Sculpture: Plaster Carving Assessment Sheet Name: ___________________________ Section: ________________

Sculpture: Plaster Carving Assessment Sheet
Name: ___________________________
Section: ________________
Use the following scale to grade your work.
10 points = Excellent Verve Imaginative Inventive Confident
9 points = Strong Evocative Successful Some Inconsistencies
8 points = Good Sense Of Purpose Technical Competence
7 points = Moderate Real Effort Emerging
6 points = Weak Awkward Simplistic
5 points = Poor Trite Copied
Design/Composition/Idea: Successfully organized the art elements according to the principles of design, and
worked inventively with originality and creativity. (20 points each; multiply above scale by 2)
___ ___ The sculpture is abstract OR non-objective and has visual impact, causing the viewer to stop and pay
attention. Explain which one (abstract or non-objective) you used and why; how does it portray your idea or
theme? Did a particular artist inspire you (the one you researched for art criticism or one from the PPT)?
___ ___ The sculpture is freestanding; a work of art that is surrounded by space. One can view it by “walking”
around it. The sculpture is carved “in the round” with attention to all sides; no obvious front or back. It is
interesting from all sides.
___ ___ The sculpture is carved with attention to the balance of the space and mass. The solid mass has been
carved to show movement between convex and concave forms; it displays a contrast of values.
Check the ONE that is used in your sculpture:
____The sculpture is an organic, fluid form (a curved flowing rhythm shown by the wavy planes you
carved). OR
_____The sculpture is primarily geometric (straight, sharp planes and edges as seen in man-made
structures) OR
_____The sculpture is a combination of organic and geometric elements.
Craftsmanship: Worked skillfully and paid attention to details. (10 pints each)
___ ___ No unplanned breaks, cracks, chips, missing chunks or scratches
___ ___ Piece is pristine in appearance; project has been cleanly sanded or painted evenly. Changes in plane are
crisp and purposeful . If there is texture, it looks purposeful.
___ ___ Plaster was mixed evenly; no evidence of air pockets or little bubbles.
Criteria and Effort: (10 points each)
___ ___ Worked hard, challenged oneself, stayed on task EACH class period, and assisted with clean-up. Used art
tools and processes skillfully and correctly. Wore safety equipment. Improvement and growth are clearly evident
over your past work.
*Describe what you did well. Be specific and describe strengths in your work. What did you enjoy?
*Describe what was challenging and how you worked through those challenges.
Completion of this assessment sheet fully, objectively, and thoughtfully. __________/ 10 points
TOTAL: ____________/110