AUGUST 31, 2015
Present: Dean Connie Foster, Deana Groves, Brian Coutts, Jonathan Jeffrey,
Haiwang Yuan, Sara Volpi, Eric Fisher, Bryan Carson, Jennifer Wilson and Jan
Minutes: The minutes of the August 24, 2015, meeting were approved as
corrected on a motion by Deana Groves and a second by Bryan Carson.
Dean’s Report/Announcements: Connie attended the Cupola Society brunch on
Saturday and met some Friends prospects. Rosemary Meszaros and Jim and Ann
Brown were recognized for their continuous gift giving.
-A reception for the Glasgow Library renovation is being planned.
-The Library renovation has moved up to 5th on the University Capital Plan.
-The September 25th opening of the Honors College building has been delayed.
-Cravens 4th floor restrooms will become non gender. Locks will be placed on
doors, and signage will be displayed.
-Connie met with Jack Montgomery regarding wording in the Collection
Development Policy for TV series orders.
-Connie will be attending the SAALCK meeting on Friday.
Instruction/Grants/Assessments: Bryan reported that the Survey Committee will
meet on Thursday to prepare an executive summary of the spring survey for
October 5. Bryan discussed the survey and requested clarification about what
type of information the LLC wanted from the survey committee. The LLC would
like to have comprehensive but concise executive summaries of the major
groups and dimensions covered by the survey, as well as the comments. The
Survey Committee is also charged with making initial recommendations on the
basis of the survey.
Library Systems Office: Eric gave highlights from the LSO:
-ExLibris has made the change to the current Primo drop down-box option from
TOPCAT to WKU to more clearly represent the local collection.
-With the removal of the VPAL classroom PCs, there are plans to add two
additional Kiosk PCs in VPAL to assist in searches for classes or for
-The Mac computers in the listening rooms will also be upgraded sometime
during the semester to newer models to improve performance and overcome
software limitations.
Literary Outreach: Sara reported that there might be a change in one of the
potential Book Fest headliners. Author submissions continue. Kristen and Sara
met with Debbie Diamond of Graves Gilbert Clinic last week. GGC committed to
sponsor at $2500.
-The WKU Sisterhood Grant is due Sept. 9.
-SOKY Reads - high schools targeted versus middle schools; the public library
ordered 50 books for giveaways; another 150-200 will be ordered through
Barnes and Noble.
-KWWC Livestream arrangements are being worked on for September 11-12.
-Sara met with Molly McCaffrey to brainstorm a shared “BG Book Lovers Page”
sponsored by SOKY Book Fest. Other ideas were a tabloid redesign and selling
books outside of the classrooms during Kentucky Writers Conference.
Meet the Authors Reception could be themed to coincide with International
Year of South Africa. Consider a Literary Salon to discuss book, essay, poem,
politics, etc. and get people reading/interested in books/checking books out
from the library/visiting the library. The English Club wants to do a reading
at Java City on November 10.
-Sara attended the MFA reception. Dr. Bell suggested a MFA intern possibility
with literary outreach.
Marketing: Jennifer reported that the new library welcome tent was set up on
last Thursday outside the 4th floor entrance. There were about 150 students
who visited the tent and took advantage of free water, snacks, and outreach
information. She is currently working on redesigning the rack cards for
Special Collections and the outlying counties.
-The latest poster for the student-at-the library campaign featuring football
player/accounting major Marcus Ward was displayed.
-Other digital signs and fliers are being circulated, including the September
11 & 12 Kentucky Women Writers Conference, SOKY Reads, and Faraway Flix.
-Jennifer will be getting the Communication Planning committee together soon.
Web & Emerging Technologies: Haiwang reported that per LLC’s suggestion, he
has added an “Advanced Search” link to Primo beneath the One-Search box on
the Libraries’ website home page.
-Per Jennifer’s request, he has replaced the “Enhance your Motivation” with
the new “Be a Game Changer” image on the library home page.
-Per Brian’s request, he has updated the slider images on the DLPS’s home
Department Reports:
Dean: Connie met with David Lee, the new provost, on Tuesday August 25.
