Tactile Hand Gesture Recognition through Haptic Feedback for Affective Online Communication

Tactile Hand Gesture Recognition through Haptic
Feedback for Affective Online Communication
Hae Youn Joung and Ellen Yi-Luen Do
College of Architecture
Georgia Institute of Technology
247 4th St Atlanta, GA 30332, USA
{joannejoung, ellendo}@gatech.edu
Abstract. Our study explores how individuals communicate emotions using
tactile hand gestures and provides evidence supporting the link between
emotions and gestures to investigate the usability of tactile hand gestures for
emotional online communication. Tactile hand gestures are used as the source
of information to get to emotions. In this study, behavioral aspects of tactile
hand gestures being used for emotional interaction are observed through a
sensory input device and analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). In user
experiments, subjects perform tactile hand gestures on the sensory input device
in the response of a list of distinct emotions (i.e. excited, happy, relaxed, sleepy,
tired, lonely, angry and alarmed). An analytical method is used to recognize
gestures in terms of signal parameters such as intensity, temporal frequency,
spatial frequency and pattern correlation. We found that different emotions are
statistically associated with different tactile hand gestures. This research
introduces a new way of creating online emotional communication devices that
approximate the use of natural tactile hand gestures in face-to-face
Keywords: Tactile hand gesture recognition, affective communication, haptic
interface, and tactile stimulation.
Touch, central to emotional communication, is the simplest and the most
straightforward of all sensory systems [1] and it has been described as the most
fundamental means for people in contact with the world [2]. It is also capable of
communicating and eliciting emotions [3]. Tactile gestures exhibit the natural
capability and tendency of humans to move their hands to express and communicate
emotions. In particular, in emotional communication, tactile hand gestures arouse
human emotions through touch. In face-to-face communication, gestures cover a wide
range of non-verbal communication including body language, facial expressions, hand
gestures, and sign language. Among these various types of gestures, tactile hand
gestures are one form of communication using the sensory modality for touch.
Tactile hand gestures are a natural social tool of expressive behavior that describes
emotions and situations in human social life. A gesture is a motion of the body that
HCI International 2011, Volume 6, LNCS 6766, 2011. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
contains information [4]. For example, soothing someone’s arm is a tactile gesture.
We can communicate the emotion through the ‘soothing act’. Such tactile hand
gestures are commonly used in face-to-face communication. Their use, however, is
limited in the era of online communication environment.
To enable on-line communication that approximates a face-to-face interaction,
human computer interaction (HCI) and affective computing researchers have
converted emotional messages into the form of text, voice, and video [5], [6]. In these
studies, the authors have discussed an integrated physical, intellectual and social
experience to incorporate the aspect in design for emotional interaction. Other
researchers have designed and developed a mobile emotional messaging system
named eMoto to enable affective loop experiences [7]. The previous studies of
affective computing indicate that the aim of communication should be to design
embodied interaction that harmonizes with our everyday practices and everyday
bodily experiences.
Method of expressing emotions through hand gesture: expressive gestures are used
as a method of expressing emotions through hand gesture to control a device.
Literatures focus tactile interface and haptic device. 'pin alarm' by Hellman and Ypma
allows for setting the waking up time with meaningful expressive actions. By pushing
as many pins as possible you indicate that you want a lot of sleep and by pushing
them one by one you indicate a more urgent situation. Yet the design needs additional
feedback to communicate understanding. Other designs have snooze buttons with
pressure sensors that elicit pushing, stroking or slamming. Yet these expressive
actions offer no feedback to a person [8].
Recently, researchers have also employed various sensory modalities that enable
affective online communication through interactive media. Especially, researchers
have developed a wearable tactile interface that attempts to encourage humans to
share their emotions seamlessly through online digital communication methods.
These emotional communication techniques, however, require an explicit process of
conversion from emotions to predefined formats such as human/computer languages
and symbols. In contrast, tactile hand gestures are a natural and intuitive way to
express personal emotions and situations [9].
Our research focuses on the study of tactile hand gestures for the use in affective
online communication. We are interested in determining how emotions affect the
motion of tactile hand gestures and how we can code different emotions with tactile
hand gestures in devices for online communication. The aim of this study is to better
understand the relationship between hand gestures and emotions. In addition, from
this research we expect that the relationships between touch hand gestures and
emotions are determined. Finally, we suggest applying this research to prototype
called emotion communication device in future work section. We expect prototype
validations show that the gesture-to-emotion conversion can be used to enable the
emotional interaction between humans in distance through a new media. The authors
argue that emotions and actions are closely intertwined and provide an answer to the
following question: can we communicate and decode distinct emotions with tactile
hand gestures through on-line communication devices in a similar way that we do in
face-to-face communication?
HCI International 2011, Volume 6, LNCS 6766, 2011. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between human emotions and
corresponding tactile hand gestures, especially those performed with the fingers. To
analyze this relationship, we obtain tactile hand gesture signals by asking participants
to express their emotions while they are holding and interacting with a wearable
tactile user interface device shown in Fig. 1. The device imitates the shape of a human
arm so that subjects in the experiment perform their hand gestures as they express
their emotions on human arm such as dragging, shaking and squeezing.
