NOVEMBER 2015 Edition
W. Brunton
Vice Principal
M. Boscarino
Head Secretary
R. Leonardo
Assistant Secretary
J. Lister
D. Amaral
This month we will celebrate the virtue of conscience.
God has given us the ability to know the right and
decent way to act and then to act that way. We trust that
the common Spirit we share, inspires and guides us to
make good decisions if we allow our conscience to be
S. Hobin
A person of conscience allows prayer and scripture to
influence him or her. A person of conscience chooses to
do the ‘right thing’ and feels good about it, can see how
his or her actions may hurt others, admits his or her
wrong-doing and feels badly, says ‘sorry’ and tries to
make up for mistakes and keeps promises.
M. Pascucci
St. Mary Star of the Sea
Fr. Neil McMillian, Pastor
St. Christopher
Fr. Scott Young, Pastor
Remembrance Day Prayer
November ~ Conscience
God our Father, Your Son Jesus
surrendered His life to free us from the
power of sin and death. He showed us that
the greatest love is in giving up one’s life
for others.
This month, we remember those
who fought and died for our freedom. We
ask You to bless and console them together
with their families. Help us to understand
the sacrifices they made in leaving their
loved ones to face the horrors of war. May
we never forget their generosity.
May the Holy Spirit give us the
courage to resist evil in all its forms and
show us how to be peacemakers through
prayer and action, lest we forget those who
fought, suffered and died that we might
have the freedom and peace we enjoy
today. We ask this through Jesus Christ,
our Lord.
Feel right and wrong and pay attention
Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit inside
Choose to do what Jesus would do
Know that followers of Jesus will have to
make difficult choices
Keep promises even when tempted to give
Can see how his/her actions may help or
hurt others
Admit their sins and feel badly about poor
Say sorry and try to make up for hurtful
A special thank
Remembrance Day Service
Our Remembrance Day Service
will take place on Wednesday,
November 11th at 9:00a.m. in
the school gymnasium. Parents
are welcome to join us in
honoring those individuals who
have given their lives so that our
families could live in peace and
Head Lice are always present in the
community. By checking your child’s head
once a week for lice, you will catch it early
and treat it before it has a chance to spread.
Should you suspect that your child(ren)
have head lice, please notify the school.
Our Catholic School Council Meeting dates for 2015-2016
are as follows:
Wed. Nov. 25th, Wed. Jan.20th, Wed. Feb. 17 th,
Wed. April 20 th, Tues. May 17th, Tues. June 14 th
The treatment for pediculosis is simple.
Specially medicated shampoo or cream
rinse is available from your pharmacist.
Carefully follow the manufacturer’s
directions and remove all nits from the hair.
Any infected student will need to be
checked before re-entry to class. A letter
will be sent home if a student in your
child’s class has head lice.
Thank you for supporting our QSP magazine sale!!
Many magazines will start arriving shortly. Please keep in mind
that some subscriptions may take longer to start depending on
the magazine ordered and number of issues per year.
If you have any Questions, contact QSP customer service at
Peel Health is available to provide advice
to parents, school staff and students about
treatment and prevention. They can be
contacted at (905) 791-7800
Even though our deadline for sending in orders and getting
prizes has passed, you can still order online anytime at great
prices and our school still benefits!! Take advantage of QSP’s
great prices all year long, just go to and click on
“Shop Now” St. Luke code is 3716917.
8:15 a.m. Yard Supervision
8:30 a.m. ENTRY BELL
Thank you to all of our families who supported our Acorn Card
Program. The response was great! The customized artwork will
arrive the beginning of December.
10:35 a.m. – 10:50 a.m. Morning Recess
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Lunch Break
1:55 p.m. – 2:10 p.m. Afternoon Recess
3:00 p.m. Dismissal
Please note that supervision in the playground begins at
8:15 a.m. Please do not leave your children unattended in the
school grounds before the teacher supervision begins.
A reminder to ALL parents who would like to volunteer at the
school this year, including those desiring to accompany classes
on Field Trips or Athletic events that a current criminal
reference check is now required. Forms can be picked-up at the
Please note that during busy times, it can take 6-8 weeks for the
Police to complete the check so plan ahead to avoid
Please call to register an absence – 905-274-2760. You can call
24hrs. An answering machine is available to take information.
Please provide your child’s name, grade and teacher’s name.
