUBLISHING /HOUGHTON 12/20/2012 949012775 220677 ROCKFORD BOARD OF EDUCATION 12/20/2012 R12-2453 Assessment materials for 5th Grade CoGat testing Reg. Ed. Facility Tuition 2,700.00 10E008 2520 3160 01 000000 159.26 10E005 2410 4100 01 000000 95.00 10R000 1721 0000 00 000000 286.76 10E008 2230 3100 01 000000 1,007.95 10E008 4210 6708 01 000000 33 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220678 ROTH, ELIZABETH 12/20/2012 112812 Registration fee refund 220680 RUNCO OFFICE SUPPLY 12/20/2012 526558-0 PAPER FOR THE DEAN'S OFFICE 220680 RUNCO OFFICE SUPPLY 12/20/2012 526354-0 MAIN OFFICE AND PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES SUPPLIES 194.97 10E006 1130 4100 01 000000 -150.00 10E006 1130 4100 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 27.50 10R000 1720 0000 00 000000 24.27 10E006 1130 4100 01 000000 220680 RUNCO OFFICE SUPPLY 12/20/2012 C 526354-0 MAIN OFFICE AND PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES SUPPLIES 220680 RUNCO OFFICE SUPPLY 12/20/2012 526491-0 MAIN OFFICE AND PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES SUPPLIES 114.00 10E006 1130 4100 01 000000 220680 RUNCO OFFICE SUPPLY 12/20/2012 527146-0 Special Ed. Office Supplies 141.32 10E008 2330 4100 01 000000 220680 RUNCO OFFICE SUPPLY 12/20/2012 527773-0 COMPUTER MONITOR DESK RISER 137.06 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 220680 RUNCO OFFICE SUPPLY 12/20/2012 529009-0 MAIN OFFICE SUPPLIES 149.57 10E006 1130 4100 01 000000 220681 RYAN, DONALD 12/20/2012 10512 SO FOOTBALL 10/5/12 220682 S Q THINKING, INC 12/20/2012 1107 LD Supplies (S.Mosoff-MSS) 220683 SADOWSKI, ANNE 12/20/2012 112012 Registration fee refund 220684 SAFE HAVEN SCHOOL 12/20/2012 1187 Tuition Nov 2012 220685 SAMMONS, LANEY 12/20/2012 TRAINING 1 Guided Math training at Seth Paine, Laney Sammons on 68.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 325.22 10E008 1205 4100 01 000000 120.00 10R000 1720 0000 00 000000 4,523.00 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 3,000.00 10E008 2210 3100 90 430000 !0/22/2012 220686 SAPOCHAK, RON 12/20/2012 111312 SO BBB 11/13/12 220687 SCHOLASTIC CLASSROOM MAGAZINES 12/20/2012 M4877818 7 UpFront magazines for 7/8 grades 220687 SCHOLASTIC CLASSROOM MAGAZINES 12/20/2012 M5048079 7 Classroom Magazine subscription 220688 SCHOOL HEALTH CORPORATION 12/20/2012 2612662-00 Athletic Medical Kits 60.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 656.70 10E005 1120 4100 08 000000 92.40 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 123.00 10E010 1500 4100 72 000000 220689 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORPORATION 12/20/2012 9170035252 Annual Maintenance Contract for Elevators in D95 1,918.56 20E001 2540 3230 01 000000 220689 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORPORATION 12/20/2012 9170035252 Annual Maintenance Contract for Elevators in D95 2,675.52 20E005 2540 3230 01 000000 220689 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORPORATION 12/20/2012 9170035252 Annual Maintenance Contract for Elevators in D95 6,512.88 20E006 2540 3230 01 000000 220689 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORPORATION 12/20/2012 9170035252 Annual Maintenance Contract for Elevators in D95 1,918.56 20E012 2540 3230 01 000000 220690 SCHLERETH, JULIE 12/20/2012 121012 MISC BUS SUPPLIES 80.19 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 220691 SCHMERER, JACK 12/20/2012 112712 SO BBB 11/27/12 60.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 220691 SCHMERER, JACK 12/20/2012 121112 SO BASKETBALL 12/11/12 220692 SCHMITZ, ALICE 12/20/2012 11312 Reimbursement for 2012 Distinguished Service Award 220693 SCHOLASTIC INC. 12/20/2012 M5033993 6 LD Supplies (S.Mosoff-MSS) 104.85 10E008 1205 4100 01 000000 220693 SCHOLASTIC INC. 12/20/2012 M4943890 6 Balance due for K magazine subscription 162.75 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 220694 SCHOLASTIC ACTION 12/20/2012 M49789039 401.13 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 400.00 10E008 2630 3108 01 000000 (Registration for 2 Technology Conferences) Misc. Publications for 1st Grade classes - DeNovo, DiGioia, And Russis and for 2nd Grade-Sue Schaser's class Weekly Reader 220695 SCHOOL DISTRICT 95 EDUCATIONAL 12/20/2012 121212 Checks for Apple were made out to Comm Unit School Dist 95. 5,812.00 10E006 1130 4100 01 000000 Dist. cashed checks and reimbursed the Edu Foundation. 220696 SCHOOL PERCEPTIONS LLC 12/20/2012 1586 220698 SCHOOL SPECIALTY, INC. 12/20/2012 2081093702 Clay Order for the Art Room School Climate Survey - phase 2 3,600.00 10E008 2310 3190 01 000000 412.60 10E012 1110 4100 12 000000 220698 SCHOOL SPECIALTY, INC. 12/20/2012 2081094905 Clay Order for the Art Room -59.00 10E012 1110 4100 12 000000 220698 SCHOOL SPECIALTY, INC. 220698 SCHOOL SPECIALTY, INC. 12/20/2012 3081013903 Classroom supplies for all 5th grade 12/20/2012 3081014347 Classroom supplies for C. Rangel 31.24 10E004 1110 4120 01 000000 46.32 10E004 1110 4120 01 000000 34 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 220698 SCHOOL SPECIALTY, INC. 12/20/2012 2081094988 Misc. items for Sue Moyers Classroom and Construction Paper PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 184.29 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 for Workroom 220698 SCHOOL SPECIALTY, INC. 12/20/2012 2081095134 Construction Paper 220698 SCHOOL SPECIALTY, INC. 12/20/2012 2081095134 LD Supplies (K.Willsie-MSN) 71.38 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 39.63 10E008 1205 4100 01 000000 220699 SCHROEDER, MARY 12/20/2012 12712 Registration fee refund 70.00 10R000 1720 0000 00 000000 220700 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 12/20/2012 46933ES Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 11/30/12 220700 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 12/20/2012 46933ES Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 11/30/12 2,706.56 20E002 2540 4650 01 000000 220700 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 12/20/2012 46933ES Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 11/30/12 4,059.84 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 4,059.84 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 7,307.71 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 220700 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 12/20/2012 46933ES Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 11/30/12 220700 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 12/20/2012 46933ES Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 11/30/12 8,119.68 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 220700 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 12/20/2012 46933ES Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 11/30/12 25,712.32 