9/16/2010 Ch.. 3 Ch Analyzing Financial Statements korth 1 Preview Introduce financial ratios Examine how ratios are used to evaluate the firm’s past p performance Show how ratios are used to guide & predict a firm’s future performance 2 Financial Analysis Without a systematic format, the analysis of financial statements would be very difficult. korth 3 1 9/16/2010 Financial Statement Analysis Evaluate a firm’s overall performance Assess a firm’s (+) & ( (--) korth 4 Whose Perspective? Management Stockholders & stock analysts Creditors Others: IRS & unions korth 5 The Analyst’s Perspective Determines:: Determines What to evaluate? How to evaluate it? What to do w/ the results? korth 6 2 9/16/2010 Audited Financial Statements An outside, independent accountant evaluates the financial statements and attests that they: • Are correctly prepared & • Fairly represent the firm’s financial condition at the time of the audit korth 7 Basic Types of Analysis Trend analysis: analysis: Comparing the ratios for the same firm over several (or many) years Comparative analysis: analysis: Comparing the firm’s against comparable firms korth 8 Benchmarking Benchmark: a standard against Benchmark: which to measure the firm’s performance: • Time Time--trend benchmark • Comparative benchmark Industry Peer group korth 9 3 9/16/2010 Financial Ratios korth 10 Financial Ratios Dividing one number by another Both numbers generally come from the firm’s financial statements. korth 11 5 Sets of Financial Ratios Liquidity ratios Asset--management ratios Asset Debt--management ratios Debt Profitability ratios Market--value ratios Market korth 12 4 9/16/2010 Liquidity Ratios korth 13 Liquidity Ratios A measure of the firm’s ability to meet its maturing d bt obligations debt bli ti korth 14 What Is Liquidity Liquidity?? An asset that can: • Can be sold quickly • With low risk of loss of value korth 15 5 9/16/2010 Importance of Liquidity One of a financial manager’s principal responsibility is to always be able to pay bills when due. Bills are paid: • With liquid assets • With safe credit lines 16 Importance of Liquidity Even profitable businesses can fail, if they cannot pay their bills on time! time! • Illiquidity Credit crunch korth 17 Current Ratio = (current assets) ÷ (current liabilities) korth 18 6 9/16/2010 Quick Ratio = (current assets – inventories) ÷ (current liabilities liabilities) ) korth 19 Liquidity Ratios: Summary Current ratio: ratio: C/A ÷ C/L Quick ratio: ratio: (C/A – invy) ÷ C/L korth 20 Asset--Management Ratios Asset korth 21 7 9/16/2010 Asset--Management Ratios Asset A measure of how effectively the firm is using its assets korth 22 Asset--Management Ratios Asset = Efficiency ratios = Asset Asset--turnover ratios korth 23 Asset--Management Ratios Asset Account--receivable turnover ratio Account Inventory turnover ratio Fixed--asset turnover ratio Fixed Total--asset turnover ratio Total korth 24 8 9/16/2010 Accounts--Receivable Turnover Accounts Ratio = (net sales) ÷ (accounts receivable) Days sales outstanding = (365 days) ÷ (A/R turnover) korth 25 Inventory Turnover Ratio (ITR ITR)) = (net sales) ÷ (inventory) [Note: this is different from the book.] Days sales in inventory = (365 days) ÷ ITR korth 26 Fixed--Asset Turnover Ratio Fixed = (net sales) ÷ (net fixed assets assets) ) Measures dollars of sales for every $ of F/A (net) -- very important for a firm w/ substantial P&E korth 27 9 9/16/2010 Total--Asset Turnover Ratio Total = (net sales) ÷ (total assets assets) ) Measures dollars of sales for every $ of T/A korth 28 Turnover Ratios: Summary ITR = (Net (Net sales) sales) ÷ (inventory) ART = (Net (Net sales) sales) ÷ (accounts receivable) FAT = (Net (Net sales) sales) ÷ (fixed