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Hi!! Welcome to 5th Grade! We are going to have an absolutely
FANTASTIC year learning new things, practicing the 8 Habits, learning to
be better organized and making new friends. There are a few things that we
all must do in order for our classroom to run smoothly and efficiently.
Please take a moment to read over our classroom procedures. If at any time
we need to check and see how something is done, we can look back at this
handbook and see if we are following procedures.
When students do not follow procedures, we will ask them to look back in
the handbook to find out what they should be doing.
We are looking forward to a year full of learning, leadership and laughter!
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Page Number
Arrival at school
Morning Meeting
Pledge of Allegiance
Entering the Classroom
Starting the Day Routine
Pencil Sharpening
Restroom Breaks
Asking a Question
When Another Student is Talking
Exiting the classroom
Turing Papers In
Entering the Lunchroom
Table Manners
Exiting the Lunchroom
Cleaning Up
Classroom Jobs
Adults in Our Building
Packing Up
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Arrival at School
1. Morning Meeting begins in the gym at 7:20. If you arrive at school
before 7:20, you need to report to the gym, sit in our class’ appointed
spot and follow the directions of the staff on duty.
2. If you need breakfast, report to the cafeteria FIRST. You will not be
permitted to sit in the gym for morning meeting and then go to the
cafeteria for breakfast.
3. NJE’s tardy bell rings at 7:30. You will be counted tardy if you arrive
at school after this time.
Morning Meeting
1. Morning Meeting begins in the gym at 7:20.
2. When morning meeting starts, we face forward and show respect to
the speaker by making eye contact, placing our empty hands in our
laps and being on a voice level “0”. We do not talk to our friends at
this time.
3. We have a positive attitude.
4. If appropriate, we clap/cheer for students and staff being recognized
for excellent choices or hard work.
5. We enthusiastically participate in activities that occur at morning
meeting, including the Pledge of Allegiance and our school song.
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Pledge of Allegiance
1. We will stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. We will face forward and look at the U.S. Flag.
3. We will place our right hands over our hearts and say the pledge
4. If we are wearing hats, we will remove them at this time.
5. We will not talk to our friends at this time.
Entering the Classroom
1. We will enter the classroom quietly and go to our cubbies, then seats
(unless your teacher asks you to do otherwise!).
2. Your teacher will give you instructions and/or start an activity when
everyone is seated.
Start of the Day Routine
1. Enter the classroom quietly.
2. Hang up backpack/coat/lunchbox in your cubbie.
3. Check mailbox or cubbie for missed work if you’ve been absent.
4. Mark lunch choice on Smartboard.
5. Use the restroom and/or fill up water bottle.
6. Have a seat and begin working on morning work.
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Pencil Sharpening
1. You are responsible for having a pencil during all classes. Make sure
you carry and extra with you. Remember, no lead pencils.
2. If your pencil needs to be sharpened, you may quickly get up and
sharpen it, if there is not another option available.
Restroom Breaks
1. You are free to visit the restroom at any time during transitions. This
means in between any class, or on the way to Essentials, Lunch, or
Recess. You have a chance to use the restroom at least every hour of
the school day, and sometimes more often!
2. Due to frequent opportunities between classes, you are not allowed to
leave class to use the restroom unless it is an absolute emergency.
3. While we completely understand emergencies, we also know that they
are rare. Please remember what an emergency truly means and don’t
over use it!
4. If your teacher is talking , please use the sign language signal for
restroom to ask permission instead of interrupting.
5. Use the restroom quickly, wash your hands, and return promptly..
6. If you need to use the restroom and one person is already out of the
room, you must wait until that person returns to go to the restroom.
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1. You may have water (in a bottle, not a cup) at your desk throughout
the day.
2. Please make sure your water bottle lid is closed so that it does not leak
onto your backpack, coat or books in your cubbie.
3. If it does leak, it is your responsibility to get paper towel and clean it
4. Do not share your water bottle with others.
5. You will not be permitted to leave class during instruction to fill up
water bottles.
Asking a Question
1. If you have a question or something to share with the class, please
raise your hand quietly.
2. When I see your hand, I know you have a question or something to
share and I will call on you at an appropriate time for this. Please do
not make noises or wave your hand/arm at me. This is distracting to
me and to your friends.
3. Your teacher will let you know when it is a “calling out” time or when
it is a “raise your hand” time. Please listen and pay attention so you
know what “time” it is!
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When Another Student Is Talking
1. Everyone wants to be respected and heard! When our friends are
talking to the class or asking a question, we are ALL going to look at
that friend, be on a voice level “0”, and listen to what he/she says.
Everyone has such great questions and ideas and it is important that
we hear everyone!
2. We DO NOT play with items in or on our desks when others are
talking. We DO NOT talk to our neighbors when others are talking.
We are a community of students who know how to make responsible
and respectful choices that we can be proud of!
Exiting the Classroom
1. We will leave our classroom in a line. When it is time to leave the
room, your teacher will ask you to line up, or there will be an
established cue. Please do not line up until it is appropriate to do so.