Department of Library Technical Services: Deana reported that the student
assistant orientation will take place on Wednesday, September 2nd at 2pm in
Cravens 111. It will be recorded so the students working at extended campus
libraries also will be able to view.
-WKU Library Student Assistant Scholarship application deadline is Nov 1,
-Alma update:
Migration Form submitted; P2E Form submitted; working on Non-ExLibris link
Resolver Form (due Sept 4th); configuration Form received (due September 11th)
Department of Library Public Services: Brian reported:
-“International Year of South Africa, 2015-2016: A WKU Libraries
Bibliography” compiled and annotated by Ryan Dowell with Brian Coutts
includes 82 titles arranged by subject with an emphasis on recent books,
movies and recordings. The reading list was requested by the Year of South
Africa Committee and is posted on their web site and linked on the library’s
home page.
-Kentucky Live! - Jane Olmsted, Department Head of Diversity and Community
Studies at WKU will be the opening speaker in the Western Room at the
Kentucky Building on Thursday, September 17 at 7:00 pm. She’ll be talking
about “living with grief” and reading poems from her new collection
Seeking the Other Side published by Fleur-de-lis Press in 2015. Sena Jeter
Naslund, former Poet Laureate of Kentucky, will be here to introduce her. The
cover art “Braced” is by Yvonne Petkus. A book signing will follow.
-Far Away Places - Tyler Fleming, Assistant Professor, Department of History,
University of Louisville, will talk about his current research on “King Kong:
The First South African Musical” on Thursday, September 24 at 7:00 pm at
Barnes & Noble. Based on the life of a notorious South African boxer, it
opened February 2, 1959, at Witwaterstrand University and ran for 201
performances and was seen by over 200,000 South Africans before moving to the
Princes Theatre in London on February 23, 1961. It’s part of the Year of
South Africa program.
-Leisure Films Committee - The selection committee (Brian Coutts, chair; Dan
Forrest, Sean Kinder, Beth Knight, Jack Montgomery and Kath Pennavaria
selected 206 titles last year at a cost of $7.263.92. The films are arranged
alphabetically by title on open display shelves. New titles are displayed at
the beginning of the collection. Since 2014 TV series have been separated out
to alleviate overcrowding. In 2015 foreign language films were separated out
and arranged by language group. A November 21, 2014, count showed 6,878 films
in 61 different languages.
-McNaughton Leisure Reading Committee - The McNaughton leisure reading
collection is a collection of leased hardcover current books in fiction and
non-fiction. Located on the 4th floor of the Cravens Library, the collection
is intended to provide a recreational reading collection for the campus
community. The annual plan runs from August to August and consists of a core
collection of 800 titles with 40 monthly book allowances. Estimated cost for
2015-16 is $8,390.40. The selection committee consists of: Brian Coutts
(chair); Sean Kinder, Ellen Micheletti, Amanda Hardin, Crystal Bowling, Ryan
Dowell, Christopher McConnell and Laura Bohuski.
-A/C in Cravens - A broken pump in the chilled air handler caused the air
conditioning in Cravens to be out Wednesday through Friday of last week. Due
to the age of the parts there were issues finding replacements in a timely
Department of Library Special Collections: Jonathan reported that Nancy
Richey attended a Lyrasis webinar titled “Fragile Imaging: Lantern Slides,
Glass Plate Negatives and Daguerreotypes” held on August 27, 2015.
-Special Collections will be sponsoring four interns this semester: one from
Folk Studies and three from History. One of the History interns is the Dr.
LeRoy and Betty Hire Special Collections Intern.
-Manuscripts & Folklife Archives have loaned three items to the Owensboro
Museum of Science and History for an exhibit about the Daviess County
Bicentennial. The five items loaned to the Owensboro Fine Arts Museum for a
similar exhibit were returned last Thursday.
-Paula Sadler of Office Resources will analyze office space in the Kentucky
Library Research Collections tomorrow to plan for future improvements there.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 11:32 am.
For the Council,
Jan Renusch