\ - , ANNUAL REPORT Of the Exeeative Committee of the State Normal Sehooll. To the Legislature : Pursuant to the provisions of act, chap. 311, of the Laws of 1844, the undersigned have the honor to state that Samuel H. Hammond has been appointed one of the executive committee for the care, management and government of the State Normal School, in the place of William W. Forsyth, deceased. We herewith transmit the annual report of the committee of the school, which has been received and approved, which repbrt also contains a full statement of the receipts and expenditures of money under the same act. V. M. RICE, Superintendent of Public Instruction. G. Y. LANSING, Chancellor of the University. Albany, Jan. 10, 1855. I I I , I [Senate, No. 20.1 i 5 [u n.500~.1,500~.0.] I RE'BORT. - To the State Superintendent of Common Schools, and the Regents of the University : m e Executive Committee of the State Normal School, R E S P E C ~ ~ LREPORT LV : That the present -condition of the institution, compared with: pkevious periods, will be best understood. by noticing untfer distinct head, such maitters as may seem most worthy of pahticulai. notice. They are accordingly so presented. - / Number of pupils and graduates informe Pupils. . F;ti :h{ Fifth vear. year.' Sev' t h year. year. year.* 7th 8th 9th 10th '6 (i 6' 4< 98 ....... 185........ ........ 197 ........ 205 .... 178 ........... 221 ......'. 198 ......... 208 ....... 175 ........ 196 Males. 0 as 30 37 21 32' 25 17 22 19 Total. Females. , 0 5 17 26 19 25 25 29 21 18 , 0 34 47 63 4@ 62 50 46 43, 37 The whole number of pupils who have e%joyed the advantages of the school, for a shorter or longer period, up to September, 1854, is 2,262. I Present number of Pupils. The 21st term (or the 1st of the 11th year of the State Normal School) commenced on the third Monday of September last, and the number of pupils in attendance is 250. They are divided-into four classes ; Sub-juniors, Juniors, Sub-seniors and Seniors ; thus making a course of study pursued during two years. These classes are again arranged in divisions, to suit the conveniexe of . recitations. The relative standing and advancement of the pupils will be seen from the following table : ........................ ........................ .......................... Seniors,.. Sub-seriiors Juniors,. Mrtles. Females. Total, 18 33 22 46 18 67, 51 68 85 64 186 250 ale pupils, is made a condition of gradua ............. Reading,. Spelling. Elementary Sounds of the Writing. Geography and Outline Intellectual Arithmetic,. Elementary Arithmetic, . English Grammar,. History, Chronology, Bems' system,. Elementary- Algebra, begun,. . . ....... ............................ Worcester. ............. Niss Peabod$. ............ Perkins. > < ?.- , 1 6 JUNIORS. TEXT BOOIiS. Intellectual Arithmetic, Stoddard. " . Practical Arithmetic, Perlcins. Geography and Map Drawing,. .Mitchell. Writing. Elementary sounds of the Letters, Page's Normal Chart. Beading, Jfandeville. History Worcester. English Grammar,. Clark. . Elementary Algebra,. Perlcins. SUB-SENIORS. Bookkeeping,.. Preston. English Grammar, reviewed,. Clark.. Higher Arithmetic,. PerlEins. Geometry, six Bsoks,. : Perkins. Constitutional Law, with select parts of the ) Young's Science of Rev. Statutes,most intimately connected ) Government ; Rewith the rights and duties of citizens,. . J vised Statutes. Drawing. Berlcins. Elementary Algebra reviewed,. Natural Philosopby, Otmsted. . Perspective Drawing,. Lectures. Mathematical Geography and use of Globes, Lectures. ................ . .................. .......... ....... ............................. ,.... ........................... .................... ................. ........................ ........... ................... ........:. ... .... . , - .......... ................... .................. SENIORS. \ . \ ..........,........... Perkins. .... Davies' Legendre. ............ Perlcins. ........................... Day. .. ........... Parlcer. .................... Boyd. ........................... Cutter. ......................... Robinson ................Altercrombie. .................... Wayland. ........................... Sill'irnan. . ............. Norton. @ Higher Algebra,. Plane Trigonometry, as contained in.. Surveying and Mensuration.. Rhetoric,.. Aids to English Composition,. Thomson's Seasons, Physiology,. Astronomy,.. Intellectual Philosophy, Moral Philosophy,. Chemistry,. ultural Chemistry,. i of teaching, Lectures, Page, and attendance in the ) Exp'tl School. I I i I I I I I I 1 .....................) ? . , I 4 I , I $ 6 * LSEXATE The female pupils may pursue this course of study entire, or may omit the hig&er mathemati,cs with their applications, and substitute the critical study of some of the standard writers of our language, Bx this class of pnpils, the stailyr of Thompsonls Seasons has been pu'rsued. The demand for the graduates of this school as teachers, in many of the largest putkc schools and academids of the State, is constant, and increasing. Higher 'qualifications are thus demanded. I n view of this fact, the committee have resolved that the standard of studies required for admission be grad'txallyraised, so that the pupils may have greater opportunities of being- more fully and thorwghly practiced in the higher brapches of education required for their future avocation; but that, under no modification .of the p1a.n of instruction, shall there be less thoroughness in the study of the elementary branches. I n accordance with these views, the Faculty have been instructed to make th6 exammations for admission more thorough and colpprehensi.se. . In the last annual report the impcrtance of making the departments of instruction more distinct was alluded to. To accornplish this, theBeulty of the school has been so arranged as to consist of a P~hcipal,who is also Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy, n Professor of Mathematics, a Professor of the Natural Sciences,a Pyofessor of the English Language and Literature, and such tutors, male and female, as the state of the school shall demand. It is believed that the hvorable influencq of this divisi6n of labor on the improvement of the pupils is already felt'. The purposes for