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 811.97 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 220700 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 12/20/2012 46933ES Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 11/30/12 220700 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 12/20/2012 46933ES Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 11/30/12 676.64 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 220700 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 12/20/2012 46933ES Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 11/30/12 2,706.56 20E009 2540 4650 01 000000 220700 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 12/20/2012 46933ES Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 11/30/12 8,796.32 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 220700 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 12/20/2012 46933ES Natural Gas 11/1/12 - 11/30/12 2,706.56 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 220701 SET ENVIRONMENTAL, INC 12/20/2012 0063405 Waste Disposal 1,813.05 40E008 2550 3230 01 000000 220702 SHELLENBERGER, BOB 12/20/2012 11312 REIMBURSEMENT FOR RECHARGABLE BATTERY KIT AND PLIERS SET 220703 SHIFFLER EQUIPMENT SALES, INC 12/20/2012 1229003501 Keys for Combination Locks at MSN 28.20 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220704 SIEGEL, BRUCE 12/20/2012 111212 SO BBB 11/12/12 60.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 220704 SIEGEL, BRUCE 12/20/2012 111912 SO BOYS BASKETBALL 11/19/12 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 220704 SIEGEL, BRUCE 12/20/2012 121012 SO BASKETBALL 12/10/12 220705 SIEVERT ELECTRIC 12/20/2012 56160 service indoor scoreboards inv#56160 11/13/12 $703. 703.00 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 220706 SIMPLEX GRINNELL LP 12/20/2012 68419748 Repair of fire alarm system at the High School 838.29 20E006 2540 3230 01 000000 220707 SIR SPEEDY 12/20/2012 28227 Library passes 220708 SKUPIEN, TERRI 12/20/2012 111512 Volleyball refund 220709 SODEXO, INC & AFFILIATES 12/20/2012 1000630315 Cost of operations for period 02 per contract agreement. 220710 SOLTYSIAK, BOB 12/20/2012 112712 SO BBB 11/27/12 220711 SON'S ENTERPRISES, INC 12/20/2012 5093 ISSUE 3 OF "THE BEAR FACTS" 220712 SOS, INC. 12/20/2012 25494 Contractual Speech Therapy Services (Sarah Adams) 5,662.50 10E008 2150 3104 01 462000 220712 SOS, INC. 12/20/2012 25599 Contractual Speech Therapy Services 4,500.00 10E008 2150 3104 01 462000 220712 SOS, INC. 12/20/2012 25704 Contractual Speech Therapy Services 5,400.00 10E008 2150 3104 01 462000 220713 SOUND INCORPORATED 12/20/2012 R117704 MASTER PO FOR MONTHLY PHONE MAINTENANCE CONTRACT 3,688.00 20E008 2540 3401 01 000000 220714 SPENCER WELDING SERVICE 12/20/2012 111612 Welding repairs on 5 ton truck 220715 SRAGA HAUSER, LLC 12/20/2012 8854 220715 SRAGA HAUSER, LLC 12/20/2012 9040 TEE 220716 STEINER ELECTRIC COMPANY 12/20/2012 S004164261 Electrical Supplies for Lighting Repairs at MSS/IF 222.90 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220716 STEINER ELECTRIC COMPANY 220717 STEKER, CRYSTAL 12/20/2012 S004164261 Electrical Supplies for Lighting Repairs at MSS/IF 12/20/2012 112012 RENEWAL OF CONSTANT CONTACT SUBSCRIPTION 222.90 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 26.98 10E008 2660 4701 11 000000 TEE 29.93 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 98.00 10E010 1120 4100 01 000000 220.00 10R000 1721 0000 00 000000 200,008.70 10E008 2560 3100 01 000000 60.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 715.00 10E006 1500 4100 74 000000 350.00 20E007 2540 3230 01 000000 Legal Fees - October 2012 1,420.00 10E008 2310 3180 01 000000 Legal fees for November 2012 2,520.00 10E008 2310 3180 01 000000 35 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT 220717 STEKER, CRYSTAL 12/20/2012 12412 REIMBURSEMENT FOR TECHNOLOGY SOFTWARE AND SKYPE 301.15 10E008 2660 4701 11 000000 220717 STEKER, CRYSTAL 12/20/2012 121012 REIMBURSEMENT FOR TRAIN TRIP TICKETS FOR APPLE BRIEFING 23.00 10E008 2660 3300 11 000000 REIMBURSEMENT FOR INFRASTRUCTURE POSTER PRINTING 220717 STEKER, CRYSTAL 12/20/2012 121012 REIMBURSEMENT FOR TRAIN TRIP TICKETS FOR APPLE BRIEFING 90.26 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 REIMBURSEMENT FOR INFRASTRUCTURE POSTER PRINTING 220718 STEPHENSON, TERRY 12/20/2012 121112 SO BASKETBALL 12/11/12 220719 STUMPF, JULIE 12/20/2012 101512 Reimbursement for Home Economics Supplies 220720 SUEVEL STUDIOS, INC 12/20/2012 100335 Art/LaJeunesse 220721 SUMMIT SCHOOL 12/20/2012 20121130-8 Tuition Nov 2012 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 251.20 10E010 1400 4100 17 000000 386.00 10E006 1130 4100 12 000000 17,406.30 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220723 SUN-TIMES MEDIA 12/20/2012 AD #340697 Overpayment on Ad #340697 6/28/12 220723 SUN-TIMES MEDIA 12/20/2012 AD #360234 PUBLIC NOTICE- FUEL BID -68.00 10E008 2520 3100 01 000000 20.80 10E008 2520 3100 01 000000 220723 SUN-TIMES MEDIA 12/20/2012 AD #344771 PREVWAGE 7/5/12 10.40 10E008 2520 3100 01 000000 220723 SUN-TIMES MEDIA 12/20/2012 AD 375390 BUDGET PUBLIC NOTICE 28.80 10E008 2520 3100 01 000000 220723 SUN-TIMES MEDIA 12/20/2012 AD 440640 PUBLIC NOTICE 220723 SUN-TIMES MEDIA 12/20/2012 AD 450494 ANNUAL STATEMENT OF AFFAIRS PUBLICATION MASTER PO FOR MONTHLY BILLING - WEB HOSTING 18.40 10E008 2520 3100 01 000000 729.60 10E008 2520 3100 01 000000 220724 SVANACO DBA AMERICAN EAGLE 12/20/2012 163720 220725 TEACHER'S HELPER 12/20/2012 TKD/00-170 Renewal's. Order #1226500071424 220725 TEACHER'S HELPER 12/20/2012 TFG/00-170 Renewal's. Order # 1226500071451 24.95 10E001 2220 4400 01 000000 220726 TECH DEPOT 12/20/2012 B1211848V1 POWER STRIPS FOR ADMIN COMPUTERS 55.59 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 220726 TECH DEPOT 12/20/2012 B12114726V CAMCORDERS FOR MSS TECH LAB 220727 TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS 12/20/2012 TUITION NO Billing for the month of November 2012 17,253.64 10E008 4210 6700 01 000000 220727 TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS 12/20/2012 TUITION DE Billing for the month of December 2012 17,253.64 10E008 4210 6700 01 000000 220728 TENGLER, STEVE 12/20/2012 111312 220729 GOODMAN ELECTRIC SUPPLY 12/20/2012 0594498-00 Maintenance Supplies 220729 GOODMAN ELECTRIC SUPPLY 12/20/2012 0594983-00 Fuses for MSS/IF 220729 GOODMAN ELECTRIC SUPPLY 12/20/2012 0594983-00 Fuses for MSS/IF 220731 THE CENTER/ILLINOIS RESOURCE C 12/20/2012 20780 SO BASKETBALL 11/13/12 Registration fee for 36th Annual Statewide Conference for 1,395.00 10E008 2660 3100 11 000000 24.95 10E001 2220 4400 01 000000 399.90 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 60.