OCTOBER 2015 Edition
W. Brunton
October ~ Empathy
This month we will focus on the virtue of
Vice Principal
M. Boscarino
Head Secretary
R. Leonardo
Assistant Secretary
J. Lister
D. Amaral
S. Hobin
M. Pascucci
St. Mary Star of the Sea
Fr. Neil McMillian, Pastor
St. Christopher
Fr. Scott Young, Pastor
The Virtue of Empathy
God has given us the ability to form connections with
each other – to live together. Empathy helps us to
connect and live together in safe, caring, inclusive
We understand empathy to mean the ability to identify
with and feel other people’s concerns. We believe that in
a faith community we are nothing without relationships.
Relationships that grow in a spirit of communion – an
understanding that we share an identity based on being
created in the image and likeness of God and being
imbued with one Spirit. We are many parts of one body.
Gracious and merciful God of all creation,
You made us live together in communities.
We are nothing without relationships.
You have given us the virtue of empathy to ensure
that we are able to identify with and feel other
people’s concerns.
We come to You now asking for the grace and
strength to follow Your plan and to form a safe,
caring, inclusive community here at St. Luke.
May Your gift of empathy lead us to know and feel
Your presence among us.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, Your Son, who
lived to show us your way.
A special thank
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An empathetic person believes that
we all share one Spirit; that we are
many parts of one body because we
are all created in the image and
likeness of God.
An empathetic person…
 Listens attentively
 Notices and responds when
someone is upset
 Can name his/her feelings
 Can see a situation from
another’s point of view
 Knows that different people
may feel differently about the
same thing
A prayer for the month of
Let us now pray…
For the grace and strength to be
people of empathy- people who can
really identify with and feel the
concerns of those around us.
If an absence is not reported, our policy is to call home to
verify student absenteeism. A parent or guardian must sign out
students who leave early. A reminder to parents and students
that an expectation set out from the beginning of the year
clearly indicated that all students must arrive at school on time.
Staff Update for 2015-2016
R. Brochu
D. Chan & N. Kurliatovich
L. Moskal & G. D’Mello
K. Albisser
M. Hospital
S. Hlebec
M. Nasato
A. VonGradowski
N. Marra
K. Kariam
I. Santiago
P. McTavish
Y. Alonso
S. Cranstone
M. Basso
D. Visconti
S. Manuel
K. DiCecco
M. Figliola
K. Xenarios
J. Gaglia
J. Cini
N. Gervais
J. Capasso
M. Foster
L. Wirkowski
W. Gilgan
A. Maksimowski
J. Covello
A. Ferreira
A. Ceci
C. Yip
M. Dimperio
D. Pellegrini
C. Sarrazin
Spec. Ed
Spec. Ed
Spec. Ed
Being consistently and continuously late interrupts classroom
learning activities, creates delays in the office and sets a poor example
for those who do arrive on time. Kindly note that issues with lates and
absenteeism will be dealt with strictly, and may involve the school’s
Administration, Child Youth Worker and Social Worker. Please help
us teach your children the value of promptness and punctuality.
St. Luke Catholic Elementary School would like to
congratulate the following parent representatives who are
members of our 2015-2016 School Council Executive
Chair: J. Capano
Co-Chair: E. Lista-Zaharchuk
Secretary: J. Fiore
Treasurer: L. Acri
Fundraiser: C. Marinaccio
Parish Reps: T. Leone (St. Mary Star of the Sea) & L. Swayze
(St. Christopher)
Our Catholic School Council Meeting dates for 2015-2016
are as follows:
Wed. Oct. 28 th, Wed. Nov. 25th, Wed. Jan.20th,
Wed. Feb. 17 th, Wed. April 20 th, Tues. May 17 th,
Tues. June 14th
This year our QSP campaign runs from Sept 22-Oct 13. Parents
can order online anytime at New St. Luke code is
8:15 a.m. Yard Supervision
8:30 a.m. ENTRY BELL
10:35 a.m. – 10:50 a.m. Morning Recess
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Lunch Break
1:55 p.m. – 2:10 p.m. Afternoon Recess
3:00 p.m. Dismissal
A reminder to ALL parents who would like to volunteer at the
school this year, including those desiring to accompany classes
on Field Trips or Athletic events that a current criminal
reference check is now required. Forms can be picked-up at the
Please note that supervision in the playground begins at
8:15 a.m. Please do not leave your children unattended in the
school grounds before the teacher supervision begins.
