ST. SEBASTIAN CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL “Soldiers of Faith, Endurance and Freedom” Follow us on Twitter @DPCDSBSchools SEPTEMBER 2015 3460 Aquinas Avenue, Mississauga ON L5M 7L2 Phone (905) 607-0107 Fax (905) 607-2535 OFFICE STAFF PRINCIPAL: D. Marchand VICE-PRINCIPAL: S. Kearns SECRETARY: Z. Kameka SECRETARY: M. van Putten SUPERINTENDENT OF MISSISSAUGA NORTH T. Cruz 905-890-1221 TRUSTEES S. Hobin (Wards 2&8) 905-301-1210 E. O’Toole (Wards 9&10) 905-812 - 5163 Parish Merciful Redeemer Catholic Church 2775 Erin Centre Boulevard Mississauga, Ontario L5M 5W2 Tel: 905-812 - 0030 Fax: 905-812 - 0011 Pastor: Fr. Vid Vlasic Associate Pastor: Fr. Scott Birchall Email: Website: VIRTUE FOR SEPTEMBER: Faith A Prayer Begin our and Year Faith is the great virtue of to believing in God trusting that God is with us. A faithful person believes that we are created, guided andtogracious God, by andGood destined be reunited with God. We invite into that our God’s schoolplan andfor classrooms. A faithful personyou believes us includes the to be safe, at school. Bless ourright minds and fillespecially them with knowledge and A faithful person prays regularly and reverently, wonder about Your world. learns from Scripture stories, honours people’s God-given names, assumes Bless our hands as they become your hands of care and that there is good in everyone thoughtfulness and accepts the God-given worthto of others. themselves and others. Open our eyes to all our education offers us each day, and help us learn Your ways. DATES TO words REMEMBER Fill our mouths with kind that show appreciation for our school staff, classmates and friends. Forgive us when we forget that You are our guest. Thank You for dwelling in our hearts, our classrooms, and our school with Your spirit, grace and love. May we serve you with our learning and love what we do in Your name. Amen. Sept 8th Sept 18th Sept 24th Sept 25th Sept 28th Sept 28th Sept 29th Sept 30th Sept 30th Sept 30th Oct 5th Oct 12th DATES TO REMEMBER School Council Nomination Forms (available in office) PD and Reorganization Day (No School) Curriculum Night 6:30pm to 7:30pm School Council Nomination Forms due in Office Photo Day First Communion Parent Mtg. (7:00 p.m.) at Church Chocolate Fundraiser Kickoff School Council Final Meeting and Elections(6:30 pm) Terry Fox Walk 9:15am Confirmation Parent Meeting (gr.7&8) (7:00 p.m.) at Church Confirmation Parent Meeting (gr.7&8) (7:00 p.m.) at Church Happy Thanksgiving / No school SCHOOL HOURS 9:00 a.m. Opening 11:05 a.m.-11:20 a.m. A.M. Recess 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m. Lunch 1:00 p.m. Afternoon Begins 2:25 p.m.-2:40 p.m. P.M. Recess 3:30 p.m. Dismissal A WARM WELCOME TO ALL! Welcome back everyone to St. Sebastian Catholic Elementary School! On behalf of the staff, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you and your children as we begin the 2015-2016 school year. A very special welcome to our new students and staff, including our Junior Kindergarten students! Each year brings us new experiences and new opportunities to learn and grow as a Catholic Community. We hope and pray that the journey this year will be both a rewarding and fulfilling academic and spiritual learning experience for everyone. As a Catholic school community, we will support each other in this journey together! In the area of academics, we will be focusing on Literacy and Numeracy to ensure that high yield teaching strategies are implemented to improve student achievement. Guided writing practice and guided reading will be a school wide focus. In numeracy, teachers will be concentrating on the three part lesson plan to improve numeracy skills. All that we do will be embedded in our Catholic values and the virtues program. We hope to educate and nourish your child both academically and spiritually. 2015-2016 school year promises to be filled with a variety of terrific learning opportunities for our students. In the pursuit of excellence, the partnership of home, school, church and community is essential for the success of your child and we encourage you to participate in your child’s spiritual, physical and academic growth. I encourage all parents to get involved in the School Advisory Council. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to working with your children and hope that they have a successful 2015-2016 school year! Sincerely, D. Marchand, Principal MERCIFUL REDEEMER CATHOLIC CHURCH 2775 Erin Centre Boulevard Mississauga, Ontario L5M 5W2 Phone: (905) 812 - 0030 Fax: (905) 812 - 0011 Email: Website: Pastoral Team Fr. Vid Vlassic (Pastor), Fr. Scott Birchall (Associate Pastor), Rev. Mr. Peter L. T. Rickards (Deacon), Rev. Mr. Brian du Quesnay (Deacon), Marc Puigmarti (Youth Minister) and Patricia Pereira (Office Manager). SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Sacraments are parish, not school events. The Catholic Schools assist the parish by teaching the relevant catechetical material. Only those children registered by their parents will receive the sacraments. Please note that this year, Confirmation will be for Grade 7 & Grade 8 students. Registration for Sacraments takes place at parent meetings at Merciful Redeemer Church. Please set aside these dates: Wednesday, September 30th, 2015 or Monday, October 5, 2015 for Confirmation Parent Meeting (7:00 p.m.), and Monday, September 28th, 2015 for First Holy Communion Parent Meeting (7:00 p.m.). CURRICULUM NIGHT AND OPEN HOUSE All parents are invited to attend the Open House Curriculum Evening at the school on Thursday, September 24th, 2015 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY On Friday, September 18th, teachers will be involved in professional development activities. There will be no school for students that day. CLASS REORGANIZATION The final reorganization day will be Friday, September 18th, 2015, to accommodate new enrollments and transfers. The current class structure remains tentative until this time. Students may experience changes should enrolment projections and actual numbers differ. Should class changes occur, parents will be notified in writing or by phone by to September 18th, 2015. No class changes will be made until this date. STUDENT AGENDAS: Agendas have been distributed to all students in Grades FDK-8. Thank you to the Parent Council for paying the cost of the Agendas. PICTURE DAY All students will have their photographs taken on Monday, September 28th, 2015. BEFORE SCHOOL HOURS SUPERVISION For your child’s safety we request that he/she not be on school property until supervision begins at 8:45 a.m. STUDENT ILLNESS Just a reminder to parents that if your child is ill please keep your child home until they are fully recovered from their illness. This would be very helpful in ensuring that the illness is not spread to other students in school. If your child is healthy enough to be in school the expectation is that they will go outside for recess. We do have several children in school with a compromised immune system and being exposed to other students who are ill will increase their risk. LIFE THREATENING ALLERGIES If your child is at risk for severe life - threatening allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) , please ensure that the office staff and classroom teacher are aware and that the proper medication and emergency procedure forms are in place and up to date. MEDICATION If your child requires medication prescribed by a doctor, to be taken at school, you must contact the office to obtain Board approved forms (GF 035). We are required by Board Policy to keep on file forms that must be signed by you and your doctor on an annual basis. MEDIC ALERT’S “NO CHILD WITHOUT” PROGRAM IS AT OUR SCHOOL The No Child Without program offers a free MedicAlert membership to students who attend our school and are between the ages of 4 up to their 14th birthday. If your child has a medical condition, allergy or is required to take medication on a regular basis then you should consider a MedicAlert membership through this program. MedicAlert is your child’s voice in an emergency. MedicAlert membership: Gives emergency first responders immediate access to your child’s medical information on their MedicAlert bracelet or necklet. Enables first responders to obtain up-to-date medical information quickly by means of the child’s Electronic Health Record through the 24 Hour Emergency Hotline. Communicates with the parent or emergency contact upon activation of the Hotline Allows free updates of the child’s medical record as needed. Medic Alert identification can alert school staff, friends, coaches and others about your child’s medical condition should an emergency occur. For further information come to the front foyer for a brochure or go to To register your child you will need a No Child Without brochure from the front foyer. If your child is already part of the No Child Without program and there have been changes to their medical condition, medications or emergency contact information, call MedicAlert at 1-866-6793220 to update your child’s file. PAPERLESS SNACKS/LUNCHES Students and staff are encouraged to be environmentally friendly, by reducing the amount of paper and plastic waste from lunches and snacks. Students are reminded that food wrappers should be disposed of before going out onto the yard and to use the classroom garbage cans for any waste. Wasps and bees are a real problem every year and the outdoor garbage bins tend to attract them. As a result, the teachers will give the students an opportunity to have their snack inside either before or after recess. Snacks are not allowed on the playground at any time. Juice, milk or water may be purchased from the vending machines at 12:00 p.m., for consumption within the school, during lunchtime