The participants are asked to perform tactile hand gestures on the interface device
in response to distinct emotions (i.e. excited, happy, relaxed, sleepy, tired, lonely,
angry and alarmed) requested by the researchers. The list of distinct emotions is
defined by Russell’s dimensional model of emotions to be described in Section 2.1
[9]. Russell’s model is widely used as the means of emotion classification in the fields
of emotional research and affective science. The tactile interface device records
hand gestures exerted on the device in terms of signal parameters such as intensity,
temporal frequency, spatial frequency and pattern correlation. Distinct tactile hand
gestures are determined by a combination of these four signal properties to be
described in Section 2.2.
Fig. 1. Proposed wearable tactile interface device facilitating touch sensor arrays.
We analyze the recoded hand gestures and their corresponding emotions using a
statistical analysis method called multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) to
find the statistical relationship between the participants’ emotions and their tactile
hand gestures. The study results showing the relationship between the two are
summarized in terms of a look-up table to be used in potential applications such as
online emotional communication.
Type of Emotions
Theory of emotion is mostly based on cognitive psychology but with contributions
from learning theory, physiological psychology, and other disciplines including
HCI International 2011, Volume 6, LNCS 6766, 2011. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
philosophy [10]. Among many proposed models of emotion, the emotional states of
the subjects in our research are defined based on Russell’s dimensional model, named
the circumflex model of affect, as shown in Fig 1. In this model, Russell provides the
mental map of how emotions are distributed in a two-dimensional system of
coordinates where the y-axis is the degree of arousal and the x-axis is the valence and
categorizes emotions in terms of pleasure and arousal.
Pleasure: mental state of being positive.
Arousal: mental state of being awake or reactive to stimuli.
Fig. 2. Russell’s dimensional model of emotions.
Model of Tactile Hand Gestures
Gestures are defined as nonverbal phrases of actions [11], describing explicit,
symbolic or representational cues revealing cognitive properties [12]. Gestures
involve a wide range of nonverbal human communication, which include body
language, facial expressions, hand gestures, and sign language. To define the types of
tactile hand gesture, we propose a new model that consists of four tactile signal
properties as summarized below.
Intensity: the degree of contact pressure.
Temporal frequency: the number of occurrences of contact per unit time.
Spatial frequency: the number of occurrences of contact per unit distance.
Pattern correlation: the vector correlation between input gestures and pattern
symbols such as circle, cross, line, etc.
HCI International 2011, Volume 6, LNCS 6766, 2011. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Mapping between Emotion and Tactile Hand Gesture
This study is to observe which type of hand gestures the participants perform in a
particular emotional situation and to obtain statistically significant data that prove a
possibility of tactile hand gestures’ communication in online environment.
Participants’ tactile hand gesture inputs in experiments are critical for the analysis of
human emotions and furthermore for developing our tactile communication device. In
Section 2.1 and Section 2.2, the model parameters of emotions and gestures are
provided. Based on these models, the statistical relationship between emotional
parameters and corresponding gestures is found by using the collection of statistical
models, analysis of variance (ANOVA). The resultant data are applied to finding the
model-based statistical parametric mapping between the emotional domain and the
hand touch gesture domain.
Behavioral aspects of tactile hand gestures being used for emotional interaction are
observed and analyzed using a wearable tactile interface device shown in Fig. 1. In
the response of a list of distinct emotions (i.e. excited, happy, relaxed, sleepy, tired,
lonely and angry), subjects perform tactile hand gestures are performed on the tactile
interface device. As we aim to make the subjects emotionally involved in a physical
sense, it is important that the gestures we pick are not singular, iconic or symbolic
gestures, but gestures that give rise to a physical experience that harmonizes with
what the user is trying to express.
The wearable tactile interface device is designed to recognize gestures in terms of
various sensory parameters such as intensity, temporal frequency, spatial frequency,
and pattern correlation. The device facilitates a multi-touch panel (touch area
dimension: 52 x 35 mm ) and its associated electronics (controller board), which are
shown in Fig. 3. The controller board is used to transfer the x-y axis and intensity data
of contact points to analysis software. The obtained pressure data is analyzed for the
correlation between emotions and gestures using the analysis software. The groups in
the gesture domain are mapped to those in the emotional domain.
Fig. 3. Multi-Touch demonstration and evaluation kit.
HCI International 2011, Volume 6, LNCS 6766, 2011. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Fig. 4. Eight distinct emotions indicated in the Russell’s emotion chart.
The research sample set consists of 70 participants, who range in age from 20 to 40
years old (23.15 years old in average), from libraries at Georgia Institute of
Technology and public libraries in Georgia. 35 are female and 35 are male out of 70
participants. Participants are selected from those who actively use hand gestures to
express their emotions. 10 seconds are given for each gestural expression and
participants are asked to express the eight types of emotion. The experiment takes 10
minutes per participant.
