FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director Deployment Guide for FlexPod with VMware vSphere 5.5 with Cisco UCS Director Last Updated: February 25, 2015 Building Architectures to Solve Business Problems 2 Cisco Validated Design About the Author About the Author Muhammad Ashfaq, Systems Engineer (SE), Cisco Systems, Inc. Muhammad is Systems Engineer in the Server Access and Virtualization Technology Data Center group. Currently, his focus is on the validation of Cisco UCS Director on FlexPod architectures. He is a Cisco Data Center, EMC and VMware Certified Professional. Prior to his current role, he was part of UCS Director Enablement program, responsible for developing and delivering training through Cisco Partners. Muhammad has deep UCS Director Implementation experience. Acknowledgments For their support and contribution to the design, validation, and creation of this Cisco Validated Design, the author would like to acknowledge the significant contribution and expertise that resulted in developing this document: • Chris O'Brien, Cisco Systems, Inc. • John Kennedy, Cisco Systems, Inc. • Shiva Shastri, Cisco Systems, Inc. • Rekha Krishna, Cisco Systems, Inc. • Gangoor Sridhara, Cisco System Inc. • Henry Vail, NetApp 3 About the Author About Cisco Validated Design (CVD) Program The CVD program consists of systems and solutions designed, tested, and documented to facilitate faster, more reliable, and more predictable customer deployments. For more information visit http://www.cisco.com/go/designzone. ALL DESIGNS, SPECIFICATIONS, STATEMENTS, INFORMATION, AND RECOMMENDATIONS (COLLECTIVELY, "DESIGNS") IN THIS MANUAL ARE PRESENTED "AS IS," WITH ALL FAULTS. CISCO AND ITS SUPPLIERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE, OR TRADE PRACTICE. IN NO EVENT SHALL CISCO OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST PROFITS OR LOSS OR DAMAGE TO DATA ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE DESIGNS, EVEN IF CISCO OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. THE DESIGNS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR APPLICATION OF THE DESIGNS. THE DESIGNS DO NOT CONSTITUTE THE TECHNICAL OR OTHER PROFESSIONAL ADVICE OF CISCO, ITS SUPPLIERS OR PARTNERS. USERS SHOULD CONSULT THEIR OWN TECHNICAL ADVISORS BEFORE IMPLEMENTING THE DESIGNS. RESULTS MAY VARY DEPENDING ON FACTORS NOT TESTED BY CISCO. 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All other trademarks mentioned in this document or website are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (0809R) © 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved About Cisco Validated Design (CVD) Program 4 FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director Summary IT departments have embraced efficiencies such as hardware consolidation and agility brought about by virtualization and have looked to extend such efficiencies, in an agnostic manner, to platforms that are application ready. A platform with efficient characteristics mentioned above, sets the stage for the delivery of IT resources as a service - Cloud. Since all workloads cannot or will not be virtualized on a hypervisor, it is also necessary to extend essential Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) features of agility and measured self-services to non-virtual environments. Capabilities that will allow for the easy introduction of such an application ready and platform independent approach will lead to a more cost-effective and inclusive IT-as-a-Service (ITaaS) Cloud. Cloud computing requires automation and self-service mechanisms that allow users to consume infrastructure without manual intervention for provisioning or configuration of pooled resources. NetApp and Cisco have partnered to deliver FlexPod, which uses best of breed storage, server, and network components to serve as a standardized foundation for a variety of ITaaS workloads. The combination of standardization, workflow automation and self-service offered in a secure manner by Cisco UCS Director on a FlexPod platform, gives businesses the opportunity to offer IT-as- a-Service on shared platforms. This Cisco Validated Design (CVD) leverages the capabilities of Cisco UCS Director to deploy a multi-tenant IaaS cloud platform on FlexPod. Overview IaaS is a Cloud service model where compute resources are delivered as a service rather than a product. Due to the nature of delivery and capabilities expected and provided, cloud computing offers a value proposition that is different from traditional enterprise IT environments. Virtual instances can be provisioned and terminated more quickly while sharing resources. The consumer can therefore expect to be billed only for resources used without incurring steep initial capital costs or hiring a dedicated IT department. For the provider, since the Cloud can reside in a remote location with a lower cost structure, a centralized model which can provide greater economies of scale is feasible. However, a standard implementation of an IaaS platform requires certain key features to be available. These features include self-service provisioning, a means of measuring and billing for services used and security to ensure appropriate access to data. Audience Any shared platform, including Cloud, opens up access to key resources such as Infrastructure, Users and Applications. Ensuring the consistent and correct delivery of data on a shared platform comes with increased risk and complexity. System consolidation efforts have also accelerated the movement toward co-hosting on integrated platforms and the likelihood of compromise is increased in a highly shared environment. This situation presents a need for enhanced security and an opportunity to create a framework and platform that instills trust. Many enterprises and IT service providers are developing cloud service offerings for public and private consumption. Regardless of whether the focus is on public or private cloud services, these efforts share several common objectives: • Cost-effective use of capital IT resources through co-hosting • Better service quality through virtualization features • Increased operational efficiency and agility through automation Enabling enterprises to migrate such environments to a cloud architecture requires the capability to provide customer confidentiality while delivering the management and flexibility benefits of shared resources. Both private and public cloud providers must secure all customer data, communication and application environments from unauthorized access. Migrating to a cloud service model that can deliver IT resources on demand while maintaining workload service-level requirements, cost controls, and security requires a standardized platform that is capable of sophisticated management at scale. FlexPod is a defined set of hardware and software that serves as an integrated foundation for both virtualized and non-virtualized solutions. FlexPod defines a standardized architecture that includes NetApp Data ONTAP storage, Cisco Nexus networking, and the Cisco Unified Computing System™ (Cisco UCS®). FlexPod leverages these industry-leading technologies to scale fluidly with IT workload and service requirements, and Cisco UCS Director provides the FlexPod manageability required to deliver this powerful platform in a cloud service model. Audience The reader of this document is expected to have the necessary training and background of Cisco UCS Director along with install and configure FlexPod Data Center Solutions. References to previous works of relevance, both internal and external, are provided where applicable and it is recommended that the reader be familiar with these documents. Readers are also expected to be familiar with the infrastructure and database security policies of the customer installation. This document is intended for executives, partners, system architects and cloud administrators of IT environments who want to implement or use an IaaS platform with Cisco UCS Director. Purpose of This Document This document illustrates the design and deployment steps required for implementing an IaaS solution using Cisco UCS Director (UCSD) 5.1 on FlexPod platform consisting of UCS compute, Nexus switches and NetApp Data ONTAP storage. The hypervisor used for virtual machines is VMware 5.5 U1. The solution implemented as proposed provides for an enterprise Private Cloud (ePC) which can be hypervisor/OS agnostic and application ready. Standardized integration points between UCSD and other third-party tools for trouble-ticketing, notification and event monitoring functions provide the means to a cohesive and complete IaaS solution. Most Cisco UCS Director Features covered in this Cisco Validated Document (CVD) are available in a platform agnostic manner. Features such as self-service portal, monitoring, chargeback for billing, orchestration/automation and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) lead to benefits such as agility, efficiency and cost savings while providing necessary levels of security. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 6 FlexPod Components Configuration details unique to this deployment are mentioned while FlexPod platform deployment procedure is with reference to an earlier CVD consisting of similar components. This end-to-end enterprise Private Cloud (ePC) solution takes full advantage of unified infrastructure components and UCS Director Device support to provide provisioning, monitoring and management of the infrastructure by consumers. It is beyond the scope of this document to consider performance related details pertaining to the platform. Also excluded is a detail on integration of Cisco UCS Director with third-party enterprise tools such as for trouble-ticketing and monitoring. FlexPod Components This solution consists of the FlexPod® platform underneath a Cisco management suite (Figure 1). Figure 1 FlexPod Data Center Solution FlexPod integrates the best of Cisco and NetApp technologies to accelerate implementation and adoption of cloud infrastructure. The architecture provides sufficient flexibility to allow for customer choice, while ensuring compatibility and support for the entire stack. The solution is applicable to customers who wish to preserve their investment and to those who want to build out new cloud-dedicated infrastructures. This solution takes advantage of the strong integration between Cisco and NetApp products and technologies with Cisco UCS Director. The Cisco Nexus 9396 switch used in this configuration operates in standalone mode, with capabilities similar to other Cisco Nexus 9000 series switches. Due to the use of standalone mode, switch setup details in this CVD are relevant to the other FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 7 FlexPod Components Nexus-based switches mentioned in the diagram above, as well. At the storage layer, the configuration has been tested with both NetApp FAS3250 and FAS8040 series controllers operating in cluster mode. The validated architecture used for this CVD is illustrated in Figure 2. Figure 2 Architecture Overview Data Center Virtualization and Cloud Management Cisco UCS Director enables customized self-service provisioning as well as lifecycle management of cloud services that comply with established business policies. Cisco UCS Director provides a secure portal where authorized administrators, developers, and business users can request new IT services and manage existing compute resources from predefined user-specific menus. It also enables administrators and architects to develop complex automation tasks within the workflow designer using predefined tasks from a library. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 8 Cloud Overview and Considerations VMware vSphere ESXi and VMware vCenter Server VMware vSphere ESXi is a virtualization platform for building cloud infrastructures. VSphere enables users to confidently run their business-critical applications to meet demanding service level agreements (SLAs) at the lowest Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). This solution gives the consumer operational insight into the virtual environment for improved availability, performance, and capacity utilization. NetApp Data ONTAP NetApp Data ONTAP is a powerful and trusted storage operating system that provides the highest level of performance, availability, and intelligence in the cloud environment. It supports Fibre-Channel (FC), iSCSI, FCoE, and NFS/CIFS protocols. NetApp Data ONTAP offers a broad array of functionality to deliver unparalleled data efficiency, resilience, scalability, and mobility. NetApp tools such as Virtual Storage Console (VSC) for multiple hypervisors and VASA for vSphere enable automated virtual storage provisioning and management of storage service levels. Cloud Overview and Considerations Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient and on-demand access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources. The expectation is to be able to rapidly provision and release with minimal effort or interaction. The cloud model promotes availability and consists of characteristics deemed to be essential and categorized along service and deployment models. Overview In keeping with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) model (Figure 3), this solution with Cisco UCS Director will be shown to provide the capability to provision processing, storage, network and other fundamental computing resources where the consumer can deploy and run a variety of mixed workloads including operating systems and applications. The cloud service provider maintains management and control of the underlying cloud infrastructure, while the cloud service consumer can be provided with control over the resources they have been allocated, including virtual machines, operating systems, private storage, and any applications deployed within their allocated resources. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 9 Cloud Overview and Considerations Figure 3 National Institute of Standards and Technology Model Cloud Model With respect to the above NIST definition, this solution leverages the functionality of Cisco UCS Director for implementing an Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) for a Private Cloud to be deployed with all essential characteristics detailed. Essential Characteristics This section details the essential characteristics and features of our Cloud Model. Elasticity This feature (Figure 4) provides the ability of the platform to be able to support dynamic provisioning and decommissioning based on needs of the consumers. It ties into 'capacity-on-demand' and faster time to market. Elasticity requires seamless integration between the orchestration piece (UCSD) and the underlying integrated FlexPod to take full advantage of compute, network and storage resource scalability options. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 10 Cloud Overview and Considerations Figure 4 Elasticity Overview Broad Network Access Given the borderless nature of our networks and the number of devices used for access, this requirement translates to support for non-traditional end-points such as tablets and cell phones in a secure manner. Cisco UCS Director Supports secure technologies such as TrustSec and include security related devices such as the ASA and VSG firewalls. Mobile and tablet access is provided by Android based Cloud Genie application which interfaces with Cisco UCS Director. Cloud Genie access is not within purview of this CVD at this time. Measured Services An IaaS platform consists of pooled resources serving multiple workloads and tenants. Given the services model followed, end-users are expected to pay only for resources used. End-users could belong to different departments within an enterprise or come from entirely different business entities. Within FlexPod, both Cisco UCS and NetApp Data ONTAP include organizational and partitioning technologies to facilitate multi-tenant resource management. Whether internal to a company or across multiple companies, the platform, due to the shared nature, needs to incorporate a means to measure resource utilization for the purpose of billing. Cisco UCS Director has chargeback/show back capabilities based on cost models that can be set by the cloud administrator/provider. Data generated from chargeback can then be integrated with a payment gateway (First Data). Internal to Cisco UCS Director, there are also complimentary budget mechanisms tied to individual groups for resource management. On-Demand Self-service Provisioning and Automation The customer needs to be able provision and manage their environment on a shared platform with the least amount of intervention and delay from the provider. Providing for this functionality requires the establishment of a self-service portal with necessary privileges. The portal should provide a catalog of items available for consumption over which the customer has access. It should also include automated means of deploying instances to contribute to overall agility. Cisco UCS Director provides self-service portal capability after setting up a set of policies and mapping entities (groups and users) to resources FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 11 Cloud Overview and Considerations (on FlexPod). Orchestration of workflows consisting of available and customizable tasks is enabled through a graphical designer. Cisco UCS Director supports a wide array of use-cases across various hardware and software datacenter components. Some examples use-cases include, but are not limited to: • Virtual machine provisioning and lifecycle management • Network resource configuration and lifecycle management • Storage resource configuration and lifecycle management • Tenant onboarding with secure network and storage resources • Rapid elasticity of application resources as needed across compute/network/storage • Self-service capabilities and catalogs • Bare metal server provisioning including operating system installation Platform Modularity Above essential features at the orchestration layer need to be supported throughout the integrated stack for correct and consistent execution. The FlexPod platform, with Cisco UCS compute, Nexus switches and NetApp storage array, have flexibility built in at every layer to allow for elasticity within the Pod. Compute can scale to 160 hosts/blades within a single Cisco UCS domain and up to several petabytes of storage in a 24-node NetApp Data ONTAP cluster (with each FAS 8040 node up to 720 disks of varying capacity and performance). A FlexPod can also consist of multiple UCS domains and/or multiple NetApp Data ONTAP clusters, so a service provider can flexibly modularize their architecture to suit their operational model. The architecture calls for common infrastructure components and services such as Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, vCenter, Cisco Nexus 1000v VSM and Cisco UCS Director to be hosted external to the IaaS PoD to provide a centralized and uniform management structure. This model also allows for the addition of more integrated Pod's for growth, if necessary, while preserving the cloud capabilities of Cisco UCS Director. Integration Points The current setup consists of several components and their respective native tools leading to a myriad of integration points as illustrated in Figure 5. Cisco UCS Director has tight integration at the infrastructure layer with all underlying components within the FlexPod - UCS Manager, Nexus, and NetApp Data ONTAP. The Cisco Nexus 1000v VSM communicates with both vCenter and Cisco UCS Director for distributed virtual switch functionality. Cisco UCS Director also has integration into vCenter and with its bare-metal agent (BMA) to extend functionality to non-virtual instances within the integrated stack. External to this setup, Cisco UCS Director provides standard north-bound API's for integration with third-party ITSM tools for event monitoring, trouble-ticketing and billing. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 12 Solution Architecture and Design Figure 5 Integration Points Overview Solution Architecture and Design This section details the solution architecture and design. Architecture The architecture for this solution shown below uses two sets of hardware resources: • Common infrastructure services on redundant and self-contained hardware. • FlexPod for IaaS workloads under Cisco UCS Director management. The common infrastructure services include Microsoft Active Directory® (AD), Domain Name Services (DNS), Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), VMware vCenter, Cisco UCS Director, and Nexus 1000v virtual supervisor module (VSM). These components are considered core infrastructure as they provide necessary data center-wide services where the IaaS point of delivery (PoD) resides. Since these services are integral to the deployment of IaaS, adherence to best practices in their design and implementation is critical. This includes such features as high availability, appropriate RAID setup, and performance and scalability considerations given that they might have to extend their services to multiple PoDs. One other consideration is to avoid introducing dependencies between management tools and the hosts and platforms they manage. One example is the installation of vCenter on ESXi. At a customer's site, depending on whether this is a new data center, there might not be a need to build this FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 13 Solution Architecture and Design infrastructure piece. In our setup, given the limited scope of one FlexPod, this environment consists of a pair of Cisco UCS C-220 servers with internal disks. VMware is used to clone the VMs to serve as backups. The IaaS FlexPod architecture (Figure 6) consists of Cisco UCS blade and rack-mount servers. iSCSI-, FC-, and FCoE-based LUNs from the NetApp storage were provisioned for booting these servers after creating a separate storage volume. The iSCSI, FC/FCoE connections go directly to the fabric-interconnects (6248) from the servers. The NFS space and the corresponding mount-point are visible to all hosts with hypervisor based user access control. At the network layer, six VLANs have been created - IB-MGMT (3175), NFS (3170) Mgmt (3172), storage iSCSI A (901), iSCSI B (902), and vMotion (3174). A Cisco UCS Director appliance was setup as a single node with a bare-metal agent connected over a VLAN (3175). A highly available and scalable multinode Cisco UCS Director setup is available if there is a need to scale across multiple data centers. Figure 6 IaaS FlexPod Architecture Tenant Design Figure 7illustrates the IaaS Platform. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 14 Solution Architecture and Design Figure 7 IaaS Platform Overview User groups and accounts for the IaaS platform are created and managed from Cisco UCS Director. For this CVD three groups with two users in each group were created. The user groups were mapped to resources through the virtual data centers (vDC) construct to constitute a multi-tenant setup. Each tenant had an administrator user and another end-user role. Catalog items were created and shared by the cloud administrator (admin) through appropriate access to the self-service portal after setting up required policies. Each tenant group was assigned a budget and resources within the PoD and was assigned approximate values for active and in-active instances. The understanding is that instances use compute, network, and storage resources and, as such, capture the overall requirements of the customer while also simplifying cost estimation from the providers' perspective. In the event there is a need for more granular or accurate cost estimation, Cisco UCS Director has provisions for specifying compute, network, and storage costs as well. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 15 Solution Architecture and Design Cisco UCS Director uses role-based access control (RBAC) in enabling resource privileges to users. Many standard roles are predefined and there is the flexibility to add new users with customized access levels. The group administrator role has the privilege to create end users within the group. Thus, the cloud administrator needs to only create a group administrator for each tenant. Cloud Management Environment Sizing Minimum System Requirements for a Single-Node Setup The minimum system requirements depend on how many virtual machines you plan to manage. Note For optimal performance, reserve additional CPU and memory resources. It is recommended that you reserve the following resources in addition to the minimum system requirements listed in the tables below: CPU resources of more than or equal to 3000MHz and additional memory of more than or equal to 4GB. For information about minimum system requirements for a multi-node setup, see Minimum System Requirements for a Multi-Node Setup. Up to 2000 Virtual Machines If you plan to manage up to 2,000 virtual machines, the Cisco UCS Director environment must meet at least the minimum system requirements in Table 1. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 16 Solution Architecture and Design Table 1 Minimum System Requirements for up to 2000 Virtual Machines Element Minimum Supported Requirement vCPU 4 Memory 8 GB Hard Disk 100 GB Up to 5000 Virtual Machines If you plan to manage no more than 5000 virtual machines, the Cisco UCS Director environment must meet at least the minimum system requirements and recommended configurations in the following tables. Table 2 Minimum System Requirements for up to 5000 Virtual Machines Element Minimum Supported Requirement vCPU 4 Memory 20 GB Hard Disk 100 GB Table 3 Recommended Memory Configuration for Cisco UCS Director Services Service Recommended File Location Configuration Parameter broker 256 MB /opt/infra/broker/run.sh -Xms -Xmx client 512 MB /opt/infra/client/run.sh -Xms -Xmx controller 256 MB /opt/infra/controller/run.sh -Xms -Xmx eventmgr 512 MB /opt/infra/eventmgr/run.sh -Xms -Xmx idaccessmgr 512 MB /opt/infra/idaccessmgr/run.sh -Xms -Xmx inframgr 8 GB /opt/infra/inframgr/run.sh -Xms -Xmx Tomcat 1 GB /opt/infra/web_cloudmgr/apache-tomcat /bin/catalina.sh JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPT S -Xmsm -Xmxm" Table 4 Minimum Database Configuration Element Minimum Supported Configuration thread_cache_size 100 max_connections 1000 innodb_lock_wait_timeout 100 query_cache_size 128 MB innodb_buffer_pool_size 4096 MB max_connect_errors 10000 connect_timeout 20 innodb_read_io_threads 64 innodb_write_io_threads 64 FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 17 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models From customer to customer, no infrastructure is exactly the same. Some customers need to automate at a very small scale, while other customers operate at a very large scale, requiring the automation of thousands of different devices. For this reason, Cisco UCS Director supports two different types of deployment models; Single-Node and Multi-Node (or Distributed). • Single-Node Deployment Model - A single instance of the UCS Director appliance is deployed. All components and services of the Cisco UCS Director application run natively on the single installed appliance VM. Figure 8 • Single-Node Deployment Model Multi-Node Deployment Model - Multiple instances of the Cisco UCS Director appliance are deployed. Each instance can be given a specific role, which determines which components and services of the Cisco UCS Director application will run on that specific node. The Cisco UCS Director multi-node roles are as follows; – Primary Node - runs all management and web front-end components, acting as the central manager of the entire multi-node deployment. There can be only one primary node in a multi-node deployment. – Service Node(s) - essentially worker nodes. The system admin can distribute different Cisco UCS Director System tasks across one or more different service nodes. Service nodes are managed from the primary node. A multi-node deployment can consist of zero to many service nodes. – Inventory Database Node - runs only the inventory database services for the multi-node deployment. Communicates with both the primary and service nodes. Only one inventory database node per multi-node deployment. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 18 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models – Monitoring Database Node - runs only the monitoring database services for the multi-node deployment. Communicates with both the primary and service nodes. Only one monitoring database node per multi-node deployment. Figure 9 Multi-Node Deployment Model The size of the environment to be managed and automated by Cisco UCS Director determines the best deployment model that should be used. In regards to a multi-node deployment, customers can start out with a minimum number of nodes and then grow the deployment to scale with their environment. No matter which deployment model a customer chooses, the deployment of Cisco UCS Director is simple. Cisco delivers Cisco UCS Director as a single OVF file for VMware vSphere. Both deployment models are deployed from the same OVF file. For a single-node deployment, import a single instance of the OVF file into VMware vSphere and configure an IP address. For a multi-node deployment, import multiple instances of the OVF file into VMware vSphere, assign a role and configure an IP address for each instance. In a multi-node deployment configuration, Cisco UCS Director takes care of the coordination and communication between the different nodes. This deployment will consider a single FlexPod Stack and its management with Cisco UCS Director in a non-redundant fashion. This is because Cisco UCS Director is not in the data path and one instance can support multiple FlexPods. To ensure best-practices, the Cisco UCS Director instance is installed external to the managed FlexPods on common infrastructure components consisting of a pair of Cisco UCS C-220 rack servers. For deployments that require greater scale and/or connectivity across Data Centers, a highly redundant setup of Cisco UCS Director is available (multi-node setup). For detailed information about a redundant and scalable setup, refer to the Cisco UCS Director guide: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/unified_computing/ucs/ucs-director/vsphere-install-guide/5-1/b_ Installing_UCSDirector_on_vSphere_5_1.pdf The private cloud platform could reside in premises or in provider space (hosted). As such, this deployment will be an enterprise Private Cloud (ePC) with characteristics deemed essential in the model defined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Common areas of monitoring, management and on-boarding pertaining to the ePC will also be shown through Cisco UCS Director. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 19 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models Cisco UCS Director uses a policy based model for managing resources assigned. Policies are sets of rules that set forth the framework for how resources will be provisioned and accounted. Fox example, the setting up of a self-service portal requires establishing of compute, network, storage and system policies and the application of a cost model to leverage chargeback for billing purposes. Setting up of required policies to provide necessary functionality for an IaaS platform is covered in the following sections. Base Platform This Document assumes that you have followed the procedure detailed in the link below to build the base FlexPod platform: http://www.cisco.com/c/dam/en/us/td/docs/unified_computing/ucs/UCS_CVDs/flexpod_esxi55u1_n9k .pdf High-Level Architecture Figure 10 Cisco UCS Director Infrastructure Abstraction- Single Pane Management Network Availability Design option followed in this CVD is the NFS-Variant architecture which uses iSCSI datastores for SAN booting of hosts and a common file system on one NFS dat store for VM provisioning. There are six VLAN's, - IB-MGMT (3175), NFS (3170) Mgmt. (3171) storage iSCSI A (901), iSCSI B (902) and vMotion (3173). Other changes to the FlexPod infrastructure detailed above include use of VMWare 5.5U1 in place of VMWare 5.1U1 and UCS Director 5.1 for providing IaaS Cloud functionality. Figure 11 is the high-level architecture diagram for all devices in this solution. Common infrastructure management services and applications such as Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, SMTP, NTP and applications including VMware vCenter, Cisco UCS Director with the Bare-Metal agent, and Cisco Nexus 1000v Virtual Supervisor Module (VSM) are hosted external to the PoD (FlexPod) as shown below. Common Infrastructure components need to be highly redundant to ensure un-interrupted service as the applications residing in this space are shared and critical to the operation of the entire Data Center which could include multiple such converged stacks. The focus is on using a validated converged infrastructure (FlexPod) to provide resources for the cloud with IaaS features with Cisco UCS Director. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 20 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models Figure 11 High-Level Architecture The following section outlines pre-requisites to install and setup a working instance of Cisco UCS Director. The intent is to leverage the automation features of Cisco UCS Director for correct and consistent cloud deployment. Cisco UCS Director Single-Node Installation and Configuration Download VMWare ovf for Cisco UCS Director 5.1.zip file from the following link: http://software.cisco.com/download/release.html?mdfid=286282000&flowid=&softwareid=285018084 &os=null&release=5&relind=null&rellifecycle=null&reltype=null To install and configure Cisco UCS Director, complete the following steps: 1. Through the vSphere web client, connect to vCenter 5.5U1 installed external to the FlexPod on common infrastructure. 2. Right-click and select Deploy OVF Template, select Local File, and choose Browse to navigate to the location of the downloaded OVF files. First install the Cisco UCS Director ovf and then the bare-metal agent (BMA). FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 21 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 3. Select the OVF file and click Open, then click Next. 4. Click Next on the OVF Template Details page. 5. Read the terms of the End User License Agreement, and click Accept, and then click Next. 6. Provide an appropriate VM Name CUCSD-IAAS and click Next. 7. Choose the storage location for Datastore and click Next. 8. Choose the IB-MGMT-VLAN for destination network and click Next. 9. Click Finish. The import will begin and the progress of the import will be displayed on the screen. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 22 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models Initial UCS Director Setup To configure the Cisco UCS Director Virtual Machine on VMware, complete the following steps: Note 1. Right-click the UCSD VM and click Edit Settings. 2. Select the Virtual Hardware tab. 3. Select CPU and change the Reservation to about 4000 MHz, then select Memory, and change Reservation to over 4000 MB. Upgrade the reserved resources for the newly created virtual machine. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 23 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 4. Click the VM Options tab and click VMware Tools, then click Synchronize guest time with host, then click OK to save the changes. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 24 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 5. Right-click the UCSD-IAAS VM, select Power on. 6. Right-click the UCSD-IAAS VM, select Open Console to configure Cisco UCS Director. Wait for the boot script to run to help you configure a static IP. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 25 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 7. To configure static IP "Do you want to configure static IP [y/n]?" Enter y. 8. Do you want to configure IPv4/IPv6 [v4/v6] ?: Write v4 (v4 for IP version4, v6 IP version 6). 9. Enter the values below: Field IP Address Net Mask Gateway Value mgmt_ip Mgmt._mask Mgmt_gateway 10. Select Option 1 to configure as Cisco UCS Director (Default). 11. To Enter the DNS Click on configure network. 12. Use a DHCP Server instead of a static IP Address? y/n [n]: n. 13. IP can be changed if needed and Enter DNS information. 14. Select Set Time zone (Current:UTC) and click Enter. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 26 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 15. Identify location Zone; enter 2 for Americas. 16. Select country; enter 47 for United States. 17. Select Time; enter 21 for Pacific Time. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 27 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 18. Select 1 to confirm the your time location. 19. Select Login Enter to login as "shelladmin" Password:- "changeme." 20. Select 9 to configure NTP Server. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 28 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 21. Enter 29 to quit. Notice the web URL to connect to https://<assigned IP>:443 Note For some browsers you may need to add the web URL to trusted sites to display correctly. Open the browser, and input the URL to UCSD. For I.E, click Tools, Internet Options, Security tab, Trusted Sites, Sites, and the address for your UCSD system and hit Add then Close. Press F5 to refresh browser. Configuring the Admin Account 1. Connect to the URL for your Cisco UCS Director system via the IP address you assigned. 2. Login as default user "admin" with the password of "admin" and click Login. 3. It is highly recommended to change the local admin user's password from the default after login. 4. To change password In USC Director, navigate to Administration ' Users and Groups and select the Login Users tab. 5. Select the admin user and choose Change Password. 6. Enter the New Password and the Confirm Password. Both entries must be identical. 7. Click Save. 8. Repeat steps 2 - 4 to change the password for any locally authenticated user. For remote authenticated users, password changes must be done through the remote authentication server itself (i.e. directly within Microsoft Active Directory, etc.). FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 29 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 9. Click OK to temporarily ignore the popup information the message for the login profile. 10. You will see Guided Setup to configure UCS Director. This is one of the key milestones of the 5.1 release. 11. Check Initial System Configuration and click Submit. 12. In Guided Setup check the Wizards need to configure click Submit. 13. Initial System Configuration Overview see list of item going to configure and click Next. Installing Licenses 1. Under the License tab Browse the license file and click Upload. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 30 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 2. Click Next. 3. Under Locale select Language and click Next. 4. Under Mail Server tab give SMTP detail to configure Mail Server. Field SMTP Server SMTP Port Outgoing Email Address System IP Address User Password Test Email Address Value IP Address SMTP Sever 25 e-mail address for outgoing IP Address User Name Password Email Address for test purpose FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 31 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 5. Under Email Address Tab Enter administrator Email Address. 6. Under NTP Server tab will show the configured NTP Servers detail. Check the box to modify if needed and click Next. 7. Under DNS Server tab will show DNS Servers detail. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 32 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 8. In Summary Tab will confirm the status of all steps click Next. Create a Converged Pod The FlexPod Configuration Guided Setup walks the user through the process of creating or selecting a FlexPod pod within Cisco UCS Director as well as discovering and adding the various FlexPod components to that logical pod. A CiscoUCS Director pod is a feature that allows components managed by Cisco UCS Director to be logically grouped based on their function, relationship, responsibility, site, etc. In the case of FlexPod, the Cisco UCS Director Pod refers to the components that make up the entire FlexPod converged infrastructure. 1. Click Launch to run FlexPod Wizard. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 33 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 2. Under FlexPod Configuration Overview see the wizard steps, click Next. 3. In the Pod tab, click theicon to create the POD. 4. Give POD information Name, Site, Description and Address . 5. Click Add and select the POD. 6. Click Next. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 34 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models Adding Cisco UCS Manager Account 1. In the Cisco UCS Manager page, write the login detail for UCSM to add Compute Account. Field Account Name IP Address User ID Password Transport Type Port Number 2. Value Compute Account Name for UCSM Mgmt_ip of UCSM Define User ID Password for the User https 443 Click Next. Adding NetApp Data ONTAP 1. In the NetApp tab, select NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP. 2. Provide the cluster administrator login details to configure NetApp clustered Data ONTAP. Field Account Name IP Address User ID Password Transport Type Port Number Value Name of NetApp clustered ONTAP account NetApp clustered Data ONTAP cluster management IP address Clustered Data ONTAP user with admin privileges Password for clustered Data ONTAP account HTTPS 443 FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 35 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 3. Click Next. Adding Cisco Nexus Switches 1. In the Nexus Physical Devices tab, give the Nexus 9396 switches the login detail. Field Device IP User ID Password Transport Type Port Number Device IP (Physical HA Account) FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 36 Value Mgmt._ip User Name Password of the user SSH 22 Second Switch Mgmt_ip Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 2. Click Next to Add as Physical Network Inventory. 3. In the Nexus Virtual Device tab, give the Nexus 1000V the login detail. Field Device IP User ID Password Transport Type Port Number Device IP (Physical HA Account) Value VSM IP Address User Name Password of the user SSH 22 Second Switch Mgmt_ip FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 37 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 4. Click Next to add as virtual device. Add VMware Virtual Account 1. In VMWare page, give the VCenter login detail to Add as Virtual Account. Field Cloud Name VCenter or Host Address User ID Password Port Number Access URL FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 38 Value VMware Account Name IP Address of VCenter VCenter User Name VCenter Password 443 /sdk Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 2. Click Next. 3. In Summary page status is OK. 4. Click Next. 5. Click Close. 6. From the main menu, Click the Converged Tab verify POD with Inventory. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 39 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models Create Local Users and Groups In Cisco UCS Director, you can use local accounts and/or LDAP accounts. This section details the necessary step to create groups and users within Cisco UCS Director locally. You can use these for development, test and production purposes prior to rollout. 1. From Main Menu Click Administration select User and Groups. 2. Under the User Groups Tab, click the Add icon to add Group. 3. In Name field name of the group (for example, Dev Group), enter the email address, and First and Last Name. 4. Repeat Step (2,3) to Create Two more group ( Test, Prod). FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 40 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 5. Click Login Users and click the Add icon to Create Group Admin login. 6. Select User Role Group Admin, User Group already created step 2-4, login name and password of group admin. 7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 to create (Test, Prod) Group Admin. 8. Click the Add icon to Create Service-End User login. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 41 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 9. Select Role as Service End-User, Select Group Name, Create login name and password for Dev Group. 10. Click Add. 11. Repeat steps 9 and 10 to created two Service End-User for each Group (Dev, Test, Prod). Note The User Role determines whether an account is specific to a group or not. Therefore, only accounts with privileges that can be limited to the group will be presented with the "User Group" field and a drop-down for it. LDAP Integration Cisco UCS Director supports both local and remote user authentication. Remote authentication is provided through integration with services such as OpenLDAP and Microsoft Active Directory. The following procedure should be used to integrate Cisco UCS Director with a Microsoft Active Directory Domain through LDAP in order to sync (pull only) remote users and groups into Cisco UCS Director You can use LDAP integration to synchronize the LDAP server's groups and users with Cisco UCS Director. LDAP authentication enables synchronized users to authenticate with the LDAP server. You can synchronize LDAP users and groups automatically or manually. In addition, LDAP synchronization is also available as a system task. When new organizational units (OU) are added in the LDAP directory, and a synchronization process is run, either manually or automatically, the recently added LDAP users and groups are displayed in Cisco UCS Director. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 42 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models Note As of this publication, Cisco UCS Director accesses LDAP accounts in a read-only manner. Cisco UCS Director does not push any user or group changes or configurations to the LDAP server(s). Users that do not belong to a group or a domain user's group display in LDAP as User With No Group. These users are added under the domain user's group in Cisco UCS Director. You cannot choose users and groups that exist locally or are synchronized externally in Cisco UCS Director. 1. From the Main menu click the Administration Tab > Select User and Group. 2. Click the Authentication Preferences Tab and select Authentication Preferences "LDAP First, fallback to local." 3. Click Save. 4. Click the LDAP Integration Tab and click the Add icon. 5. Add LDAP Configuration detail, Account Name, Server Type, Server Name/IP, Domain Name and LDAP user name and password. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 43 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 6. Click Next. 7. In LDAP Search Base click Search Base DN and make selections on the popup to get a list to use for the correct Base DN. 8. Click Select, Submit, then OK. 9. To update records again, click "Request LDAP Sync", and click Submit. 10. Click OK. 11. Click the Login Users tab and click Refresh you will see your LDAP users. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 44 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models Note Local groups and users can also be added and managed. Create Virtual Data Center (vDC) A virtual data center (vDC) provides a construct that allows for the logical separation and grouping of resources in an integrated stack and maps policies to allocated resources to accommodate tenant requirements. While an organization/department can manage multiple vDC's, each vDC has dedicated resources with specified approvers and quotas (if any). Following is an illustration of the flexibilities available within Cisco UCS Director in implementing varying levels of Quality-of-Service (QoS) at the vDC level based on customer Service Level Agreements (SLA) at the compute, network and storage layers. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 45 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models To create a VDC using the guided setup, complete the following steps: 1. Click the Administration Tab and from the drop-down menu select Guided Setup. 2. Check vDC Creation, click Submit. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 46 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 3. Click Submit to confirm the Wizard tasks. 4. Check start a new session and click Open. 5. View the Prerequisites and click Next. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 47 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 6. In vDC General Information Tab, Write vDC Name FlexPod_Dev_Win8R2. 7. Provide access to resources in this vDC to previously create group. Select Group Name Dev Group. 8. Select Cloud Name VMware. 9. In Approvers and Contacts, (Optional) First Approver Username dev_admin Second Approver Username Admin. 10. Provider Support Email Address (Optional) <support@cisco.com> 11. Copy Notification to Email Address (Optional) <tech@cisco.com> Policies Cisco UCS Director provides a self-service portal where virtual machines (VMs) are provisioned from a pool of assigned resources using predefined policies set by administrators. A policy is a group of rules that determine where and how a new VM is provisioned within the infrastructure based on the availability of system resources. Cisco UCS Director requires that you set up the following policies to provision VMs: • Computing • Storage • Network • System FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 48 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models Create System Policy A system policy defines the system specific information such as the template to use, time zone, DNS and OS specific information. 1. In the Policies tab click the icon to create System Policy. Policy Name FlexPod_Dev_Win8R2. 2. Provide the information for the VM Name Template, DNS Domain Product ID, License Owner Name, Organization, Administrator Password, Windows Time zone, Domain/Workgroup (for Windows). 3. Field Policy Name VM Name Template Value FlexPod_Dev_Win8R2 FlexPod-SR${SR_ID} Host Name Template DNS Domain Time Zone VM Image Type Product ID License Mode Number of License User Auto Login Count Administrative Password Domain/Workgroup Workgroup ${VMNAME} Ucsd.local Pacific Windows and Linux Windows Product ID Per Seat Number of License User Number of Auto Login Count Administrative Password 1st time Select Domain or Workgroup In case of work group Name of the work group Click Submit. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 49 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 4. Click OK. Create Compute Policy Computing policies determine the computing resources used during provisioning that satisfy group or workload requirements. As an administrator, you can define advanced policies by mixing and matching various conditions in the computing policy 1. In the Policies Tab click the icon to create the Compute Policy. Policy Name FlexPod_Dev_Win8R2. 2. Description as Window 2008R2. 3. Select Cloud Name as VMWare. 4. Host Node/Cluster Scope Include Select Hosts. 5. Select Host Nodes as Host FDQN or IP 6. Check your Host Name or IP Address and click OK. 7. Click Resource Pool and Check Resource Pool. 8. Click Select. 9. Under Resizing Options, Permitted Values for vCPUs and Memory. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 50 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 10. Deploy to Folder as FlexPod. 11. Click Submit and click OK. Create Network Policy The network policy includes resources such as network settings, DHCP, or static IP, and the option to add Multiple vNICs for VMs provisioned using this policy. 1. In the Policies Tab click the icon to create Network Policy. Policy Name FlexPod_Dev_Win8R2. 2. Click the icon to Add VM Networks, click NIC Alias Add icon to select Port Groups. 3. Click Select to Select Port Group. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 51 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 4. Click Port Group to check it and click Select. 5. Select IP Address Type DHCP or Static. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 52 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 6. For Static Select IP Address Source or Static IP Pool. 7. For Inline IP Pool, Give Static Range of IP, Subnet Mask, Gateway IP Address. 8. Click Submit and then click OK. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 53 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 9. Click Submit and then click OK. 10. Click Submit and then click OK. Create Storage Policy A storage policy defines resources such as the Datastore scope, type of storage to use, minimum conditions for capacity, latency, and so on. Leveraging the data separation capabilities within NetApp Data ONTAP, a service provider can construct multiple datastores to accommodate each tenant or service-level requirement, or even fully isolate those datastores within NetApp Storage Virtual Machines (SVM). The storage policy also provides options to configure additional disk policies for multiple disks and to provide Datastore choices for use during a service request creation. 1. In the Policies tab, click the icon to create a new storage policy. Enter FlexPod_Dev_Win8R2 for the policy name. 2. In the Policy Description field, enter Windows 2008 R2. 3. In the Cloud Name field, select VMware. 4. In the Data Store/Datastore Clusters Scope field, select Include Selected Datastores. 5. For Selected Data Stores, click Select and check infra_datastore_1. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 54 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models Note 6. Click Select. 7. Click Next. 8. On the Additional Disk Policies page, click Submit. 9. Click OK. Cisco UCS Director supports Datastore choice during a service request creation for VM provisioning. You have the option to enable or disable Datastore choices for the end user during service request creation. The Datastore listed depend upon the scope conditions specified in the storage policy that is associated with the VDC during the service request creation. To use the Datastore selection feature while creating a service request, the template used for VM provisioning must have the disk type assigned as System. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 55 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models Create Cost Model Policy A cost model is used to define the unit level costs of virtual resources such as CPU, RAM, and storage. These costs are used for chargeback calculations of VMs within the virtual infrastructure. Cost models offer a definition of costs in a linear model; Costs can be defined at the unit level. The cost of a particular resource for a VM is calculated based on how many units are assigned to that VM. For example, the cost of 1 GB of RAM is defined within the cost model and this unit cost is used to determine the cost of RAM for a particular VM. You can define one-time provisioning costs, active or inactive VM costs, and provisioned, reserved, or used costs for resources such as CPU, memory and so on. These costs are used to calculate the VM costs based on usage. Cost model policy is created as below:1. In the Policies tab, click the icon to create a cost model policy with the name FlexPod_Dev_Win8R2. 2. Provide values for One Time Cost, Active VM Cost, and Inactive VM Cost. 3. Click Add and click OK. Create User Self-Service Policy An End User Self-Service Policy controls the actions or tasks that a user can perform on a vDC. The starting point for creating this policy is to specify an Account Type, for example VMware. After you specify an account type, you can continue with creating the policy. After you create the policy, you must FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 56 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models assign the policy to a vDC that is created with the same account type. For example, if you have created an end user policy for VMware, then you can specify this policy when you create a VMware vDC. You cannot view or assign policies that have been created for other account types. In addition to creating an end user self-service policy, Cisco UCS Director allows you to perform the following tasks: 1. In the Policies Tab click the icon to create End User Self-Service Policy. Policy Name FlexPod_Dev_Win8R2 2. In the End User Policy dialog box, provide the Policy Name FlexPod_Dev_Win8R2, Description (optional) and select the required options as shown below: 3. Click Submit. 4. Click OK. 5. Click Next. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 57 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 6. In Summary tab view all the steps and status are OK. 7. Click Next. Clone Policies Cisco UCS Director has the capabilities of clone feature we will use this feature to create policies for test users. When you choose a policy to clone, all existing properties are copied into the new policy, except for the policy name and description. After defining the name and description, you can modify other properties. To clone polices for test users, complete the following steps: 1. From main menu bar, click Policies > Virtual/Hypervisor Policies > Computing. 2. Select FlexPod_Dev_Win8R2, click Clone. 3. Change Policy Name to FlexPod_Test_Linux. 4. Set Description to FlexPod Test Linux. 5. Select Cloud Name to VMware. 6. Host Node/Cluster Scope Include Select Hosts. 7. Select Host Nodes to Host FDQN or IP 8. Check your Host Name or IP Address and click OK. 9. Click Resource Pool and check Resource Pool. 10. Click Select. 11. Under Resizing Options, Permitted Values for vCPUs as 2 and Memory as 4096 MB. 12. Deploy to Folder as Test. 13. Click Submit and click OK. 14. From the main menu bar, click Policies > Virtual/Hypervisor Policies > Storage. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 58 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 15. Select FlexPod_Dev_Win8R2, click Clone. 16. Change Policy Name to FlexPod_Test_Linux. 17. Set Description to FlexPod Test Linux. 18. Data Store/Datastore Clusters Scope as Include Selected Datastore. 19. Selected Data Stores, click Select. 20. Check Flexpod_Datastore. 21. Click Select. 22. Permitted Values for Disk 30 GB. 23. Click Next. 24. In Additional Disk Policies, click Submit. 25. Click OK. 26. From main menu bar, click Policies > Virtual/Hypervisor Policies > Network. 27. Select FlexPod_Dev_Win8R2, click Clone. 28. Change Policy Name to FlexPod_Test_Linux. 29. Set Description to FlexPod Test Linux. 30. Click Submit. 31. Click OK. 32. From main menu bar, click Policies > Virtual/Hypervisor Policies > Service Delivery. 33. Select FlexPod_Dev_Win8R2, click Clone. 34. Change Policy Name to FlexPod_Test_Linux. 35. Select VM Image Type as Linux Only. 36. Click Submit. 37. Click OK. Note The captioned policies detailed in the section above are created for Dev-End User1 and Test-End User1 for two vDC. Follow the same process and create rest of the vDC s, if required. Catalog Publishing A catalog item is created by the system administrator/Cloud admin, and defines parameters such as cloud name, and group name to which the VM is bound. Note You will see a catalog for self-provisioning virtual machines. To add managing catalogs, Cisco UCS Director allows you to group similar catalogs within a folder. While creating a catalog, you can select a specific folder, which has been created earlier on. Optionally, you can create a new folder for the catalog. A folder is visible only when it contains a catalog. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 59 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models Figure 12 Catalog Publishing 1. Click Launch to Create the Catalog. 2. Enter the Catalog Name as Windows2008R2. 3. Select the Windows Image2 Catalog Icon from the drop-down list. 4. Select Dev Group. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 60 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 5. Click Select. 6. Click Select Image and select the Windows Template as the image. 7. Click Select. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 61 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 8. Click Next. 9. In the Application Detail tab, specify the OS as Windows Server 2008 and click Next. 10. Click Next on User Credentials. 11. Click Next on the Customization tab. 12. In the VM Access tab, check Remote Desktop Access Configuration and VMRC Console Configuration. 13. Click Next. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 62 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 14. View Summary page; click Submit and then click OK. 15. From the main menu bar, click Policies > Virtual/Hypervisor Policies > Virtual Data Centers. 16. Select FlexPod_Dev_Win8R2, click Clone. 17. Change the vDC Name to FlexPod_Test_Linux. 18. Select the System Policy as FlexPod_Test_Linux. 19. Select the Computing Policy as FlexPod_Test_Linux. 20. Select the Network Policy as FlexPod_Test_Linux. 21. Select the Storage Policy as FlexPod_Test_Linux. 22. Click Add. 23. Click OK. 24. From the main menu bar, click Policies > Catalogs. 25. Click Add, select the Catalog type as Standard and click Submit. 26. Enter the Catalog Name as Linux VM. 27. Select Groups as Test Group. 28. Image Linxu_Ubuntu, click Next. 29. Specify the OS Linux Ubuntu, click Next. 30. Click Next. 31. Click Next. 32. Click Next, 33. Click Submit. 34. Click OK. 35. Logout as Admin. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 63 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models A Virtual Data Center (VDC) is an environment that combines virtual resources, operational details, rules and policies to manage specific group requirements. A group or organization can manage multiple VDCs. images, templates, and policies. Organizations can allocate quotas and assign resource limits for individual groups at the VDC level. The Catalog includes the definition of service items and how they are delivered or provisioned. The self-service portal user interface (UI) in the Cisco UCS Director provides a non-administrative interface to the Cisco UCS Director Catalog service items. A virtual machine that is provisioned using a service request can be associated with a VDC. When you are creating a service request, you can choose the VDC on which this VM is provisioned. You can view a list of VDC that are available for a particular group and choose the required VDC when provisioning VMs. Following is a mapping between the constructs of Policies, VDCs, Catalog, and Users and Groups. Figure 13 Virtual Data Center/Catalog Options Self-Service Portal Design and Implementation The Cloud Administrator creates tenant groups and users within the group as a prerequisite step. Following this step, the tenant group is associated with cloud resources and privileges assigned to users. Catalog items for self-service portal are then created and associated with tenant users. These steps are required prior to tenant user provisioning activities on the FlexPod Cloud platform with UCSD. Tenant users generate a service request when one of the catalog items is selected for deployment with optional approvals prior to execution. Tenant Administrators and Operations personnel will then consume/release cloud resources as needed with chargeback tied to resource utilization. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 64 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models Figure 14 Tenant Catalog for Self-Service Portal 36. Log in as Service End User dev_enduser1. 37. In Self Service Portal, click the Standard Folder under Catalog. 38. Click the Windows 2008R2 Catalog icon to Create Service Request. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 65 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 39. Click Next. 40. Select FlexPod_Dev_Win8R2 vDC. 41. Click Next. 42. In the Custom Specification tab, select CPU, Memory and Hard Disk. 43. Click Next. 44. Click Submit. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 66 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 45. Click OK on the Service Request number submitted successfully. 46. Click Services and double-click Service Request. 47. Log out and login as dev_admin. 48. Click Approvals; Select Service Request Pending for Approval. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 67 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 49. Click Approve. 50. Log out as dev_admin and log in as admin to approve the same Service Request. 51. From the main menu click Organization > My approvals. 52. Select the Service Request . 53. Click Approve and click OK. 54. When the Approval is done by Admin, go to the VM Start Provisioning VCenter. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 68 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 55. Log in as Service End User and check the Service Request Status. 56. Click Virtual Resource and check your VM. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 69 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models Note The Catalog shown above is created for Dev-End User1 and Test-End User1 only. Follow the same process to create the rest of the Catalog, if required. Setting Quotas A Virtual Data Center (VDC) is an environment that combines virtual resources, operational details, rules and policies to manage specific group requirements. A group or organization can manage multiple VDCs, images, templates, and policies. Organizations can allocate quotas and assign resource limits for individual groups at the VDC level. Figure 15 Setting Quotas Overview To set the resource limits at the group level and in units pertaining to either physical or virtual instances, complete the following steps: 1. Select Administration > Users and Groups > User Groups tab, then select the group of interest and click Edit Resource Limits. 2. Enter the limit parameter. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 70 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 3. Click OK. 4. Click Save. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 71 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models Configure Budget Policy Overall resources are accounted for by the chargeback module. In addition to chargeback, individual groups or organizations must be associated with a budget policy where you can enable or disable the budget watch and over budget. To set the Budget policy, complete the following steps: 1. Select the group created Dev Group and click Budget Policy. Enabling Budget Watch is required for monitoring resource usage for this group. The other two options allow for exceeding allocated budget and Enable Budget Watch. 