St. Joseph Catholic Elementary

St. Joseph Catholic Elementary
October 2013
St. Joseph School is now on Twitter! For the latest news and information, follow us @StJosephDPCDSB.
A Thanksgiving Prayer
We thank you good Father
for Your abundant gifts:
for food and drink in plenty
for freedom to think, to pray, to run, to dance.
Mostly we thank You for Your love,
for thinking passionately of us,
for making us Your own.
We ask Your blessing this day
on our loved ones near and far,
on all who yearn for peace,
on all who are in need.
May Your abundance teach us to give,
Your reaching out teach us to care,
Your universal love teach us to see
so that we may be one.
Principal’s Message
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Thank you to all for an excellent start of the year. Our
BBQ/Open House was a tremendous success and was
made possible by the dedication, commitment and hard
work of the St. Joseph staff!!!
We would like to sincerely
thank the St. Joseph community for supporting this event.
It was a fun night!
wonderful parents and guard- continue through the school
ians for accompanying us on year let us remember the imthe walk.
portance of our families. We
need to be thankful that we
We said a sad good-bye to J. live in a country like Canada
Sawa and a warm welcome
were we have the freedom to
to A. Thrasher in Grade 8. We openly pray and express our
were also blessed to get one faith traditions.
more 6/7 class under the direction of N. Foster. Many kind We have a wonderful new
thanks for your parental supSchool Advisory Council
port if your child was one afelected. They are immersed in
fected by this reorganization their Chocolate and QSP
We are happy to have Mrs.
this fall. We also have a new
fundraising efforts! If you are
Carabetta back at her “post” FSL/Planning teacher, A. Zani- able please attend our
and thank Ms. Hitchcock for
er. Welcome to all our new
“Minions” Movie Night Friday,
filling in for 6 weeks. We will
October 23. Thank you so
miss you!
much for all you do for our
October is the month when
Our Terry Fox Walk/Fundraiser we stop to reflect and thank
Have a wonderful and
was a very successful event
God for all the blessings that
blessed October!
raising over $2,700 for Cancer have been bestowed upon
God Bless!
Research. Many thanks to our our loved ones and us. As we C. Bacci, Principal
October 2015
Our Cross Country team participated in the Mississauga North Family Tournament on Thursday,
October 8 under the direction of our coaches,
Mrs. Gaskin, Mrs. Seung, Mrs. Suljak and Mrs.
Arrujo. Congratulations to Anthony K who
placed 8th in Grade 7 Boys and will be representing St. Joseph Streetsville at the Boards.
Other St. Joseph Participants: Grade 5: Emily G.,
Joshua F., Malachy H., Agustin S., Marco D., Ana
K., Michaela C., Chidima A., John Paul Z., Cameron R., Shania W., Cassandra C., Grade 6: Elizabeth C., Angelina R., Melissa T., Alex M., Zach P.,
Grade 7: Anthony K., Terrin W., Joseph M., Nathan D., Daniel N., Johan
C., Ema Z., Isabella R., and Isadora C.,
The Board Meet will take place at Centennial Park in November. Good
luck Anthony!
Flag Football @
St. Joseph
We are fielding a mixed boy / girl Flag Football Team at St. Joseph. Our students will
participate in a Flag Football Tournament in
Brrrrrr! Hope they are all dressed for the
Many thanks to Coaches, Mrs. Foster, Mr.
Bernais and Mr. Thrasher.
Save the Date!!! Grade 8 Graduation will take
place Thursday, June 29 at 10 a.m. at the
Portuguese Cultural Center at 53 Queen Street,
Our Girls and Boys Intermediate volleyball teams are in the process of being chosen. Thanks very much to coaches: A. Zanier,
N., Foster and E. Bernais.
Junior Volleyball will be an Intramural Format at lunch teaching skills. Thanks to Mrs. Foster and Mr. Murray teaming up to coach
our Juniors!
Hallowe’en Dance
All our students will be taking part in our Annual Hallowe’en Dance. Every student in the school will get to dance Friday, October 30, 2015. All students are
invited to dress in their Hallowe’en costume for the event. Students - come on
out and shake your “pirate booty.”A reminder that replica weapons are not allowed at school as part of the costume.
We will be selling chips and pop at the dance for $1 each.
Page 2
A reminder of Church Events at
St. Joseph
Father Marc-Andre and Father
Joseph would love to see you
and your families at Parish
Events and Masses.
Sat (Vigil Mass) 5:30pm**
Sun 8:00am, 9:30am,
11:00am,12:30pm, 6:00pm
Mon - Fri 7 am, 8:30am
Fri 7:30pm followed by Holy Hour and
Sat 9:00am
Holiday Mondays 8:30am only
Confirmation and First Holy Communion 2016: Confirmation - a meeting
will be held for all parents Saturday, November 7 from 9 - 11:30. If your child is
receiving the sacrament (Grades 7 & 8)
you should attend this meeting. Next
All students and their families are
Confirmation classes will be November
encouraged to attend church every
21, December 5 and December 12.
weekend. Especially students in their Communion - If you missed registration
Sacramental Years Grade 2,7 & 8
please contact the parish office. (905) 826are encouraged to attend mass and
frequent the Confessional.
Fridays 6:30pm – 7:15pm,
Saturdays 4:15pm – 5:15pm
Pupil Accommodation Review Policy Public Consultation
The Ministry of Education released the new Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline (PARG) in March 2015. This guideline sets expectations
for all school boards on managing and reviewing underutilized school space, including potential school closures, and for the greater coordination and sharing of planning related information between school boards and other community partners.
The guideline requires all school boards in the province to develop or revise Pupil Accommodation Review Policies and to invite public input
into the policy before it is finalized.