If an absence is not reported, our policy is to call home to
verify student absenteeism. A parent or guardian must sign out
students who leave early. A reminder to parents and students
that an expectation set out from the beginning of the year
clearly indicated that all students must arrive at school on time.
Being consistently and continuously late interrupts classroom
learning activities, creates delays in the office and sets a poor
example for those who do arrive on time. Kindly note that issues
with lates and absenteeism will be dealt with strictly, and may
involve the school’s Administration, Child Youth Worker and
Social Worker.
Visit our website:
Gr.2 First Reconciliation & Holy Communion
The choirs of St. Mary’s and the Salvation Army
Ensemble will be performing Christmas music in
a concert at the church on
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13th. . Kids in Grade 1
and up, are invited to join a Children’s Choir
to sing a few songs at the Christmas
Concert. Last year’s show was a great success!
There will be only 5 Rehearsals starting Sunday, November
8th, from 12:15 – 1:00p.m. after the 11 a.m. mass at the front
of the church. Contact:
St. Mary Star of the Sea
First Reconciliation: Thursday, March 10, 2016 @ 7p.m.
First Holy Communion: June 4/5, June 11/12, June 18/19
First Holy Communion is the beginning of a deeper union and
friendship with Jesus and a deeper oneness with the Eucharistic
Kindly refer to the church bulletins for additional updates .
Grade 7 & 8 – Confirmation—Meeting for
Parent and Candidates
It is important that our children continue to be exposed to our
Catholic Community through experiences at the parish.
The Sunday celebration of the Lord’s Day and the Eucharist is
at the heart of the Church’s life. “Sunday is the day on which
the Paschal Mystery is celebrated in light of the apostolic
tradition and is to be observed as the foremost holy day of
obligation in the universal Church.‟ [CIC, can. 1246 # 1]
Throughout the school year, students experience the mystery of
Jesus Christ through celebrations, liturgies and mass. We
encourage all of our families to maintain these traditions
and obligations throughout the year by attending Mass as a
family every Sunday.
St. Christopher Catholic Church
Gr. 7 Parent Information Night: Tuesday, January 19 th or
Wednesday, January 20 th, 2016 from 7:00 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.
St. Mary Star of the Sea
Sacrament of Confirmation: Sunday, May 29 th, 2016 @
11:00 a.m. Mass.
Confirmation is the beginning of a deeper commitment to
Jesus and to the mission of the Church.
Kindly refer to the church bulletins for additional updates.
A key aspect of the Board’s strategic direction is the continued
development of safe, caring, inclusive Catholic school
communities. As a Catholic Community, we are called to
learn, grow and become more like Jesus. Catholic education
provides us the opportunity to integrate the virtues into our
students daily activity. The virtues will be celebrated every
month during announcements, in class during discussions, and
during the Living Our Faith Awards assemblies.
September: Faith
November: Conscience
January: Self-control
March: Kindness
May: Acceptance
October: Empathy
December: Hope
February: Respect
April: Love
June: Fairness
On W e d n e s d a y , D e c e m b e r 9 t h , 2 0 1 5 , St. Luke
staff and students will celebrate our Living Our Faith
Awards of the year for grades J.K - 8 students.
It is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate our faith together by
highlighting the wonderful things your children do as a result of
hard work and perseverance. Parents will be notified by the
classroom teacher via a written note if their child will receive
an award. Please note the following times: K-2: 9:00a.m.
Grades 3-5: 9:45 a.m. & Grades 6-8: 1:00 p.m.
Visit our website:
St. Luke is a Catholic community that respects
and promotes the uniqueness of all its
members. By following the teachings of Jesus, we
pledge to provide everyone with a safe, caring
and peaceful environment, which ensures the
respect and acceptance of all. Because of these
beliefs bullying will not be tolerated. Your
child deserves a safe environment in which to work, learn and
play. If you have any concerns, please contact us. Thank you
for supporting us as we support your child.
medical issue, and a picture of the child. Parents are responsible
for ensuring that all medication and forms are updated annually.
If your child requires medication please have all pertinent forms
completed and returned with the medication to the office as soon
as possible.
A reminder that children are not allowed to keep ANY
medication on their persons, in their desk, backpack or
anywhere in their classroom, unless ordered by their doctor. In
such case, documentation is necessary. All dispensing and
storage of ANY medication must occur from the Office.