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 13.75 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 140.35 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 140.35 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 900.00 10E008 2210 3100 01 330500 Teachers Serving Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Students, December 4-7, 2012, L Ravenscraft, B Gottlieb, C Suppes, S Brown, B Spector, C Meyer, S Noisey (2 days), A Braasch, 220731 THE CENTER/ILLINOIS RESOURCE C 12/20/2012 20890 Registration fee for 36th Annual Conference for Teachers 100.00 10E008 2210 3100 01 330500 Serving Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Students, L Easton, December 6, 2012 220732 THE FLOLO CORPORATION 12/20/2012 394704 Univent motor for MW 340.00 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220732 THE FLOLO CORPORATION 12/20/2012 394842 Motors for Heating and Ventilation Repairs 195.61 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220733 THE MAILBOX 12/20/2012 MGF/00-170 Renewal's. Order #1226500071255 29.95 10E001 2220 4400 01 000000 220733 THE MAILBOX 220733 THE MAILBOX 12/20/2012 MPL/00-170 Renewal's. Order 1226500071341 12/20/2012 MKD/00-170 Renewal's 29.95 10E001 2220 4400 01 000000 29.95 10E001 2220 4400 01 000000 36 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220734 THEATRE HOUSE,INC 12/20/2012 0486141 Drama supplies 82.85 10E005 1500 4100 77 000000 220736 THERMOSYSTEMS, INC. 12/20/2012 0035625 Maintenance Supplies 45.53 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220736 THERMOSYSTEMS, INC. 12/20/2012 0035488 Maintenance parts for Univent Repairs 16.49 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220736 THERMOSYSTEMS, INC. 12/20/2012 0035488 Maintenance parts for Univent Repairs 76.49 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220736 THERMOSYSTEMS, INC. 12/20/2012 0035488 Maintenance parts for Univent Repairs 76.49 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220736 THERMOSYSTEMS, INC. 12/20/2012 0035540 Maintenance parts for Univent Repairs 152.99 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220736 THERMOSYSTEMS, INC. 12/20/2012 0035540 Maintenance parts for Univent Repairs 709.52 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220736 THERMOSYSTEMS, INC. 12/20/2012 0035540 Maintenance parts for Univent Repairs 709.52 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220736 THERMOSYSTEMS, INC. 12/20/2012 0035716 Transformer for McQuay univent at MSS 246.91 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220736 THERMOSYSTEMS, INC. 12/20/2012 0035814 Parts and Equipment for MSS/IF Univents 338.32 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220736 THERMOSYSTEMS, INC. 12/20/2012 0035814 Parts and Equipment for MSS/IF Univents 338.33 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220737 THE STRING PROJECT 12/20/2012 214807 Orchestra 27.80 10E001 1110 4100 13 000000 220737 THE STRING PROJECT 12/20/2012 214807 Orchestra 27.82 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 220737 THE STRING PROJECT 12/20/2012 214807 Orchestra 220738 THOMPSON, JOSHUA 12/20/2012 43012 Band/Thompson 220739 TIME FOR KIDS 12/20/2012 0010110644 Magazines for Grades 3-5 220739 TIME FOR KIDS 12/20/2012 0010079600 Magazines for Grades 1 & 2 AMOUNT NUMBER 27.80 10E004 1110 4100 24 000000 186.50 10E006 1130 4100 12 000000 1,106.44 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 796.00 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 220740 TORVAC INC, DIV OF DARLING RES 12/20/2012 090:226278 Servicing of Grease Trap at IF 135.00 20E009 2540 3230 01 000000 220740 TORVAC INC, DIV OF DARLING RES 12/20/2012 090:226543 Pump out kitchen grease traps at HS 138.00 20E006 2540 3230 01 000000 220741 TOM SNYDER PRODUCTIONS 12/20/2012 5655502 Gr. 5 Science Software 139.32 10E003 1110 4100 11 000000 220742 TOLEDO PHYSICAL EDUC SUPPLY 12/20/2012 157786-00 P.E. Equipment 861.30 10E005 1120 4100 09 000000 220742 TOLEDO PHYSICAL EDUC SUPPLY 12/20/2012 157786-01 P.E. Equipment 216.42 10E005 1120 4100 09 000000 220742 TOLEDO PHYSICAL EDUC SUPPLY 12/20/2012 160203-00 Gym Pinnies 220742 TOLEDO PHYSICAL EDUC SUPPLY 12/20/2012 160976-00 Square Dance Music - updated music for our dept. 220743 TRANE 12/20/2012 7231848R1 Power Vent Motor and Blower for MSN West Gym 220744 TREASURER OF LAKE COUNTY 12/20/2012 430010772 4th Quarter billing for routine traffic signal maintenance. 220745 TROXELL COMMUNICATIONS, INC 12/20/2012 704251 REPLACEMENT REMOTE FOR PROJECTOR AT MSS 29.00 10E010 1120 4100 01 000000 220746 TROYER, ALICE 12/20/2012 111212 replacement of lost library books 25.55 10E004 2220 4300 01 000000 220748 TYCO INTEGRATED SECURITY LLC 12/20/2012 83912216 Alarm Services 12/1/12 - 2/28/13 87.00 20E008 2540 3255 01 000000 220748 TYCO INTEGRATED SECURITY LLC 12/20/2012 83912217 Alarm Services 12/1/12 - 2/28/13 87.00 20E008 2540 3255 01 000000 220748 TYCO INTEGRATED SECURITY LLC 12/20/2012 83912218 Alarm Services 12/1/12 - 2/28/13 87.00 20E008 2540 3255 01 000000 220748 TYCO INTEGRATED SECURITY LLC 12/20/2012 83912219 Alarm Services 12/1/12 - 2/28/13 87.00 20E008 2540 3255 01 000000 220748 TYCO INTEGRATED SECURITY LLC 12/20/2012 83912220 Alarm Services 12/1/12 - 2/28/13 87.00 20E008 2540 3255 01 000000 220748 TYCO INTEGRATED SECURITY LLC 12/20/2012 83912221 Alarm Services 12/1/12 - 2/28/13 87.00 20E008 2540 3255 01 000000 220748 TYCO INTEGRATED SECURITY LLC 12/20/2012 83912222 Alarm Services 12/1/12 - 2/28/13 87.00 20E008 2540 3255 01 000000 220748 TYCO INTEGRATED SECURITY LLC 12/20/2012 83912248 Alarm Services 12/1/12 - 2/28/13 220749 UNITED RADIO COMM, INC. 12/20/2012 23277300 2-WAY BUS RADIO REPAIR 144.00 40E008 2550 3230 01 000000 220749 UNITED RADIO COMM, INC. 220750 USA TODAY 12/20/2012 23457700 12/20/2012 344184208 2-WAY BUS RADIO REPAIR U.S.A. Newspaper Subscription 192.00 40E008 2550 3230 01 000000 195.00 10E006 2220 4400 01 000000 89.70 10E004 1110 4100 09 000000 51.89 10E005 1120 4100 09 000000 593.00 20E005 2540 3230 01 000000 1,214.40 20E008 2540 3230 01 000000 87.00 20E008 2540 3255 01 000000 37 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT 220751 VALCOM 12/20/2012 824540 MONITORING SERVICES RENEWAL MASTER PURCHASE ORDER FOR 835.00 10E008 2660 3100 11 000000 2012-13 220751 VALCOM 12/20/2012 832799 MONITORING SERVICES RENEWAL MASTER PURCHASE ORDER FOR 885.00 10E008 2660 3100 11 000000 2012-13 220752 VERITEXT CHICAGO REPORTING CO 12/20/2012 CHI579688 220753 VERNON HILLS HIGH SCHOOL 12/20/2012 NSC CHAMPI prairie lake meet expenses COURT REPORTING SERVICES 723.50 10E008 2310 3190 01 000000 53.80 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 220753 VERNON HILLS HIGH SCHOOL 12/20/2012 PR LAKE ME prairie lake meet expenses 184.25 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 220753 VERNON HILLS HIGH SCHOOL 12/20/2012 ENTRY FEE girls varsity golf 9/8/12/ boys varsity golf 9/29/12 310.00 10E006 1500 4100 36 000000 220753 VERNON HILLS HIGH SCHOOL 12/20/2012 ENTRY FEE girls varsity golf 9/8/12/ boys varsity golf 9/29/12 220754 VILLAGE GREEN COUNTRY CLUB 12/20/2012 LZ2012 Gir LZ2012 Girls golf $2572; LZ2012 Boys Golf $1692. 