A survey to collect feedback on the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board’s draft amended Policy 6.51 Pupil Accommodation Review will be
available for review and comment on the Board’s website at until 4:30 pm on Friday, October 16, 2015. Supporting documents
Come out and join us at our next School Advisory Council
Wednesday, November 4 at 6:30 p.m. in the Library Commons
Room at our school. We will be discussing fundraising and our plans for the year’s
events. All parents/guardians are encouraged to attend.
Virtues: This Month - EMPATHY
Empathy is the ability to identify, feel and understand another persons emotions or concerns.
What does it look like? Helping another child who is feeling down, trying to cheer someone up, letting students talk
about their feelings, being understanding and telling of a time when you felt the same way.
What does it sound like? “I’m sorry you feel bad”, “ I get angry too when….”, “What can I do to help?”
People of Empathy
Can understand and name their feelings
Care about other’s feelings
Listen carefully to others
Parent Council
Congratulations to this year’s parent council and we thank all our parents/guardians for their participation in their
child(ren)’s school.
Chair: V. Coelho
Treasurer: S. Kockovski
Community Rep : M. Cittadino
Secretary: C. Flood
OPACE Rep: vacant
Teacher Rep: P. Guerrizio
Parish Rep: K. Abdee
Non Teaching Rep: L. Russell/C. Mondano
Principal: C. Bacci
Please come out and Support our Parent Council. Next meeting November 3 @
A big thank you to all our parents who respect
the rules and are patient and
safe in our Kiss N’Ride Progam!
Kiss ‘N Ride - Please Use Responsibly
Our Kiss ‘N Ride program needs a few reminders in order for the process to run smoothly and keep our
staff on duty safe. Please make sure you are always following the rules of Kiss ‘N Ride.
1. Exit the vehicle only on the right hand passenger side. To exit out the left is very, very
dangerous as thru traffic passes (sometimes quickly) on the left drive thru lane.
2. Our Staff does not open doors - your child must open the door from the inside. Always look to make sure it is
safe for your child to exit the vehicle and that the Kiss ‘N Ride Staff on duty are watching your child exit.
3. DO NOT PARK OR LEAVE YOUR VEHICLE in the Kiss ‘N Ride lanes, even if only for a few seconds.
4. DO NOT LET OFF STUDENTS at the bottom of the KISS N RIDE. Always drive to the top of the Kiss N Ride
(even if you have to wait a few moments) and staff is there to make sure your children exit the vehicle safely and
we will make sure your child gets to the appropriate yard safely.
4. If at the end of the day your child does not exit the building please do not leave your car in the Kiss ‘N Ride lane
to investigate. Park the car and we are happy to assist you in the office.
5. The front spots of the building are dedicated spots, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
News from our Eco Team
The Eco Team is excited to announce that we will have our official Kick Off assembly Tuesday, October 20th at 1 p.m. in the gymnasium. Our classroom representatives this year are Elli S, Andrea O, Gabriela D, Ariya P, Jonathan S, Clara
V, Angie S, Valeria B, Jonathan S, Rita T, Simone P, Lucas D, Ore K, Josip K,
Madeline M, Michelle B and Mackenzie F. This year one of our main goals is to reduce the amount of garbage that we produce during lunch. Starting next week,
we will begin “Wasteless Wednesdays” and “Free of Waste Fridays”. Please use
reusable containers when packing lunches as all garbage produced during lunch
will be sent home.
Are you ready for the CHALLENGE?!?
Did you know that school lunches are a major source of waste in Ontario? In fact, the average student’s lunch generates a total of 30 kilograms of waste per school year, or an average of 8,500 kilograms of waste per school per year. In
an effort to engage students in small environmental initiatives that can make a big impact, St. Joseph School is participating in the week-long Waste-Free Lunch Challenge (WFLC)
beginning on Monday, October 19th. The WasteFree Lunch Challenge is a province-wide initiative run by the Recycling Council of Ontario (RCO). Thirty winning schools
will receive a set of fifty Rubbermaid LunchBlox sandwich kits to go waste-free throughout the year.
Terry Fox
Thanks to all students for participating in our Terry Fox
events at school. This is a longstanding tradition at St.
Joseph School. Special thanks to Mrs. Gaskin and Ms.
Pellicia for helping to organize this year’s event. We
raised over $2,700 for Cancer Research this year.
Rosary Apostolate at St. Joseph
If you know your child is going to be away please call the ATTENDANCE LINE at the
school. The number is (905) 826-4422 - then
dial #1. You can leave a message at any time even in the middle of the night as the phone
goes straight to voicemail.
ALSO - when picking up at the end of the day make sure arrangements are consistent at the
end of the day. The child ALWAYS takes the
Switching around the arrangements at the last
moment is very difficult for office staff and this is
when children go missing. Please make your
home routine consistent!
A dedicated group of volunteers comes to our school
on the second Tuesday of every month to teach us how to pray the rosary.
They come to each class for 20 to 40 minutes to share their love of our
Mother Mary. Thanks to the dedication of these wonderful people our students are exposed to devoted prayer and the wonderful works of Mary.
5 World Teacher’s
12 Thanksgiving
8 X - Country Erin- 9 Blue Jay Day!
Lunch Moms
QSP Ends
“Fall Walk” Suljak
15 “Fall Walk”
Lunch Moms
Blue Jay Day!
6:30 - Movie Night
CCAT Testing
Gr. 4
Lunch Moms
16Blue Jay Day!
Lunch Moms
BYOD starts!
1Wi Fi Turned ON! 2 Terry Fox Walk!
October 2015
13 Rosary Aposto- 14Blue Jay Day!
Bus Driver Ap1 - Eco Assembly Kick preciation Day
IEP’s Go Home
Federal Elections HERE
CCAT Testing Gr. 4
Lunch Moms
Mr. Sergautis’ Last