The government of Ontario has declared November 15th -21st
2015 Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week in Ontario.
Ontario students, school staff and parents are encouraged to
learn more about bullying and its effect on students learning
and well-being. Bullying is defined as a form of repeated,
persistent and aggressive behavior directed at an individual
or individuals, that is intended to cause (or should be known
to cause) fear and distress and/or harm to another person’s
body, feelings, self-esteem or reputation.
Bullying occurs in a context where there is real or perceived
power imbalance. Forms of bullying include: Physical- hitting,
shoving, stealing or damaging property, Verbal- name calling,
mocking, or making sexist, racist or homophobic comments,
Social- excluding others from a group or spreading gossip or
rumors about them, and Electronic- (commonly known as
cyber bullying)-spreading rumors and hurtful comments
through the use of cellphones, e-mail, text messaging and
social networking sites.
The conduct of individual students on the
bus directly affects the safety of all the
students on the bus. The driver’s
attention needs be on the road. We are
requesting that all parents/guardians
reinforce the School Bus Safety Rules
with their child(ren). All Students
We have a number of staff and students
in our school who have severe allergic
reactions to peanuts, peanut butter,
peanut oils, peanut by-products, pinenuts, shellfish, and
seafood. As in the past, we are asking you to not put anyone at
risk. Do not send any PEANUTS, PEANUT BUTTER,
SCHOOL. This includes products like Nutella as well as
Sushi. Please also be aware that some salad dressings contain
oyster juice which can cause a serious anaphylaxis response.
Please do not send any food products to mark a child’s
birthday. Student birthdays can be acknowledged by sending
non-food items such as a pencil or pen to celebrate a child’s
birthday with his/her peers. Thank you for your co-operation in
this very important matter.
Be at the bus stop 5 minutes prior to their stop time.
Never play close to the road.
Be ready to board the bus by waiting in an orderly line.
Board the bus in single file, use the handrail and sit down
in their seat as quickly as possible.
Listen to the bus driver.
Always remain seated while the bus is moving.
Do not throw anything out of the window.
Keep the aisles clear of objects (backpacks, lunches, etc.).
Do not shout or cause any other unnecessary noises.
Be very attentive at railway crossings.
Never put any part of your body out an
open window.
Be sure to look all ways before crossing the road.
Do not damage the bus in anyway.
Do not throw garbage on the floor.
Do not consume any food or drink on the bus.
Bus privileges will be revoked if need be. Thank you for your
support in ensuring that our students journey safely to and
from school.
We sent home Emergency Allergy Alert
Forms for parents to fill out in the event that your child has a
medical concern. The form requires information on the
Visit our website:
Please be advised that NO CARS are allowed to park in the
kiss n ride/fire route lane or drive through lane in the front
of the school. Please ensure that you read all street signs
prior to parking on any side streets.
The city of Mississauga has been patrolling and ticketing
cars who are in violation of these parking procedures. St.
Luke School or the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School
Board will not be responsible for any fines incurred for not
abiding to parking by-laws.
When students exit the car in the Kiss N Ride lane, they
should use the passenger doors only to exit vehicles this
will ensure students will be dropped off on the school
sidewalk safely.
Please be advised that teachers will not be opening car
doors during the Kiss N Ride duty. For the safety of all
teachers, students, and vehicles, teachers will only
supervise students as they exit the vehicles. Parents may
assist their child on exiting the vehicle, but are kindly
asked not to park in the Kiss N Ride lane. We thank you
for your cooperation with this matter.
A BIG thank you to all St. Luke students who participated and
brought in reusable water bottles for our Halloween dance. 74%
of the school participated, which is fantastic! A big
congratulations goes to Mrs. Brochu’s, Mrs. Hospital’s, Mrs.
Hlebec’s and Mr. Santiago’s class! Everyone in their class
participated and for that they will receive a popcorn party. Also,
THANK YOU to our amazing Parent Council and Mrs. Sanchez
for organizing this event. We can start changing the environment
St. Luke; one water bottle at a time. Remember to always bring in
a reusable water bottle.
The donation of prizes helped make our Halloween Dance a very
successful fundraiser.