1,020.60 10E006 1500 4100 36 000000 220754 VILLAGE GREEN COUNTRY CLUB 12/20/2012 LZ2012 Gir LZ2012 Girls golf $2572; LZ2012 Boys Golf $1692. 1,551.40 10E006 1500 4100 59 000000 220754 VILLAGE GREEN COUNTRY CLUB 12/20/2012 LZ2012 Boy LZ2012 Girls golf $2572; LZ2012 Boys Golf $1692. 671.40 10E006 1500 4100 36 000000 220754 VILLAGE GREEN COUNTRY CLUB 12/20/2012 LZ2012 Boy LZ2012 Girls golf $2572; LZ2012 Boys Golf $1692. 1,020.60 10E006 1500 4100 59 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 8000000504 Elevator Inspection Fee 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 4000002466 police traffic control : 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 4000002466 Traffic control at HS 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 4000002497 police during football games 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 4000002497 HS Traffic control 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 7000000432 Field Irrigation Supplies 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 4000002569 police football games inv#4000002569 12/3/12 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 4000002569 Police - Traffic control HS 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 4000002517 police football games fall 2012 inv#4000002517 11/26/2012 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 4000002517 Traffic control - HS 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6185 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct 006185-00 75.38 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6185 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct 006185-00 42.29 20E003 2540 3700 01 000000 310.00 10E006 1500 4100 59 000000 660.00 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 athletic events total $58 x 26.25 1,522.50 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 = $1522.00 290.00 10E006 2520 3100 11 000000 1,464.50 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 290.00 10E006 2520 3100 11 000000 40.33 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 2.25 hrs X58 130.50 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 =$130.50 464.00 10E006 2520 3100 11 000000 1,290.50 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 $58 x 22.25 = 1290.50 348.00 10E006 2520 3100 11 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6185 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct 006185-00 60.67 20E004 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6185 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct 006185-00 104.22 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 322.66 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6185 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct 006185-00 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6185 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct 006185-00 5.52 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6185 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct 006185-00 79.06 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6185 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct 006185-00 223.38 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6185 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct 006185-00 34.74 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6186 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006186-00 60.67 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6186 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006186-00 34.04 20E003 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6186 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006186-00 12/20/2012 12312 6186 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006186-00 48.83 20E004 2540 3700 01 000000 83.89 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 38 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6186 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006186-00 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6186 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006186-00 4.44 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6186 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006186-00 63.63 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 179.80 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6186 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006186-00 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6186 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006186-00 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6179 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct #006179-00 259.70 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 27.96 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 138.96 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6179 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct #006179-00 77.95 20E003 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6179 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct #006179-00 111.85 20E004 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6179 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct #006179-00 192.13 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6179 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct #006179-00 594.83 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6179 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct #006179-00 10.17 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6179 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct #006179-00 145.74 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 411.80 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6179 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct #006179-00 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6179 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct #006179-00 64.05 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6041 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006041-00 79.06 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6041 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006041-00 44.35 20E003 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6041 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006041-00 63.63 20E004 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6041 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006041-00 109.31 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6041 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006041-00 