Please note that during busy times, it can take 6-8 weeks for the
Police to complete the check so plan ahead to avoid
Please call to register an absence – 905-274-2760. You can call
24hrs. An answering machine is available to take information.
Please provide your child’s name, grade and teacher’s name.
Visit our website:
Thank you to all of our families who
attended our Open House BBQ Night on
Wednesday, September 30 t h , 2015. It
was a pleasure to see so many parents.
We look forward to working in
collaboration with you to ensure your
child receives the best possible Catholic
educational experience.
Gr.2 First Reconciliation & Holy Communion
St. Mary Star of the Sea
Parents Meeting: Sunday, October 11 th at 3:00 p.m. in the
Parish Hall.
Kindly refer to the church bulletins for additional updates.
Grade 7 & 8 – Confirmation—Meeting for
Parent and Candidates
St. Mary Star of the Sea
Parent Meeting: Sunday, October 25 th at 3:00 p.m. in the
Parish Hall.
On Wednesday, October 14th at 10:00 a.m. we will
celebrate our Opening School/Thanksgiving Mass
at St. Mary Star of the Sea. Everyone is
welcome to attend.
St. Christopher Catholic Church
Gr. 7 Parent Information Night: Tuesday, January 19 th or
Wednesday, January 20 th, 2016 from 7:00 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.
It is important that our children continue to be exposed to our
Catholic Community through experiences at the parish.
A key aspect of the Board’s strategic direction is the continued
development of safe, caring, inclusive Catholic school
communities. As a Catholic Community, we are called to
learn, grow and become more like Jesus. Catholic education
provides us the opportunity to integrate the virtues into our
students daily activity. The virtues will be celebrated every
month during announcements, in class during discussions, and
during the Living Our Faith Awards assemblies.
The Sunday celebration of the Lord’s Day and the Eucharist is
at the heart of the Church’s life. “Sunday is the day on which
the Paschal Mystery is celebrated in light of the apostolic
tradition and is to be observed as the foremost holy day of
obligation in the universal Church.‟ [CIC, can. 1246 # 1]
Throughout the school year, students experience the mystery of
Jesus Christ through celebrations, liturgies and mass. We
encourage all of our families to maintain these traditions
and obligations throughout the year by attending Mass as a
family every Sunday.
Kindly refer to the church bulletins for additional updates .
September: Faith
November: Conscience
January: Self-control
March: Kindness
May: Acceptance
October: Empathy
December: Hope
February: Respect
April: Love
June: Fairness
On T u e s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 0 T H , 2 0 1 5 , St. Luke staff
and students will celebrate our first Living Our Faith
Awards of the year for grades J.K - 8 students.
It is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate our faith together by
highlighting the wonderful things your children do as a result of
hard work and perseverance. Parents will be notified by the
classroom teacher via a written note if their child will receive
an award. Please note the following times: K-2: 9:00a.m.
Grades 3-5: 1:00p.m. & Grades 6-8: 2:15p.m.
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St. Luke is a Catholic community that respects
and promotes the uniqueness of all its
members. By following the teachings of Jesus, we
pledge to provide everyone with a safe, caring
and peaceful environment, which ensures the
respect and acceptance of all. Because of these
beliefs bullying will not be tolerated. Your
child deserves a safe environment in which to work, learn and
play. If you have any concerns, please contact us. Thank you
for supporting us as we support your child.