whichkhe school mas established demand that it should be &a$e as strictly professional as possible. The means of edncation provided in the public schools and achemies are so ample, that it wonld seem that those who resort to this school may be thoroughly prepared for admission to the advanced classes. If this were as extensively the :.as$ as the committee consider "I desirable that it shouid be, the fop;& class might be abolished, and the tirne now required fbr graduation be dimknisbed, or the course of study might be so extended as to e d r a t e sy.ve' s+d important subjects which are now excluded. . , ' ,Sex and Geographical Distribution of Pupils. .The committee regret to state that the proportion of y'ou~g men in the school is less than at the date of their last report. The cause of this is believed to be in the fact, that they have been able to command higher wages in other employments. The present depressed condition of business, and the increased wages which are paid to teachers of the best qualifications, it is hoped will direct talented young men to this profession. But few counties have faiIed to send their quota of pupils to the achool during the past year. When vacancies b w e occurred, the committee have filled them by a~pointmentsfrom any part of the State from . jvhich applications have been made. The selection and appointment of pupifs is committed to the local school officers. In cornties in which these officers interest the'msdves in giving notice of . vacancies, and in finding proper pupils to be appointed, more applications for appointments are made than the number which Qhecounty is entitled to send to the school. I t is conhenfly . believed that, with the same effort, a sufficient number would be found in every county who would gTadly avail themselves of the advantages here provided ?or professibnal improvement. - I r Selection of Pvpils. desire-is While the committee are 'that every part of the Stztte should be fully represented in the school, they are much more desirps that a wise discrimination. should be exercised in the selection of pupils. Those who from past successful experience have proved their aptness to teach, or from traits of cliaraeter clearly developed, give fair promise of future success, should Ee preferred to others. In the true teacher, with the natural talent for instsuction and influence, which education may irnpmve but 'aaanot originate, should be combined, intellectual cultivation, moral sensibility, and physicd power. A high order of intelieet only is equal to his duties. Those only should be sent to the school who give sure promise of becoming sehalars-tvho.hme the intellectual power to pass uninterrufiedly through the pes-ribed course of study. We scarcely need to speak of the g s ~ ~ $ character of the teacher. No parent will commit his child, in those years, when every inffnence exerted upon him shape& \ \ character, t o a man of doubtful morals. I n hiart and in life, the teacher must be above repr3ach. The committee are happy to bear testimony to the general good character of those who have been sent here as pupils ; and they regard the occasional excep' tions to this, as resulting from a presumption that only those whose characters are unexceptionable, will make application for appointment>. The importance of a sound physical organization, to one who is -to discharge the duties of teacher, is not always , .properly appreciated. It is often that the child w'hose health is too feeble for labor, is placed at school, where the aspirings of his spiritual nature are repressed by the debility or suKerings-of his body. Disappointed expectations and blighted hopes cast a deep shade of gloom over his hyurs of study, and perhaps bear him down to a paemature grave. The duties of the teacher are arduous; and though his hours of labor are fewer than those'of men in most other employments, yet his health oftener fails under,his exhausting labors. Energetic devotiqn 'to his duties is %ssentia% to his success. This he can never long maintain while his physical powers feebly sustain his mental efforts. We urge, then, that in the selection of pupils, regard should be had to the sound body as well as the sound mind: that the teacher may be able to carry to the duties of the school room that union of mentalcand physical energy which is indispensable to hi, success. f , Faculty. . e Several changes have ocourred in the faculty of the school since the last report. At the close of the first term of the year, ~ r d f E. . S. Can, of the Albany Medical College, was appointed Professor of the Natural Sciences. The repniation of Prof. Carr, as a man of science and a teacher, it was confidently expected, would give a high charaeter tothe instruction in this department j and the committee greatly regretted the necessity of his early resignation-a necessity which arose from the state of his'health, which he found insufficient, for the duties of the department. ~ e m ~ o r a provision ry was made for the instruction of the classes until the close of the term, when David H. Cochran, A. &I.,Principal.'of Fredonia Academy, was appointed to the vacant professorship. No. 20.q 9 t Mr. Truman H. Bowen, who had been a teacher since 1847, suffered nnder impaired health during most of the last term. The prospect of recovery, while he continued to teach, seemed so small,,that he deemed it prudent to resign the position which hehad so long and honorably filled. The co&mittee bear ample testimony to his faithful services as a teacher, and his devotion to thesinterests of the scb01, and the cause of cdacation. Mr. Bowen's department of instruction was English Grammar, Science of Government, and Vocal Music. His resignation rendered necessary a different arrangement of those subjects of study. The Rev. Frederic S. Jewell was appointed Professor of the English Language and Literature. I To this officer is committed instruction in the forms, structure and analysiS of the language, rhetoric and criticism. Mr. Tully C. Estee, a graduate of the school, mas appointed teacher of music, and such other subjects as the state of the school might demand. It is proper further to state that at the close of the first term of the year, Mr. John