2. Click Budget Policy. 3. Click Save. 4. Click OK. Dashboard The Dashboard provides a snapshot and trend of relevant data in easy to read graphs. It forms the basis of monitoring and provides a summary of the state of the entire enterprise on a single-pane. To enable the Dashboard, complete the following steps: 1. Select admin account from the login screen and click the Dashboard tab. Select Enable Dashboard option and click Apply. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 72 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 2. Click the Dashboard Tab and turn on automatic refresh. 3. From the main menu click Virtual > Cloud VMWare. 4. Click the Summary tab; Select VMs Active vs. Inactive, click the op right corner and select Add to Dashboard. 5. Select the tabs you want to add in Dashboard. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 73 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models Resource Monitoring The admin user has all the necessary privileges to monitor the entire Cloud or converged stack for a global view. Selecting each of the components (VMware, Compute, Network or Storage) displays comprehensive sets of metrics in tabbed view for the component. Below is a sample of the available metrics and views. 1. From the main menu select Converged and then Click FlexPod for individual components and their status. 2. Select VMware then click the Topology tab; select Host node-VM Topology and select the View Connectivity option. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 74 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 3. Select admin in the Compute category displays the following set of tabs with polled information for each compute component and other relevant data. 4. Selecting NetApp from Storage section results in the following with tabs that present comprehensive data on the storage array. Cisco UCS Director Bare-Metal Installation and Configuration Cisco UCS Director Baremetal Agent automates the process of using a pre-boot Execution Environment (PXE) to install operating systems on Baremetal servers or virtual machines. Baremetal Agent provides the following services that are required for a functional PXE install environment: FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 75 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models • Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) • Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) When this environment is operational, Baremetal Agent and Cisco UCS Director are correctly configured, build PXE installation tasks into any Cisco UCS Director Infrastructure workflow. Figure 16 Cisco UCS Director Infrastructure Workflow Download VMWare ovf for Cisco UCS Director Baremetal Agent 5.0 .zip file from the following link to build bare metal instances: http://software.cisco.com/download/release.html?mdfid=286282000&flowid=&softwareid=285018084 &os=null&release=5&relind=null&rellifecycle=null&reltype=null 1. Log in to VCenter Server. 2. Select file-> Deploy OVF Template. 3. Click Browse to explore the UCSD-BMA OVF image. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 76 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 4. Click Open and click Next. 5. Click Next. 6. Click Accept the license and click Next. 7. Enter the BMA-UCSD name as IAAS-BMA. 8. Select the Datacenter and click Next. 9. Select Host and Data Store and click Next. 10. In the Disk Format Page click Next. 11. In Network Mapping select your MGMT Network and click Next. 12. Click Finish. Note It will take a few minutes for the UCSD-BMA OVF to deploy. 13. Right-click on the newly deployed UCSD-BMA virtual machine and select Open Console. 14. Click Power On. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 77 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 15. For 'Do you want to configure static IP (y/n)? prompt' enter y. 16. 'Do you want to configure IPv4/IPv6 [v4/v6]? : Enter v4 17. Enter the values shown below: Field IP Address Net Mask Gateway Value mgmt_ip Mgmt._mask Mgmt_gateway 18. When prompted 'do you want to continue (y/n)?' enter y. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 78 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 19. Select Set Time zone (Current:UTC) and Press Enter. 20. Select a continent or ocean option # 2 for Americas. 21. Select your country # 47 for Unites States. 22. Select your time zone # 21 for Pacific Time. 23. Enter #1 to confirm your local time. 24. Minimize or close the UCSD-BMA Console. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 79 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 25. Open a browser and enter the IP Address of UCS Director and click Enter. 26. Enter Username and Password. 27. Click Administration > Physical Accounts > Bare Metal Agents. 28. Click the Add icon to add UCSD-BMA Account. 29. Provide the Bare Metal Agent Account details: Field BMA Name BMA Management/PXE Address Login ID Password Description Location UCSD Database Address FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 80 Value IAASBMA Mgmt._ip address of BMA Root Pxeboot IAASBMA San Jose Automatically comes UCSD mgmt. ip Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 30. Click Submit. 31. Click OK. 32. From the main menu, click Administration > Physical Account. 33. Select Added UCSD-BMA. 34. Click Configure DHCP. 35. In the Configure DHCP dialog box, supply the following values: Field DHCP Subnet DHCP Net mask BOOTP Start IP BOOTP End IP Router IP Address PX Server IP Value Subnet Detail Net mask Detail 1st IP Address of IP Pool Last IP Address of IP Pool Gateway IP Address BMA IP Address FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 81 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 36. Click Submit. 37. Click OK. 38. On the menu bar, choose Administration > Physical Accounts. 39. Select the added UCSD-BMA and click Configure Interface. 40. Select the Interface Name as eth1 to configure as PXE Interface. 41. Add PXE VLAN IP Address and Subnet Mask. 42. Click Submit. 43. Click OK. 44. Select UCSD-BMA and click Start Services. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 82 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 45. Click Start. Note It may take a r few minutes for the UCSD-BMA to start Services. 46. Click OK. 47. Select UCSD-BMA and click Refresh. 48. Confirm UCSD-BMA status is Active. 49. In VCenter right-click and select Create New Virtual Machine. 50. In Configuration page, Select Typical. 51. Click Next. 52. Enter the name of the Virtual Machine as CentOS. 53. Click Next. 54. Select Data store Infra_datastore. 55. Click Next. 56. Select Linux version CentOS4/5/6 (64-bit) and click Next. 57. Select Network as IB-MGMT-VLAN, Adapter type VMXNET 3, click Next. 58. Click Next and click Finish. 59. Right-click on the newly created VM CentOS and select Edit Settings. 60. Select Network adapter 1 and copy the MAC Address. 61. On the main menu bar, choose Physical > Compute. 62. In the left pane, navigate to the pod to configure the PXE boot request. 63. In the right pane, click the PXE Boot Requests tab. 64. Click Add PXE Request. 65. In the PXE Boot Request Add dialog box, complete the following fields: FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 83 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models Field Server MAC Address Host Name Root Password Management VLAN Server IP Address Network Mask Gateway Name Server Target BMA Value Already Copied MAC from vcetner, paste here The Hostname to be assigned to the server after the PXE Installation process is complete Password for root user IB-MGMT-VLANID Static IP for the server IP Subnet Mask IP Gateway DNS Server Choose BMA user for this PXE Request 66. Click Submit. 67. Click OK. 68. Click Setup PXE Environment and then click Submit. 69. Click OK. 70. In VCenter right-click CentOS VM and Open Console. 71. Click Power On. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 84 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models The virtual machine received the image from the PXE Server and the installation has begun. PXE Boot on iSCSI Boot LUN Using Orchestration Workflow This section provides an introduction to UCS Director Workflows and how they are built and executed. This information is very important and valuable if looking to create custom workflows for specific infrastructure operations within UCS Director. This information will also help the reader follow along with the remainder of this document, which discusses building UCS Director Workflows pertaining to specific use-case examples. Workflow Cisco UCS Director Orchestrator allows for automation of out-of-the-box tasks arranged as workflows using an intuitive graphical interface called the workflow designer. Both virtual and physical tasks can be included to design custom workflows.Triggers help initiate actions inside a workflow and the workflow itself may be executed by hand or through a trigger to kick the process off. A typical workflow consists of the following elements: • Workflow Designer (GUI interface) • Predefined Tasks for the supported component The simplest workflow consists of two connected tasks. A task represents a particular action or operation. The workflow determines the order in which your tasks are executed by Orchestrator. When constructing workflows, by dragging-and-dropping tasks, it is possible to route the output of one workflow into the input of another workflow. This connecting of multiple tasks is how complex workflows are created. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 85 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models Inputs and Outputs The mapping of inputs and outputs in a UCS Director workflow is very important. Each task has a set of inputs that are required to perform its intended function or purpose. Being that a workflow is meant to be built once and executed multiple times, similar to a "template"; UCS Director must provide a dynamic capability for passing data specific to each workflow execution. This capability comes in the form of workflow variables that can be mapped to one or more specific task inputs. This variable mapping mechanism allows for the passing and usage of information throughout the workflow, from one task to another. Each task input as well as each workflow variable has an attribute called an "input type" which specifies the type of data that is expected for that particular input or is held within that particular workflow variable. This input type attribute helps to ensure that the appropriate data gets mapped to the appropriate task input or inputs and that the data is in the proper format. For example, a task that adds a VLAN to a switch might require a task input of "VLAN" (among others) and the input type for that task input might be "vlan id". The "vlan_id" input type ensures that only integers between 0 and 4096 are passed to this particular task input named "VLAN". UCS Director will only allow you to map workflow variables with an input type of "vlan id" to a task input with an input type of "vlan id". The only exception to this is if the task input requires an input type of "Generic Text Input". In this case, any workflow variable of any input type can be mapped to a task input with an input type of "Generic Text Input". There are three sources of information that can be used in a workflow and mapped to task inputs: • End User Input—A workflow can be configured to prompt the executing user for certain information. This information is then transferred as workflow variables and mapped where necessary throughout the workflow to specific task inputs. This is a dynamic source of information, meaning that with each execution of the workflow, the data or information will most likely be different. • Task Output—As each task in a workflow is completed, certain objects may have been created or changed, etc. As this happens, the task produces information, such as the name of that object for example, and stores this information as one or more task outputs. These task outputs are variables that can then be mapped to subsequent task inputs. This is another dynamic source of information within the workflow. • Static Admin Input—As a workflow is built, the builder can choose where to get each and every required task input. If the task input is not mapped to an End User Input or a Task Output from another task, the task input must be entered as a static input. This is a static source of information, meaning with each and every execution of the workflow, this value will stay exactly the same. The following section pertains to the specific use case example of provisioning a stateless Cisco UCS server through workflow orchestration sets the stage for additional resources including compute, network and storage, required for true elasticity. This assumes hardware capacity is available for necessary expansion. Statelessness alludes to the capability to separate identity from the underlying hardware. Cisco UCS servers provide for this functionality where server identifiers such as the MAC, UUID, IQN, firmware and BIOS versions are stored as pools in UCS Manager, which is external to the server. Policies, which are rules that map resources (servers) to aforementioned pools, are then used to create a server with identity. This unique capability of Cisco UCS servers to be programmed with an identity allows for agile provisioning at the host level. However, statelessness is contingent upon booting the server from SAN. Hosts integrated into the IaaS PoD through this stateless provisioning method can be consumed using method documented in this CVD. A high-level workflow to integrate a stateless server on FlexPod is as follows: • Create and Associate Service Profile • Provision NetApp Storage LUN using iSCSI protocol • Setup PXE Boot and install ESXi image on NetApp LUN FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 86 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models • Note Add Host in VCenter It is important to remember that while the use-cases highlighted in this document can be used exactly as is, they are simply presented as an example of what is possible in terms of infrastructure automation with Cisco UCS Director. Please use the use-case examples, tools and methods in this document as necessary to build workflows and accomplish the appropriate infrastructure processes as your requirements dictate. For example, the iSCSI boot LUNs could be delivered from different NetApp Data ONTAP storage volumes, from different SVMs for further storage isolation, and even across different VLAN interfaces for complete network and storage isolation. The following is a workflow detailing steps needed to bring-up an iSCSI booted rack server with an ESXi to add virtual capacity or provide a dedicated bare-metal host depending on the need. To add a VMware vSphere ESXi 5.5U1 Operating System Image on BMA, complete the following steps: 1. Login UCS Director as given user name and Password 2. From the main menu, click Physical > Compute. 3. Double-click UCSM Account > Organizations > Root. 4. Click Boot Policies tab. 5. Click the icon to create LAN to iSCSI Boot Policy. 6. Enter the following information: Field Name Reboot on Order Change (checkbox) Enforce vNIC/vHBA Name (checkbox) Add LAN Boot (checkbox) Primary vNIC Secondary vNIC Add iSCSI Boot (checkbox) Add Primary iSCSI vNIC Add Secondary iSCSI vNIC Value iSCSI_PXE_iSCSI Check Check Check vNIC-A vNIC-B Check iSCSI-A-vNIC iSCSI-B-vNIC FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 87 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 7. Click Submit. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 88 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 8. Click OK. 9. Click the icon to create iSCSI Boot Policy. 10. Enter the following information: Field Name Enforce vNIC/vHBA Name (checkbox) Add iSCSI Boot (checkbox) Add Primary iSCSI vNIC Add Secondary iSCSI vNIC Value iSCSI-Boot Check Check iSCSI-A-vNIC iSCSI-B-vNIC 11. Click Submit and then click OK. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 89 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 12. From the main menu, click Policies > Orchestration. 13. In the Orchestration page click theicon to Create new workflow. 14. Enter the Name of the workflow as New_Provisioning_BMA and Folder Name as Bare Metal. 15. Click Next. 16. In the User Inputs Page click the icon to add Input. 17. In Add Entry to Input Label as Enter Server Host Name. 18. Click Select as input type as Generic Text Input. 19. Click Select. 20. Click Submit and then click OK. 21. In User Inputs Page click the icon to add Input. 22. In Add Entry to Input Label as Enter LUN Name. 23. Click Select as input type as Generic Text Input. 24. Click Select. 25. Click Submit and then click OK. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 90 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 26. Click Next. 27. Click Submit and then click OK. 28. In Workflow Designer page, double-click New_Porvisioning_BMA under Bare Metal folder 29. In Workflow Designer page, in the Search space, for the workflow designer page type Create UCS Service Profile from Template. 30. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 31. Click Next. 32. In the User Input Mapping page, click Next. 33. In Task Inputs page, enter the Service Profile Name Prefix as VM-Host-Infra-05,Number of Service Profiles as 1. 34. Select Organization as root and Service Profile Templates as Service-Template-VM-Host-UCSD. 35. Click Next. 36. Click Submit and click OK FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 91 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 37. In the Search space for the workflow designer page, enter Modify UCS Service Profile Boot Policy. 38. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 39. In the Task information page, enter Boot from PXE vlan as comments. 40. Click Next. 41. In the User Input Mapping page, check the checkbox for Map to User Input option under Service Profile. 42. From the drop-down select the task: CreateServiceProfilefromtemplate_669.SERVICE_PROFILE_IDENTITY. 43. Click Next. 44. In the Task Inputs page, select the earlier created Boot Policy as iSCSI_PXE_iSCSI. 45. Click Select. 46. Click Next. 47. Click Submit and then click OK. 48. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Drag the arrow from On Failure to Completed FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 92 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 49. In the Search space of the workflow designer page, enter Create cluster lun. 50. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 51. Click Next in the Task Information screen. 52. In the User Input Mapping page, check the checkbox for Map to User Input option under LUN Name. 53. From the drop-down select the input task Enter LUN Name. 54. Click Next. 55. In the Task Inputs page, select the Volume Name as esxi_boot. 56. Click Select. 57. Enter the Volume Size as 10 GB and OS Type as vmware. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 93 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 58. Click Next. 59. Click Submit and click OK. 60. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Drag the arrow from On Failure to Completed. 61. In Task Inputs page provide the following information: Field Vserver Name Initiator Group Name Group Type OS Type Portset Name Value Infra_Vserver Flexpod_initator ISCSI Vmware none 62. Click Next. 63. Click Submit and then click OK. 64. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Drag the arrow from On Failure to Completed. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 94 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 65. In the Search space of the workflow designer page type Add Initiator to Cluster Initiator Group. 66. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 67. Click Next in the Task Information screen. 68. In the User Input Mapping page, check the checkbox for Map to User Input option under Initiator Group Name. 69. From the drop-down select the task. 70. CreateClusterInitiatorGroup_672.OUTPUT_CLUSTER_IGROUP_IDENTITY. 71. Click Next. 72. In the Task Inputs page, write the iqn of the host << iqn.1992-08.com.cisco:ucs-host:5>>. 73. Click Next. 74. Click Submit and OK. 75. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Drag the arrow from the On Failure to Completed. 76. In the Search space of the workflow designer page type Map Cluster LUN to iGroup. 77. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 78. Click Next in the Task Information screen. 79. In the User Input Mapping page, check the checkbox for Map to User Input option under LUN Name. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 95 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 80. From the drop-down select the task CreateClusterLUN_671.OUTPUT_CLUSTER_LUN_IDENTITY check the checkbox for Map to User Input option under Initiator Group Name. 81. From the drop-down select the task CreateClusterInitiatorGroup_672.OUTPUT_CLUSTER_IGROUP_IDENTITY. 82. Click Next. 83. Click Next. 84. Click Submit and OK. 85. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Drag the arrow from On Failure to Completed. 86. In the Search space of the workflow designer page type Associate UCS Service Profile. 87. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 88. Click Next in the Task Information screen. 89. In the User Input Mapping page, check the checkbox for Map to User Input option under Service Profile Name. 90. From the drop-down select the task CreateServiceProfilefromtemplate_669.SERVICE_PROFILE_IDENTITY. 91. Click Next. 92. In Task Inputs page, click Select for Server. 93. Click Select. 94. Click Next. 95. Click Submit and OK. 96. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Drag the arrow from On Failure to Completed. 97. In the Search space of the workflow designer page type Setup PXE Boot. 98. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 96 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 99. Click Next in the Task Information screen. 100. User Input Mapping page, check the checkbox for Map to User Input option under. Server MAC Address. 101. From the drop-down select the task CreateUCSServiceProfilefromtemplate_669.OUTPUT_UCS_BLADE_MAC_ADDRESS. 102. Check the checkbox for Map to User Input option under Server Host Name. 103. Enter Server Host Name. 104. In Task Inputs page provide the following information: Field OS Type Server Address Server Net Mask Server Gateway Server Name Server Management VLAN Root Password Time Zone Value ESXi5.5 3175 Cisco123 Select your time zone 105. Click Next. 106. Click Submit and then click OK. 107. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Drag the arrow from On Failure to Completed. 108. In the Search space, of workflow designer page type Power On UCS Server. 109. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 110. Click Next in the Task Information screen. 111. In the User Input Mapping page, check the checkbox for Map to User Input option under Server. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 97 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 112. From the drop-down select the task AssociateUCSServiceProfile_675.SERVER_IDENTITY. 113. Click Next. 114. Click Next. 115. Click Submit and then click OK. 116. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Drag the arrow from the On Failure to Completed. 117. In the Search space, of workflow designer page type Wait for Specified Duration. 118. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 119. Click Next in the Task Information screen. 120. Click Next. 121. In the Task Inputs page, select Duration as 9 min. 122. Click Next. 123. Click Submit and then click OK. 124. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Drag the arrow from the On Failure to Completed. 125. In the Search space, of workflow designer page type Remove PXE Boot Setup. 126. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 127. Click Next in the Task Information screen. 128. User Input Mapping page, check the checkbox for Map to User Input option under PXE Boot Id. 129. From the drop-down select the task PXEBoot_676.OUTPUT_PXE_BOOT_ID. 130. Click Next. 131. Click Next. 132. Click Submit and then click OK. 133. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Drag the arrow from the On Failure to Completed. 134. In the Search space, of workflow designer page type Modify UCS Service Profile Boot Policy. 135. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 136. In the Task Information page, enter Now Boot from iSCSI LUN. 137. Click Next in the Task Information screen. 138. User Input Mapping page, check the checkbox for Map to User Input option under Service Profile. 139. From the drop-down select the task CreateServiceProfilefromtemplate_669.SERVICE_PROFILE_IDENTITY. 140. Click Next. 141. In the Task Inputs page, select the Boot Policy as iSCSI-Boot. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 98 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 142. Click Select. 143. Click Next. 144. Click Submit and then click OK. 145. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Drag the arrow from the On Failure to Completed. 146. In the Search space of workflow designer page type Power Off UCS Server. 147. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 148. Click Next in the Task Information screen. 149. In the User Input Mapping page, check the checkbox for Map to User Input option under Server. 150. From the drop-down select the task AssociateUCSServiceProfile_675.SERVER_IDENTITY. 151. Click Next. 152. Click Submit and then click OK. 153. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Drag the arrow from the On Failure to Completed. 154. In the Search space of the workflow designer page type Power On UCS Server. 155. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 156. Click Next in the Task Information screen. 157. In the User Input Mapping page, check the checkbox for Map to User Input option under Server. 158. From the drop-down select the task AssociateUCSServiceProfile_675.SERVER_IDENTITY. 159. Click Next. 160. Click Submit and then click OK. 161. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Drag the arrow from the On Failure to Completed. 162. In the Search space of the workflow designer page type Wait for Specified Duration. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 99 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 163. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 164. Click Next in the Task Information screen. 165. Click Next. 166. In the Task Inputs page, select Duration 5 min. 167. Click Next. 168. Click Submit and then click OK. 169. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Drag the arrow from the On Failure to Completed. 170. In the Search space of the workflow designer page type Register Host with vCenter. 171. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 172. Click Next in the Task Information screen. 173. In the User Input Mapping page, check the checkbox for Map to User Input option under PXEBoot Request ID. 174. From the drop-down select the task PXEBoot_676.OUTPUT_PXE_BOOT_ID. 175. Click Next. 176. In Task Inputs page, provide the following information: Field Account Name Register PXE Host Associate with Cluster/Data Center 177. Click Next. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 100 Value VMware Check Cluster FlexPod_Management Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 178. Click Submit and then click OK. 179. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Drag the arrow from the On Failure to Completed. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 101 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 180. Click Validate Workflow. 181. Click OK. 182. Click Execute Now. 183. Enter the Server Host Name as infra. 184. Enter the LUN Name as flexpod. 185. Click Submit. 186. Click Show Detail Status. 187. Log into VMware vCenter and view the newly added provision host with iSCSI Boot LUN. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 102 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models Note In the orchestration workflow described above, some of the Static Admin Inputs are mapped, these Static Admin Inputs are customizable and changeable as per the customer environment. Provision NetApp Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) and Associate to Virtual Machines NetApp storage virtual machines (SVMs, formerly known as Vservers) contain data volumes and logical interfaces (LIFs), serving data to clients. Starting with clustered Data ONTAP 8.1.1, SVMs can either contain one or more FlexVol volumes, or a single infinite volume. SVMs securely isolate the shared virtualized data storage and network, and each SVM appears as a single dedicated server to the clients. Each SVM has a separate administrator authentication domain and can be managed independently by its SVM administrator. A cluster can have one or more SVMs with FlexVol volumes and SVMs with Infinite Volume. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 103 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models Figure 17 NetApp Storage Virtual Machine Associated to Virtual Machines Overview The following section pertains to the specific use case example of configuring the new "SVM and Associate Datastore to VM" on FlexPod infrastructure. In this context, the definition of "Provision SVM and Associate Datastore to VM" means that the VM guest operating system has access to and will control the mounting and management of the iSCSI storage directly. The iSCSI storage is provisioned within a NetApp Data ONTAP SVM that is allocated exclusively for the tenant, and delivered over dedicated tenant storage networks that access the SVM via Data ONTAP logical interfaces (LIFs). This use-case does not involve Raw Device Mappings or "RDMs", but rather storage directly mounted by the operating system iSCSI initiator within the VM guest. At a high-level, this use case pertains to the following operations across the FlexPod infrastructure: 1. Provisioning and configuration of a Datastore on dedicated NetApp Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) and Associate to a VM. 2. Configuration of N1KV as vSphere DVS and NetApp infrastructure to enable iSCSI Datastore connectivity from the SVM to the VM. 3. Create snapshot of the Volume. 4. Configuration of LIFs and VMKernel ports for iSCSI network. 5. Attached Datastore as Disk to a virtual machine. The Figure below provides more details on exactly what is being configured as "Provision SVM and Associate Datastore to VM" with each execution of the UCS Director workflow built for use-case example FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 104 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models Figure 18 Note Detailed Overview of Provisioning SVM and Associating a Datastore to a Virtual Machine It is important to remember that while the use-cases highlighted in this document can be used exactly as is, they are simply presented as an example of what is possible in terms of infrastructure automation with Cisco UCS Director. Please use the use-case examples, tools and methods in this document as necessary to build workflows and accomplish the appropriate infrastructure processes as your requirements dictate. 1. Log into UCS Director with admin user name and password. 2. From the main menu, click Policies > Network. 3. Select the Static IP Pool Policy tab. 4. Click the icon to create the Static IP Pool policy. 5. For the policy name, enter iSCSI A Pool and click the icon to create the Static IP Pool. Field Static IP Pool Subnet Mask Gateway IP Address VLAN ID Value vLAN iSCSI-A IP Pool Sunbet Mask vLAN iSCSI-A Gateway vLAN iSCSI-A vLAN ID iSCSI-A FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 105 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 6. Click Submit and then click OK. 7. Click Submit and click OK. 8. Click theicon to create the Static IP Pool policy. 9. For the policy name, enter iSCSI B Pool and click the icon to create the Static IP Pool. Field Static IP Pool Subnet Mask Gateway IP Address VLAN ID 10. Click Submit and click OK. 11. Click Submit and click OK. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 106 Value vLAN iSCSI-B IP Pool Subnet Mask vLAN iSCSI-B Gateway vLAN iSCSI-B vLAN ID iSCSI-B Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 12. From the main menu, click Policies > Orchestration. 13. On the Orchestration page, click the icon to create a new workflow. 14. For the name of the workflow, enter winserver_workflow, and for the folder name, select IAAS. 15. Click Next. 16. Add User Inputs Page. Click Next. 17. Click Submit and click OK. 18. Under the Workflows tab, click IAAS folder> winserver_workflow. 19. On the Workflow Designer page, select NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP Tasks under the NetApp Tasks folder. 20. Click the NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP Tasks folder. 21. Select Create Cluster Vserver Task. 22. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 23. Click Next. 24. Click Next on the Task Information page. 25. On the User Input Mapping page, click Next. 26. In Task Inputs Page Select Aggregate Name as check aggr01 and click Select. 27. Enter Vserver Name as winvserver. 28. For Root Volume Name, enter winvol. 29. Select Snapshot Policy as default and click Select. 30. For Protocol, select NFS, iSCSI and click Select. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 107 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 31. Check NFS Service Start. 32. Click Next. 33. Click Submit and click OK. 34. Under User and Group Tasks, select Assign Vserver to Group Task. 35. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 36. Click Next. 37. On the User Input Mapping page, under VServer Name, check the checkbox for Map to User Input. 38. From the dropdown list, select CreateClustervServer1465.OUTPUT_CLUSTER_VSERVER_IDENTITY. 39. Click Next. 40. For User Group ID, select Dev_Group_admin. 41. Write comments Dev Group and click Next. 42. Click Submit and click OK. 43. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Similarly, drag the arrow from Failure to Completed. 44. In the Search space, select Create Cluster Logical Interface Task. 45. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 46. Write comments Logical Interface vLAN iSCSI-A and click Next. 47. On the User Input Mapping page, check the checkbox for Map to User Input option, under VServer Name. 48. From the drop-down list, select the task CreateClustervServer1465.OUTPUT_CLUSTER_VSERVER_IDENTITY. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 108 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 49. Click Next. 50. On the Task Inputs page, enter the values provide in the following table: Field Role Home Node Allowed Protocols Home Port Logical Interface Name IP Address Subnetmask Value Data Clus-01 iSCSI Clus-01@a0a901 ‘iscsi_lif01a IP Address vLAN iSCSI-A Subnetmask vLAN iSCSI-A 51. Click Next. 52. Click Submit and click OK. 53. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Drag the arrow from the Failure to Completed. 54. In the Search space, select Create Cluster Logical Interface Task. 55. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 56. Enter the comment Logical Interface vLAN iSCSI-B and click Next. 57. On the User Input Mapping page, check the checkbox for Map to User Input option under VServer Name. 58. From the drop-down list, select the task CreateClustervServer1465.OUTPUT_CLUSTER_VSERVER_IDENTITY 59. Click Next. 60. On the Task Inputs page, enter the values provide in the following table: FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 109 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models Field Role Home Node Allowed Protocols Home Port Logical Interface Name IP Address Subnetmask Value Data Clus-01 iSCSI Clus-02@a0a902 ‘iscsi_lif02a IP Address vLAN iSCSI-B Subnetmask vLAN iSCSI-B 61. Click Next. 62. Click Submit and click OK. 63. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Drag the arrow from the Failure to Completed. 64. In the Search space, select Create Cluster Flexible Volume Task. 65. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 66. Click Next in the Task Information screen. 67. On the User Input Mapping page, check the checkbox for Map to User Input option under VServer Name. 68. From the drop-down list, select the task CreateClustervServer1465.OUTPUT_CLUSTER_VSERVER_IDENTITY. 69. Check the checkbox for Map to User Input option under Aggregate Name. 70. From the drop-down list, select the task CreateClustervServer_1465.OUTPUT_CLUSTER_AGGREGATE_IDENTITY. 71. Click Next. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 110 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 72. On the Task Inputs page, enter the values provided in the following table: Field Volume Name Volume Size Volume Type Volume State Security Type Space Guarantee Snapshot size% Snapshot Policy Export Policy Value Win_volume 80 GB RW Online Unix Volume 0 Default None 73. Click Next. 74. Click Submit and click OK. 75. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Drag the arrow from the Failure to Completed. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 111 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 76. In the Search space, select Create Cluster Volume Snapshot Task. 77. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 78. Click Next in the Task Information page. 79. On the User Input Mapping page, check the checkbox for Map to User Input option under Volume Name. 80. From the drop-down list, select the task, CreateClusterFlexibleVolume1469.OUTPUT_CLUSTER_VOLUME_IDENTITY. 81. Click Next. 82. For Snapshot Name, enter ucsd_snapshot. 83. Click Next. 84. Click Submit and click OK. 85. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Similarly, drag the arrow from the Failure to Completed. 86. In the Search space, select Create Cluster LUN Task. 87. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 88. Click Next in the Task Information page. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 112 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 89. On the User Input Mapping page, check the checkbox for Map to User Input option under Volume Name. 90. From the drop-down list, select the task CreateClusterFlexibleVolume1469.OUTPUT_CLUSTER_VOLUME_IDENTITY 91. Click Next. 92. For LUN Name, enter winlun. 93. For LUN Size, enter 40 GB. 94. For OS Type, enter vmware. 95. Click Next. 96. Click Submit and click OK. 97. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Similarly, drag the arrow from the Failure to Completed. 98. In the Search space, select Create Cluster Initiator Group Task. 99. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 100. Click Next on the Task Information page. 101. On the User Input Mapping page, check the checkbox for the Map to User Input option under VServer Name. 102. From the drop-down list, select the task CreateClustervServer1465.OUTPUT_CLUSTER_VSERVER_IDENTITY. 103. Click Next. 104. For Initiator Group Name, enter init. 105. For Group Type, enter ISCSI. 106. For OS Type, enter vmware. 107. Click Next. 108. Click Submit and click OK. 109. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Similarly, drag the arrow from the Failure to Completed. 110. In the Search space, select Add Initiator to Cluster Initiator Group Task. 111. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 112. Click Next in the Task Information screen. 113. On the User Input Mapping page, check the checkbox for the Map to User Input option under Initiator Group Name. 114. From the drop down select the task, 115. CreateClusterInitiatorGroup1472.OUTPUT_CLUSTER_IGROUP_IDENTITY. 116. Click Next. 117. For Initiator Name, enter iqn of the host. 118. Click Next. 119. Click Submit and click OK. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 113 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 120. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Similarly, drag the arrow from the Failure to Completed. 121. In the Search space, select Map Cluster LUN to iGroup Task. 122. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 123. Click Next in the Task Information screen. 124. On the User Input Mapping page, check the checkbox for Map to User Input option under LUN Name. 125. From the drop-down list, select the task CreateClusterLUN1471.OUTPUT_CLUSTER_LUN_IDENTITY. 126. Check the checkbox for the Map to User Input option under Initiator Group Name. 127. From the drop-down list, select the task CreateClusterInitiatorGroup_1472.OUTPUT_CLUSTER_IGROUP_IDENTITY. 128. Click Next. 129. Check specify LUN ID. 130. Click Next. 131. Click Submit and click OK. 132. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Similarly drag the arrow from the Failure to Completed. 133. In the Search space, select Add VMKernel Port On DVSwitch Task. 134. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 135. Click Next on the Task Information screen. 136. On the User Input Mapping page, click Next. 137. Click Next. 138. On the Task Inputs page, enter the values provided in the following table: Field Host Node DVPortGroup Name Network Type Select IP Address Type Static IP Pool MTU Size FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 114 Value iSCSI-A-VLAN IPv4 Static iSCSI A Pool 9000 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 139. click Next. 140. Click Submit and click OK. 141. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Drag the arrow from the Failure to Completed. 142. In the Search space, select Add VMKernel Port On DVSwitch Task. 143. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 144. Click Next in the Task Information screen. 145. On the User Input Mapping page, click Next. 146. Click Next. 147. On the Task Inputs page, enter the values provided in the following table: Field Host Node DVPortGroup Name Network Type Select IP Address Type Static IP Pool MTU Size Value iSCSI-B-VLAN IPv4 Static iSCSI B Pool 9000 FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 115 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 148. Click Next. 149. Click Submit and click OK. 150. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Drag the arrow from the Failure to Completed. 151. In the Search space, select Execute NetApp Cluster CLI or Create Cluster iSCSI Service Task 152. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user 153. to enter the input. 154. Click Next in the Task Information screen. 155. On the User Input Mapping page, check the checkbox for the Map to User Input option under Filer Identity Name. 156. From the drop-down list, select the task 157. CreateClusterServer1465.OUTPUT_NETAPP_CLUSTER_FILER_IDENTITY. 158. Click Next. 159. Write the CLI Command as iscsi create -vserver winserver. 160. Write the Expected Output as iscsi create -vserver winserver. 161. Write the Expected Output as iscsi delete -vserver winserver. 162. Click Next. 163. Click Submit and click OK. 164. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Drag the arrow from the Failure to Completed. 165. In the Search space, select Associate LUN as Datastore Task. 166. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 116 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 167. Click Next in the Task Information screen. 168. On the User Input Mapping page, check the checkbox for Map to User Input option under Select Vserver Name. 169. From the drop-down list, select the task 170. CreateClustervServer1465.OUTPUT_CLUSTER_VSERVER_IDENTITY. 171. Check the checkbox for the Map to User Input option under LUN Path. 172. From the drop-down list, select the task 173. CreateClusterLUN_1175.LUN_PATH. 174. Click Next. 175. On the Task Inputs page, enter the values provided in the following table: Field Filer Identity Name VMFS Mount Options Datastore Name Hostnode Group Type vDC Name Success Criteria Value NetApp Format the Disk windatastore VMware ISCSI Name of the vDC (optional) Mount successful at least on one host 176. Click Next. 177. Click Submit and click OK. 178. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Drag the arrow from the Failure to Completed. 179. In the Search space, select Create VM Disk Task. 180. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 117 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 181. Click Next in the Task Information screen. 182. On the User Input Mapping page, check the checkbox for Map to User Input option under Select Datastore. 183. From the drop-down list, select the task 184. MapNetAppLUNtoDatastore_1478.OUTPUT_DATASTORE_NAME. 185. Click Next. 186. On the Task Inputs page, click Select to select VM need additional disk. 187. Specify the Disk Size (GB) as 30. 188. For Select Disk Type, select System. 189. Check the checkbox for Thin Provisioning. 190. Click Next. 191. Click Submit and click OK. 192. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Drag the arrow from the Failure to Completed. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 118 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 193. Click Validate Workflow. 194. Click OK. 195. Click Execute Now. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 119 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 196. Log into the selected VM. 197. Click Server Manager > Storage > Disk Management. 198. Confirm that the attached disk is 30GB. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 120 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models Note In the orchestration workflow detailed in the section above, some of the Static Admin Inputs are mapped, these Static Admin Inputs are customizable and changeable as per customer environment. Provision Clustered Data ONTAP Storage within SVM The following section pertains to the specific use case example of configuring the new "Datastore within SVM" infrastructure provisioned in use-case to support the iSCSI protocol with SVM. In this context, the definition of "Provision Datastore within SVM" means that a tenant can be provided with a private, isolated vSphere datastore within NetApp Data ONTAP. In this use case, all tenant VM data is maintained securely and managed discretely within the shared infrastructure. At a high-level, this use case pertains to the following operations across the FlexPod infrastructure: Note • Provision Volume and LUN already created NetApp Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) • Create Initiator Group and add initiator into the Group • Map Datastore to Igroup • Associate LUN as Datastore It is important to remember that while the use-cases highlighted in this document can be used exactly as is, they are simply presented as an example of what is possible in terms of infrastructure automation with Cisco UCS Director. Please use the use-case examples, tools and methods in this document as necessary FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 121 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models to build workflows and accomplish the appropriate infrastructure processes as your requirements dictate. For example, while this use cases illustrates provisioning a LUN for a VMware VMFS datastore, it could also be adapted to deliver a private NFS-based datastore. 1. Log into UCS Director with user name and password. 2. From the main menu, click Policies > Orchestration. 3. On the Orchestration page, click the icon to create new workflow. 4. For Workflow Name, enter Clustered_Storage_Provisioning. 5. For Folder Name, enter IAAS. 6. Click Next. 7. On the User Inputs Page, click the icon to add an input. 8. In the Add Entry dialog box, for Input Label, enter Select Aggregate. 9. Click Select > NetApp Cluster Aggregate Identity. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 122 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 10. Click Submit. 11. Click OK. 12. Click the icon to add an input. 13. In the Add Entry dialog box, for Input Label, enter Enter Lun Name. 14. Click Select > Generic Text Input. 15. Click Submit. 16. Click OK. 17. Click the icon to add an input. 18. In the Add Entry dialog box, for Input Label, enter Enter Volume Name. 19. Click Select > Generic Text Input. 20. Click Submit. 21. Click OK. 22. Click the icon to add an input. 23. In the Add Entry dialog box, for Input Label, enter Enter Initiator Group Name. 24. Click on Select > NetAppClusterInitiatorGroupName. 25. Click Submit. 26. Click OK. 27. Click the icon to add an input. 28. In the Add Entry dialog box, for Input Label, enter Enter LUN ID. 29. Click Select > lunid. 30. Click Submit. 31. Click OK. 32. Click the icon to add an input. 33. In the Add Entry dialog box, for Input Label, enter Enter Datastore Name. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 123 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 34. Click Select > Generic Text Input. 35. Click Submit. 36. Click OK. 37. Click Next. 38. Click Submit and OK. 39. From the Workflows tab, click Clustered_Storage_Provisioning. 40. On the Workflow Designer page, select NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP Tasks under the NetApp Tasks folder. 41. Click the NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP Tasks folder. 42. Select Create Cluster Flexible Volume Task. 43. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 44. Click Next on Create Flexible Volume Task. 45. Click Map to User Input under Aggregate Name (Mandatory) to add Select Aggregate as the input 46. Click Map to User Input under Volume Name. Enter Volume Name as user Input. 47. Click Next. 48. On the Task Inputs Page, for Vserver Name, check Infra_Vserver and click Select. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 124 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 49. For Volume Size, select 80GB. 50. For Snapshot policy, select default. 51. Click Next. 52. Click Submit and click OK. 53. Select the Create Cluster LUN task. 54. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 55. Click Next on the Task Information page. 56. On the User Input Mapping page, check the checkbox for the Map to User Input option under Volume Name. 57. From the drop-down list, select the task CreateClusterFlexiblevolume_424.OUTPUT_CLUSTER_VOLUME_IDENTITY. 58. Check the checkbox for the Map to User Input option, under LUN Name. 59. From the drop-down list, select the Enter LUN Name task. 60. Click Next on the Task Inputs page. 61. For LUN Size, enter 50GB, and the OS Type as vmware. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 125 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 62. Click Next. 63. Click Submit and click OK. 64. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Drag the arrow from Failure to Completed. 65. In the Search space, select Create Cluster Initiator Group task. 66. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 67. Click Next in the Task Information screen. 68. On the User Input Mapping page, check the checkbox for the Map to User Input option under Vserver Name. 69. From the drop-down list, select the task CreateClusterFlexiblevolume_424.OUTPUT_CLUSTER_VOLUME_IDENTITY. 70. Check the checkbox for the Map to User Input option, under Initiator Group Name. 71. From the drop-down list, select the Enter Initiator Group Name task. 72. Click Next. 73. On the Task Inputs page, for Group Type select ISCSI, and for OS Type, select vmware. 74. Click Next. 75. Click Submit and click OK. 76. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Similarly, drag the arrow from Failure to Completed. 77. In the Search space, select Add Initiator to Cluster Initiator Group task. 78. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 79. Click Next on the Task Information page. 80. On the User Input Mapping page, check the checkbox for the Map to User Input option, under Initiator Group Name. 81. From the drop-down list, select the task CreateClusterInitiatorGroup_426.OUTPUT_CLUSTER_IGROUP_IDENTITY 82. Click Next. 83. On the Task Inputs page, for Initiator Name, enter Host iqn <<iqn.1992-08.com.cisco:ucs-host:2>>. 84. Click Next. 85. Click Submit and OK. 86. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Drag the arrow from Failure to Completed. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 126 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 87. In the Search space, select the Map Cluster LUN to iGroup task. 88. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 89. Click Next on the Task Information page. 90. On the User Input Mapping page, check the checkbox for the Map to User Input option, under LUN Name. 91. From the drop-down list, select the task 92. CreateClusterLUN_425.OUTPUT_CLUSTER_LUN_IDENTITY. 93. Check the checkbox for the Map to User Input option, under Initiator Group Name. 94. From the drop-down list, select the task 95. CreateClusterInitiatorGroup_426.OUTPUT_CLUSTER_IGROUP_IDENTITY 96. Check the checkbox for the Map to User Input option, under LUN ID. 97. From the drop-down list, select the task Enter LUN ID. 98. Click Next. 99. On the Task Inputs page, check Specify LUN ID. 100. Click Next. 101. Click Submit and click OK. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 127 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 102. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Drag the arrow from the Failure to Completed. 103. In the Search space, click NetApp Tasks under the Physical Storage Tasks folder. 104. Select Associate LUN as the Datastore Task. 105. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 106. Click Next on the Task Information page. 107. On the User Input Mapping page, under Select Vserver Name, check the checkbox for the Map to User Input option. 108. From the drop-down list, select the task CreateClusterFlexibleVolume_424.OUTPUT_Cluster_VSERVER_IDENTITY. 109. Under Datastore Name, check the checkbox for the Map to User Input option. 110. From the drop-down list, select Enter Datastore Name. 111. Under LUN Path, check the checkbox for the Map to User Input option. 112. From the drop-down list, select LUN Path as CreateClusterLUN_425.LUN_PATH 113. Click Next. 114. On the Task Inputs page, enter the values provided in the following table: Field Filer Identity Name VMFS Mount Options Hostnode Group Type vDC Name Success Criteria FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 128 Value NetApp Format the Disk VMware ISCSI Name of the vDC (optional) Mount successful at least on one host Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 115. Click Next. 116. Click Submit and click OK. 117. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Drag the arrow from Failure to Completed. 118. Click Validate Workflow and then click OK. 119. Click Execute Now. 120. For Aggregate, select Cluster-01 Aggr01. 121. For LUN Name, enter flexpod_lun. 122. For Volume Name, enter flexpod_vol. 123. For Initiator Group Name, enter flexpod_init. 124. For LUN ID, enter 7. 125. For Datastore Name, enter flexpod_datastore. 126. Click Submit. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 129 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 127. Click Show Detail. 128. Log into vCenter Server to confirm flexpod_datastore1. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 130 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models Note In the orchestration workflow detailed in the section above, some of the Static Admin Inputs are mapped, these Static Admin Inputs are customizable and changeable as per customer environment. Resize NetApp Virtual Storage Console (VSC )Datastore using Orchestration Workflow The Provisioning and Cloning capability of NetApp VSC for VMware vSphere enables you to provision and resize a datastore and rapidly create multiple clones of virtual machines in the VMware environment. An adaptation of this workflow could also extend this capability as a self-service to a tenant administrator, providing an IaaS function to expand their virtual infrastructure storage capacity with self-service consumption controlled by UCSD budget constraints. In this use case we will resize the Datastore using Cisco UCS Director Orchestration workflow task. 1. From the main menu, click Policies > Orchestration. 2. On the Orchestration page, click the icon to create a new workflow. 3. For the name of the workflow, enter Resize Datastore, and for the folder name, enter IAAS. 4. Click Next. 5. On the Add User Inputs page, click the icon to add an input. 6. For Add Entry Label, enter Select Datastore. 7. Click Select > Datastore Name. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 131 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 8. Click Select. 9. Click Submit. 10. Click OK. 11. Click the icon to add an input. 12. In Add Entry to Input Label as Enter Storage Size (GB). 13. Click Select > Datastore Size. 14. Click Select. 15. Click Submit. 16. Click OK. 17. Click Next. 18. Click Submit. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 132 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 19. Click OK. 20. From the Workflows tab, double-click IAAS folder > Resize Datastore Using VSC Workflow. 21. On the Workflow Designer page, under the NetApp Tasks folder, select NetApp VSC Tasks. 22. Select the Resize VM Datastore using VSC task. 23. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 24. Click Next on the Task Information page. 25. On the User Input Mapping page, under Datastore Name, check the checkbox for the Map to User Input option. 26. From the drop-down list, select the task Select Datastore. 27. Under Storage Size (GB), check the checkbox for the Map to User Input option. 28. From the drop-down list, select the Select Enter Storage Size (GB) task. 29. Click Next. 30. On the Task Inputs page, select any VM. 31. Click Next. 32. Click Submit. 33. Click OK. 34. Click Validate Workflow. 35. Click OK. 36. Click Execute Now. 37. Select VSC Datastore. 38. For Enter Storage Size (GB), need to resize. 39. Click Submit. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 133 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 40. Log into vCenter and into the previous datastore. The size is 100GB. 41. In Cisco UCS Director, check the Service Request Task status. The new size Datastore 150 GB shown in VCenter: FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 134 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models Note In the orchestration workflow detailed in the section above, some of the user inputs are statically mapped, user input option are customizable and changeable as per customer environment. Resize the Virtual Machine Using Custom Approval Task Custom Approval task provision workflows to accept approval using the Custom Approval Tasks feature, which allows the infrastructure administrators (compute, storage and network) or any type of system user to provide inputs for the execution of workflows. Custom approval tasks let specific users approve a workflow before it can be executed. The approver's name is requested when adding this task to a workflow. The same individuals can also provide inputs that were previously defined in the custom approval task. After those approval tasks are defined, they can be added to the workflow. Next, you are prompted to enter the name of the approver of the task. When the workflow is executed, it pauses at the approval task. The approver provides any needed inputs (which can be mapped to subsequent tasks) that were previously configured. After a workflow is approved, the workflow resumes execution. In this use-case show case the functionality of custom approval task for resizes CPU and Memory. 1. Log into UCS Director as given user name and Password. 2. From the main menu, click Policies > Orchestration. 3. Click Custom Approval Tasks Tab. 4. Click Add. 5. Enter the Approval Task Name as Resize VM. 6. Click Add input Field to add user input. 7. Under User Input 1. 8. Enter the Input Label as Select Memory. 9. Input Type as Memory Size Selector. 10. Click Add input Field to add user input. 11. Under User Input 2. 12. Enter the Input Label as Select vCPU. 13. Enter the Input Type as vCPU Selector. 14. Click Submit and click OK. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 135 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 15. Click the Workflows Tab. 16. Click Add Workflow to Create new workflow. 17. Write Name of the workflow as Custom Resize VM and Folder Name as IAAS. 18. Click Next. 19. In the Add User Inputs Page click the icon to add Input. 20. In Add Entry Label as Select VM. 21. Click Select > VM Selector. 22. Click Select. 23. Click Submit. 24. Click OK. 25. Click the icon to add Input. 26. In Add Entry Label as Select Memory. 27. Click Select > Memory Size Selector. 28. Click Select. 29. Click Submit. 30. Click OK. 31. Click the icon to add Input. 32. In Add Entry Label as Select vCPU. 33. Click Select > vCPU Selector. 34. Click Select. 35. Click Submit. 36. Click OK. 37. Under the Workflows tab, double-click IAAS folder> Custom Resize VM workflow. 38. In the Workflow Designer page, select Resize VM Task under Custom Approval Tasks folder. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 136 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 39. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 40. Click Next in the Task Information screen. 41. Click Next in User Input Mapping page. 42. Enter the Approver ID as admin in Task inputs page. 43. Click Next. 44. Click Submit and click OK. 45. In the Workflow Designer page, select Resize VM Memory and CPU Task under the VMware VM Tasks folder. 46. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 47. Click Next in the Task Information screen. 48. In the User Input Mapping page, , check the checkbox for Map to User Input option under 49. Number of vCPUs. 50. From the drop-down select the task ResizeVM_715.OUTPUT_SelectvCPU. 51. Check the checkbox for Map to User Input option under Memory. 52. From the drop-down select the task Resize VM_715.OUTPUT_SelectMemory. 53. Check the checkbox for Map to User Input option under Select VM. 54. From the drop-down select the task Select VM. 55. Click Next. 56. Click Next 57. Click Submit and click OK. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 137 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 58. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Drag the arrow from the Failure to Completed. 59. Click Validate Workflow. 60. Click OK. 61. From the Main Menu Click Policies > Catalog. 62. Click Add. 63. Select Catalog Type as Advanced. 64. Click Submit. 65. Enter the Catalog Name as Resize VM Memory and CPU. 66. Select workflow ICON. 67. Select the Group as Test Group. 68. Click Select. 69. Click Next on Basic information page. 70. Select Custom Resize VM in vApp workflow page. 71. Click Next. 72. Click Submit and click OK. 73. Log out as admin and log in as test_enduser1. 74. Under Catalog Tab Advance folder, double-click the Workflow icon of Resize Memory vCPU. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 138 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 75. Click Next. 76. Select VM, Memory and vCPU. 77. Click Next. 78. Click Submit and click OK. 79. Log in as Admin to Approve the Service Request. 80. Click Organization > My Approvals. 81. Select Service Request Resize Memory and vCPU for Approval. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 139 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 82. Click Approve. 83. Approval Inputs will display to change the value as admin. 84. Select Memory and vCPU values. 85. Click Submit and click OK. 86. Service Request successfully completes and resize the VM to the value which the Admin provided. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 140 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models Orchestration Workflow Triggers and Schedules Triggers are used to execute workflows based on specified conditions that must be met. Once those conditions are met, a workflow is (automatically) executed. This procedure describes how to trigger a new network if the Host memory is reached to a threshold limit. You can schedule workflows for execution at a specific time. You can also modify several schedule parameters when a workflow is scheduled. In this use-case a workflow will execute at given time which already put in scheduler. 1. From the main menu, click Policies > Orchestration. 2. In the Orchestration page, click the Trigger tab and click the icon to Add Triggers. 3. Enter the Name of the Trigger as NewvSwitch_Trigger. 4. Select the Frequency to 3 min and the Trigger Type Stateful. 5. Click Next. 6. In the Specify Conditions page, click the icon to add condition. 7. Add Entry to Conditions: Field Type of Object to Monitor Object Parameter Operation Value Value VMware Host VMware ID Memory Usage% Greater Than 5% FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 141 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 8. Click Submit and click OK. 9. Select the Trigger When as Any Condition (s) Satisfied. 10. Click Next. 11. In the Specify Workflow page, select Maximum Invocations as 1. 12. Select the Workflow as Provision_Network. 13. Click Next. 14. Click Submit and click OK. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 142 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 15. Power on All VMs on the Host and Verify, Trigger will create Service Request when the Host reaches the Threshold limit. 16. From the main menu, click Policies > Orchestration. 17. In the Orchestration page, click the IAAS Folder and select the workflow Provision_Network. 18. Right-click workflow and select schedule. 19. In the Schedule Workflow select Recurrence Type as Only Once, Start Time and User ID. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 143 Cisco UCS Director Deployment Models 20. Click Submit and click OK. 21. Select the Workflow Schedules tab and verify and workflow schedule. 22. Workflow will execute at the given time. 23. Verify the Service Request. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 144 Publishing Advanced Catalog Publishing Advanced Catalog When you choose the advanced catalog type, you can provision workflow catalogs to end users. End users can use these catalogs during a Service Request to execute workflows. You create an Advanced Catalog Item by defining parameters such as Group Name, Workflow, etc. 1. Log in as admin. 