assets) TAT = (Net (Net sales) sales) ÷ (total assets) korth 29 Debt--Management Ratios Debt korth 30 10 9/16/2010 Debt--Management Ratios Debt To what extent is the firm financed by debt? How capable is the firm of paying those debt obligations? korth 31 Leverage The extent to which debt is used to finance a firm’s operations • Both short short--term & longlong-term debt Higher debt = higher leverage: • Increases earnings potential • Increases the risk korth 32 Debt Ratio How much of the firm’s financing (the right right--hand of the balance sheet) comes from debt? Total debt ratio = (total debt) ÷ (total assets) korth 33 11 9/16/2010 Equity Ratio Equity ratio = (total equity) ÷ (total assets) • Equity multiplier = (total assets) ÷ (total equity) Debt ratio + equity ratio = ??? korth 34 Debt--Equity Ratio Debt Debt-equity ratio = Debt(total ( debt) )÷( (total equity) q y) korth 35 Coverage Ratios How well can the firm’s operating earnings “cover” its fixed obligations: • Interest payments • Interest + lease payments korth 36 12 9/16/2010 Times--Interest Times Interest--Earned Ratio Measures number of times operating income (EBIT (EBIT) ) covers % expense TIE = (EBIT) ÷ (interest expense) korth 37 Fixed--Charge Coverage Ratio Fixed Coverage of interest + lease payments FCC = (EBIT + lease) ÷ (interest + lease) korth 38 Debt-Management DebtRatios: Summary (1) Debt and equity ratios • Debt b ratio i • Equity ratio • Debt/equity ratio korth 39 13 9/16/2010 Debt-Management DebtRatios: Summary (2) Coverage ratios • Times Times--interest earned ratio • Cash coverage ratio • fixed fixed--charge coverage ratio korth 40 Profitability Ratios How profitable is the firm? korth 41 Profitability Ratios Return on sales [NI ÷ Net sales] • = profit margin Return on assets [NI ÷ TA] Return on equity [NI ÷ TEq] korth 42 14 9/16/2010 Profit Margin (Return on Sales) The amount of net income generated by each $ of net sales • P/M = (Net income) ÷ (Net sales) The higher the ratio, the more profitable the sales of the firm korth 43 Return on Assets (RoA RoA)) Amount of net income generated by each $ of total assets R A = (N RoA (Nett iincome) ) ÷ (total (t t l assets) t ) How effectively is the firm using its assets? • Low RoA Look at asset management! 44 Return on Equity (RoE RoE)) Amount of net income per $ of shareholders equity RoE = (Net income) ÷ (total equity) korth 45 15 9/16/2010 Profitability Ratios: Summary Profit margin (RoS) = (Net income) income) ÷ (Net sales) RoA = (Net (Net income) income) ÷ (total assets) RoE = (Net (Net income) income) ÷ (total equity) korth 46 Market--Value Ratios Market How does the market view the firm’s performance? korth 47 Earnings per Share (EPS EPS)) Net income (i.e., earnings after taxes) for each share outstanding EPS = (net income) ÷ (# of shares) korth 48 16 9/16/2010 Price--Earnings Ratio Price P/E ratio = (price per share) ÷ (earnings per share) Indicates how investors value the firm— firm —based upon both its historical performance and its future prospects korth 49 Summary: Financial Ratios Liquidity ratios Asset--management ratios Asset Debt--management ratios Debt Profitability ratios Market--value ratios Market 50 Limitations of Ratio Analysis Multinational firms deal w/ many accounting standards • Difficult to compare financials Even domestically, differences: • Depreciation • Inventory valuation korth 51 17 9/16/2010 korth 52 Exhibit 4.1: Common Common--Size Balance Sheets Exhibit 4.2: Common Common--Size Income Statements 18 9/16/2010 Exhibit 4.3: Ratios for TimeTimeTrend Analysis Two Basic Strategies to Earn a Higher ROA Peer Group Ratios for Diaz Manufacturing 19 9/16/2010 Exhibit 4.7: Peer Group Analysis for Diaz Manufacturing 20