When a student has a birthday, we give them an important gift
– a “Happy Birthday” bookmark and pencil. Students are
engaged in a brief discussion about making good decisions and
are presented with the bookmark and pencil as a gift from the
We have a number of staff and students
in our school who have severe allergic
reactions to peanuts, peanut butter,
peanut oils, peanut by-products, pinenuts, shellfish, and
seafood. As in the past, we are asking you to not put anyone at
risk. Do not send any PEANUTS, PEANUT BUTTER,
SCHOOL. This includes products like Nutella as well as
Sushi. Please also be aware that some salad dressings contain
oyster juice which can cause a serious anaphylaxis response.
Please do not send any food products to mark a child’s
birthday. Student birthdays can be acknowledged by sending
non-food items such as a pencil or pen to celebrate a child’s
birthday with his/her peers. Thank you for your co-operation in
this very important matter.
We sent home Emergency Allergy Alert
Forms for parents to fill out in the event that
your child has a medical concern. The form
requires information on the medical issue, and
a picture of the child. Parents are responsible for
ensuring that all medication and forms are
updated annually. If your child requires
medication please have all pertinent forms
completed and returned with the medication to
the office as soon as possible.
Just a reminder that students are no longer able to bring in
food products to celebrate a birthday in keeping with
Sabrina’s Law.
The conduct of individual students on the
bus directly affects the safety of all the
students on the bus. The driver’s
attention needs be on the road. We are
requesting that all parents/guardians
reinforce the School Bus Safety Rules
with their child(ren). All Students
Be at the bus stop 5 minutes prior to their stop time.
Never play close to the road.
Be ready to board the bus by waiting in an orderly line.
Board the bus in single file, use the handrail and sit down
in their seat as quickly as possible.
Listen to the bus driver.
Always remain seated while the bus is moving.
Do not throw anything out of the window.
Keep the aisles clear of objects (backpacks, lunches, etc.).
Do not shout or cause any other unnecessary noises.
Be very attentive at railway crossings.
Never put any part of your body out an
open window.
Be sure to look all ways before crossing the road.
Do not damage the bus in anyway.
Do not throw garbage on the floor.
Do not consume any food or drink on the bus.
Bus privileges will be revoked if need be. Thank you for your
support in ensuring that our students journey safely to and
from school.
A reminder that children are not allowed to keep ANY
medication on their persons, in their desk, backpack or
anywhere in their classroom, unless ordered by their doctor. In
such case, documentation is necessary. All dispensing and
storage of ANY medication must occur from the Office.
Visit our website:
Please be advised that NO CARS are allowed to park in the
kiss n ride/fire route lane or drive through lane in the front
of the school. Please ensure that you read all street signs
prior to parking on any side streets.
The city of Mississauga has been patrolling and ticketing
cars who are in violation of these parking procedures. St.
Luke School or the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School
Board will not be responsible for any fines incurred for not
abiding to parking by-laws.
When students exit the car in the Kiss N Ride lane, they
should use the passenger doors only to exit vehicles this
will ensure students will be dropped off on the school
sidewalk safely.
Please be advised that teachers will not be opening car
doors during the Kiss N Ride duty. For the safety of all
teachers, students, and vehicles, teachers will only
supervise students as they exit the vehicles. Parents may
assist their child on exiting the vehicle, but are kindly
asked not to park in the Kiss N Ride lane. We thank you
for your cooperation with this matter.
As Halloween approaches we remind you that our school has
numerous students who have LIFE THREATENING allergies.
All of our affected children have been well prepared to avoid the
potential for a life threatening allergic reaction while at school.
However, as a community, we must make every effort to
minimize the risks for this segment of our student population.
Please DO NOT send in food items of any kind. Let’s avoid
disappointment by creatively considering other ways to
celebrate birthdays and other occasions at school. (i.e. pencils,
stickers). As always, we thank you for your continued
understanding and support.
It is that time of year when our “little ones” will want to visit their
neighbours for trick or treating. In school, we will remind them
about the safety rules so that they can both enjoy the evening and
stay safe.