338.40 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6041 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006041-00 5.78 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6041 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006041-00 82.91 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6041 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006041-00 234.28 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6041 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006041-00 36.44 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6106 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006106-00 5.52 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6106 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006106-00 3.09 20E003 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6106 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006106-00 4.44 20E004 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6106 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006106-00 7.63 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6106 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006106-00 23.61 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6106 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006106-00 0.40 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6106 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006106-00 5.78 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6106 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006106-00 16.35 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6106 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006106-00 2.54 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6040 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006040-00 223.38 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6040 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006040-00 125.31 20E003 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6040 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006040-00 179.80 20E004 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6040 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006040-00 308.85 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6040 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006040-00 956.19 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6040 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006040-00 12/20/2012 12312 6040 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006040-00 16.35 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 234.28 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 39 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6040 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006040-00 661.98 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6040 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006040-00 102.94 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6184 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006184-00 1.84 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6184 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006184-00 1.03 20E003 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6184 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006184-00 1.48 20E004 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6184 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006184-00 2.54 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6184 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006184-00 7.87 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6184 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006184-00 0.13 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6184 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006184-00 1.93 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6184 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006184-00 5.45 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6184 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006184-00 0.85 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6125 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006125-00 6.43 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6125 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006125-00 3.61 20E003 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6125 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006125-00 5.18 20E004 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6125 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006125-00 8.90 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6125 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006125-00 27.54 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6125 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006125-00 0.47 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6125 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006125-00 6.75 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 19.07 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6125 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006125-00 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6125 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006125-00 2.97 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6124 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006124-00 35.85 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6124 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006124-00 20.11 20E003 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6124 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006124-00 28.86 20E004 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6124 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006124-00 49.57 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6124 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006124-00 153.46 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6124 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006124-00 2.62 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6124 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006124-00 37.60 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6124 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006124-00 106.24 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6124 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006124-00 16.53 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6180 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006180-00 40.45 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6180 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006180-00 22.69 20E003 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6180 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006180-00 