SPKI analysis in strand space

SPKI analysis
strand space
Alex Vidergar, 1Lt, USAF
Air Force Institute of Technology
Graduate School of Computer Science & Engineering
Thesis Advisor: Robert Graham, Maj, USAF
• what it is and why we use it
Strand Space
• How this tool was used effectively
Example Analysis
• Transport Layer Security (TLS)
Conclusions about new security properties
• Authorizations
Simple Public Key Infrastructure
Championed by Ron Rivest (RSA) and
Carl Ellison (Intel)
Simple Distributed Security Infrastructure (SDSI)
and SPKI merged in the 90s
Developed to overcome shortcoming in the
currently deployed PKI (X.509)
Two types of certificates Name & Authorization
X.509 Shortcomings
Unrealistic Goals
• Global reach of the x.500 directory
• Single global standard
• Unique names in one namespace
• Participation in the network may unwillingly
revealing details about organization
Lack of Flexibility
• Updated information impossible
• Multiple keys unsupported
SPKI Solutions
Egalitarian Design
• Every Principal acts as Certificate Authority
• Local Names
Humans tend to relate well to things they name
Local name space
• Allows unique names to be applied as
understood by the principals that will be using
• Fully qualified names act globally
Alice’s Bob’s Charlie ≠ Allison’s Bob’s Charlie
SPKI Solutions
Delegation of Authority
• Delegation bit
• University Example
University Enrollment
 Course Enrollment
• Department
 School
- student
SPKI: Authorization Tags
Customized to applications
• Once again not standardized
• Flexibility
Security through obscurity?
• What is access of 10 mean?
• More importantly, meaningful to the
issuers of access to a resource
SPKI: Flexibility or Meager Design?
Constant theme of Flexibility
• Very Vague Specification
Highly customizable
• Requires diligence in implementation
Easily integrated into a system
Potential security issues may arise
Solution: Strand space analysis
Strand Space
Existing Strand Space Model
• Public Key Protocol
Injective hash function
Signatures in addition to encryptions
• Mixed Strand Space
Disparate protocols operating in the same space
Disjoint Encryption
Strand Space : Merge
Mixed PKI Strand Space
• Amalgamation of needed features of
previous strand space models
• Ideal environment for testing SPKI
protocols being integrated into other
TLS : Analysis
Ideal analysis protocol:
Transport Layer Security
Arguably the most widely used Internet
protocol for secure transactions
Intrinsic use of certificates
• Uses x.509
Layered protocol execution
• TLS > DH > Resume
TLS : modifications
TLS uses x.509 certificates
• Mayweh implements SSL with SPKI
Substitute x.509 for SPKI name certs
Functionally identical
Limited Network security
• Assumed operating in secure environment
TLS : the sweet Onion
TLS is a layer of protocols
• TLS itself is a shell
Arranges for other protocols to run
• Does not provide security
Security provided by sub protocols
• Diffie-Hellman
TLS : Primary Protocols
Client unauthenticated
TLS : Primary Protocols
Server & Client
Both principals
Mixed Strand Space : Resume
Resume Protocol
Provides only a
recount of a
previously executed
Relies on message
digest for coordination
and agreement
Mixed Strand Space :
Certificate Chain Discovery
Certificate Chain Discovery Protocol
Designed from the ground up with TLS in mind
• establish authentication of CA
• validation of certificate
• maintain security of primary protocol
Mixed Strand Space :
Certificate Chain Discovery
Possible to assume
disjoint set of keys
• therefore disjoint
encryption is trivial
Message formats
designed disjointly
• once again simple
proof of respect if
designed properly
• Concept born in paper Mixed Strand Spaces
• Supplemented
Method for defining respect
• Characterize test components
• Identify sets of messages
Applied to Diffie-Hellman
• Protocol design based on Respect
SPKI Certificate Chain Discovery
• Disjoint Encryption
• Respect of primary protocol’s test components
• Necessary to Prove for each protocol as
Disjoint Encryption
• Protocol Independence through Disjoint Encryption
• Better Refined concept of respect → Independence
Disjoint set of test components
Previous notion of Respect
• covers naïve case of disjoint sets
Allows more complex secondary protocols to be designed
• In the CCD Protocol Design Case
CCD design from respect is indeed Disjoint Encryption
• Disjoint Outbound
• Disjoint Inbound
simple case: no shared terms
• Visual representation of mixed strand spaces
Problematic with entwined sub-protocols
Simple and Powerful
Signed statements are certifications
An authority is an authority
• Certificate Authorities traditionally are simply
name authorities
Does not have to be limited to names
Authorizations are thus provided by an
authorization principal
• Already incorporated with authorization
certificates in SPKI standard
Explicit Rely-Guarantee Functionality
• Vague specification makes it flexible
Requires diligence in implementation
Strand Space
• Mixed-PKI strand space
• Ideal testing ground for SPKI analysis
• Intrinsic to SPKI standard
• CA are trusted to provide