Thank you to the following donors:
 The Ferren Family
 The Mazzuchin Family
 The Arnone Family
 The Giacomodonato Family
 The Fiore Family
 The Leone Family
 The Chu Family
 The Pabla Family
 The Smith Family
 The Bafaro Family
 The Butler Family
 The Chen Family
 The Dowie Family
 Cousins Market
Our Halloween Dance was a SPOOtacular
A very BIG thank you to our Parent Council for
organizing our Halloween Dance. Over $12, 000.00
Our day started off with a visit
from Batman who was spotted scaling
the walls of St. Luke.
was raised!
Our gymnasium was BOOtifully decorated. A very BIG
thank you to our decorating committee: Ms.
Giacomodonato, Ms. Doria, Ms. Leone, Ms. Defrancesco,
Ms. Marinaccio and our St.Luke student helpers.
The day ran smoothly thanks in large part to our Dance
Day Committee: Ms. De Marco, Ms. Leone, Ms.
Giacomodonato, Ms. O’Brien, Ms. DiCarlo, Ms.
Hickman, Ms. Correia, Ms. Sanchez, Ms. Purai, Ms.
Stratakos, Ms. Acri, Ms. Doria, Ms. Marinaccio, and Ms.
Visit our website:
Research has shown that children perform better in school if
their parents are involved in their education. We as a staff at
St. Luke Catholic School welcome and encourage parental
Students and parents can expect to be informed of due dates
for assignments and summative tasks via the agenda. Teachers
will ensure that all students have an opportunity to record daily
homework in the agenda. Parents should check the agenda daily
and monitor homework completion. If extenuating circumstances
prohibit homework completion, it is the parents’ responsibility
to inform the teacher.
Regular attendance is critical for success. Although we encourage
you to keep your child home when he/she is ill to avoid the
spread of illness, we do also encourage you to avoid making
appointments and planning vacations during regular school hours.
Much of the learning that takes place in the classroom is through
discussions, interactions with the teacher and peers and through
in class tasks. These experiences cannot be duplicated. If you
choose to take your child out of school for a holiday, the
classroom teacher will provide you with the topics being covered,
but cannot be responsible for the daily lesson(s).
Progress Reports have been sent home on Tuesday, November
17th. Parent-Teacher interviews will take place if requested by
parent or teacher on Thursday evening (Nov. 19 th). Parents
received written notice confirming the interview time with the
Progress Reports.
Please note that picture re -takes
were on
Tuesday, November
Personal Electronic Devices (PED’s)
Personal Electronic Devices on Board Premises
and/or Board Sanctioned Events for educational
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District Board
acknowledges the value of the use of
technology for learning. Students will be
permitted to register and use personal electronic
devices (PEDs) on board premises and/or board
sanctioned events for educational purposes,
under the direction of staff and only with
parent/guardian permission. Students may
register their PED for the purpose of connecting
to the board wireless network. Students will be
required to adhere to the student “Personal
Electronic Device Used with WI-FI Network
Student Agreement” (GF066). Please be
advised that the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District
School Board will not be responsible for any
cost incurred through the use of personal data
plans. The GF337 form will be sent
In this regard, all cell phones must be kept out of sight,
turned off and not used within school premises or during
school sanctioned activities.
At St. Luke Catholic School we ask that students leave ALL
electronic devices and games at home as the school cannot be
responsible for their safe keeping. Cell phones are permissible as
long as they are turned off and not used in or on school property.
Please keep your child’s valuables at home. Staff cannot be
responsible for any valuables that your child brings to school.
Money, jewelry, electronics, toys, etc., should be kept at
Visit our website:
Thank you for completing the Lunch
Permission Form and returning it to your
child’s teacher. This will ensure that the
school is aware of where you prefer your
child(ren) to be over the lunch hour. Any changes to the
agreement throughout the year must be submitted in writing to
the teacher and/or office. Thank you for your cooperation in
this matter.
Once children have arrived back at school, they must remain
on school property. They are not permitted to leave school
again without written permission.
A table has been placed outside the office for lunches. Lunches
should only be dropped off on rare occasions. If you are
dropping off a lunch for your child please clearly label your
child’s name and teacher’s name on the outside of the lunch
bag/container and place it on the lunch table. Classes are not
to be interrupted for students to pick up lunches. Please advise
your child(ren) to expect a lunch to be dropped off. They will
be allowed to come down and pick up their lunch at 11:30 a.m.
This year pizza days will be weekly.