Felt, Jr., teacher of algetkra and arithmetic, received an invitation to take charge of the Liberty Normal Institute, and resigned his place in the school. This vacancy was filled by the appointment of Mr. Devolson Wood. The committee desire to express their gratification at the present a'rrangement of the faculty, and their, confidence in the ability and*faithfulness, with which they discharge their respective duties. k 1 1 , 1 1 1 I I I I - I The following is a full list of the present officers of the school : Samuel B. Woolworth, L.E. D., Principul, and Professor of Noral and htellectual Science. I I I j George W. Plympton, A. M., Professor of Mathematics. I David H. Cochran, A. M., / Professor of the JVaturnl Sciences. Eev. Frederic S. Jewell, A. M., Professor of the English Language and Literature. I 1 I I I . [SENATE 10 Sumner @. Webb, Teacher of Arithmetic and Book-keeping. Devolson Wood, Teacher of Arithmetic and Algebra. I Tully C. Estee, Teacher of Vocal Nusic and Penmansiiip. Amos M. Kellogg, Superintendent o j the 3xperimental School. . , Elizabeth f3.Hance, Teacher of Reading and Histoi-y. Louisa Ostrom, Teacher of Geography and Drawing. Library and Apparatus. , The miscellaneous library has been increased by the additiin of six volumes by purchase, and thirty-four oolumes presented by .Mr. William F. Phelps, former teacher of the experimental de; partmat. Its condition witla these additions is essentially the saple as at the-date of the last report. The text book lib~ary,nominally numbers'about six thousand volumes. . The committee have directed a re-examination of the boo.:s, and that those whkh are too much worn to be fit for u$e bs laid aside, and others not used in the school to be disposed of in such way as may be advantagebus. ,The apparatus has been carefillly compared w'ith the recorded catalogues, and all articles have been found to be in possession of the school, except a fern of those which are liable to destruction by use. The Professor of the Natural S~iences,vhohas charge of most of the apparatus, has re-arranged the various articles, and placed them In excellent working order. No change "ns h e n made in the arrangement of this depart= ment since the last report. It proposes to give the most thorough training in the ehements of education 3 to la^, deep, rather than ' ' broad, the foundation of future schoIarslGp, and by kind and,deeided discipline, ta form the habits of the child to obedience, a i d truth. I t may well be- presented to the pupils of the Normal School, in its organization, instruction, and discipline, as a model after ~ h i c hthey may. form the schools they may be called to teach. The estimate in which it is held, is shown by the fact, that ,the applications for admission continue to exceed the number that can be accommodated. The pnpils of the school at this time are, I Pay pmpils,. 82 Free pupils,. 23 , % ............................ .......................... The Building. , The building, in its general construction and arrangement, answers well the purposes of the school. Im the means provided for heating and ventilation are its most serious imperfections. I'he best modes, of accomplishing these objects were not as well understood when the building was erected as a$ the present time. The committee, feeling required to adopt every means in their pdwer for preserving the health of the pupils, have, with great anxiety, directed their atten.tion to this subject. Three hundred an& E t y pnpils spend five hours of each day in the building. In the study room of the experimental school, one hundred pupils arp, seated, much more compactly tha-n is consktant. whh the breathing of pure air, without the most ample means of ventilation.' In the study room of the Normal school are tmro hundred and fifty. These are distributed into classes during successive portions of the day, and occupy recitation rooms, some of which are crowded during the hours of recitation. The air of the room thus becomes vitiated, and with the present means of ventilation, must pas? several times through the lungs, after having its vitalizing power mucli diminished. , The committee are seriously and anxiously directing their attention to the means of iemoving these evils, and they cannot doubt that, when their plans are fully matured, the 'legislature will furnish the means for securing; throughout the b~dlding,such ventilation as is imperiously demanded. A statement of the receipts and expenditures of the Normal School, from September, 1853, to September, 1854, is appended to ' * this report, and the vouchers for every payment are i n the hands * of the committee. # In hosing this report the committee desl 18th of the present month was ten years since this school went into operation. I t was first established for five years, as an experiment. ,This experiment wqs deemed so successful, that in 1848 an act was passed by the Legislature '' providing for the permanent establishment of $he State Normal Scho01.~' The iesult of The late Superintendent of Common Schools, i n his annual report remarks, that '"the teachers who have received instruction here, are now extending a knowledge of the better systems and * d the improved processes of instruction thus acquired throtighout the State. They are doing this in the departments for the instruetion of common schnol teac5ers in the academies ; they are doing it in the larger schools of the cities and villages, which become rnodel ones to others ; and finally, they are beginning to be felt in the body of the common schools throughout the State." I n confirmation of this, it may be stated thai there is scarcely a city or large village in the State, in xhich are pot to be found the graduates of this school as teachers. More than three-fourths of the male members of the class, which grad-dated in February last, commenced their professional duties within one wekk of the day of their graduation. Of the last class, nearly every member is known to be now teaching. Tlle most gratifying testimony of. 8 , I , I ~ I I I 1 I I II 1 No. 20.1 13 the success of these teachers is constantly coming back to the school, encouraging its faculty in their labors, and inspiring its pupils with a higher zeal to make themselves