2. From the Main Menu, click Policies > Catalogs. 3. Click the icon to Create Advance Catalog. 4. Select the Catalog Type as Advanced. 5. Click Submit. 6. Enter the Catalog Name As Associate LUN As Datastore. 7. Select ICON for the workflow. 8. Select Groups as dev_group_admin. 9. Click Select. 10. Click Next. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 145 Publishing Advanced Catalog 11. Select the Workflow Clustered_Storage_Provisioning and click Select. 12. Click Next. 13. In the Summary click Submit. 14. Click OK. 15. Click theicon to Create Advance Catalog. 16. Select the Catalog Type as Advanced. 17. Click Submit. 18. Enter the Catalog Name As Provision New Network. 19. Select ICON for the workflow. 20. Select Groups as dev_group_admin. 21. Click Select. 22. Click Next. 23. Select the Workflow name Provision_Network and click Select. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 146 Publishing Advanced Catalog 24. Click Next. 25. In the Summary click Submit. 26. Click OK. 27. Click the icon to Create Advance Catalog. 28. Select the Catalog Type as Advanced. 29. Click Submit. 30. Enter the Catalog Name As PXE Boot On iSCSI LUN. 31. Select ICON for the workflow. 32. Select Groups as dev_group_admin. 33. Click Select. 34. Click Next. 35. Select the Workflow name New_Provisioning_BMA and Click Select. 36. Click Next. 37. In the Summary click Submit. 38. Click OK. 39. Log out as admin and Log in as dev_admin. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 147 Use Cases Use Cases Use cases are a well-known tool for expressing requirements at a high level. It provides a description of how groups of users and their resources may interact with one or more cloud computing systems to achieve specific goals. The following section presents descriptions of some actors, their goals and an idea of success and failure conditions with a view to clarify the interaction while meeting a subset of IaaS tasks defined by the NIST model. Table 5 Actors Actor Name unidentified-user Description An entity in the Internet (human or script) that interacts with a cloud over the network and that has not been authenticated. cloud-subscriber A person or organization that has been authenticated to a cloud and maintains a business relationship with a cloud. cloud-subscriber-user A user of a cloud-subscriber organization who will be consuming the cloud service provided by the cloud-provider as an end user. For example, an organization's email user who is using a SaaS email service the organization subscribes to would be a cloud-subscriber's user. An administrator type of user of a cloud-subscriber organization that performs (cloud) system related administration tasks for the cloud-subscriber organization. cloud-subscriber-administrator cloud-user A person who is authenticated to a cloud-provider but does not have a financial relationship with the cloud-provider. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 148 Use Cases payment-broker A financial institution that can charge a cloud-subscriber for cloud services, either by checking or credit card. cloud-provider An organization providing network services and charging cloud-subscribers. A (public) cloud-provider provides services over the Internet. A business organization that provides physical transport of storage media such as high-capacity hard drives. A court, government investigator, or police. An entity that is responsible for establishing and maintaining the digital identity associated with a person, organization, or (in some cases) a software program. [NSTIC] transport-agent legal-representative identity-provider attribute-authority An entity that is responsible for creating and managing attributes (e.g., age, height) about digital identities, and for asserting facts about attribute values regarding an identity in response to requests. [NSTIC] cloud-management-broker A service providing cloud management capabilities over and above those of the cloud-provider and/or across multiple cloud-providers. Service may be implemented as a commercial service apart from any cloud-provider, as cross-provider capabilities supplied by a cloud-provider or as cloud-subscriber-implemented management capabilities or tools Account Services Cisco UCS Director supports user roles. These user roles are system-defined and available by default. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 149 Use Cases Open an Account Actors: unidentified-user (dev-enduser1), cloud-subscriber (dev-admin), payment-broker, cloud-v Provider (admin). Goals: Cloud-provider opens a new account for an unidentified-user who then becomes cloud Subscriber. Assumptions: Service offered, cost and the payment mechanism is known and agreed upon and the user Request is valid. Success Scenario: The unidentified-user gets: (1) A unique name for the new account (dev-enduser1) (2) Optional: information about the unidentified-user's financials and (3) When the unidentified-user wants the account opened. (Now) The cloud-provider verifies the unidentified-user's financial information. If the information is deemed valid by cloud-provider, the unidentified-user becomes a cloud-subscriber and the cloud-provider returns authentication information that the cloud-subscriber can subsequently use to access the service. Observation:As “admin”, with “system admin” privileges, created a new user – “dev-admin”, with “Group Admin” privileges for Dev Group. Logged back in as dev-admin and ascertained access as provisioned. Dev-admin could see and do only what was allowed by the “admin” user. Close an Account Actors: unidentified-user, cloud-subscriber, cloud-provider, payment-broker. Goals: Close an existing account belonging to a group for a cloud-subscriber. Success Scenario: The cloud-subscriber requests closing an account. The cloud-provider: (1) performs the requested actions on the timetable requested; (2) Deletes the cloud-subscriber's payment-broker information from the cloud-provider's Systems; and (3) Revokes the cloud-subscriber's authentication information. Now the cloud-subscriber is Classified as an unidentified-user. Observation:proceeded to close (delete) dev-enduser1 by ‘admin’. Tried logging in as dev-enduser1 after Deletion and was unsuccessful. Data categorized as ‘public’ was still available to the group Admin account (dev-admin) and hence recoverable if necessary. Terminate an Account Actors: unidentified-user, cloud-subscriber, cloud-provider. Goals: Cloud-provider terminates a cloud-subscriber's account. Assumptions: A cloud-provider determines that a cloud-subscriber's account should be terminated per the terms of the SLA. The issue of multiple accounts for a cloud-subscriber is not considered part of the scope of this use case, nor is the issue of retaining sufficient information to recognize an abusive cloud-subscriber trying to create a new account to continue the abuse. Success Scenarios: (terminate, IaaS): Possible reasons for termination may be that the cloud-subscriber has Violated acceptable usage guidelines (e.g., by storing illegal content, conducting cyber-attacks, or misusing software licenses), or that the cloud-subscriber is no longer paying for FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 150 Use Cases service. The cloud-provider sends a notice to the cloud-subscriber explaining the termination event and any actions the cloud-subscriber may take to avoid it (e.g., paying overdue bills, deleting offending content) or to gracefully recover data. Optionally, the cloud-provider may freeze the cloud-subscriber's account pending resolution of the issues prompting the termination. The requested actions, charges the cloud-subscriber according to the terms of the service, notifies the cloud-subscriber that the account has been terminated, deletes the cloud-subscriber's payment information from the cloud-provider's system, and revokes the cloud-subscriber's identity credentials. At this point, the cloud-subscriber becomes an unidentified-user. Observation:As ‘admin’, a password reset and not revealing the new password will lock the user out While retaining data and provide an opportunity for remediation. A permanent account Delete has the effect of removing the user and associated data from the system and Convert the user into an unidentified user. Data Services Copy data into the cloud Actors: cloud-subscriber, cloud-provider, transport-agent. Goals: Cloud-subscriber initiates a copy of data objects from the cloud-subscriber's system to a cloud-provider's system. Optionally, protect transferred objects from disclosure. Assumptions: Assumes the Use Case "Open an Account" for cloud-subscriber on cloud-provider's system. The cloud-subscriber has modified access to a named data object container on the cloud-provider's system. Success Scenario: (cloud-subscriber-to-network copy, IaaS): The cloud-subscriber determines a local file for Copying to the cloud-provider's system. The cloud-subscriber issues a command to the cloud-provider's system to copy the object to a container on the cloud-provider's system. The command may perform both the object creation and the data transfer, or the data transfer may be performed with subsequent commands. The command specifies the location of the local file, the data encoding of the local file, and the name of the new object within the container. Observation: There are two scenarios for this case. An ‘upload’ option for placing ova/zip/jar files for build Purposes. A second method pertains to file/data transfer from a virtual instance. The upload Option is strict with only certain types of files allowed for upload to ‘public’, ‘user’ or ‘group’ Space’. Files uploaded to public space are available to all users in the group. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 151 Use Cases Erase Data in the Cloud Actors:unidentified-user, cloud-subscriber, cloud-provider. Goals:Erase a data object on behalf of a cloud-subscriber or unidentified-user. Assumptions: One or more data objects already exist in a cloud-provider's system. A request to erase a data object includes the unique identifiers of the objects to delete. There is no redundant data storage by cloud-provider or redundant copies are deleted together. Success: A cloud-subscriber sends a delete-objects request to the cloud-provider's system. At the requested deletion time, the system disables all new attempts to access the object. Observation: A user with the privilege to delete can remove images and data from VM’s created. The deleted Image becomes un-available for others in the group as well. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 152 Use Cases Identity Management User Account Provisioning Actors: cloud-subscriber, cloud-subscriber-administrator, cloud-provider Goals: The cloud-subscriber requires to provision (create) user accounts for cloud-subscriber-users to access the cloud. Optimally, the cloud-subscriber requires the synchronization of enterprise system-wide user accounts from enterprise data center-based infrastructure to the cloud, as part of the necessary process to streamline and enforce identical enterprise security (i.e., authentication and access control policies) on cloud-subscriber-users accessing the cloud. Assumption: The cloud-subscriber has well defined policies and capabilities for identity and access management for its enterprise IT applications and data objects. The cloud-subscriber has enterprise infrastructure to support the export of cloud-subscriber-user account identity and credential data. The cloud-subscriber can establish trusted connections to these cloud services. Success: This scenario illustrates how a cloud-subscriber can provision accounts on the IaaS cloud. Observation:User account provisioning allows for local and domain user creation (User Group > Domain Users). FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 153 Use Cases User Authentication Actors: cloud-subscriber, cloud-subscriber-user, cloud-provider, identity-provider (optional) Goals: The cloud-subscriber-user should be able to authenticate them through a central LDAP/Active Directory system. Assumption: The cloud-subscriber-user's account has been already provisioned in the cloud, see use case Identity Management – User Account Provisioning. Success:This scenario illustrates how a cloud-subscriber-user can authenticate against a cloud-based Authentication service using the appropriate credentials to gain access to the cloud-based Applications/services. Observation:A combination of steps such as setting “Authentication Preferences”, “LDAP Integration” and a Domain group account provides necessary mechanism. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 154 Use Cases Virtual Machine Lifecycle Services Provision Virtual Machine Actors: cloud-subscriber, cloud-provider Goals:The cloud-subscriber should have the capability to create VM images that meet its functions, Performance and security requirements and launch them as VM instances to meets its IT support needs. Assumption: The cloud-subscriber has an account with an IaaS cloud service that enables creation of Virtual Machine (VM) images and launching of new VM instances. The cloud-provider shall offer the following capabilities for VM Image creation to the cloud-subscriber: A set of pre-defined VM images that meets a range of requirements (O/S version,CPU Cores, memory, and security) Tools to create a new VM image from scratch. The cloud-provider shall support the following capabilities with respect to launching of a VM instance: Secure administration of the cloud-subscriber's VM instance through the ability to configure certain ports (for example, opening of port 3389 for window to enable remote desktop and 22 for Linux to enabling a SSH session. Observation: A generic windows instance (Flexpod-7) was created from the self-service catalog. Provisioning Succeeded after sufficient funds were made available for the group and a budget ceiling was removed. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 155 Use Cases Manage or Reconfigure an Existing Virtual Machine Actors: cloud-subscriber, cloud-provider Goals: A cloud-subscriber stops, terminates, reboots, starts or otherwise manages the state of a virtual Instance Assumptions: A suitable VM image (operating system executables and configuration data) exists. Possible Formats include OVF. Success: A cloud-subscriber identifies a VM image to run. The cloud-provider provisions VM and Performs the loading and boot-up cycle for the selected image for the requesting cloud-Subscriber. Power-on, power-off and resizing of the VM. Observation:The flexpod-SR7 VM was powered-off from Cisco UCS Director and memory and CPU resized prior to power on. VCenter status was monitored and noted to reflect correct operation. Decommission a Virtual Machine Actors: cloud-subscriber, cloud-provider Goals: The cloud-subscriber should have the capability to decommission VM resources that are no longer needed or do not meet functional, performance and security requirements and either reclaim such resources or relinquish to the provider. Assumption: The cloud-subscriber has an account with an IaaS cloud service that enables Decommissioning/removal of Virtual Machine (VM) images. Success: The cloud-subscriber selects a specific Virtual Machine image supplied by the cloud-Provider (O/S, CPU cores, memory, and security) be decommissioned to reclaim/relinquish associated resources. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 156 Use Cases Observation:A shutdown of the VM in question, while reducing active resource usage from a customer perspective does not revert back resources for reuse by the provider. A VM delete option is preferred and sought. IaaS Features Elasticity Rapid elasticity refers to the ability of the Cloud to expand or reduce allocated IT resources quickly and efficiently. This allocation might be done automatically without any service interruption. Consumers will take advantage of the Cloud when they have large fluctuation in their IT resource usage. For example, the organization may be required to double the number of Web and application servers for the entire duration of a specific task. They would not want to pay the capital expense of having dormant (idle) servers on the floor most of the time and also would want to release these server resources after the task is completed. The Cloud enables to grow and shrink these resources dynamically and allows the organizations to pay on a usage basis. Security and Multi tenancy In Cisco UCS Director, users get access privileges based on their roles (RBAC). The cloud administrator sets privileges based on available role templates and has the flexibility to create new roles or modify existing ones to suit the need. There is separation between users within the group and across groups as well. Preservation of user-space confidentiality through encryption and other means at multiple levels through use of access controls, NetApp storage volumes and SVMs, VLAN segmentation, firewall rules, and intrusion protection should be employed where possible. Data protection through continuous encryption of data in flight and at rest is essential for integrity. Cisco Trust Sec SGT support by Cisco UCS Director and on most Cisco devices makes it easy to enable proper access control in a distributed manner for a scalable and secure platform. Storage In this deployment, the need is for flexibility in resourcing the tenant at the virtual level while preventing un-authorized data access. To this end, boot LUNs are grouped in a separate iSCSI VLAN shared by all hosts within the PoD. Data, also on the SAN through Network File System (NFS), is mapped from a common share. Optionally, as we have described in earlier use cases, both block- and file-based storage can be further isolated and secured by NetApp Data ONTAP storage volumes and SVMs. Data ONTAP provides granular control over protocol and mount access to storage, which can also be isolated within a given SVM. To make sure there is secure separation, user access controls at the hypervisor level (VMware) ensures users will not have unauthorized access to NFS space. Further access controls may be exercised through Trust Sec (SGT) and VMware vShield if desired. System access controls at the time of creating NFS exports on NetApp ONTAP should list IPs of all target hosts for the "Root Hosts" and "Access Hosts" fields to allow complete access. NFS Security Settings Although generally regarded as a vulnerable file-sharing protocol, you can make NFS more secure by using the following configuration settings: • Defining read-only access for some (or all) hosts • Limiting root access to specific systems or subnets FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 157 Use Cases • Hiding export and mount information if a client does not have mount permissions for the file system corresponding to that entry In addition, if strong authentication is required, Secure NFS using Kerberos can be implemented. All NFS exports are displayed by default. To hide NFS exports, you must change the value of the forceFullShowmount for mount facility parameter. Chargeback Model and Metering The Chargeback module in UCSD gathers metering information at frequent intervals. This data can then be juxtaposed with cost-models to arrive at tenant costs and for reporting as well. Dashboard reports are also an offshoot of this module. The first step is to configure a budget policy to individual organizations. Within Cisco UCS Director, cost models can be created for each tenant. Costs for resources used in a vDC may be computed by the hour, month or year. Each tenant is typically created in a separate vDC to facilitate easy separation for billing purposes. • Standard cost model: This is a basic and linear cost model based on resource consumption over the allotted period. CPU, Memory and Disk Resources used and idle over the period and their respective cost structure are used to estimate cost. • Advanced Cost model: This model is more customized and allows for greater granularity in choices and billing through the use of scripts. Such scripts that are tailored to customer needs have to be generated as they are not packaged with the system. The setup below considers a straight-line Standard cost model to illustrate functionality and setup. 1. Select Policies > Virtual/Hypervisor Policies > Service Delivery. Edit the default cost model. Select a Standard Cost model Type to illustrate chargeback with an initial setup cost, for example of $50.00. Here, the initial setup cost is assumed to include only costs pertaining to setting up the account. The VM cost needs to contain amortized fixed (CapEx) and variable costs (OpEx) for all under-lying system components that constitute a virtual instance - compute, network and storage. The capital expense component will be due to infrastructure - facilities and host platform. The variable operational expense portion could include such components as power and cooling, management and support costs. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 158 Use Cases The approximate baseline used here to estimate chargeback is a unit active VM cost of $1.0 per hour and inactive VM cost of $0.10 per hour. The figures chosen are approximate and only used to illustrate method used and functionality on Cisco UCS Director. The reader is referred to external whitepapers if there is a need for more accurate chargeback figures. The assumption is that VM contains compute, network and storage. It is also possible to define units and costs for individual components for greater accuracy as shown in the second screen below: 2. Integration with a payment gateway such as First Data is available for third-party billing. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 159 Use Cases An end-user/customer needs to setup a merchant account with First Data which will then provide necessary secure certificate and password for authorizing payments through their gateway. The provided First Data certificate and password needs to be input in above form to setup payments to the provider for IaaS resources used. Policies and cost model presented above, along with quota's set for tenants, come together while designing a self-service portal defined below. 