32.56 20E004 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6180 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006180-00 55.92 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6180 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006180-00 173.14 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6180 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006180-00 2.96 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6180 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006180-00 42.42 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6180 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006180-00 119.86 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6180 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006180-00 12/20/2012 12312 6177 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006177-00 18.64 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 280.38 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 40 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6177 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006177-00 157.28 20E003 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6177 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006177-00 225.67 20E004 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6177 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006177-00 387.65 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6177 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006177-00 1,200.15 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6177 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006177-00 20.52 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6177 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006177-00 294.05 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6177 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006177-00 830.87 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 12312 6177 Water / Sewer - 10/15/12 - 11/19/12. Acct # 006177-00 129.23 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 220763 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 12/20/2012 5000000523 paramedics for football season 2012 inv#5000000523 11/26/2012 3,364.00 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 $3364. 220764 VISUAL IMAGE PHOTOGRAPHY, INC 12/20/2012 24254 senior night 11/6/12 boys xc 13.00 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 220764 VISUAL IMAGE PHOTOGRAPHY, INC 12/20/2012 24224 senior night golf 34.00 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 220764 VISUAL IMAGE PHOTOGRAPHY, INC 12/20/2012 24149 senior night football /poms 65.00 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 220764 VISUAL IMAGE PHOTOGRAPHY, INC 12/20/2012 24287 parent night 11/12/12 Girls XC 97.50 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 220765 WAKEFIELD, PAUL 12/20/2012 120412 REIMBURSEMENT FOR AIR-SERVER 220766 WALLACE, MIKE 12/20/2012 102912 Bowling fee refund 220767 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 12/20/2012 1753395-0 Laptop stand for HR 220767 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 12/20/2012 1751527-0 name plate 220767 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 12/20/2012 1784591-0 white copy paper 220768 WASSER, BRUCE 12/20/2012 111912 SO BOYS BASKETBALL 11/19/12 220769 WEILER, JEFF & TRACY 12/20/2012 111612 Registration and yearbook refund 190.00 10R000 1720 0000 00 000000 220769 WEILER, JEFF & TRACY 12/20/2012 111612 Registration and yearbook refund 54.00 10R000 1730 0000 00 000000 220770 WEST MUSIC COMPANY 12/20/2012 SI745865 Book for Michael Danz 220771 WESTERN TRANSPORATION LLC 12/20/2012 K2012-5446 11/20/12 BILLING - SPEC ED 59.85 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 220.00 10R000 1721 0000 00 000000 19.54 10E008 2640 4100 01 000000 13.98 10E010 1120 4100 01 000000 199.50 10E009 1110 4108 01 000000 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 45.95 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 11,000.00 40E008 2550 3330 01 000000 220772 WHITE WAY SIGN & MAINTENANCE C 12/20/2012 CD20080775 Monthly contract for maintenance of Marquis sign - HS 363.00 20E006 2540 3230 01 000000 220773 WILLIAM FREMD HIGH SCHOOL 140.00 10E006 1130 4100 46 000000 12/20/2012 ENTRY FEE Fremd High School Scholastic Bowl Tournamnet 220774 WISS, JANNEY, ELSTNER ASSOCIAT 12/20/2012 0244020 MSN Legal Support Project #2006.0104.5 220774 WISS, JANNEY, ELSTNER ASSOCIAT 12/20/2012 0245670 MSN Legal Support Project # 2006.0104.5 1,575.00 10E008 2310 3160 01 000000 195.00 20E008 2540 3160 01 000000 220775 WITT, JENNIFER 12/20/2012 SERVICES N Interpreting Services 220775 WITT, JENNIFER 12/20/2012 SERVICE 9/ Interpreting Services 9.50 10E008 2330 3107 44 000000 220775 WITT, JENNIFER 12/20/2012 SERVICE 11 Interpreting Services 47.50 10E008 2330 3107 44 000000 220775 WITT, JENNIFER 12/20/2012 SERVICES 1 Interpreting Services 47.50 10E008 2330 3107 44 000000 220776 WILLIAM V MACGILL & CO 12/20/2012 IN0425516 vinyl gloves for Green Team 27.19 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 220776 WILLIAM V MACGILL & CO 12/20/2012 IN0426857 BUS/DRIVER MEDICAL SUPPLIES 207.56 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 220777 WORLD BOOK INC 12/20/2012 0001455568 World book Encyclopedia print version 819.00 10E004 2220 4300 01 000000 220778 WRIGHT, CAROLYN 12/20/2012 11712 220.00 10R000 1721 0000 00 000000 220779 WRIGHT, SANDRA 12/20/2012 SERVICES 9 Mentoring for M Richter & A Tanking 9/19/12 & M Richter 250.00 10E008 2640 3100 01 000000 220779 WRIGHT, SANDRA 12/05/12 12/20/2012 SERVICES 9 Mentoring for M Richter & A Tanking 9/19/12 & M Richter 335.52 10E008 2640 3100 01 000000 Basketball fee refund 23.75 10E008 2330 3107 44 000000 41 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:07 PM 12/18/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 220779 WRIGHT, SANDRA 12/20/2012 SERVICES 1 Mentoring for M Richter & A Tanking 9/19/12 & M Richter PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 12/05/12 335.20 10E008 2640 3100 01 000000 12/05/12 220780 GRECO ELECTRIC 12/20/2012 IDOL 6/4/1 Additional payment due to IDOL 15,473.57 20E008 2540 3230 01 000000 Totals for checks 1,679,367.44 42 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 F U N D FUND DESCRIPTION 10 20 30 40 12:07 PM BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 11/17/12 - 12/20/12) S U M M A R Y BALANCE SHEET REVENUE EXPENSE TOTAL EDUCATION FUND 4,302.94 2,913.91 772,261.49 779,478.34 OPER & MAINT 3,429.10 0.00 613,322.17 616,751.27 DEBT SERVICE FUND 0.00 0.00 425.00 425.00 TRANSPORTATION 0.00 0.00 282,712.83 282,712.83 7,732.04 2,913.91 1,668,721.49 1,679,367.44 *** Fund Summary Totals *** ************************ End of report ************************ 12/18/12 PAGE: 43 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 9:49 AM 12/11/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/31/12 - 11/30/12) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT Imprest AMOUNT NUMBER 28127 ACTORS WORKSHOP COMPANY 11/01/2012 DJ 10/26/1 Cost for Activity Niight DJ 350.