still better qualid duties of their chosen profession. fied for the high a ~ responsible In view of all these facts, the committee feel a stronger conriction than ever before, that the school is accomplishing the important purposes for which it was established ; and that the experience of these ten years places-its nece school system of the State, beyond a doubt In ,the death of Mr. William W. Forsyth, the committee have to deplore the loss of a valued friend and most useful as~ocibte. In early life he devoted himself to advancing th; best interests of the community, and befpre reac of waning health, he had alrea philanthropic and intelligent citi I 11 which is respectfully submitted. CH. L. AUSTIN, T. ROMEYN BECK, , FRANKLIN TOWNSEND, S. H. KAMMOND, Executive Committee. of the above report. e FINANCIAL BEPORT. C New- Yorle State Normal School,in account with the Executive Com- mittee : DR. 1853. . Oct. 1. To balance in hands of Treasurer, as per last annual report,. 1854. Oct: 1. To cash received from Comptrollar, bet. 15, and Nov. 16,1853, and Feb. 26, 1854, Seing the annual appropi.i$;tion, To cash received for tuition in experimental school, To cash received for deposits, ................ .................... , . $395 41 10,000 00 c 1,507 00 60 00 ........ -- $11,962 41 --surer, ...... $470 il --CR. Oct. I. By cash paid for salaries. of principal and teachers,for year ending this date, support ofexperimental school,' including teacher's salary,. amount students for mileage ................... 1,308 25 .... 275 76 ............. .............. ? > 943 39 ......... during the year, stationery, text books, chemicals, kc., for the! year, repairs and imprdvements to building, Y.' Carried forward,. $6,840 00 - 548 83 --- $9,916 23 I I NO. 20.1 15 i .....; ........ .................. .. Brought forward,. By cash paid for fuel, insurance on building, &e., janitor's wages, treasurer's commissions, postages, and other incidental expenses, for the year ending Oct. 1854,. By balance in treasurer's hands, ... ........ I , - b n A, Annual Register and Circular of the State Normal School for - ' the year ending July 13, 31854, with the names of the Exeoutive Committee, faculty, and pupils, and a list of the graduates for the same period ;also, an account of the qualifica-tion . for admission, the sums allowed for' traveling expgnses, and other matters important to be understood by the patpil and others, with the for^ of the diploma granted to graduates. - B, Full programme of the class exercises, . at the beginning of the year. C, Second Quinquennial Catalogue of the Graduates of the State - Normal School. [Senate, No. 20.1 L . , ANN-UAL STEE AND C4. OF THE i 1 1I ' F O R T H E P E A & E N P I N G S E P T E M B E R , 1854. I - II / ON. VIGTOR M. RICE, Superintendent of Ptcbkic Instrtictzon, CHAIRMAN. CHARLE& L. AUSTIN, E q . T..ROMEYN BECK, M. D.,,LL, D.. . C SECRETARY AND TREASURER. 1 / I I 1 I I I 1 Eon. FRANKLIN TOWNSEND. Wdn, WILLIAM W. FORSYTH, I I SAMUEL B. WOOLWORTW, LL. D., Principal, and Professor of Intellectual and nibrat Scimrc. GEORGE W . PLPMPTON, A. M., Professor of Mathematzcs., EZRA S. CARR, M . D, Professor 'of the flatural h'ciences. SUMNER C. WEBB, Teacher of A~ifhmeticand Bsolc-keepin& - :: P'RUMAN H. BOWEN, ' Teacher of Science of Government, Grammar,and Vocal .Musk DEBOLSON WOOD, Teacher,$ Grammar and ~ l ~ e b r a . ,. \ AMOS M. KELLOGB, ' Superintendent of the Experimental School. ELIZABETH C. HANCE, Teacher of Reading and Ristory. LOUISA OSTROM, Teacher of Geography and Drawing. I * ' L . , F - SVUDENTS. - J \ . FEMALES. 2 JPames. V .. .Towns. Counties. Hulldah A. Allen, Schenectady, -Julia Abbot, Kamburg, Syracuse, Harriet E. Abbot, M. Eliz~lbethAtwooc%, Albany, ~ophroniaL. Allis, . Syracuse, Bsownsville, Jane C. Ackerman, hk. Allen, , Stuyvesant Falls, , Bgden, ElIen Adams, Celestine Burtis, Hoosick Falls, Kinderhook, Mary E. Best, Clara L. Baldwin, Syracuse, Rutland, Adaline M. Bzown, Van Buren, Harriet M. Brand, ~ a r a hJ. &ownell, Pittstown, Sarah T. Bowers, New-York, Mary L. Bodwell, York, De Malb, Meriba A. Babcocn, Esther Berm&, Danby, Mary Bradley, Stanford, * Sarah F. Buekelew, Brooklyn, Canton, Hannah R. Bunnsll, Sarah B. Bedell,( Grand Island, , Nunda, Sarah A. Brown, Harriet J. Ball, Bern, Hamptonburgh, Frances H. Bross, Victory, , Polly M. Benedict, . M. Antoinette Barnurn, Sohth East, New Windsor, . Reliance 'A. BrisBsl, ate . 4 .' f ,1 Schenectady. Qie. Onondaga. Albany. -. Onondaga.. ' Jefferson. Columbia. Monroe, Rensselaer. Columbia. Onondaga. Jefferson. , Onondaga. Rensselaer. ' New-Pork. Livingston. St. Lawrence. Tompkins. Dutchess. Kings.' St.' Lawrende. Erie. Livingston. Albany. Orange. Cayuga. Putnam. Orange. . ,- ' - ' . .. 1 < , Names. Suldah M. Brown, Mary Buckelew, Janet Beach, Nargaret J. Brown, Ruth A. Birch, Margaret Bross, Mary C. Bennett, ' Harriet L. Baker,, Amanda Baldwin, Ann Bowen, Roda A. Bowen, Amanda S. Beach, Einnah J. Blessing, Matilda Brown, Helen M. Bacon, Fran,ces A. Bacon, garah A. Burbridge, Margalia Case, Julia Collier, Phebe A. Case, W i a C. Church, Carrie A. Crosby, Eliza M. C&k, ' Sarah A. Cook, . Xary ~rap;o, ary E. Crounce, X.Louisa Campbell, Nancy C. Crounce, Frances M. Cheeney, &ilia E. Carpenter, Emily I,. Carpenter, . Eetsey H. Davis, Emeline C. Davies, Zoanna De Force, Frances V. A. Dix, Arrietta H. Darbee, . Electa E. Debeyj 22 Towns. Counties. Stratford, Brooklyn, Canaan, Albany, Clirton Pgrk-, ' Samptohbwgh, Veteran, , Coxsackie, New-York, Syracuse, Syracuse, New-Pork, Altbany, Conquest, . Albany, Albany, Utica, Albany, Albany, Potter, Fort Ann, Ogd en, Greenwich, Albany, ' Albany, .Albany, Albany,Knox, . Syracuse, Rochester, Rochester, Ontario, New-York, Ballston, Nemfane, Williarnsburg, Lexington, - , Z Fulton. Kings. Columbia. Albany. Saratoga. Orange. Chemung. Greene. New-York. Onondaga: Onondaga. Mew-Pork Albany. Cayuga. . Albany. , Albany. ' Oneida. Albany. Albany. Yates. W~hington. Monroe. Washington. Albany. Albany. . . albany. Albany. Albany, Onondaga. Monroe. Monroe. Wayne. New-Pork. Saratoga, , Niafara. Kings. Greene. -, + - P - . , Names. Towns. Elizabeth M. Doagall, Florida, , Albany, C. Joanna Dixon,~ Candace Denniso~, . Albany, Albany, Elanor