2. We stand in line quietly and keep our hands and feet to ourselves. We
face forward and are ready to exit the classroom.
3. It does not matter what position you are in in line. Discussions and or
disagreements about this trivial issue will not be tolerated.
4. Problems lining up will result in a “do-over.” A “do-over” will
happen until we line up as we know we should.
5. When our line is quiet, facing forward and ready, we will leave the
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1. Others in our school are learning and we do not have the right to take
that away from them. We will be on a voice level “0” at all times.
We will not talk to our friends in the hallway.
2. We will always walk on the right side of the hallway, unless asked to
do otherwise by an NJE staff member.
3. We will be facing forward, one student behind another and will keep
our hands and feet to ourselves. This means we will not touch our
friends or work that others have displayed in the hallway.
4. Remember - we are all going to the same place and there is not a prize
for getting there first!! Please do not push or rush to get there.
5. Problems walking in the hall will result in a “do-over”. A “do-over”
will happen until we walk appropriately in the hallway.
Turning Papers In
1. All completed papers/work will be placed in the appropriate place in
the classroom.
2. Please do not come and hand your papers to me if I am talking to
and/or helping others and do not wish to be interrupted.
3. Make sure your NAME, CLASS and the DATE are on the paper
before you put it in the basket! I want to know which great work is
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Entering the Lunchroom
1. We will enter the lunchroom quietly and walk to the appropriate side
of the serving line.
2. While we wait in line, we will keep our hands and feet to ourselves
and talk to our friends in a quiet voice.
3. As we pass through the line lunch, we will show respect and love for
our lunchroom ladies by using the words “PLEASE”, “THANK
YOU”, “NO THANK YOU”, “YES MA’AM” and/or “NO MA’AM”.
4. We will sit at the table assigned to our class.
5. If a visitor comes to NJE to eat with you, you may sit in a booth with
that visitor, but may not invite any other NJE student to join you.
6. We may occasionally choose Lunch Leaders to enjoy the booths with
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Table Manners
1. We will behave as though we are in a restaurant when we dine in the
Jaguar Café.
2. We will sit down at the table and will not stand up until it is our turn
to leave. A grown-up will let us know when it is time to leave.
3. We will use our hands to touch our own forks/spoons and food. This
means that our hands will not be touching our friends or the food that
is on our friends’ trays or in our friends’ lunchboxes.
4. If parts of our lunch fall on the floor, we will pick it up and throw it
away when we are dismissed from the table.
5. When we speak to our friends, we will use an inside voice. If we
have food in our mouths, we will wait until we have chewed and
swallowed before we talk.
6. Our feet will remain on the floor. This means we will not kick our
friends under the table or kick the wheels that Mr. Jerry uses to move
our table when we are finished eating.
7. If we need something (ketchup, mustard, etc.) we will raise our hands
and ask the staff member on duty for help. We will say “thank you”
to that staff member when they help us.
8. If we have problems using our best table manners, we will spend
some time sitting away from our friends. No one likes to be poked,
touched or bothered while they are eating and it is not safe/healthy to
have their food touched by others. None of us deserve to be treated
that way.
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Exiting the Lunchroom
1. When the staff member on duty tells us it is almost time for us to
leave the lunchroom, we will close our milk cartons and look at the
table and floor around us for trash. If we find some, we will pick it up
so that our Jaguar Cafe stays nice and clean for the next people who
will eat there.
2. When asked to leave the table, we will walk in a line to the garbage
can. This is not a time to push or rush! Again, no prize for getting
there first.
3. Trash will be put into the trash can carefully.
4. We will place our forks and spoons in the silverware pan and will not
throw them or try to make a splash. If a fork or spoon accidentally
falls into the trash, we will tell the staff member on duty. NJE has to
pay for these and we don’t want to lose them!
5. Trays will be stacked on the cart at the end of the table. We will say
“thank you” as we leave our trays there.
6. We will typically go to recess immediately following lunch. If you
have earned recess for the day, you will line up in the back of the NJE
Café, and will WALK to the playground when your teacher is there to
escort you.
7. If you are staying in from recess, you will line up in the front of the
cafeteria and wait quietly for a teacher to lead you into the hall.
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Cleaning Up
1. Our classroom is a wonderful and tidy place and we work hard to
keep it that way. We have phrases to help us remember how to do
2. The first is “a place for everything and everything in its place.” This
means that the things in our room each have a place and when we use
them, we need to make sure we put them back in their place so that
we can find them when we need them.
3. The second is “if you make a mess, you clean it up.” This means we
do not walk away and leave things lying around our room. This also
means that if you spill or drop things on the desktops or floor, you
clean it up.
4. When you hear your teacher say “clean up” or you hear the signal for
clean up, you begin cleaning up immediately. It is not okay to
continue to work/play and this may lead to a consequence.
Learning to make good choices is important. When our class makes good
choices such as walking in a nice line, using voice level 0, using good
manners, we will recognize those leadership qualities. Our class will work
together to determine a goal and a reward. When we meet that goal, we will
have earned that reward. We also will reward individual students with Jag
Paws or Leader Cards. These can be redeemed for various rewards at the
end of each week.
