School Council Meeting Wednesday March 26, 2014 Welcome (Trustee Mario Pascucci)

School Council Meeting
Wednesday March 26, 2014
Welcome (Trustee Mario Pascucci)
Meeting with Minister to ensure Region of Peel receives fair share of school funding. Mr.
Pascucci will state, not to cut Education Funding due to the loss of billions on power plants.
Mr. Pascucci will be running re-election, 30th year! And thanks everyone for choosing and
supporting Catholic Education.
Student Services Information(Ms. Tasciotti)
a) Report cards to be distributed to students April 15/14.
b) Marks for Ontario Colleges and Universities will be submitted April 24/14. Some students
have started to receive “conditional” offers for College and University. These offers are
conditional, provided the students grades are kept up. Some may have not have received
offers yet, due to English course being taken in the second semester. Offers are usually
continuous into May. Official offers will be sent June 2014.
c) Summer school applications will be available next week in Guidance Office. Deadlines are
May 30/14.
d) Summer E-Learning course applications also available, due May 30/14. Courses include
Civics Careers, Grade 12 English and History.
e) “School on a Bus” summer travel/education opportunity. French or English, this
opportunity is run by Edu-Travel, which is sanctioned by our school board. Travel stops
includes Ottawa, Montreal and New York from July 5-11/14, the cost is $1500. Also, “Spirit
of America” travel spots includes Boston, New York and Philadelphia from July 5-18/14,
cost $2600. There will be a meeting April 8th & 22nd at_____________.
f) Review of Grade levels-Grade 12 students have been seen and have focused on their
destination. Grade 11 students have been given guidance for planning for their senior year.
Grade 10 students have been helped with the selection of their courses for career planning.
g) Community service hours deadline date has changed to June 25/14. Graduation Mass at St.
Patrick’s Church 11am and ceremony at 7pm.
h) Pocock is the second largest in High School in Dufferin Peel with 51 ESL Students, 41 of
which are monitored in regular classes and 42 writing OSSLT.
VP Report (Ms. Terra)
Black History participation included, 40 students participating in the “Harmony
Movement”. Along side with a presentation by Aboriginal speaker, Shannon Thunderbird.
b) Skills Competition held at Philip Pocock March 19/14 was a success!
c) Four teachers participated in the After School Literacy. Students were given tips and
strategies on how to be prepared for Literacy Test on March27/14. Grade 10 student marks
will be sent home. Grade 9 students will have a “mock” literacy test on the same day, no
marks given but they will be overseen if students need extra help in preparation for next
year. School will end at regular time.
d) Preparations for the OAPCE Conference to be held on May24/14 are ongoing, over 400
people expected. More info to come in April 2014. Key note speaker will be Mr. Finimore?
e) New DPCDSB Platform for parents to communicate-rollout through the Board Website.
Parent Teacher interview, great turnout.
f) In May/14, 300 random students will participate in the Safe, Caring and Inclusive Schools
Survey. Giving students a chance to share how they feel about school, bullying, extra
curricular activities and if they feel in a safe environment at Pocock.
Principal Report, Mr. Schmidt
a) There is a surplus of teachers at Philip Pocock.
b) There are approximately 1200 students assigned to our school, if we are able to bring in more
students, teachers may be called back to Pocock.
c) SHSM Arts and Culture is waiting for approval, students have shown interest.
d) There will be teachers training in Advance Placement Program this summer.
e) Transportation department has returned the later start report. Stating, “Your proposal will
not meet Board expectations and induce costs”
f) Pocock App will rollout after Easter, cost $125 to register with Apple.
Parent Requests
a) More media should be brought in for High Skills Competition, suggestion-Globe and Mail.