F. Dickon, Athoi, C. Jane Daytoa, Ballston Spa, Lucy H. Estabrook, Ridgeway, Elizabeth B. Ensign, A,ntoinetts Edwards, Glenn, Lindonville: Cornelia h3. Fitch, Julia A. Fraver, Albany, Mary E. Fitzgerald, Goshen, Syracuse, Caroline Franklin, Hoosick Falls, Mary A. Ford, Sand Lake, Agnes A. Foster, Josephine Fett, Ssugerties, ~ & i & t a L. Forman, em-~ork, Elizabeth ,4.GratwicH, Alba~y, Jenette Gasling, Albany, New-Lebenon, Anna E. Gilbert, Elizabeth J. Greene, Athens, Cornelia H. Gaige, Duanesburgh, Safah C. GuEn, Cobleskill, Antoinette Grego~y, Sand Lake, Albany, Adelaine Gregory, Harriet Gorsline, khelps, Albany, Anna M. Gardiner, bronc, Enieline C. Gladding; Greenfield, Anna 3.Gleason, Albany, Caroline A. Roaa& Syracuse, Mary E. Hopperton, Albany, Mary F. Hrardis, ~ r e n d a0.Hull, Black Rook, . Alice J. Repinstall, . Albany, Tuthill, Elizabetir Wasbrouck, Whits Pldas, . Sarah A. Huestii, . White Plains, Harriet 3. Huestis, dlbany Frances 6 , H ~ x i e , ' . - , f CountGs. Montgomerjr, Albany. Albany. . Albany. Warren. 1 Saratoga. Orleans. Montgomery. Orleans. , Albany. Orange. Onondaga; . Rensselaer. Rensselaer. Ulster. Nsp-Pork. Albany: Albany. Cdlumbia. Greens. Schenectady. Schoharie. Rensselaes. Albany. ontario. Albany. Steuben. Saratoga. Albany. Onondaga. Albany. Erie. * , Albany. ulster: Westchestq. Westchester, Albany. \ = 1 I 24 , Namas. Lucy Harris, . Cornelia W. Huntington, Roxaline M. Bogaboorn, Francis L. Harringto~, Cornelia Hubbard, Philomela W. Hawleg, Anna M. Hamilton, . Mary J. Hatfield, Elizabeth E. Hunt, Eliza M. ,Hatch, Deborah. Hubbzrd, Mary J a ~ k , Harriet E. Jones, . Jane E. Judson, * Harriet Jones, Caroline abnes, Marrba A. Johnson, Frances M. Knapp, Garoline 8. Keruyo~, Mary A. King, Lydia K. Xeyes, Julia E. Kennedy, Algelinah I ~ o ~ ~ a m e r , Mary F. Kirby, ' W l i z a R. qnapp, Barbara 4. Lyddle, H. Maria E~~ddiugton, 'Priscilla Lawto;, Minerra ~ ' ~ k n r e a u x , I' Eliza A. Leonard, Harriet x/I.,.E~c~&, Am'elia J. Lyddon, &;ah FV. Lo1~gwortfa~ - Xary ~ i t t h X $ , Louise ~inderelan, LucycA: Lake, Abby K. bee, , ' - a , . ' : ' , [SSNA* Towns. Cozdnties. Was6ington. Hartford, Buffalo, Erie. Lexington, Greene. Middiesex, Pates. Sangerfield, : Oneida. Lockport, Miagara. . Albany, 'Albany. Xount Pleasant, Westehester. Rensselae~. Seaghticoke, Osmego. Qswego, Westchester, Sing Sing, Saratoga. Milton,. Albany. Albany, Cayuga. Conquest, Mctntgoplery, Mohawk, Montgomery, Mohawk, Madison. Smithfield, Chautauque, Pomfre t, Chautauque. Jarnestown, Albany. Albany, New-York. , ~ew-~org; Fulton. z Broadalbin, Herkirner, Herkimer, Rensselaer. Troy3 New-Pork; Mew-kork. Duaaesbusgh', Sebeneetadp, @wego. Volney, ' ' Rensselneroflle, Albany,. Clyde, Wayne. " Reaseelaer, Troy, Albany. ' . Alba~y, Kings. Srooklyrr, " ~ i l l i a m s b u r ~ h ,Kings. Grafton, Rensselraer. , ' Cramford, , Orange. Middlefield, Otsego. Albany, Albpy, , I , ~ ~ Jvarnes. - Toms. New-York, Mary J. Latham, Sarah E. Manchester, Mew-Hartford, Ruth Ann Moore, ' Rochester, Anna Maria Moclair, Albany, Elizabeth A. MeCne, Albany, Lucinda S, Miles, Watertown, . Belvidere Monqoe, Buffalo, Harriet E. Mason, Malone, Adaline Mills, Wamay anda, Sarah A. Morehead, Albany, Emma S. Montgomery, Albany, Henrietta Middlemas, BeH~lehem, Mary A. McGowan, Albany, Eleanor J. Miller, Albany, Elizahkth Miller, Albany, Hannah J.'iMoakler, Albany, Martha McNutt, Warrensburg, Anna G . Mathies, Rochester, ^Emma 3'. Miller, Mem-York, Albany, Juliette Netarman, East Hamburgh, Loretta S. N i m ~ , . Mary Orr, New-Pork, ' Guilderland, Martha E. Ostrander, Albany, Harriet N. Parsons, Albany, Maria Parry, Maria A. P~lgsleg, Sing Sing, Mew-Hartford, 'Margamt Puingle, Gydja E. ~ o l l o k k , Breadla, J~,Y 7 Sarah W. Pnrmort, Elizabeib P ~ w e l l , * West Milton, Emily PnTIman, ' Norway, Sarah A. Plnmb,. Scriba Mary H. Phelps, Schroan, Maria 'Pea&, Watervlict, Decstnr, Helen M. Pierce,' Elizabeth Pladwelil, Albany, Sarah R. Patten, Saratoga Springs, , Countiez; New-Pork. Oneida. Monrok Albany. Albany., Jefferson, Erie. Franklin. Orange. Albany, Albany. Albany. Albany. . Albany. Albany. Albany. Warren. Monroe. . . New-Pork. Albany. Erie., , New-Pork. Albany. Albany. Albany. Westchester. Oneida. Wa~ne. Essex. . Saratoga. Herkimer, Oswego. Essex. Albany. Otsego. Albany. Saratoga, Q - I L SEN AT^ \26 \ Xumes. Louisa H. Purmort, Ann E. Purdy, Julia E. Root, Mary E. Reynolds, Abby L. Russell, Eliza J. Rose, Martha J. Ramsey, Sarah Runkle, Mary D. Roys, Ann Rogers, Sarah M. Reeve, Almira E. Rice, ' * Catharine A. Swan, Peborah B. Starbird, Emma L: Salisbury, Elizabeth M. Spier, Harriet N. Scovil, Eliza E. Sickler, Harriet A. Sleight, -. Julia A. Smith, Sophia F. S e t h , Eunice-D. H. Sible, "i ,Elizabeth S: Smith, Josephine Stewart, Jane E. Short, Louisa Smith, Annette E.-Todd, Louisa P. Teall, Georgians D. Titus, Elizabeth Tetford, Fanny M. Taggart, Ellen C. Turner, Catharine S. Townsend, Adelaide L. Townsend, Charlotte Tyler, Frances Tuthill, Ellen L. ~ a g g a r t , " Towns. Jay? Wvonia, Syracuse, yilna, Albany, Southampton, Cobleskill, Watervleit, Buffalo, Brownville, Southold, Macedon, Albany, Albany, Albany, Schenectady, Albany, Genera, Galen, Parrna, - I Smithtown, Bethlehem, Catharine, New-Pork, Madrid, gonth Trenton, Albany, Albany, Cold Spring: . East Greenwich, Lawrencevil!e, Syracuse, Bath, Niagara Falls, Butler, Auburn, Eawrenceville, * Counties. Essex. Livingston. Onondaga. Jefferson. . Albany. Suffolk. Schoharie. Albany. Erie. Jefferson. Suffolk. Wayne. Albany.. Albuny. Albany. Schenectady. ~lban;. Ontario. Wayne. Monroe. Suffolk. Albany. Chemung. New-York. St. Lawrence. Oneida. Albany. Albany. . Qneens. Washington. St. Lawrence. Onondaga. Stfsuben. .Niagara. Wayne. Cayuga. St. Lawrence. * , x I I I ~ '1 NO;20.1 27 Names. TOW&. Caroline J. Tyler, Butler, . Emma Y. Taylor, New-Pork, Albany, Francis K. Trask, Sarah A. Vandenburg, Albany, Normich, Julia Ban Emburg, Sarah A. Visscher, Albany, Sarah Van Zandt, Albany, Catharine 'A. Vazlderzee, ,Albany, Elizabeth S. Verrinder, New-Pork, Jane E. Winters, Albany, Cornelia T. *Wilbur, - Albany, Albany, Susan P. Worcester, Albany, Catharin? Wilson, Rebecca B. Walls, Galway, Elvira A. Williams, Portage, Eliza A. Walsh, Albany, Mary E. Wilson, Hudson, , Albany, Susan B. Wetherell, Brooklyn, Lorinda J. Whipple, Priscilla Wylie, Walwo~th, Julia A. Walwork, Marcellus, S~:racuse, Frances J. Woolworth, Syracuse, Cornelia S . Williams, Albany, Maria L, Woodruff, Bolton, Amanda M. Watson, Conquest, Ann ~."Wiicox, Riverhead, Phebe E. Warner, Harpersfield, Harriet E. Wilcox, Bergen, Cynthia A. Ward, Albany, Elizabeth H. Wilbur, @reenbush? Martha L. Whiting, Chili, Hannorall PC7alsh, Palatice, Mary Zielley, ; ' , Counties. Wayne. New-Pork. Albany. Albby. Chenango. Albany. Albany. Albany. New-Pork. Albany. Alban y . Albany. Albany, ' Saratoga. Livingston. Albany. Columbia. Albany. Kings. waine. , Onondaga. Onondaga. Onondaga. Albany. Warren. , Cayuga. Suffolk. Delaware. Genesee. Albany. ~ensselaer. Monroe. Montgomery, , ' . 