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Classroom Jobs
1. Every nine weeks you will be assigned a class leadership role.
2. Some leadership roles are more active than others, but everyone will
get multiple turns at changing leadership roles throughout the year.
3. Your leadership role is to be completed first thing in the morning, or
at the end of the school day, or during non-instructional time
throughout the day.
4. When it is time to change leadership roles, you will apply for a new
job, and then train the next person so that they know exactly how to
do that job.
Adults in our Building
1. We are a class of respectful students. We will show this by listening
to ALL of the adults who work at North Jackson Elementary.
2. If at any time, an adult who works at NJE speaks to us, we will
respond appropriately by saying “yes ma’am” or “no ma’am” or “yes
sir” or “no sir”.
3. If an adult at NJE asks us to do something, we will try our best to do
exactly what is asked of us. This means that if an adult asks us to do
important things like stop running, sit down, be on a voice level “0”
or keep our hands to ourselves, we will do that, immediately.
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1. Sometimes at NJE, we will have assemblies in the gym. These people
are visiting us because they have a message to share with us. We will
be respectful to them at all times.
2. We will enter the gym quietly and will follow the teacher to our seats.
3. We will have friends sitting in front of and/or behind us. They want
to see and hear the visitor just like we do. We will be respectful to
our friends by sitting down on our behinds so they can see and by
keeping our feet and knees away from the person in front of us.
4. We will be on a voice level “o” unless our visitor asks us to do
otherwise. This is not a time for talking to friends.
5. If we want to show the visitor that we like part of the message, we
will clap our hands. We will cheer if appropriate. We will NOT
stomp our feet on the bleachers. This is very noisy and rude.
6. If our visitor asks for a helper, we will show that we would like to do
this by raising our hands. Remember - waving it, making noises and
jumping up and down are not good ways to get someone’s attention.
7. If we are not picked, we will cheer for and encourage our friends who
were chosen!
8. When the assembly is finished, we will stay in our seats until a
teacher lets us know it is our turn to leave the gym. When it is our
turn, we will walk quietly in a line just as we did when we came into
the gym.
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1. If the temperature is above 40 degrees and it is not raining, we will be
going outside for recess. Please bring coats, hats, or any other items
you need based upon the weather.
2. We will walk in line to the playground. We are all travelling to the
same place and there is no prize for being first! Please do not push or
shove your friends.
3. While on the playground, we will treat other people the way we want
to be treated. This means we will not push, shove, hit or kick our
friends and we will use kind words.
4. We will follow the playground rules while we are there. This means
we will not climb up the slide and we will swing forward and not side
to side. We will never throw mulch, or bury ourselves or others in the
5. If we choose to play in the grass, we will stay in a spot where our
teachers can see us and keep us safe.
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1. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes! The important thing is that
when a mistake does happen, we learn something from it!
2. The first time an inappropriate behavior happens, a teacher will give a
warning mark in your agenda. That means that he/she will remind
you what you should be doing. You may be asked to use the
procedure handbook to figure out what a better choice would be. This
is consideres a warning because no formal consequence is issued, and
your conduct grade remains a 95% for the week. Still an A!
3. A second conduct mark will result in you attending interventions
rather than recess in order to think about your choices or catch up on
work. Weekly Conduct grade: 90%
4. A third conduct mark will result in you attending interventions rather
than recess in order to think about your choices or catch up on work
AND a Notice of Concern will be sent home to be signed by your
parents. Weekly Conduct Grade: 80%
5. A fourth conduct mark will result in you attending interventions rather
than recess in order to think about your choices or catch up on work
AND you will be asked to call your parents immediately in order to
explain your choices to them. Weekly Conduct Grade: 70%
6. A fifth mark will result in you attending interventions rather than
recess in order to think about your choices or catch up on work AND
you will receive an office referral, and discuss your choices with Mr.
Frazier and/or Mrs. London. Weekly Conduct Grade: 60%
7. Remember – ALL marks in the agenda MUST be signed and returned
the following day. You are responsible for making sure this happens.
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Packing Up
1. Double check and make sure that you have all homework/books/etc.
2. Place your backpack and all other items (coat, lunchbox) at your seat.
3. Wait quietly while others are packing up. This will help pack up
time go quickly so we can move on to other things!
4. When it is time to leave the room, you will put your chair on your
table and get your belongings.
1. The dismissal bell rings at 2:25. Your teacher will ask bus riders to
get their belongings and line up first.
2. Your teacher will ask Jag Academy students to get their belongings
and line up second and car riders to get their belongings and line up
3. We will walk to the gym on the right side of the hall. Bus riders will
WALK to the bus. Car riders will walk to our appointed spot in the
gym and sit quietly and listen for their names to be called. Jag
Acadmey students will go to the spot assigned to them.
4. We are working on becoming responsible students and need to make
sure we gather all necessary items before we leave our classroom.
Car riders will not be permitted to leave the gym to retrieve items
from the classroom.
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