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 28128 CLEMENS, JERRY 11/01/2012 10112 400.11 10E005 1120 4100 07 000000 28129 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION 11/01/2012 2-060-2187 Transportation charges 25.37 10E008 2310 3400 01 000000 28130 IAGC 11/01/2012 REGIS FEE 30.00 10E008 2210 3100 01 000000 science supplies Partial registration fee to supplement scholarship awarded to C Eastham for the Eighteenth Illinois Association for Gifted Children Conference on February 10-12, 2013. 28131 PURCHASE ADVANTAGE CARD 11/01/2012 1067 10181 Groceries for Home Economics 28132 REIER, EDWARD 11/01/2012 102712 SO FOOTBALL 10/2712 Acct ending in 1067 86.27 10E010 1400 4100 17 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 28133 REIER, MICHAEL 11/01/2012 102712 SO FOOTBALL 10/27 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 28134 WATKINS, JEROME 11/01/2012 102712 SO FOOTBALL 10/27/12 28135 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 11/15/2012 061252 Costco payments for FACS 28136 NATIONAL SPORTS CLINICS 11/15/2012 COACHES CL softball coaches clinic Dec 7 -8th 28137 PURCHASE ADVANTAGE CARD 11/15/2012 101812 105 Misc. lab expenses for science.Account ending in 1059 28138 ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL 11/15/2012 REGISTRATI Cheer competition registration 125.00 10E005 1500 4100 72 000000 28139 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 11/15/2012 00008R8F26 FRT 125.61 10E008 2310 3400 01 000000 28140 WAUCONDA HIGH SCHOOL 11/15/2012 ENTRY FEE 28141 AT&T 11/21/2012 8249189106 Service Oct 5 - Nov 4,2012. 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 104.92 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 327.00 10E006 1500 6400 01 000000 Wauconda HS Varsity Cheerleading Invite 12/16/12 Acct #831-000-3525 131. 41.79 10E005 1120 4100 07 000000 250.00 10E006 1500 4100 72 000000 3,429.10 20E008 2540 3401 01 000000 28142 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 11/21/2012 035714 Costco payment for FACS purchases on 11/12/12. 85.01 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 28142 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 11/21/2012 057917 Costco payment for purchase on 11/5/12. 99.97 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 28143 HUNTLEY HIGH SCHOOL 11/21/2012 REGISTRATI Color Guard Competition 28144 IDTA 11/21/2012 MEMBERSHIP Color Guard IDTA Membership 75.00 10E006 1130 4100 46 000000 75.00 10E006 1130 4100 46 000000 28145 ILLINOIS COMPETITIVE CHEERLEAD 11/21/2012 REGISTRATI Reg. fee for Illinois Competitive Cheerleading. 125.00 10E005 1500 4100 72 000000 28146 ILLINOIS RESOURCE CENTER 690.00 10E008 2210 3100 90 430000 11/21/2012 REG FEE-MA Registration fee for 2013 IRC Conference in Springfield IL, March 14, 15, and 16, S Noisey, Jen Lippert, Erin Metaxas 28147 ILLINOIS RECREATIONAL CHEERLEA 11/21/2012 WINTER MEL Registration fee for "Winter Meltdown" Cheerleading & Dance 150.00 10E005 1500 4100 72 000000 Invitational. 28148 PESCE, EILEEN 11/21/2012 MEMBERSHIP Reimbursement for paid TDI Competition 28149 CHICAGO EDUCATION PROJECT 11/29/2012 WORKSHOP 1 Workshop (L.Atkintson-MW) 255.00 10E006 1130 4100 46 000000 85.00 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 28149 CHICAGO EDUCATION PROJECT 11/29/2012 WORKSHOP 1 Conference (S.Fox-MW) 85.00 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 28150 COMCAST 11/29/2012 110912 515 Service 11/16 - 12/15/12. Acct # 8771 10 097 0005151 28151 EASTER SEALS DUPAGE & FOX VALL 11/29/2012 CONFERENCE Conference (K.Keirans-OT) 28152 ELA AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY 6.30 10E006 1130 3100 01 000000 185.00 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 11/29/2012 BPAC MTG 1 Fee to use Ela Library Conference Room for BPAC parent 55.00 10E008 3000 4100 01 330500 meeting 28153 MILLBURN DISTRICT 24 11/29/2012 REGIS FEE Boys BB reg. for "Millburn Friday Night Shootout" 250.00 10E005 1500 4100 31 000000 tournament on Nov. 30th. 28154 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 11/29/2012 00008R8F26 FRT 26.59 10E008 2310 3400 01 000000 Totals for checks 7,732.04 1 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 F U N D FUND DESCRIPTION 10 20 9:49 AM BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/31/12 - 11/30/12) S U M M A R Y BALANCE SHEET REVENUE EXPENSE TOTAL EDUCATION FUND 0.00 0.00 4,302.94 4,302.94 OPER & MAINT 0.00 0.00 3,429.10 3,429.10 0.00 0.00 7,732.04 7,732.04 *** Fund Summary Totals *** ************************ End of report ************************ 12/11/12 PAGE: 2 Agenda Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 Report to Board of Education Board Meeting Date: December 20, 2012 From: Vicky Cullinan, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations Re: Resolutions for 2012 Tax Levy Policy Reference: 4:10 – Fiscal and Business Management Strategic Plan Reference: Background: At the November board meeting the board adopted the tentative levy. Earlier tonight the board conducted the Truth in Taxation hearing. The accompanying document is the resolution that will be filed with the Lake County Clerk, County Extension Office for the 2012 tax year after they have been adopted by the Board of Education. Analysis: N/A Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Administration to adopt the resolution and direct the administration to file the appropriate resolution, certificates of compliance and certificate of levy with the county. Motion: To adopt the resolution pertaining to the 2012 certificate of tax levy as presented by the Administration and direct the Administration to file the appropriate resolutions, certificates of compliance and certificate of levy with the county. ILLINOIS STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Original: Amended: School Business Services Division 217/785-8779 x CERTIFICATE OF TAX LEVY A copy of this Certificate of Tax Levy shall be filed with the County Clerk of each county in which the school district is located on or before the last Tuesday of December. District Name District Number Lake Zurich Community Unit School District County Lake 0---95 Amount of Levy Educational $ Operations & Maintenance $ Transportation $ Working Cash $ Municipal Retirement $ Social Security $ 54,890,093 8,966,457 2,878,813 75,540 669,129 949,230 Fire Prevention & Safety * $ Tort Immunity $ Special Education $ Leasing $ Other $ Other $ Total Levy $ 68,429,262 * Includes Fire Prevention, Safety, Energy