St. Joseph Catholic Elementary A Thanksgiving Prayer mation, follow us @DPCDSBSchools.

St. Joseph Catholic Elementary
October 2013 2014
DPCDSB is now on Twitter! For the latest board news and information, follow us @DPCDSBSchools.
A Thanksgiving Prayer
We thank you good Father
for Your abundant gifts:
for food and drink in plenty
for freedom to think, to pray, to run, to dance.
Mostly we thank You for Your love,
for thinking passionately of us,
for making us Your own.
We ask Your blessing this day
on our loved ones near and far,
on all who yearn for peace,
on all who are in need.
May Your abundance teach us to give,
Your reaching out teach us to care,
Your universal love teach us to see
so that we may be one.
Principal’s Message
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Thank you to all for an excellent start of the year. Our
BBQ/Open House was a tremendous success and was
made possible by the dedication, commitment and hard
work of the St. Joseph staff!!!
We would like to sincerely
thank the St. Joseph community for supporting this event.
It was a fun night!
Our Terry Fox Walk/Fundraiser
was a very successful event
raising over $1,000 for Cancer
Research. Many thanks to our
wonderful parents and guardians for accompanying us on
the walk.
October is the month when
we stop to reflect and thank
God for all the blessings that
have been bestowed upon
our loved ones and us. As we
continue through the school
Please remember the new
year let us remember the immandates for a Criminal Ref- portance of our families. We
erence Check. You NOW
need to be thankful that we
MUST HAVE A CRC to go on a live in a country like Canada
field trip with your child’s
were we have the freedom to
class. Forms are available in
openly pray and express our
the office.
faith traditions.
We have a wonderful new
School Advisory Council
elected. And they are immersed in their fundraising
efforts! Thank you so much.
On Council we are excited to
have the very first St. Joseph
Streetsville float taking part in
the Streetsville Santa Claus
Parade! If there are any carpenters or skilled tradespeople out there in our parent or
grandparent community who
could help us with our float
we would be very grateful!!
Our entire staff would like to
wish you and your family a
Happy Thanksgiving.
God Bless!
C. Bacci, Principal
October 2013
Our Cross Country team participated in the
Mississauga North Family Tournament on
Thursday, October 9 under the direction of
our coaches, Mrs. Gaskin, Mrs. Seung, Mrs.
Suljak and Mrs. Arrujo. Congratulations to Elizabeth C. Grade 5; Jonathan B., Lyric D., and
Anthony K - all Grade 6 who all finished in the 20s. Special Congratulations to Mia K (gr. 8) who finished 15th and Isadora C. (gr. 6) who finished 6th.
Isadora and Mia have qualified for the Boards.
Flag Football @
St. Joseph
We are fielding a mixed boy / girl Flag Football Team at St. Joseph. Our students will
participate in a Flag Football Tournament on
November the 6th.
Brrrrrr! Hope they are all dressed for the
The Board Meet will take place at Centennial Park in November. Good
luck Isadora and Mia.
Save the Date!!! Grade 8 Graduation will take
place Wednesday, June 24 at 10 a.m. at the
Portuguese Cultural Center at 53 Queen Street,
Hallowe’en Dance
All our students will be taking part in our Annual Hallowe’en Dance. Every student in the school will get to dance Friday, October 31, 2014. All students are
invited to dress in their Hallowe’en costume for the event. Students - come on
out and shake your “pirate booty.”A reminder that replica weapons are not allowed at school as part of the costume.
We will be selling chips and pop at the dance for $1 each.
Page 2
A reminder of Church Events at
St. Joseph
Father Marc-Andre and Father
Ash would love to see you
and your families at Parish
Events and Masses.
Sat (Vigil Mass) 5:30pm**
Sun 8:00am, 9:30am,
11:00am,12:30pm, 6:00pm
Mon - Fri 7 am, 8:30am
**All are invited to join in honouring
Fri 7:30pm followed by Holy Hour and Our Lady of Fatima on Saturday,
Oct. 11 following the 5:30 pm
Sat 9:00am
Holiday Mondays 8:30am only
Fridays 6:30pm – 7:15pm,
Saturdays 4:15pm – 5:15pm
All students and their families are
encouraged to attend church every
weekend. Especially students in their
Sacramental Years Grade 2 and 8
are encouraged to attend mass and
frequent the Confessional.
Courtesy Transportation
Parents of students ineligible for bussing may request, in writing that their child(ren) be placed
on a waiting list under STOPR’s Courtesy Seat Transportation Policy. Please provide details
regarding the reason(s) why bussing is required. If seats are available those students may be
placed on a bus. Seat will be assigned taking various needs, and conditions into consideration.
Courtesy riders will not commence taking the bus until parents are informed that a bus and
stop have been assigned. Parents may call STOPR at (905) 890-6000 or go to to
confirm placement on the bus and to receive details regarding stops and times.
Come out and join us at our next School Advisory Council
Tuesday, November 21 at 6:30 p.m. in the Literacy Room at our
school. We will be discussing EQAO scores, fundraising and our Float for the
Streetsville Santa Claus Parade. All parents/guardians are encouraged to attend.