1 . ' I 1 I 1 I , , _ 28 . [SENATE . / MALES. , flames. Towns. Counties. . Chemung. . ddoniram J. Allen, Elmira, Osmego. . David P. Austin, ' Albion, Erie. Orrin, L. A b b ~ t t , ~ . West Seneca, Black Rock, Erie. Eamund A. Austin, Johnsburg, Warren. John C. Burdick, Smithfield, Madison. Lyman W. Bliss, Kortright, Delaware. ~ d m & dG . Butts, Onondaga. Lysander, John W. Brown, Amsterdam, Montgomery. Hugh M. Banta,_ Stafford, Genesee. Henry 9. Baker, Volney, Oswego: Joseph B. Butler, , Sullivan, Thornson, Thomas. M. Brome, Moreau, Saratoga. Gurdon S. Berry, Schoharie, Fulton, . Henry Bouck, , Guilderland, Albany. George F. Crounee, Burlington, Otsego. Isaac C. chapin, Mark Cummings, Homer, Cortlsnd. Daniel ha. Clark, North Hempsted,$ ~ueens.' . .< Louis A. Curtice, Chautauque, Chautauque. , Groveland, Livingston. Samuel Culbertson, Salem, Washington. Daniel 6. Crawford, Albany, Albany. William G . Cam, Deerpark, Orange. Henry Cuddeback, Maryland, . Otsego. David E. Chase, Willet t, Cortland. Jesse Courtney, Sandlake, .Rgmelaer, Richard D. Carmiehael, Albany Albany. Edward Donahoe, Milan, Dutcliess. Riley Delamater, , Harpersfield, Delaware. . John Q. Evans, . David J. Evans, New-York, New-York . Dermetrius J. France, Catskill, Greene. $.very Fitch, New-Sootland, Albany. Lawrence, St. Lawrence, Tiras H. Ferris, Marcellus, Onondaga. Edwin A. Alfred R. Freeman, , Saratoga, Saratoga. James H. Gallup, &lox, , Albany. \ ' I ' I 1 I I , - , , ~ I I i ' ~ I I , I i I 1 . No.20.9 - 28 Tmns. Athens, . Fenner, Pawling, Stamfor&; Middlefield, Batavia, New-Pork, Brandt, Pharsalia, Pharsalia, Middletown, Pharsalia, Lisbon, . @harkon, Knox, Fabius, Tliomson, Hederson, Pleasant Valley, Newburg,* ' Jefferson, Dickinsqn, Prebie, flames: a Barnet C. G~eene, Marshall D. Gallup, Elijah D. Gorham, Thomas H. Gemmell, George D.'Gano, Isaac P. Gates, Toel T. Gilbert, William H. Gurney, Horace Gale, . William Gray; De Witt C. (;riffin, Lemuel Gale, Isaac H, Gray, G . McMaster Glen, Oharles Gallup, Albert N. Eatch, J. Chester Hoyt, Morgan B. Kungerford, Albert N. Husted, Rensselaer Howell, Jeremiah D. Mavens, Henry Hogan, Leonard F. Hardy, John H. ~ i i l e r , Robert W. Henry, Norman C. Judson, C'hauncey Jemerson; George W. Jones, ' Henry S. Joy, William W. Knspp, George A. Kelley, John Kelley, Mahlon R Leonard, Charles Loucks, La Fayette Lyttle, Peter La page, h a a c W. Lake, ' % ino over, ' Hopewell, Coqquest, ,Versailles, Mohawk, Messina, Lynn, .]Florida, Greene, Pierpont, . Bath, waterto wd, 'Albany, Black Brook, Countie*. Greene. Madison. Dutchess. Delaware. Otsego. Genesee. New-Yo&. Erie. Chenango. Chenango. Delaware. Chenango. St. Lamreqce. ~arato~a. Albany. Onondaga. Sullivan. Jefferson. Dutchess. Orange. Schoharie. Franklin. Cortland. Chautauque. Ontario. Cayuga. Cattaraugus. Montgomery. St. Lawrence. Jefferson. Montgomer~. Chenango. St. Lawrence. , Steuben. Jefferson. Albany. Clinton. I 1 I i- . I I I I .I I I I 1 + I I ; I I 4 I I , I I a 1 I 30 " [SENATE / Names. Towns. , Counties. Eemuel B Ladd, Bovina, Delaware. William J. Morrisorm, . Geenbush, Rensselaer. Pierpont, St. Lawreuee. JuIius F. Merritt, Middleburg, Schoharie. David H. Mattice, James H. Miller, . South Dansville, Steuben. Warren, . ; Herkimer. Hiram A. Mixter, Kingston, Ulster. Thomas C. Masten, J. PIorton Miller, Areadia, Wayne. Merrett Moore, Java, Wyoming. Ezra McDonald, Wright, ~chdharie. St. Lan7rence.T Adoniram H. Ifdewlaud, Lamrenceville, Walter Norris, ' Caroline, Toiapkins. John 07Dell, , Hope~vell, Ontario. Gilbert W. Pollock, Arcadia, Wayne. John P. Phillips, Florida, Montgomery. William P. P a p e , Rutland, Jefferson. Aaron M. Powell, Ghent, Columbia. James D. Parrish, Hebroi, Washington. Henry A. Phillips, Martinsburg, . Lexris. Elisha W. Par&, . Le Roy, Genesee. Charles H. Parker, Hamburg, Erie. William,M. Phillips, New AIbion, Cattaraugus. Hiram L. Rockwell, Munnsviille, Madison. Irving L, Roberts, Fennerj Madison. Fenner, . George W. Boberts, Janies E, ~ y a n , Amenia, Albert G. Ruliffson, Gi1503, Schobarie. Rannibal Robinson, Corning, Steuben. . . Seneca. Tyre, William A , Stevenson, Homer still, I * Rush, Monroe. Collins, Erie. Henry S. Stebbins, Henry T. Sprague, East Bloomfield, Ontario. Boardman Stacy, Lawrence, St. ~awrence. Batavia, ~enesee. Martin V. B. Shattnck, William M. Stark, Edinburg, Saratoga. George L. Seybolt, Mount Hope, orange. Henry J. stetson, Persia, Cattaraugus. . ' \ . I I I I I , > i . * 1 i I No.20.1 Counties. Names. Towns. Ogden, M~nroe.. Thomas N. Stone, Mecklenbarg, - Tompkins. William F. Smith, Setauket, . Suffolk. ~ a d i eH. l $kidmore, Hamilton B. Taylor, Preble, Cortland. Albany, Albany. George q. ~ h ; m a s , Oscar Tipple, Vernon, Oneida. Albertus C. Trevett, East Hamburg, Erie. George 31. Tourtellot, West Fayette, Seneca. Beekinan Van ~ a a s b i e k , Kingston, Ulster. . Theodore Van Valkenbnrg, Albany, Albany. Daniel Van Etten, Kingston, Ulster. Lyman @.Wilder, Hoosick Fal!sx Rensselaer. Conquest, Cayuga. Robert E. Wilcox. Jonas Winne, , Guilderland, Albany .. J. Marshal Winter, Buffalo, Erie. Ellery, Chautanqne. Jared A. Weeks, ' Bedford, Westchester. Jared 6. Wood, Clarlistovn, Rockland. Spencer Wood; Willing, Allegany. Warren P. Walker, Harpersfleld, Delaware. Isaac B. XTilcox, Bempstead, Queens. Samuel Wright, Tully, Onondaga. Wheatom A. Welch, ~ L nC.r Young, ~ Easton, Washington. Martin Zimmer, Wright, Sehoharie. Females, Males . ............. 