Document 14232178

Journal Assignment: Art Elements and Principles of Design
Directions: Use the Art Talk book and draw visuals to represent each term and its
definition. Write each word in a way that visually shows what it means. For example:
Art Elements: visual symbols (building blocks) to make art
Line: path of moving point
Plane: surface areas
Shape: two-dimensional
Form: three-dimensional
Color: reflected light (hue, value, intensity)
Value: lightness or darkness
Texture: how surface feels
Space: area around and within objects
positive space: object (figure)
negative space: empty area around object (ground)
Principles of Design: how the elements are organized
Repetition: element used again and again
Movement: sense of action
Rhythm: visual tempo (movement by repeating elements)
Balance: equalizing the visual elements
symmetrical: mirror image
asymmetrical: unlike objects that feel balanced
radial: elements come out (radiate) from a central point
Emphasis: make one part stand out (dominant over others)
Proportion: size relationships (one part to another)
Contrast: conflicting or opposing elements
Unity: wholeness or oneness
Variety: differences