The wearable tactile sensor interface with pressure sensor arrays implemented on
its surface is used as a sensory input device. The researcher introduces to participants
the Russell’s dimensional model of emotions. Eight distinct states of emotion
indicated on the Russell’s emotion chart shown in Fig. 4 are expressed by applying
finger gestures to the tactile interface device. Each emotion: (1) excited; (2) happy;
(3) relaxed; (4) sleepy; (5) tired; (6) lonely; (7) angry and (8) alarmed, leads
participants to express the emotions which are analyzed by parameters in Russell’s
dimensional model (Participants may perform tactile hand gestures such as soothing,
pummel, hitting, and squeezing). The obtained pressure data from participants’
gestures are then analyzed using ANOVA. Fig. 5 shows finger pressure points
detected by the tactile interface device that measures pressure by detecting contact
area. Based on the pressed area, the sensor calculates the pressure data in 256 levels.
The tactile interface device is also available to monitor the position of finger contact
points. Multi-finger movements are tracked with cursors.
HCI International 2011, Volume 6, LNCS 6766, 2011. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Fig. 5. Contact area based pressure detection of the touch sensor panel.
The user research using the wearable tactile sensor device provides us evidence of the
relationship between tactile hand gestures and emotions. To assess the relationship,
we determined the correlation between the signal properties of tactile gestures and the
emotional states by performing ANOVA for recorded tactile data.
The balanced one-way ANOVA of the obtained tactile gesture sample data was
performed for the signal properties: (a) intensity; (b) temporal frequency; (c) spatial
frequency; and (d) pattern correlation. Very small p values for all the four signal
properties that are obtained from ANOVA (p = 2.08e-82, p = 1.76e-111, p =
4.88e-13, p = 3.99e-4) indicate that at least one emotional sample mean is
significantly different from the other emotional sample means. The type of emotion
whose sample mean is significantly different from the other can be statistically
distinguished and decoded from the other emotional states by observing the
corresponding property of tactile gesture sample data. As shown in Table 1, the tactile
gesture corresponding to angry emotion contains the mean value of intensity
significantly higher than that of the other emotions. The mean value of temporal
frequency corresponding to alarmed emotion is higher than that of the other emotions.
However, spatial frequency and pattern correlation show less significant distinction in
their mean values among the various emotions.
Each 2-dimensional scatter plot shown in Fig. 7 displays the gesture sample data in
two tactile signal properties out of eight. As shown in Fig. 7(a), the emotion group of
(1) excited, (2) happy, (7) angry and (8) alarmed, which corresponds to high arousal
according to Russell’s dimensional model, are related with gestures with high
intensity and high temporal frequency. In Fig. 7(b), the distributions of gesture
samples in spatial frequency do not vary much among various emotions. However,
gesture samples associated with happy emotion are placed low in spatial frequency as
compared to those with excited, angry and alarmed. Fig. 7(c) shows that the emotion
group of relaxed, sleep, tired and lonely is associated with patterned gestures such as
drawing circles and lines. By observing pattern correlation values, this emotion group
can be distinguished from the others. However, this procedure requires detailed
pattern analysis for accurate decoding, which is the future work of this study.
HCI International 2011, Volume 6, LNCS 6766, 2011. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
(a) Contact area based pressure detection of the touch sensor panel.
(b) Tactile gesture scatter plot: temporal frequency vs. spatial frequency.
(c) Tactile gesture scatter plot: intensity vs. pattern correlation.
Fig. 6. Tactile gesture scatter plot: (1) excited; (2) happy; (3) relaxed; (4) sleepy; (5) tired; (6)
lonely; (7) angry; and (8) alarmed.
The emotional state of anger, which corresponds to high arousal and displeasure
according to Russell’s dimensional model, is related to tactile signals of high strength
and low temporal frequency. The results also show that the emotional state of
happiness, which contains high arousal and pleasure, corresponds to tactile signals of
high spatial frequency and high temporal frequency. In addition, the duration of hand
HCI International 2011, Volume 6, LNCS 6766, 2011. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
gestures is extended when people express amplified emotional states compared to
subtle emotional states.
Table 1.
Mean and standard deviation of tactile gesture samples.
Temporal Freq.
Spatial Freq.
Pattern Correlation
In this research, the types of tactile hand gestures are categorized in terms of tactile
signal properties and related to distinct emotions that the gestures originate from. The
findings from this investigation show opportunities and promises to use tactile hand
gestures for the communication of emotions among people using online digital
communication devices at a distance. From user experiments, we found that different
emotions are statistically associated with different tactile hand gestures. However, the
aspect of pattern correlation as one of tactile gesture properties needs to be further
investigated to uncover more gesture information and to better define gesture-emotion
relation. In future study, the relationship between touch hand gestures and emotions
will be applied to emotional online communication devices, and a prototype design of
wearable online tactile communication devices will be demonstrated.
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