Pizza will be distributed every Friday starting Oct. 2nd
and ending on Dec. 4th. We wish to thank
our Parent Council for organizing our pizza days.
Subs will be distributed every Monday starting
Oct. 19th and ending on June 27th.
Lunches ordered through Lunch Moms will be delivered on
Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Change of Date:
Please be advised that our regularly scheduled hot dog day on
Wed. Nov.18th has been moved to Wed. Nov. 25th. We
apologize for any inconvenience. Wed. Dec. 16 th will be
the next day.
In April 2000, the Child and Family Services Act was amended
and a new law came into effect concerning our obligation to
report concerns about children who may be “in need of
protection”. As per Board’s practice, we will continue our duty
to ensure your child’s safety this year. Within our school
system, every person who has reason to believe that a child is
or may be abused or neglected must report his/her suspicions
directly to the Children’s Aid Society.
The definition of “child in need of protection” because of
suspected child abuse or neglect has been expanded for
Children’s Aid Societies. The law says:
• School staff do not have a choice if they suspect that a
student is or may be in need of protection. Staff must report
their suspicions to a Children’s Aid Society.
• Staff can be fined $1,000.00 for failing to report that a
student is or may be in need of protection.
• It is not the school’s responsibility to investigate suspicion,
evaluate the situation or assign blame.
• When a report is made to Children’s Aid Society, school staff
are required to share information about their concern which
might otherwise be confidential.
• Parents and guardians need to be aware that it is not
necessary for school staff to be sure or to have proof “that a
student is in need of protection”. The law says that school staff
must only have reasonable grounds to suspect child abuse or
neglect. “Reasonable grounds” is defined as being what the
average person would expect given his or her training,
background and experience.
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board is committed
to meeting the legal requirements of the Child and Family
We wish to thank everyone who faithfully
reports to the Office and signs in when
visiting or volunteering at the school. A reminder to all visitors
INCLUDING PARENTS that they must come to the office
first so they can sign in and pick up a visitors tag. Anyone not
wearing an identification badge will be asked to return to the
office to sign in and pick one up. This procedure will help
students and staff in recognizing our many visitors at the
If you are picking up your child at school at a time other than
regular dismissal, we ask that you report to the office.
Arrangements will be made for your child to be sent to the
office. If you intend to send someone else to pick up your
children, please inform the office. If you are staying to
help/volunteer, then you must sign in at the office and obtain a
visitors tag that you must wear at all times while you are in the
If you wish to meet with a staff member, please call the school or
drop in at the office to make an appointment.
We thank you for your co-operation in supporting a safe
environment at St. Luke School.
We have a detailed emergency and fire
evacuation plan. In the event that we do have to
evacuate, our first destination will be Tecumseh
Public School.
Visit our website:
We are heading into the flu season. Being parents ourselves, we are keenly aware of the work pressure you
experience when providing care at home for your child who is ill. Nevertheless, aside from being the best course
of action for your child, keeping your sick child at home may also serve to limit the spread of influenza in the
community of school children and staff.
The cold winds are blowing and winter is just around the corner. Please continue to remind and encourage your
child(ren) to dress appropriately for the weather with warm hats, mittens, coats and boots.
November 9th – Grade 7 Overnight Trip information night at 7:00p.m. in the library
November 10th – Picture Re-Take
November 11th – Remembrance Day Celebration at 9:00 in the gym
November 15th-21st _ Bullying Awareness Week
November 16th – Grade 8 Overnight Trip information night at 7:00p.m. in the library
November 17th – Progress Reports go home
November 19th and 26th - Grade 1 Skating Trip
November 23rd-27th – Grade 8 complete My Blueprint course selection
November 26th – Recycling Presentation to all grades by Peel Region
November 30th-Dec. 4th- Iona Registration forms and fee due to Gr.8 teachers
December 8th – Immunization Round 2 (Intermediates)
December 8th- Nativity Scene Night
December 9th – Virtues Assemblies
December 15th – Confessions in gymnasium
December 16th – Advent Mass in gymnasium (Poinsettia donations welcome to decorate the gym)
December 21st-Jan.3rd- Christmas Holidays
January 25th – FDK Registration 7:00-9:00p.m.
“All that is good, all that is true, all that is beautiful, brings us to
God, because God is good, God is true and God is beautiful”
Pope Francis
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