247 ,..........;.... Total,. ........ 136 s Ho. 2o.q 33 ' I MALES. , . . Names. Edmund 6. Butts, Alexinder F. Dix,. John Q. Evans,. George D. Gano, Thomas -H. Gemmell, Rensselaer Howell, frr., George A. Kelly, La Fayette Lyttle, Julius F. Merritt,. William P. Pagne, J. Edward Ryanj.. Hamilton B. Taylor, Jared A. Weeks,. ....,. ..... ........ ........ .... .. post - Ofices. Kortright,. Mew Fane,. Rarpersville,. Westville, South Kortright, Coldenham,. Miaaville, Watertown,. Crary's Mills, East Rodman, Amenia Union,. Breble, Ellerg, ..,..... ....... ..... ........ ... .......I , Females, Males, ..... ..... ........... ..................................... 25 ..................................... 38 I ,' [Senate, No. 20.J 0 i I +I I 1 ... ........... ....................................:.13 Total,. i Counties. Delaware. Niagara. Delaware. Otsego.' ~elzware. . Orange. Montgomery. Jefferson. St. Lawrence. Jefferson. Dutohess. Cortland. Chantauque. .,.... ........ ......- ....... ..... ...... ....... ...... ...; 3 I 1 I 1 I 1 . . . I I I i 7 FEXALES. flames. - Post- Qfices. Counties* .......... Hamburgh, ........ Erie. ..... S p c u s e , ....$:. .. Onondaga. ...... Schenectady, ...... Scheneetady. ... Albany, .......... Albany. . ...... Syracuse, ......... Onondaga. .... De Kalb, ........ St, Lawrence. ......Albany, ..,. ....* Albany. .; ..... New-Pork, ........ New-York. ...... Van Buren, ....... Onondaga. ..... Bulland, ......... Jefferson. , ........ Middlesex, ....... Pates. .......... Albany, .......... Albany. ..... New-York,. .;..... New-York. ......... Newfane,. ........ Niagara. ......... Eoosick Falls,. .... Rensselaer. . Duanesburgh, ..... Schenectady. Buffalo, .......... Erie. ,........ Nem-Pork,........ New-Pork. ...... Broadalbin, ....... Fultnn. .......... Albany, .....:.... Albany. ..... Crawford, ........ Orange. , .......... Albany. .... Albany, ..... Watertown,.. ...... Jefferson. ...... Albany, .......... Albany. ....... Albany, .......... Albany. Julia Abbott,. Harriet E. A b ~ o t t , . Huldah A. Allen,. M. Elizabeth Atwood,. mar; L. Baldwin,. Meriba,A. Babcock,. Amanda S. Beach,. garbh T. Bowers,. Harriet W. Brand,. Adalice M. Brown,. Phebe A. Case,. Julia Collier,. . Emeline 6. Davies,. Frances V. Dix, Mary A. Ford,. Cornelia H. Gaige,. :.*. Cornelia W. Huntington,. Gydia K. Keyes Julia E. Kennedy,. Abby H. Lee,. Louisa Linderman,. Mary A. Mchwen, Lucindx S. Miles,.'. Eleanor J. Miller,. Mewman, -~ d i e t t e -. p . . >- I . I / .- i~ No. 20 1 35 Names. 'Josephine Stexart, Julia A. Smith,. Catharioe A*.Swan, .\. Ellen L. Taggart, Ellen C. Tnrner,. Catharine A. Vanderzee,. Frances J. Woo!wor:h,. Priscilla Wylie,. Post- Osces. C~unties. ...... New-York, ....... Kew-Pork. ........ Barma, ........... Monrok. ... Albany, .......... Albany. ....... Lawrence, .........St. Lamrencs ....... Syracnse, ...., .... Onondaga. Albany, .......... Albany. . .. Syracuse, ......... Onondaga. . ........ Macedon,. ........ Wayne. , - MALEJ ' ....... Johnsburgh, ...... '6eiar~en.. . ....... Stafford,. ......... Genesee. Sandlake,. ........ Rensselaer. ...... Chautauque, ......Chautauque, ....... Homer, .......... Cortland. .... Lynn,. ........... Jefferson. ...... Dnnsville: ........ Steuben. ..... Martinsburgh,. .... Lewis. .... Gilboa,. .......... Schoharie. $etauket, ........ Suffolk. ..... Hicholville, ....... St. Lawrence. ...... Edinburgh, ....... Saratoga. .... Collins, .......... Erie. . ...... Kingston,. ........ Ulster. Kingston,. .... :... 'Ulster. ...... Hoosick Fdls,. .... Rensselaer. ........ Bedford,. ......... Westchester. Females,. .................................... 33 I Mares, ..................................... 17 Total, ............................. )....... 50 John @. Bnrdick,. Henry C . ~ a ' k e r , . Richard D. Carmichael, . Lewis A. Curtice,, Mark Gummings, William M. Knapp,. J. Hervey Miller,, Henrp -4. Phillips,. Albert G. Ruliffson,. Daniel H. Ski%more,Jr.,. George D. B. Stacy,. 'Mrilliam M. Stark,. Henry S. Stebbins,. David Van Etten,. Beekman Van Baasbeek,. Lyman C. Wilder,. . Jared G. Wood,. \ . . I 4 I I 0 I . - I 1 I The Normal School of the State of Kern-York was,established by an act of the Legislature, in 1841, ('for the instruction and practice of Teachers of Coqmon Schools in the science of Educ* tion and the art of Teaching." I t mas first established for five yeaps, as an experiment, and went into operation on the 18th of December, 1811, in% boilding provided gratuitously by the city of Albany, and temporariiy fitted up for that purpose. The first term opened with twenty-nine pupils7and closed with ninetyseven. . The number in attendance, the second term, was abont two hundred. The average number is now about two hundred e and fifty. r In 1848, an act was passed by thelegislalure, "for the perman e ~ establishiqent t of the State Norrnal $chool," appropriating $15,000 towards the erec:fun of a suitable building.. The follow: ing year an additional appropriation of $10,000 was madb for its completion. A large slid commodidus edifice, containing a dwelling-house for the Principal, rras accordingly erected on the corner of Lodge and Howard streets, adjoining the State Geological and Agricultural rooms. To this blailding the school, was removed on the 31st of July, 1849. i The object of this in$titaifon is to improve teachers of common schools ; aud the course of Study, and the conditions 6f admission, -, have been adopted with reference to that object. - Ea& count2 in the State is entitied topsend to the school a number of pupils (either male or female) equal to twice the number of members of the Assembly in such punty. The pupils are appoinied by the town superintendents, &a meeting called by the . .superintendent d publie instruction, on the first Mondays of February and September in each year. A list of the vacancies at the close of each term is forwarded to the town soperintendents, and %publishedin the papers of the city of Albany. Persons failing -to receive appointments in their respective ~ounties,by presenting testimonials of character and talents, and sustaining the ' prescribed examination, will receive appointa e n t s from t h e executive committee, provided any vacancies 'exist. In such case thepupil will