only. LUNCHES BROUGHT TO THE OFFICE If you are bringing a lunch for your child to pick up from the office, please ensure that it is labeled with your child’s name, teacher’s name and room number. Please instruct your child to come to the front lobby and pick it up at 12:00 p.m. and no sooner. In order to avoid classroom interruption, students will not be called from class before 12:00 p.m. Your cooperation is appreciated. ALLERGY AWARENESS ALERT A number of our students have a severe lifethreatening allergy to peanuts and/or all nuts as well as other allergens. Please do not send any peanut or nut products to school with your child. Please also do not send any food items as gifts intended for the entire class in celebration of birthdays, etc. as they will not be distributed to students. Non-edible items such as pencils or erasers are appropriate substitutes. SCHOOL COUNCIL NOMINATIONS & ELECTIONS Nominations will take place from Tuesday, September 8th, 2015 until Friday, September 25th, 2015 between the hours of 8:45 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. No nominations will be accepted after Friday, September 25th, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. Nomination forms are available in the office. Elections will be held on Wednesday, September 30th, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in the library. BUS LOADING ZONE Please be reminded that the front of the school is designated as a “Bus Loading Zone”. Parents are not permitted to pick up or drop off students in this zone. The safety of the students is our priority. Please drop off or pick up students in the designated school parking lot or the “Kiss and Ride” area. TRANSPORTATION Please ensure that your child rides the bus to which he or she has been assigned. If you wish to change your child’s bus, bus stop or have concerns about the bus schedule you must contact the Transportation department directly @ 905-8900614. The Peel Transportation Consortium has ruled that the Courtesy Rider policy will only take effect as of October. The school will be notified if we are permitted to allow more riders. We are starting the school year with our buses quite full with eligible riders, reducing the possibility of courtesy seats becoming available. Requests for “empty seats” must be submitted in writing and addressed to Mr. Kearns. Please pick up and fill out a TFL004 should you wish to apply for a courtesy seat. Please be sure to list your child’s grade, address and phone number. Bus students must have written permission from a parent, handed in to Mr. Kearns, if they wish to walk home or take a bus other than the one assigned. It is a parental responsibility to ensure that Kindergarten and Grade One students are met at the bus. If the bus driver does not see a parent or sitter at the scheduled bus stop, the established procedure is that the child will be returned to school. RECESS BREAKS Recess breaks serve a special purpose in the daily life of a school. Students, except in exceptional circumstances, will not be excused from going outside. If your child is sick, he or she should be at home recuperating and not spreading illness throughout the classroom. There is no indoor supervision at recess, as staff is occupied elsewhere, or on duty outside. COMMUNICATION In an effort to be more environmentally responsible, St. Sebastian Catholic Elementary School will provide information electronically to parents/guardians through our school website ( and through direct email to students’ homes. By providing us with an email address, you will be able to support our efforts to protect our environment by reducing the amount of paper and electricity we use in preparing paper newsletters. We will be able to send you our school newsletter, as well as any important updates, efficiently and effectively if we have your email address. Of course, should you prefer not to give us your email address, we will provide a paper copy of the newsletter to your child to bring home. Thank you to the many parents and guardians who chose to have our newsletter emailed to them. Please be sure to provide the school with email addresses while updating your child’s verification information. It is a vital concern that the school and home should be in close communication. Throughout the school year, we will be emailing newsletters as well as posting various communiqués to our school website. We ask that you please read these in order to obtain information concerning school matters. Please contact the school at anytime when you have a concern. Newsletters will be available at our school website at WELCOME… We are pleased to welcome the following new staff members to the St. Sebastian School. Mrs. Grieco-DaSilva (Gr. 5) Ms. Slaczka (Gr. 6) Ms. Ohinski (Gr.6) Ms. Lawson (Gr. 1) Ms. McNamara (Gr. 3) Mrs. Eves (Excel Class) Mr. Thomas (CYW / Excel Class) Mrs. Bernier (Social Worker) Mrs. Sinclair (School Psychologist) Mrs. Van-Putten (Part-time secretary) KISS AND RIDE “Kiss and Ride” is a drop off and pick up area for students. Parents are not permitted to get out of their vehicle when using the “Kiss and Ride”. Your child will be responsible for opening and closing the car door. Parents are not to get out of their vehicle to open and close doors as this creates a safety hazard. If you would like to escort your child to the sidewalk, you must park in the parking lot in a designated parking spot, and use the sidewalk to walk your child into the Kindergarten area, or to the rear of the school. This will ensure a safe “Kiss and Ride” area for all. The drive-through lane must remain clear at all times. There is no stopping in this lane for any reason. Please note that the “Kiss and Ride” area is designated as a fire route. As such, cars stopped in the lane may be ticketed by parking authority. Parent volunteers are urgently needed to help supervise the Kiss & Ride area. Please contact Mr. Kearns if you are interested. BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS PLASP Child Care Services operates Before and After School Programs at this school. The Before School Program operates from 7:30 a.m. until school starts. A nutritious breakfast is served daily. The After School Program runs from the end of the school day until 6:00 p.m. Children participate in recreational activities, are served a nutritious snack daily and have time for homework. Registration is currently taking place for September. Fee assistance is available. To register your child, visit the PLASP Program Director, Before or After School. For further information, call 905.890.1711 or visit the website at SCHOOL ABSENTEE ROUTINE On the days that your child will be absent, we ask that you call the school. The number to call is (905) 607 - 0107. It is the parent’s responsibility to call the school to report a student’s absence. The school is responsible for attendance verification and not an attendance check. This is a safety precaution. Please provide the following information: child’s name, grade, teacher, reason, date of absence and return. We thank you for your support in following this procedure. BICYCLES The school cannot assume responsibility for private property. Please remind your children that if they are going to ride their bikes to school, to please ensure that they are properly locked. Students are asked to walk bicycles on and off school property. CRIMINAL REFERENCE CHECK & DECLARATION FORMS FOR VOLUNTEERS In accordance with school board policies, all volunteers having direct and regular contact with students MUST provide a Criminal Reference Check. There is no fee for volunteers wishing to have a Criminal Reference Check. Peel Regional Police require that volunteers bring an official letter from the school verifying your volunteer role. Without this letter signed by the principal or viceprincipal, you will be charged for your CRC. If there are any community members wishing to volunteer in the school, please visit the school office to pick up a volunteer and Criminal Reference Check form and letter. Please note: Criminal Offence Declaration forms (available in office) are required to be signed every year for returning volunteers. Commencing Tuesday September 8th, 2015, Crossing Guards will be working at Tenth Line (West side) at Eglington Avenue during the following times: 8:30-9:00 12:00-12:15 12:30-1:00 3:30-4:00 Crossing Guards are responsible for crossing students and anyone else of any age, including parents, while they are on duty. Students and parents must wait until the crossing guard signals them to enter the crosswalk. Drivers should wait until the crossing guard finishes crossing the students and both the students and crossing guard are safely on the sidewalk before proceeding through the intersection. Please listen to, and follow the direction of, the crossing guard at all times. VIRTUE FOR SEPTEMBER: Faith Faith is the great virtue of believing in God and trusting that God is with us. A faithful person believes that we are created, guided by and destined to be reunited with God. A faithful person believes that God’s plan for us includes the right to be safe, especially at school. A faithful person prays regularly and reverently, learns from Scripture stories, honours people’s God-given names, assumes that there is good in everyone and accepts the God-given worth of themselves and others. RAINY DAY REMINDERS Thank you for your co-operation and patience during rainy days. We remind parents and students that the front of the school is where busses load and unload the students. Please do not enter the bus lane or stop in front of the school to unload students. Please use the Kiss and Ride lane for uploading and picking up students. In the event of inclement weather, students may enter the doors at the back of the school without delay.