Conservation, Disabled Accessibility, School Security, See explanation on reverse side. Note: and Specified Repair Purposes. Any district proposing to adopt a levy must comply with the provisions set forth in the Truth in Taxation Law. We hereby certify that we require: the sum of 54,890,093 8,966,457 the sum of 2,878,813 the sum of 75,540 the sum of the sum of 669,129 949,230 the sum of 0 the sum of dollars to be levied as a special tax for educational purposes; and dollars to be levied as a special tax for operations and maintenance purposes; and dollars to be levied as a special tax for transportation purposes; and dollars to be levied as a special tax for a working cash fund; and dollars to be levied as a special tax for municipal retirement purposes; and dollars to be levied as a special tax for social security purposes; and dollars to be levied as a special tax for fire prevention, safety, energy conservation, disabled accessibility, school security and specified repair purposes; and 0 dollars to be levied as a special tax for tort immunity purposes; and the sum of 0 dollars to be levied as a special tax for special education purposes; and the sum of 0 dollars to be levied as a special tax for leasing of educational facilities the sum of or computer technology or both, and temporary relocation expense purposes; and 0 dollars to be levied as a special tax for the sum of ; and 0 dollars to be levied as a special tax for the sum of . on the taxable property of our school district for the year 2012 Signed this 20th day of December 20 12 . (President) (Clerk or Secretary of the School Board of Said School District) When any school is authorized to issue bonds, the school board shall file a certified copy of the resolution in the office of the county clerk of each county in which the district is situated to provide for the issuance of the bonds and to levy a tax to pay for them. The county clerk shall extend the tax for bonds and interest as set forth in the certified copy of the resolution, each year during the life of the bond issue. Therefore to avoid a possible duplication of tax levies, the school board should not include a levy for bonds and interest in the district's annual tax levy. 5 Number of bond issues of said school district that have not been paid in full . (Detach and Return to School District) This is to certify that the Certificate of Tax Levy for School District No. 095 , was filed in the office of the County Clerk of this County on December 21, 2012 Lake 2012 Illinois, on the equalized assesed value of all taxable property of said school district for the year County, , . In addition to an extension of taxes authorized by levies made by the Board of Education (Directors), an additional extension(s) will be made, as authorized by resolution(s) on file in this office, to provide funds to retire bonds and pay interest thereon. The total levy, as provided in the original resolution(s), for said purposes for the year , is (Signature of County Clerk) (Date) ISBE Form 50-02 (08/2012) ctl2012.xls (County) $ . RESOLUTION REGARDING ESTIMATED AMOUNTS NECESSARY TO BE LEVIED FOR THE YEAR 2012 WHEREAS, The Truth in Taxation Act requires that all taxing districts in the State of Illinois determine the estimated amounts of taxes necessary to be levied for the year not less than twenty (20) days prior to the official adoption of the aggregate tax levy of the district; and WHEREAS, if the estimated aggregate amount necessary to be levied, exclusive of election costs and bond and interest costs, exceeds 105% of the aggregate amount of property taxes extended or estimated to be extended, including any amount abated by the taxing district prior to such extension, upon the levy of the preceding year, public notice shall be given and a public hearing shall be held on the district’s intent to adopt a tax levy in an amount which is more than 105% of the extension or estimated extension for the preceding year; and WHEREAS, the aggregate amount of property taxes (extended) for the year 2011 was: Education Purposes $51,258,271.01 Operations, Building Maintenance Purposes $8,828,711.66 Transportation Purposes $2,538,658.85 Working Cash Fund Purposes $32,339.60 Social Security Purposes $889,339.09 Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Purposes $501,263.85 Rental of Facilities Purposes 0.00 Fire Prevention, Safety, Environmental and Energy Conservation Purposes 0.00 Tort Immunity Purposes 0.00 Special Education Purposes 0.00 Leasing Purposes 0.00 Sedol IMRF Fund Purposes 0.00 Life Safety Bond & Interest Purposes 0.00 TOTAL $64,048,584.03 Page 2 WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the estimated amount of taxes to be extended for the year 2012 is as follows: Education Purposes $54,890,093.00 Operations, Building Maintenance Purposes $ 8,966,457.00 Transportation Purposes $ 2,878,813.00 Working Cash Fund Purposes $ 75,540.00 Social Security Purposes $949,230.00 Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Purposes $669,129.00 Rental of Facilities Purposes 0.00 Fire Prevention, Safety, Environmental and Energy Conservation Purposes 0.00 Tort Immunity Purposes 0.00 Special Education Purposes 0.00 Leasing Purposes 0.00 Sedol IMRF Fund Purposes 0.00 Life Safety Bond and Interest 0.00 TOTAL $68,429,262.00 WHEREAS, the Truth in Taxation Act, as amended, requires that all taxing districts in the State of Illinois provide data in the Notice concerning the levies for debt service made pursuant to statute, referendum, resolution or agreement to retire principal or pay interest on bonds, notes and debentures or other financial instruments which evidence indebtedness; and WHEREAS, the aggregate amount of property taxes extended for the bond and interest purposes for 2011 was $7,842,353.77 and it is hereby determined that the estimated amount of taxes to be levied for bond and interest purposes for 2012 is $7,750,361.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education, Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95, County of Lake, State of Illinois, as follows: Section 1: $68,429,262.00. The aggregate amount of taxes estimated to be levied for the year 2012 is Page 3 Section 2: The aggregate amount of taxes estimated to be levied for the year 2012 does exceed 105% of the taxes extended or estimated to be extended by the district in the year 2011. Section 3: The aggregate amount of taxes estimated to be levied for the year 2012 for debt service is 98.83% of the taxes extended for debt service for 2011. Section 4: The resolution shall be in full force and effect forthwith upon its passage. ADOPTED this 20th day of December, 2012. BOARD OF EDUCATION OF LAKE ZURICH COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT 95 President Attest: Secretary