Choose brightly coloured costumes
Use face paint instead of masks
Plan a safe route with your child
Remind your child of safety rules
Accompany your child(ren)
Remind children not to enter homes
Check treats before allowing your child(ren) to eat
All students and staff are welcome to wear
costumes on Friday, October 30th.
Please note that Halloween costumes
should: allow for movement without risk
of tripping when using stairs and allow for a total and
unimpaired view of their surroundings. (No Gruesome
Masks - Superhero masks are accepted)
Costumes should be modest and in keeping with the
Values of our Catholic schools. (No graphic images)
No weapons of any kind or REPLICAS of weapons may
be brought to school as part of any costume. The Safe
School Policy of this school board makes it an offence,
with serious consequences, to bring any weapons or
replicas to school.
Make-up should be put on at home prior to coming to
school. Students will not be permitted to put on make-up
at school.
A very BIG thank you to our Parent Council for
organizing our Halloween Dance. It is our major
fundraiser and a day that all students look forward to!
Visit our website:
Research has shown that children perform better in school if
their parents are involved in their education. We as a staff at
St. Luke Catholic School welcome and encourage parental
Students and parents can expect to be informed of due dates
for assignments and summative tasks via the agenda. Teachers
will ensure that all students have an opportunity to record daily
homework in the agenda. Parents should check the agenda daily
and monitor homework completion. If extenuating circumstances
prohibit homework completion, it is the parents’ responsibility
to inform the teacher.
Regular attendance is critical for success. Although we encourage
you to keep your child home when he/she is ill to avoid the
spread of illness, we do also encourage you to avoid making
appointments and planning vacations during regular school hours.
Much of the learning that takes place in the classroom is through
discussions, interactions with the teacher and peers and through
in class tasks. These experiences cannot be duplicated. If you
choose to take your child out of school for a holiday, the
classroom teacher will provide you with the topics being covered,
but cannot be responsible for the daily lesson(s).
Please note that picture re -takes
will be on Tuesday, November
Personal Electronic Devices (PED’s)
As part of our efforts to promote and maintain a
positive Catholic climate in our schools, the
board approved a policy regarding Personal
Electronic Devices (PED’s) such as cell phones,
cameras, ipods, ipads, etc on school property.
In this regard, all cell phones must be kept out of sight,
turned off and not used within school premises or during
school sanctioned activities.
At St. Luke Catholic School we ask that students leave ALL
electronic devices and games at home as the school cannot be
responsible for their safe keeping. Cell phones are permissible as
long as they are turned off and not used in or on school property.
Please keep your child’s valuables at home. Staff cannot be
responsible for any valuables that your child brings to school.
Money, jewelry, electronics, toys, etc., should be kept at
Journey of Hope arrived at St. Luke School!
On Friday, September 25th, 2015, St. Luke participated in a
school initiative to help collect donations for the Terry Fox
Foundation to support Cancer Research. Collectively we raised
$1, 357.00. Thank you for your generosity!!
Visit our website:
Thank you for completing the Lunch
Permission Form and returning it to your
child’s teacher. This will ensure that the
school is aware of where you prefer your
child(ren) to be over the lunch hour. Any changes to the
agreement throughout the year must be submitted in writing to
the teacher and/or office. Thank you for your cooperation in
this matter.
Once children have arrived back at school, they must remain
on school property. They are not permitted to leave school
again without written permission.
A table has been placed outside the office for lunches. Lunches
should only be dropped off on rare occasions. If you are
dropping off a lunch for your child please clearly label your
child’s name and teacher’s name on the outside of the lunch
bag/container and place it on the lunch table. Classes are not
to be interrupted for students to pick up lunches. Please advise
your child(ren) to expect a lunch to be dropped off. They will
be allowed to come down and pick up their lunch at 11:30 a.m.
This year pizza days will be weekly.
