St. Vincent de Paul School

Sacramental Preparation
The Sacramental preparation of our students is central to their faith
formation. At St. Vincent de Paul, our grade two and grade eight
teachers support our students as they prepare for the sacraments of
Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. The Parish
has dates for all parent meetings and Masses for the sacraments.
St. Vincent de Paul
Pastoral Plan
Catholic Education Week
Catholic Education Week - May 3 – 8, 2015
Each year, the Catholic community of Ontario engages in a week-long
celebration of the unique identity and distinctive contributions of
Catholiceducation during Catholic Education Week.
This year’s celebration entitled, “Catholic Education: “Exploring the
Paths of Joy”. The scriptural passage that guides our theme is: “Were
D. Brkic, Principal
not our hearts burning within us while He was talking to us on the
road?” – Luke 24:32
This year’s five sub-themes, one for each of the five days of Catholic
Education Week, help students to understand the rich meaning of this
year’s theme:
1. Walking Together and Sharing our Story
2. Opening the Scriptures
3. Welcoming Others to the Table
4. Recognizing Jesus in the Breaking of the Bread
5. Proclaiming the Good News
Catholic Education Week begins on a Sunday to highlight the
partnership that remains the foundation of Catholic education between
our Catholic schools and local Catholic parishes. Throughout Catholic
Education Week, we ask you to reflect on the significance of Catholic
education’s presence and contribution in our Church, and in our
Faith Formation
The impact of our rich traditions and faith experiences are the focus of
our Pastoral Plan. Centered on the faith formation of the students we
serve, our goal is to guide students on their faith journey from the
moment they enter our school until their graduation as young Catholic
adults, prepared to become positive contributing members of our
Parish Connection
School Masses & Liturgies
St. Vincent de Paul School is fortunate to be associated with St.
Patrick Parish. Father Brian will assist us in celebrating our faith in
many ways. We appreciate his guidance in the faith formation of our
Parents are encouraged to join us in all of our celebrations. Your
presence helps to highlight the importance of celebrating as a family.
All of our Liturgical celebrations, except for our Advent and final
school mass, are held in the school.
We look forward to working with all Parish staff to support our
students and our community on their Catholic Faith Development.
Below is a list of our planned celebrations:
Oct. 16/14
Nov. 11/14
Opening School Mass
Remembrance Day Liturgy
9:30 am @ SVDP
10:30 am @ SVDP
Rev. Brian Clough
Rev. Silverio Fidalgo
Kimberley Carter
Prayer, Opening Exercises
We begin every day at St. Vincent de Paul with “O Canada” and a
prayer led by our students. Every class, from gr. 1 to gr. 8 will be
given an opportunity to lead the school in opening exercises, faith
reflections and prayer.
Rosary Apostolate
The Rosary Apostolates is a non-profit association of volunteers in the
Parish community that freely give of their time and talents to lead
children, youth and families into a deeper relationship with God
through prayer.
Community Outreach
As a school community we are committed to supporting those among
us who are in greater need. Through our Faith Ambassadors, we will
ensure that funds and food items that are raised through various
functions will be directed to agencies such as United Way, Share Life
and our food, new clothing and supporting families with other personal
products required for daily living.
Dec. 3/14
Advent Mass (Evening)
7:00 p.m. @ St. Patrick’s Parish
Feb. 18/15
Ash Wednesday Liturgy
9:30 a.m. @ SVDP
Feb. 23/15
Lenten Mass
9:30 a.m. @ SVDP
Apr. 15/15
Easter Mass
9:30 a.m. @ SVDP
June 19/15
Year End / Graduation Mass
10:15 a.m. @ St. Patrick’s Parish
Virtues Assemblies
The St. Vincent de Paul school community will gather to focus our
attention on our ten virtues. We celebrate our accomplishments and
give thanks for God’s presence in our daily lives. The virtues we
celebrate are:
Sept. - Faith
Feb. - Respect
Oct. - Empathy
Mar. - Kindness
Nov. - Conscience
Apr. - Love
Dec. - Hope
May - Acceptance
Jan. - Self Control
June - Fairness