Virtues: This Month - EMPATHY
Empathy is the ability to identify, feel and understand another persons emotions or concerns.
What does it look like? Helping another child who is feeling down, trying to cheer someone up, letting students talk
about their feelings, being understanding and telling of a time when you felt the same way.
What does it sound like? “I’m sorry you feel bad”, “ I get angry too when….”, “What can I do to help?”
People of Empathy
Can understand and name their feelings
Care about other’s feelings
Listen carefully to others
Parent Council
Congratulations to this year’s parent council and we thank all our parents/guardians for their participation in their
child(ren)’s school.
Chair: S. Kockovski
Treasurer: V. Coelho
Community Rep : TBA
Secretary: C. Flood
Parish Rep: K. Abdee
OPACE Rep: M. Cittadino
Please come out and Support our Parent Council. Next meeting Nov. 21 @ 6:30.
Teacher Rep.: S. Murray
Non-Teaching Rep: TBA
Principal: C. Bacci
A big thank you to all our parents who respect
the rules and are patient and
safe in our Kiss N’Ride Progam!
Kiss ‘N Ride - Please Use Responsibly
Our Kiss ‘N Ride program needs a few reminders in order for the process to run smoothly and keep our
staff on duty safe. Please make sure you are always following the rules of Kiss ‘N Ride.
1. Exit the vehicle only on the right hand passenger side. To exit out the left is very, very
dangerous as thru traffic passes (sometimes quickly) on the left drive thru lane.
2. Our Staff does not open doors - your child must open the door from the inside. Always look to make sure it is
safe for your child to exit the vehicle and that the Kiss ‘N Ride Staff on duty are watching your child exit.
3. DO NOT PARK OR LEAVE YOUR VEHICLE in the Kiss ‘N Ride lanes, even if only for a few seconds.
4. DO NOT LET OFF STUDENTS at the bottom of the KISS N RIDE. Always drive to the top of the Kiss N Ride
(even if you have to wait a few moments) and staff is there to make sure your children exit the vehicle safely and
we will make sure your child gets to the appropriate yard safely.
4. If at the end of the day your child does not exit the building please do not leave your car in the Kiss ‘N Ride lane
to investigate. Park the car and we are happy to assist you in the office.
5. The front spots of the building are dedicated spots, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
St. Joseph’s EQAO Results
St. Joseph’s School is so proud of our latest results showing excellent results from our Grade 3 and 6 testing.
Grade 3’s scored 62 in Reading, 81 in Writing and 43 in Math. Our Reading and Writing are on par with the Board and Province but we’ll have to work on our Math!
Grade 6’s are also on par with the Province and the Board in Reading and Writing but we have to work on our Math in Grade
6 as well. Although EQAO testing is only done in Grade 3 and 6 it is nonetheless a snapshot view of the whole school’s performance.
We can see by our scores that we have to do some hard work in Mathematics this year. Therefore,
we will be working hard at incorporating the 3 part Math Lesson and developing Mental Math Strategies in our classrooms.
Over time the data shows that in Reading and Writing we have improved our literacy greatly over the past several years. We
are pleased with the efforts of everyone.
A warm St. Joseph Welcome is
extended to our new Planning
Time Teacher Mr. Abbas. He
teaches us music, dance, drama
and sometimes phys-ed. Best
Terry Fox
If you know your child is going to be away - please call the ATTENDANCE LINE at the school. The number is (905) 826-4422 - then dial
#1. You can leave a message at any time - even in the middle of the
night as the phone goes straight to voicemail.
ALSO - when picking up at the end of the day - make sure arrangements are consistent at the end of the day. The child ALWAYS takes
Switching around the arrangements at the last moment is very difficult
for office staff and this is when children go missing. Please make your
home routine consistent!
Thanks to all students for participating in our Terry Fox
events at school. This is a longstanding tradition at St.
Joseph School. Special thanks to Ms. Dinis and Mrs.
Guerizzio for helping to organize this year’s event. We
raised over $1,000 for Cancer Research this year.
Rosary Apostolate at St. Joseph
A dedicated group of volunteers comes to our school on the second Tuesday of every month to teach us how to pray the rosary. They come to each
class for 20 to 40 minutes to share their love of our Mother Mary. Thanks to
the dedication of these wonderful people our students are exposed to devoted prayer and the wonderful works of Mary.
5World Teacher’s
October 2014
9Lunch Mom’s
16Lunch Mom’s
7Pizza Day
15Pita Day
14Pizza Day
IEP’s Go Home
and Costume Parade
31Hallowe’en Dance
United Nations Day
23Lunch Mom’s
30Lunch Mom’s
ation Day!
21Pizza Day
6:30 SAC
29Pita Day
Pita Day
Snopek to Streetsville
28Pizza Day
Grade 4 CCAT
Bus Driver Appreci-
Grade 4 CCAT
DeSouza to Streetsville
1 - Liturgy on
Empathy (gym)