Pizza will be distributed every Friday starting Oct. 2nd
and ending on Dec. 4th. We wish to thank
our Parent Council for organizing our pizza days.
Subs will be distributed every Monday starting
Oct. 19th and ending on June 27th.
Lunches ordered through Lunch Moms will be delivered on
Tuesdays and Thursdays.
School textbooks are school property and
are loaned to the students annually. The
expectation is that textbooks will be
returned at the end of the school year.
Students are responsible for these textbooks and will be asked
to pay if these books go missing or have been vandalized. The
cost of an average textbook is about $50.00 each. Please
encourage your child to take care of textbooks!
system, every person who has reason to believe that a child is
or may be abused or neglected must report his/her suspicions
directly to the Children’s Aid Society.
The definition of “child in need of protection” because of
suspected child abuse or neglect has been expanded for
Children’s Aid Societies. The law says:
• School staff do not have a choice if they suspect that a
student is or may be in need of protection. Staff must report
their suspicions to a Children’s Aid Society.
• Staff can be fined $1,000.00 for failing to report that a
student is or may be in need of protection.
• It is not the school’s responsibility to investigate suspicion,
evaluate the situation or assign blame.
• When a report is made to Children’s Aid Society, school staff
are required to share information about their concern which
might otherwise be confidential.
• Parents and guardians need to be aware that it is not
necessary for school staff to be sure or to have proof “that a
student is in need of protection”. The law says that school staff
must only have reasonable grounds to suspect child abuse or
neglect. “Reasonable grounds” is defined as being what the
average person would expect given his or her training,
background and experience.
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board is committed
to meeting the legal requirements of the Child and Family
We wish to thank everyone who faithfully
reports to the Office and signs in when
visiting or volunteering at the school. A reminder to all visitors
INCLUDING PARENTS that they must come to the office
first so they can sign in and pick up a visitors tag. Anyone not
wearing an identification badge will be asked to return to the
office to sign in and pick one up. This procedure will help
students and staff in recognizing our many visitors at the
If you are picking up your child at school at a time other than
regular dismissal, we ask that you report to the office.
Arrangements will be made for your child to be sent to the
office. If you intend to send someone else to pick up your
children, please inform the office. If you are staying to
help/volunteer, then you must sign in at the office and obtain a
visitors tag that you must wear at all times while you are in the
If you wish to meet with a staff member, please call the school or
drop in at the office to make an appointment.
We thank you for your co-operation in supporting a safe
environment at St. Luke School.
In April 2000, the Child and Family Services Act was amended
and a new law came into effect concerning our obligation to
report concerns about children who may be “in need of
protection”. As per Board’s practice, we will continue our duty
to ensure your child’s safety this year. Within our school
We have a detailed emergency and fire
evacuation plan. In the event that we do have to
evacuate, our first destination will be Tecumseh
Public School.
Visit our website:
Please ensure that students keep a pair of running shoes or other appropriate footwear at school so that their
feet remain dry and clean at all times. As well, because so many areas of our schoolyard can be quite muddy
at certain times of the year, this would assist in keeping mud and dirt out of the classrooms. In case we need to
evacuate the school, students do not have time to put on boots so indoor footwear is necessary.
October 6th - Picture Day
October 11th - St. Mary Star of the Sea Gr. 2 Fist Holy Communion Parent Meeting, 3pm
October 12th - Thanksgiving Monday
October 14th – Opening School/Thanksgiving Mass @ 10:00a.m. at St. Mary Star of the Sea
October 16th – Acorn Custom Cards sent home
October 18th – Feast Day: St. Luke Patron Saint of artists, physicians and surgeons
October 19th – Federal Elections Polling Station at St. Luke
October 20th - Virtue Assembly
October 25th - St. Mary Star of the Sea Gr. 7 Confirmation Parent Meeting
October 28th – Catholic school Council Meeting @ 7:00p.m.
October 30th - Halloween Dance
“God always has patience.”
Pope Francis
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