3. Select Physical > Compute and then highlighting the FlexPod and the Summary tab presents the following. A display of the list of available metrics is shown above the graphs when the arrow next to the wheel to the right of the screen (below CloudSense tab) is selected. Here we have a summary of compute related metrics. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 160 Use Cases 4. A snapshot of VM related metrics by selecting Virtual > Compute and then the PoD VMware-Cloud. If any of these metrics/graphs need to be on the main dashboard, it is just a matter of clicking on the down arrow to the right of each graph or summary and selecting Add to Dashboard. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 161 Use Cases 5. Private Cloud Storage Metrics. Selecting Virtual > Storage and then VMware-Cloud and the summary tab: FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 162 Use Cases 6. Virtual Network Metric snapshot. Select Virtual > Network and then VMware-Cloud and summary tab. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 163 Bill of Material Bill of Material Use the following tables for customization purposes. Equipment Quantity 5X blades in one chassis (5108), Cisco UCS: B200 M3-Series blade servers with 256 GB RAM each 2xC-220 rack servers in PoD. C-220 M3 Rack servers with 256 GB RAM each 2xC-220 Infrastructure rack servers. Cisco Fabric Interconnect 6248 2 Cisco Nexus 9396 Switches 2 Cisco Nexus 5548UP Switches 2 NetApp FAS 8040 2 VMware vSphere 5.5 ESXi hosts Update 1 6 VMware vCenter Server 5.5 Update 1 1 Cisco UCS Director 5.1 1 Component Versions: Network Compute Software Count Nexus 5548UP NX-OS -6.0(2)N1(2) 2 Nexus 9396 NX-OS-6.1(2)I2(2a) 2 Nexus 1000v 4.2(1)SV2(2.2) 2 Cisco UCS Fabric Interconnect 6248 2.2(2c)A 2 Cisco UCS C220-M3 2.2(2c) 2 Cisco UCS B200-M3 2.2(2c) 5 VMware ESXi 5.5 Update1 X Cisco eNIC Driver X Cisco fNIC Driver X VMware vCenter 5.5 Update 1 1 FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 164 Conclusion Services Cisco UCS Manager (UCSM) 2.2(2c) 1 Management Cisco UCS Director 5.1 1 Storage NetApp FAS 8040 Data ONTAP 8.2.1 2 Conclusion The IaaS platform discussed and deployed using the above procedure uses the common components of Cisco and NetApp FlexPod Integrated Systems with compliments to address business requirements such as agility and cost with security. These functional requirements promote uniqueness and innovation in the integrated computing stack, augmenting the original FlexPod architecture with support for essential IaaS services. The result is a framework for the easy and efficient consumption of resources, both within and external to the integrated platform in the form of an application ready IaaS. Such a setup is designed and built to appropriately address the diverse workloads, activities and business goals of any organization. This design and the validation discussed here describe the benefits of Cisco UCS Director on the Cisco and NetApp FlexPod integrated stack. References Cisco Virtualization solution for FlexPod with VMWare 5.1 Update 1: http://www.cisco.com/c/dam/en/us/td/docs/unified_computing/ucs/UCS_CVDs/flexpod_esxi55 u1_n9k_design.pdf The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing, Peter Mell and Timothy Grance. http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/800-145/SP800-145.pdf Cloud Computing Use Cases, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). http://www.nist.gov/itl/cloud/use-cases.cfm Cloud Computing Use Cases ver. 1.0, Cloud Standards Customer Council, 10/2011. http://www.cloudstandardscustomercouncil.org/use-cases/CloudComputingUseCases.pdf Cisco UCS Security: Target of Evaluation (ToE), 11/2012. https://www.commoncriteriaportal.org/files/epfiles/st_vid10403-st.pdf Cisco Secure Enclave Datacenter Solution for FlexPod http://www.cisco.com/c/dam/en/us/td/docs/unified_computing/ucs/UCS_CVDs/flexpod_esxi55 u1_n9k.pdf FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 165 Cisco UCS Director 5.1 FlexPod Orchestration Task Library Cisco UCS Director Literature:http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps13050 Cisco Validated Designs: http://www.cisco.com/go/designzone Cisco UCS Director FlexPod Management Guide, Rel 5.1 http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/unified_computing/ucs/ucs-director/netapp-management -guide/5-1/b_NetApp_Management_Guide_51.pdf Cisco UCS Director Administration Guide, Release 5.1 http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/unified_computing/ucs/ucs-director/administration-guide/ 5-1/b_Cisco_UCSD_Admin_Guide_51.pdf Cisco Systems Inc., Whitepaper “Managing Real Cost of On-Demand Enterprise Cloud Services with Chargeback Models” http://www.techdata.com/content/tdcloud/files/cisco/Cloud_Services_Chargeback_Models_Wh ite_Paper.pdf Cisco UCS Director Bare Metal Agent Installation and Configuration Guide, Release 5.0: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/unified_computing/ucs/ucs-director/bma-install-con fig/5-0/b_ucsd_bma_install_config_guide_5_0.pdf Cisco UCS Director 5.1 FlexPod Orchestration Task Library File Generated On: Mon Dec 01 13:36:54 PST 2014, System Version: Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Cisco Systems Inc. All rights reserved. Custom Tasks 1. NTP Server 2. DNS Server 3. Mail Setup 4. Configured Email 5. Select Locale 6. UCSM 7. NetApp 8. Nexus Physical Devices 9. Nexus Virtual Device 10. Get WWN FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 166 Cisco UCS Director 5.1 FlexPod Orchestration Task Library Cisco UCS Tasks 1. Select UCS Server 2. Create UCS Server Pool 3. Delete UCS Server Pool 4. Add Servers to UCS Server Pool 5. Delete Servers from UCS Server Pool 6. Associate UCS Service Profile Template 7. Reset UCS Server 8. Power On UCS Server 9. Power Off UCS Server 10. Create UCS Service Profile from Template 11. Create UCS Service Profile 12. Select UCS Service Profile 13. Modify UCS Service Profile Boot Policy 14. Delete UCS Service Profile 15. Associate UCS Service Profile 16. Disassociate UCS Server 17. Disassociate UCS Service Profile 18. Create UCS Boot Policy 19. Modify UCS Boot Policy LUN ID 20. Clone UCS Boot Policy 21. Modify UCS Boot Policy WWPN 22. Create VLAN Group 23. Delete UCS VLAN Group 24. Modify UCS VLAN/VLAN Group Org Permissions 25. Server Maintenance 26. Reacknowledge Server Slot 27. Add VLAN 28. Add VLAN - RG 29. Delete UCS Boot Policy 30. Delete UCS VLAN 31. Add VLAN to Service Profile 32. Delete VLAN from Service Profile 33. Add iSCSI vNIC to Service Profile 34. Delete iSCSI vNIC from Service Profile 35. Add vNIC to UCS Service Profile 36. Delete vNIC from Service Profile FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 167 Cisco UCS Director 5.1 FlexPod Orchestration Task Library 37. Create Service Profile iSCSI Boot Policy 38. Modify Service Profile Boot Policy to Boot From iSCSI 39. Delete VLAN from Service Profile vNIC 40. Add VLAN to vNIC Template 41. Delete VLAN from vNIC Template 42. Create UCS Organization 43. Delete UCS Organization 44. Rename UCS Service Profile 45. Manage UCS Servers 46. Unmanage UCS Servers 47. Verify UCS Server Management State 48. Disassociate UCS Service Profile Template 49. Clone UCS Service Profile Template 50. Delete UCS Service Profile Template 51. Clone UCS Service Profile 52. Add NTP Server to UCSM 53. Set Time Zone to UCSM 54. Delete NTP Server from UCSM 55. Add VLAN to Service Profile vNIC VMware Host Tasks 1. Get Service Profile vNICs associated to VMware Hosts 2. Register Host with vCenter 3. VMware Host Power Action 4. Mount NFS Datastore 5. Add Hosts to DVSwitch 6. Remove Hosts from DVSwitch 7. Create Host Profile 8. Apply Host Profile 9. Attach Host to Host Profile 10. Detach Host from Host Profile 11. Delete Host Profile 12. Collect Host Profile Inventory 13. Assign VMs from Resource Pool to VDC 14. Unregister Host from vCenter 15. Create Resource Pool 16. Modify Resource Pool FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 168 Cisco UCS Director 5.1 FlexPod Orchestration Task Library 17. Delete Resource Pool 18. VMware Remove Datastore from Host 19. Assign Resource Pool to Group 20. Assign Datastore to Group 21. Unassign Resource Pool from Group 22. Unassign Datastore from Group 23. Create Cluster 24. Add HostNode to vFiler NFS Export 25. Register iSCSI Storage with Hostnode VMware VM Tasks 1. Convert Image As VM 2. Create VM Snapshot 3. Save VM as Template 4. Clone VM as Image 5. Convert VM as Image 6. New VM Provision 7. VM Mount ISO As CD ROM 8. OVF Import to VMware Cloud 9. Revert VM Snapshot 10. Mark/Unmark As Golden Snapshot 11. Delete VM Snapshot 12. Delete all VM Snapshots 13. Execute VIX Script 14. Resize VM Memory and CPU 15. Guest Setup 16. Resize VM Disk 17. VMware VM Resync 18. Create VM Disk 19. Delete VM Disk 20. Execute VM Command 21. File Explorer 22. Migrate VM 23. Resize VMWare Generic Datastore 24. VM Configure VNC 25. Delete VMware VM 26. Delete VMware Image FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 169 Cisco UCS Director 5.1 FlexPod Orchestration Task Library 27. Assign VMs to VDC 28. VMware Resource Allocation 29. VMware VM Provision VMware Network Tasks 1. Add Network to VM 2. Create vSwitch 3. Delete vSwitch 4. Create Virtual Nic 5. Delete Virtual Nic 6. Create DVSwitch 7. Delete DVSwitch 8. Enable Discovery Protocol on DVSwitch 9. Enable/Disable vMotion on VMkernel Port 10. Create DVPortGroup 11. Delete DVPortGroup 12. Add Virtual Adapter 13. Generate VMWare Generic PortGroup Identity 14. Add VMKernel Port On DVSwitch 15. Remove Virtual Adapters 16. Add Service Console PortGroup 17. Add PNIC to DVSwitch 18. Migrate vSwitch PNIC to DVSwitch 19. Migrate vSwitch VMkernal Port to DVSwitch 20. Migrate Default vSwitch to DVSwitch 21. Migrate Default vSwitch to DVSwitch By Mapping Policy 22. Create VMware Port Group 23. Create VMKernel Port Group 24. Remove VMware Networking 25. Modify VM Network 26. Add VM vNICs 27. Delete VM vNICs 28. Add PNIC to VSwitch 29. Assign Port Group to Group 30. UnAssign Port Group from Group 31. Assign DV Port Group to Group 32. UnAssign DV Port Group from Group FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 170 Cisco UCS Director 5.1 FlexPod Orchestration Task Library 33. Modify PortGroup 34. Update Network Policy Cisco Network Tasks 1. Provision Network 2. Switch Port Action 3. Configure SAN Zoning 4. Copy Running To Startup Configuration 5. Delete SAN Zone 6. Create VLAN 7. Delete VLAN 8. Create VSAN 9. Delete Network Element 10. Delete VSAN 11. Create Port Profile 12. Delete Port Profile 13. Update Port Profile 14. Create Port Channel 15. Delete Port Channel 16. Configure Trunk 17. Configure Access 18. Modify Service Policy 19. Update Trunk 20. Configure VPC Domain 21. Assign Port to Port Channel 22. Assign FC Port to VSAN 23. Delete Device Alias 24. Create Device FCAlias 25. Update Device FCAlias 26. Delete Device FCAlias 27. Create Device Alias 28. Create ACL Entry 29. Delete ACL Entry 30. Add IP ACL Rule 31. Add MAC ACL Rule 32. Assign VLAN to Group 33. Unassign VLAN from Group FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 171 Cisco UCS Director 5.1 FlexPod Orchestration Task Library 34. Configure QOS on Nexus 5K 35. Configure QOS on Nexus 9K 36. Delete N9K QOS Profile 37. Configure QOS on Nexus 1K 38. Create Static MACAddress 39. Remove Static MACAddress 40. Assign Static MACAddress 41. UnAssign MACAddress Port 42. Configure MACAddress Table 43. Configure VTP 44. Create VXLAN 45. Update VXLAN 46. Remove VXLAN 47. Configure PVST 48. Configure Port License 49. Configure Port 50. Configure STP PORT 51. Configure MST INSTANCE 52. Configure MST 53. Assign VXLAN to PortProfile 54. Configure Feature 55. UnAssign VXLAN PortProfile 56. Encapsulate VXLAN PortProfile 57. Create N7K VDC 58. Remove N7K VDC 59. Update N7K VDC 60. Configure VPC PortChannel 61. Remove VPC PortChannel 62. Create VFC Interface 63. Associate VFC Interface 64. Allocate Port To VDC 65. Remove Port From VDC 66. Associate VSAN to VLAN 67. UnAssociate VSAN from VLAN 68. Create SAN Zone 69. Create SAN Zone Set 70. Delete SAN Zone Set 71. Add SAN Zone to Zone Set FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 172 Cisco UCS Director 5.1 FlexPod Orchestration Task Library 72. Add Member To SAN Zone 73. Remove Member From SAN Zone 74. Activate SAN Zone Set 75. Remove San Zone From Zone Set 76. Create SXP Connection Peer 77. Update SXP Connection Peer 78. Remove SXP Connection Peer 79. Create HSRP 80. Update HSRP 81. Remove HSRP 82. Create SVI 83. Remove SVI 84. Delete VFC Interface 85. Remove System VLAN from Port Profile 86. Remove System VLAN Undo Configuration 87. Generic Configure SAN Zoning 88. Create Private VLAN 89. Delete Private VLAN 90. Associate Private VLAN 91. Delete Associate Private VLAN 92. Configure Private VLAN Port 93. Remove Private VLAN Ports 94. Configure Private VLAN Port Profile 95. Execute Network Device CLI 96. Configure System Level HA NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP Tasks 1. Create Cluster Flexible Volume 2. Create Cluster Export Rule 3. Delete Cluster Export Rule 4. Create Cluster Export Policy 5. Delete Cluster Export Policy 6. Create Cluster Vserver 7. Modify Cluster Vserver 8. Destroy Cluster Vserver 9. Delete Cluster Aggregate 10. Add Disk to Cluster Aggregate FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 173 Cisco UCS Director 5.1 FlexPod Orchestration Task Library 11. Setup CIFS on Vserver 12. Modify CIFS on Vserver 13. Delete CIFS on Vserver 14. Create CIFS Share 15. Delete CIFS Share 16. Modify CIFS Share 17. Create CIFS Share Access 18. Modify CIFS Share Access 19. Delete CIFS Share Access 20. Add License to Cluster 21. Delete License from Cluster 22. Create DNS for Vserver 23. Modify DNS for Vserver 24. Create a New IP to host names mapping 25. Modify IP to host names mapping 26. Create Vserver SIS Policy 27. Modify Vserver SIS Policy 28. Delete Vserver SIS Policy 29. Create Vserver routing group route 30. Delete Vserver routing group route 31. Destroy Cluster Flexible Volume 32. Destroy Cluster LUN 33. Create Cluster LUN 34. Move Cluster LUN 35. Resize Cluster LUN 36. Clone Cluster LUN 37. Map Cluster LUN to iGroup 38. UnMap Cluster LUN to iGroup 39. Create Cluster Initiator Group 40. Destroy Cluster Initiator Group 41. Add Initiator to Cluster Initiator Group 42. Remove Initiator from Cluster Initiator Group 43. Add Existing Initiator to Cluster IGroup 44. Resize Cluster Volume 45. Create Cluster Volume Snapshot 46. Create Cluster Logical Interface 47. Destroy Cluster Logical Interface 48. Create Cluster QTree FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 174 Cisco UCS Director 5.1 FlexPod Orchestration Task Library 49. Modify Cluster QTree 50. Destroy Cluster QTree 51. Move Cluster Volume 52. Add Cluster Quota 53. Delete Cluster Quota 54. Create Cluster Interface Group 55. Delete Cluster Interface Group 56. Add port to Cluster Interface Group 57. Remove port from Cluster Interface Group 58. Migrate Cluster Logical Interface 59. Create Cluster vLAN Interface 60. Delete Cluster vLAN Interface 61. Associate Cluster Volume as NFS Datastore 62. Create Cluster Aggregate 63. Mount Cluster Volume 64. Unmount Cluster Volume 65. Create Cluster Multi-Volume Snapshot 66. Create Cluster Cron Job Schedule 67. Delete Cluster Cron Job Schedule 68. Modify Cluster Cron Job Schedule 69. Create Cluster Snapshot Policy 70. Modify Cluster Snapshot Policy 71. Delete Cluster Snapshot Policy 72. Add Cluster Snapshot Policy Schedule 73. Modify Cluster Snapshot Policy Schedule 74. Remove Cluster Snapshot Policy Schedule 75. Create Cluster WWPN Alias 76. Modify Cluster WWPN Alias 77. Delete Cluster WWPN Alias 78. Set FCP Port Name 79. Cluster Volume Set Snapshot Reserve 80. Cluster Volume Snapshot Restore 81. Cluster Volume Snapshot Restore File 82. Cluster Volume Snapshot Partial Restore File 83. Delete Cluster Volume Snapshot 84. Modify Cluster Flexible Volume 85. Bind Cluster Initiator group To Portset 86. Unbind Cluster Initiator group From Portset FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 175 Cisco UCS Director 5.1 FlexPod Orchestration Task Library 87. Create Cluster NFS Service 88. Modify Cluster NFS Service 89. Destroy Cluster NFS Service 90. Create Cluster iSCSI Service 91. Destroy Cluster iSCSI Service 92. Create Cluster FCP Service 93. Destroy Cluster FCP Service 94. Create Cluster Vserver Peer 95. Accept Cluster Vserver Peer 96. Reject Cluster Vserver Peer 97. Delete Cluster Vserver Peer 98. Create Cluster Peer 99. Modify Cluster Peer 100. Delete Cluster Peer 101. Create SnapMirror Relationship 102. Delete SnapMirror Relationship 103. Modify SnapMirror Relationship 104. Actions on SnapMirror Relationship 105. Create Cluster Portset 106. Destroy Cluster Portset 107. Add Cluster Port To Portset 108. Remove Cluster Port From Portset 109. Create SnapMirror Policy 110. Delete SnapMirror Policy 111. Modify SnapMirror Policy 112. Clone Cluster Flexible Volume 113. Start/Stop Vserver FCP Service 114. Start/Stop Vserver ISCSI Service 115. Modify Cluster Initiator Group(Rename) 116. Modify Cluster Export Policy(Rename) 117. Modify Cluster Export Rule 118. Add SnapMirror Policy Rule 119. Remove SnapMirror Policy Rule 120. Modify SnapMirror Policy Rule 121. Execute NetApp Cluster CLI FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 176 Appendix—Provision Network using Standard Virtual Switch NetApp VSC Tasks 1. Resize Datastore using VSC 2. Resize VM Datastore using VSC 3. Destroy Datastore using VSC 4. Create Datastore using VSC 5. Clone VMs using VSC Appendix—Provision Network using Standard Virtual Switch This section provides detailed instructions to create vswitch, Port Group, add PNIC and how to move the VM from existing vswitch to a newly created vswitch. By using the scheduler or trigger option, if CPU or memory utilization of a host reaches up to threshold limit. This workflow will execute and create a new environment. 1. Log into UCS Director with your user name and password. 2. From the main menu, click Policies > Orchestration. 3. In the Orchestration page click the icon to Create new workflow. 4. Enter the Name of the workflow as Provision_Network and Select Folder Name as IAAS. 5. Click Next. 6. In the User Inputs page click Next. 7. In the Add User Outputs page click Next. 8. Click OK. 9. Double-click on Provision_Network under IAAS folder. 10. In the Search space of the workflow designer page type Create vSwitch. 11. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 12. Click Next in the Task Information screen. 13. In the User Input Mapping page, click Next. 14. In the Task Inputs page, Select Account , Host Node and write vSwitch Name as IAAS_vSwitch. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 177 Appendix—Provision Network using Standard Virtual Switch 15. Click Next. 16. Click Submit and clickOK. 17. In the Search space of the workflow designer page type AddPNIC to VSwitch. 18. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 19. Click Next in the Task Information screen 20. In the User Input Mapping page, check the checkbox for Map to User Input option under vSwitch Name. 21. From the drop-down select the task CreatevSwitch_448.OUTPUT_VMWARE_VSWITCH_IDENTITY. 22. Click Next. 23. In the Task Inputs page, check box VMware vmnic1. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 178 Appendix—Provision Network using Standard Virtual Switch 24. Click Next. 25. Click Submit and click OK. 26. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Drag the arrow from the On Failure to Completed. 27. In the Search space of the workflow designer page type Create VMware Port Group. 28. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 29. Click Next in the Task Information screen. 30. In the User Input Mapping page, check the checkbox for Map to User Input option under vSwitch Name. 31. From the drop-down select the task CreatevSwitch_448.OUTPUT_VMWARE_VSWITCH_IDENTITY. 32. Click Next. 33. In the Task Inputs page, select Connection Types Virtual Machine Portgroup, Write Network Label as Flexpod_Network, VLAN ID 3175. 34. Click Next. 35. Click Submit and click OK. 36. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Drag the arrow from the On Failure to Completed. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 179 Appendix—Provision Network using Standard Virtual Switch 37. In the Search space of the workflow designer page type Modify VM Network. 38. Drag and drop the task in the workflow designer space. The task will expand for the user to enter the input. 39. Click Next in the Task Information screen. 40. In the User Input Mapping page, check the checkbox for Map to User Input option under Specify Portgroup Name. 41. From the drop-down select the task AddVMwareNetworking_450.OUTPUT_PORT_GROUP_NAME. 42. Click Next. 43. In the Task Inputs page, select Connection Types Virtual Machine Portgroup, Write Network Label as Flexpod_Network, VLAN ID 3175. 44. Click Next. 45. In the Task Inputs page, click Select and check the box for VM need to move. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 180 Appendix—Provision Network using Standard Virtual Switch 46. Click Select. 47. Select PortGroup Type Virtual Machine Portgroup. 48. Click Next. 49. Click Submit and click OK. 50. Join the task by arrow from the Success of the previous task to the current task. Drag the arrow from the On Failure to Completed. 51. Click Validate Workflow and click OK. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 181 Appendix—Provision Network using Standard Virtual Switch 52. Click Execute Now. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 182 Appendix—Provision Network using Standard Virtual Switch 53. Verify the new vSwitch with the Added PNIC and selected VM in VMware VCenter. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 183 Appendix—Provision Network using Standard Virtual Switch Note This workflow builds on standard virtual switch, in case any environment running without DVS switch (N1KV). In the above captioned orchestration workflow some of the user inputs are statically mapped, user input option are customizable and changeable as per customer environment. FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director 184