,Quebec,Canada/Notre_Dame_Cathedral.JPG Middle Ages Post-Classical Europe • Known as Middle Ages – Medieval Period • Europe viewed as backward by other peoples of the world – Less technology and agricultural development Early Post-Classical Period • Many problems in the early years of the post-classical period – Viking invasions – Weak rulers due to decentralized govt – Illiteracy – Low agricultural productivity Early Post-Classical Period • Economic Activity: – Subsistence farming common • Many people lived as serfs on large manors owned by a wealthier landlord • Serfs had difficult lives, but were not slaves – Low agricultural productivity • Inefficient tools and farming methods made agriculture difficult Early Post-Classical Period • Government: – Localized government – Manorialism was most common political and economic arrangement • Peasants and serfs worked on agricultural estates owned by landlords – Exchanged part of their crop and labor for protection – Very few large kingdoms developed • Exception was Charlemagne’s short-lived empire Charlemagne King of the Franks Early Post-Classical Period • Charlemagne (Charles the Great) – 8th century: Established empire in N. France, Belgium, and W. Germany • Achievements under Charlemagne – Promoted learning • Monks copied works from the past • Empire fell apart shortly after Charlemagne’s death (814) – Split into 3 kingdoms, which developed separately from each other Early Post-Classical Period • Fall of Charlemagne’s Empire set stage for further development in Western Europe – Fragmented into regional kingdoms, which would later become nations – Regional languages emerged to further divide the people • Most based on Latin (known as Romantic Languages), others based on Germanic languages Religion • Christianity was sole unifying force in Western Europe – Catholicism – Pope (in Rome) center of religious authority – Local Bishops – Missionary work – Monasteries and convents • Monks and Nuns served as religious examples to other Europeans • Promoted education • Latin became the language of educated people and church officials in Europe – Most people unable to read, write, or understand Latin Slow Changes after 900 C.E. • In 10th Century, Europe did experience small developmental changes – New agricultural techniques and technology made farming more productive • Moldboard plow • Landowners began to accumulate more wealth through sale of ag. commodities – Population growth • Able to feed more people Slow Changes after 900 C.E. – Urbanization increased • Cities became cultural centers – Still small in comparison to Middle East – Growth in education • Churches educated those who were destined for the Church • Literacy grew in cities – Viking conversions to Christianity led to fewer raids and invasions – Europe began to engage in more long-distance trade • New crops and technologies Governmental Changes • Feudalism emerged as the dominant political system – Began as localized agreements, grew into feudal kingdoms – System where lords (military elites) exchange service and loyalty for land (manors) • Vassals: lesser lords who swear loyalty to a more powerful lord (king) – Loyalty in exchange for land (fief) • Manors were worked by serfs and/or freed peasants – Exchanged labor and commodities for protection Knights • Armored warriors of the middle ages • Use of horses in warfare – Adopted stirrup from Central Asian nomads • Armor – Started out as open-faced helmet & long, metal studded shirts (hauberk) – Evolved into helmet with small visor and metal armor m/Images/castle_knights_a rmor.jpg Governmental Developments • Overtime, kings used feudalism to buildup their own power • Examples of Governmental Development: – Capetian Family in France: • Powerbase near Paris, spread influence outward to create a feudal kingdom – England: • William the Conqueror (Duke of Normandy) invaded England and abruptly established a feudal kingdom en/1/0/N/conqueror.gif • William the Conqueror Governmental Developments • Europe’s political development was hindered by several factors – Church limited power of many kings • Became involved in politics – Pope directly controlled central Italy • Indirectly many other areas of Europe – Feudal Kingdoms fought each other • France and England rivals – The Hundred Years War Governmental Developments • In early part of Middle Ages, Monarchs were also restricted by the ideas of: – Limited Government • Magna Carta (1215) – Representative Government • 1265: Introduction on Parliaments: elected legislatures that are representatives of the people – England developed the strongest Parliamentarian system • People feared giving the monarch too much power. Expansion of European Influence • Population growth and economic development led to an increase in European expansion – Expand into eastern Europe – Reconquista in Spain • Efforts to remove Muslim influence in Spain – Completed in 1492 – Portugal emerged as a maritime power in Mediterranean and began to increase exploration along coast of Africa – Spain created after marriage of Isabella and Ferdinand » Alliance between Castille and Aragon – Viking exploration in Iceland, Greenland, and Hudson Bay area of Canada Crusades • Series of religious wars between Christians and Muslims – Fight for control of Holy Land and access to riches and trade in Middle East • First Crusade in 1095 (request of Pope Urban II) – Promised salvation for Crusaders – Gained control of Jerusalem, later lost the city when Muslims rallied under the leadership of Saladin in 12th century • Impact of the Crusades – showed the west’s aggression toward the rest of the world – Exposed Europe to new ideas and technology Culture of the Middle Ages • Religion dominated culture • Conflict between faith and reason – Theology: study of religion – Growth in higher education in later years • BUT Minimal scientific discovery • Art was used to glorify God – Iconic images, stained glass windows with religious scenes – Gothic Architecture- buildings appeared to be reaching to the heavens • Much of writing done in Latin with religious topics BUT – Some began to write in the vernacular (language spoken by common people) about secular topics • Poems about love, chivalry, and court life were common Economy • 90% of population was rural – Most people peasants or serfs – Made living through farming • Population growth saw increase of cities – Became cultural and commercial centers – Increase in skilled labor • Skilled labor usually restricted to members of Guilds – Trade picked up (particularly in Italy and areas near coast) • Merchants became huge source of wealth, made loans to rulers • Conflict with Church because Church frowned upon charging interest on loans and feared money would corrupt people – Jews became major money lenders b/c their religion did not forbid charging interest (usury) Economy • Europe also saw development in certain industries – Mining increased and Europe was able to access metals for armor and weapon making – European’s harnessed the power of water from its many rivers and streams • Water Wheels used in mills to help grind grain and perform other tasks Urbanization • As populations and cities grew, the economy began to develop more rapidly • Problems of Urbanization and Economic Development – Environmental degradation • Deforestation, pollution of streams, lack of sanitation – Disease Black Death • Bubonic Plague – Caused by bacteria, transmitted by fleas and rats • Now treated with antibiotics – Communicable disease • Boils, blacks spots on skin, foul body odor • Impact – Killed 1/3 of European population – Skilled labor more expensive due to labor shortages – Peasant revolts, led to swift decline in serfdom as peasants and serfs ran away from their manors – Unrest in cities Government Structure in Late Middle Ages • Toward the end of the Middle Ages, hereditary monarchies began to increase in power – Feudalism weakened and aristocrats lost much of their power • New military technology reduced the need for knights – Gunpowder and artillery (cannons), longbow and crossbow became major part of military • Kings began to hire military personnel rather than depend on the vassals – Paid for with loans from bankers/businessmen and with new taxes that were collected on merchants and land Conclusion • Middle Ages were a time of contradictions in Western Europe. – Advances in some areas while still underdeveloped in others – Technological innovation in mining, milling, and waterpower BUT still inadequate food production – Military advances BUT at cost of more frequent wars and aggression – Trade increased and helped improve the European economy BUT gap between rich and poor still wide – Population growth offset by disease Conclusion – Christianity thrived BUT at expense of conflict with other religious groups – Religion was center of education which left Europe trailing behind the world in scientific discovery and other secular studies – Urbanization increased BUT most people still lived as serfs and peasants on the country side – Skilled labor increased BUT it was restricted to those in the guilds