not receive mil&ige. Pupils once admitted to the school will have the right to remain until they graduate, unless they forfeit that right by volnntarily vacating their places, by improper eonduct, or by fdling to exhibit good evidences of scholardaip, and fair promise of success as teachers. \ , , , The following is the form of certificate, of appointmekt which ought to be .given to hach pupil, appointed by the town superinP tendents : At a meeting of the town superintendents of the county of held tt on the day of for the purpose of filling ,vacancies in the State Nosnlal school, was duly ',appointed a pupil of that institution. ( Signed by the chairman and secretary. ) , ~ U A L I F ~ C A T I O N S0; b PPLICAWTS. Females sent to the school ma& he at least sixteen years, of age, and males eighteen, and in all cases decided .maturity of mind is indispensable. J - *. ' / I The following exbracts from a circular lately issued to the town snpes.intendents, by the Stat$ Superintendent of Public Snstruction, clearly present ,the qualifications which are deemed essential : '!The town superinte~dentsare3jrected to g i ~ ethe most &Ktended notice in their power of vacancies, and to interest themsebes in finding proper pupils to be appointed. ' .. [SENATE 38 Y 8 rc In making +he selections, those who from past successful experience have proved their*aptnes.9 to teach, or from traits of character, clearly develc$ed, give fair promise of future success, should.be preferred. Talents not b'elow mediocrity, unblemished morals, and sound health, are regarded as indispensable. I n yodr visitations of the schools, you will sometimes find teachers who only need the instruction which this school ;s designed to give, to ensure tieir highest success and usefrdness ; or pupils who have given proof of good scholarship, which, by bei~lgproperly directed, may be made of great vaIue in the cause of education. 'iu& teachers and scholars you will encourage to seek these appointment~.?~ I ~andidates'fosadmission, mnst sqtain a thorougl~examination in reading, - spelling, the geography of the western continent, intellectnal irithmetic, equal to one half of the or&nary treatises, writ&n aritllmetio, through interest, and so much of English grammar as to be able to analyze and passe any ordinary prose sentence. , For admission to the advanced classes, in addition to the entrance examination, all the studies of the precediag classes musk have been accomplished. The time required to complete the course will depend on the attainments, habits and talents of t h e pupil. It ought never to exceed four terms, or two years. , I ~ 1 ! I All the pupils, on entering the scbooj, are required to sign the following declaration : (( We, the su6scribers, he~eby DECLARE, that it i g o w idfention to devote ourselves to the business of teaching the schools of the State, and that our sole object in resorting to this Normul 8chool is the &ettcr.toprepure ourselves for this- imp~rt'tant dsty." As t%is shodd be signed in good faith on the part of the pupils, \ they should be made acquainted with its i m p o ~Before t they are appointed. It is expected, of the1superintendents t6at they dll smh as kill sacredly fulfil the+ engagments in Chis pas -7 ticular. I -. No. 20.1 - I 1 i I 41 I 1 from the county in which said pupil resides, such appointment being regularly aiade by the town superintendents. This money is paid at the close of each term. I 1I I 1 APPARATUS. i A well-assorted apparatus has been procured, sufficiently extensive to illustrate all the important priuciples in Natural Philosophy, Su&eying, Chemistry, and Human Physiology. Extraordinary facilities for the study of Physiology are afforded by the museum of tlie vedical College, which is' open a t all hours for visitors. i I I LIBRARY.; . Besides an srbundant supply of-text-books upon all the branvhes of the .. course of study, a well-'selected miscelianeous library has been procured, to which all the pupils may have access free of charge. In the selection of this library, particular care has been exercised to procnre most of the recent works upon education, ss well as several saluabIe standard works upon the Natural Sciences, History, Mathematics, k c . The state Library is also freely aCcessible to all. - I I I ! I I I I 1 1 TERMS AND VACATIOLUS. I I The Fall Term will begin on the third Monday in September, and continue twenty weeks. 1 . I I The Spring Term will begin the Ia$t Monday in ~ e b r r r a r y ,and contin& twenty ~ e e k s . . I ! \ PRCMPT ATTENDANCE. As the school will open on Monday, it would be fhr the advantage of the pGpils, if they should reach Albany by the Friday or 8 a k r d a y preceding the day of operiing. : The faculty m n then aid them in secwing suitable places fbr boarding. As the examination (jf the pupils preparatory fur classification, will comaenace on-the first d q of the term, it is excqdingly imfior!ant tl?;at d l s110~ldreport themselves on tKe first mornlaig. Those whc arrive a day after the time, will su'njeit not only the 1 I 1 I ! te~chersto lmeh trouble, but themselves also to the rigors of a private examination. After the first w ~ e kno , student, except for the strongest reasons, will be alloffed to enter the school. The price of board, in respectable families, varies from $2.26 to $3.00, exclusive of washing. The ladigs and gentlemen are not allowed Lo board in the same families; and gentlemen of the school are not allowed to call upon ladies of the school after six o'clock P. M. Particular care is taken to be assured of the. respectability of the families who propose to take boarders, before they are recommended to the pupils. 6 EXPERIKENTAL S~HOOL. Convenient rooms in the building are appropriated to tKe ac@ommodationof this school. It is nndes the immediate supervision of a permanent teacher. i The object of this school is to afford each Normal pupil an opportunity to phctice th$ methods of instruction and discipline inculcated at the Normal school, as well as to exhibit'his fi aptness to teach," and to discharge the various other' duties pertaining ti, the teacher's responsible ofice. ~ & member h o< the graduating class is required to spend at least two weeks in this de., partment. I